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- ABDUCT2.UFO 6/1/88 Phil Imbrogno [width 72 lines, nominal 3 pages]
- [Editors note: This abduction describes the use of an instrument to
- find what is presumably an implant. Its use right on the subjects head,
- suggests they might need to be that close to detect it. The aliens say
- they come from a place that is ugly compared to Earth, and that they
- would like to live here but can't. They say they will see the abductee
- again. They also reveal that they know that our government will attempt
- to keep the UFOs secret. A UFO hotline number 1(914)739-6830is given,
- which is still in operation as of 9/4/88, with an answering machine to
- receive reports; and also a PO Box number for Phil Imbrogno.]
- The second case I would like to cover took place on July 19th 1984
- during the peak of activity in the Hudson Valley. the sighting involved
- a Close Encounter, Missing time and abduction. If this was a real
- expereince then the implications are fantastic. In all the cases that I
- chose to study all the witnesses related the truth,or what they thought
- was the truth.There is no doubt in my mind that their stories are not
- hoaxes since none would have nothing to gain by going public with their
- experiences.
- Bill (as we shall refer to him) is a thirty two year old computer
- programmer for a major scientific-engineering corportation that helped
- design the major componets for the new NASA Hubble space telescope. On
- July 19th 1984, at about ten-thirty pm, Bill was leaving work and
- heading west on Highway I-84. As he approached the Taconic Parkway ramp
- in Dutchess county New York he noticed a very bright almost circular
- object off to the north. The object seemed to be just sitting there in
- the sky and the lights were very bright white. As he watched the object
- it began to move and it was at that time he noticed a dark mass behind
- it which blocked out the brighter light-polluted night sky. He continued
- to drive on 84 and soon lost sight of the object. He then brushed the
- entire incident off his mind and thought"Oh it must have been those guys
- from Stormville flying those planes faking a UFO" He then drove on
- listening to his radio.
- He then turned off the route 52 exit near Stormville New York and
- began traveling north. The time now was close to eleven PM and the roads
- were quite desolate. He came to a clearing where there was a large field
- and noticed a large dark mass sitting in the field about 200 yards from
- the road. At first he thought that it was a new home,but then he knew
- there was no house there since he went this way just last night and the
- field was empty. As a matter of fact Bill drove this way home and passed
- the field everynight and never saw a house there.
- Bill slowed down the car"This thing was huge and dark",he said.The
- strange thing was it was almost the same shape as a big barn,but it
- seemed more tapered toward the sides and very smooth. As he watched, the
- dark object rose into the air without a sound . This really upset Bill
- since he was the only car on the road. The object then rose higher and
- higher. All that Bill could see was the dark mass slowly rising into the
- air. It was now about twice as high as the trees and it moved slowly
- towards Bill who w as still in the car. Bills radio then started to
- sound "funny" he said that the music on the radio sounded like a tape
- recorder with very low batteries.
- Bill put the car into gear and sped away from the object. His heart
- was racing as he drove up the road at about fifty miles and hour. Bill
- then lost sight of the object and continued to drive at a slower rate of
- speed. After several minutes he notice d a glow up ahead over a hill. As
- he approached the crest of the hill there the object was! It was about
- 300 feet above the trees and was all lit up with rows of white and
- yellow lights. He then stopped his car and turned off the engine and the
- lights. He was hoping that who ever was in the thing would not see him.
- The object then turned off its lights and he could see this huge dark
- mass slowly drifting toward him. The object passed right over his car,he
- could now see its shape,it was triangular. Bill told me"I don't want to
- make light of this,but the ship looked like one of the destroyers in
- Star Wars" The underside was the same shape, although I did not see the
- top.
- The object passed over Bill, as he looked up he saw circular areas
- underneath the UFO. These circular areas seemed to be like tunnels
- leading into the object. Inside these circular tunnels there was a white
- flashing,similar to the flashing of a white strobe light (we had several
- reports of this white flashing effect from past CE cases in the Hudson
- Valley, also the circular areas have been reported numerous times
- before). Bill told me there was no sound.He estimated its size to be at
- least 300 feet from end to end.
- Then something strange took place. The last thing Bill remembers is
- watching it go over his car, he did not see it leave. The next thing he
- knows he is at the bottom of the hill 600 feet from the position he was
- when the UFO passed over his parked car. The object itself was gone. He
- was not sure what time it was when he watched the object passed over his
- car,but he feels it was most likely about eleven-thirty PM. The time was
- now tweleve -fifteen. He started his drive home upset and with a very
- stiff neck.
- When he arrived home he told his wife about his sighting. She was
- worried to begin with since he was almost and hour late. That night Bill
- woke up yelling in the night "saying get away from me!" His wife said
- that the nightmares continued for a while at least twice a week . Bill
- told to me that the he was not sure of what the nightmare was, but he
- knew something was after him. As time went on Bill was afriad to drive
- at night alone. He even had to insist to his boss not to put him on the
- evening or night shift at his job. Finally Bill wanted to find out more
- since the experience of the UFO and the fearful dreams tormented him. It
- wasen't until 1987 that Bill contacted me and told me his story. Bill
- Had seen Budd Hopkins (author of the book INTRUDERS) on a number of
- shows and asked me if would be possible for him to be hypnotized.
- Hearing Budd on TV talk about the abductions made him fearful and he
- wanted to make sure that this did not happen to him. I arranged to have
- Bill meet with a certified psychologist that I occasionally use to
- perform hypnosis. The following is a brief transcript of Bills encounter
- under hypnosis. He first related seeing the object on 84 and then the
- object in the field and then in the sky over the hill, it is then that
- his voice become s fearful.
- Bill" I see it now its that thing! Its coming in my direction!. I am
- going to turn off my car lights. maybe then wont see me and go away. Its
- huge......Oh my God what is it!. Theres someone standing in the road he
- is now walking toward the car. Who are you!...... He's saying something
- to me "don't be fearful we need you...you have been selected". Selected
- for what, get away!. I feel strange like I am floating in the air,its
- all dark. I am now on this table and these guys are all around me,six of
- them. Two are at my head and two on the sides (two on each side). My
- legs and arms are like dead weights I can't move them.
- (Bill is then asked to describe them)
- "These guys are small, large heads with round eyes,the eyes are all
- black I can see no pupils in them, they remind me of sharks eyes. They
- are dressed in sometype of black and white skin type suits. I can't see
- their hands. The one at my head is moving so me type of device that
- looks like a portable car vacuum cleaner up and down the left side of my
- head. It vibrates my entire head,it feels like a drill going through my
- head... STOP! it hurts.. He tells me that they are looking for something
- and found it.
- I now can feel my legs and arms they are allowing me to get up. They
- are very small only up to the bottom part of my chest (Bill is six foot
- one inch) The others are now over some type of pannel. Two of them are
- leading me by the arms. I asked them where they were from. The one on
- my right leading said "We are from here" I didn't understand the answer.
- I asked him if they planned to let me go. he replied "Yes but we will
- see you again" He told me that they need us because they have trouble
- living in our world. He said they come from a place which is very ugly
- when compared to our world and they would rather live here,but can't. I
- told him that I would remember and tell every one about this. He said I
- would remember in time but there are forces in your own(?) which will
- stop you from telling anyone about this experience." Bill then found
- himself back in the car. Bill now recalls every aspect of the
- experience. It was a very real experience to him.
- There are about a dozen other cases similar to Bill's and Gail's. In
- the Hudson Valley area.Can all of these people who have had UFO
- abductions and sightings in this part of the country be experiencing
- sometype of mass hysteria? I don't think so. The evidence indicates that
- there is some type of non-human intelligence at work. If the case
- histories of the total experiences are true then we all better work
- together to get to the bottom of this.
- In 1987 Peter Gersten a Peekskill New York attorney put together a
- new organization called CONTACT. Peter who is known for his work in
- obtaining UFO related documents from goverment agencies organized
- CONTACT in response to the great number of Close Encounter cases in the
- New York area. Peter had some of the top UFologist flown in from all
- over the country to meet at his Peekskill home. Among them were Tracy
- Torme, Budd Hopkins, Jim McCambell and this author. On September 27
- CONTACT organized a free UFO public conference in Brewster New York. The
- theme of the conference was to explore the adbuction phenomena and the
- possibility that some people have been in contact with a non-human
- intelligence. Speakers at the conference included John Keel, Whitley
- Strieber and Budd Hopkins. Over 900 people attended the 12 hour
- conference and 200 filled out forms who felt they had a contact
- experience.
- Then during the first several months of 1988 Peter Gersten dissolved
- CONTACT and as of the date of this publication CONTACT is no longer in
- existence. The reasons for this are not clear but Peter still maintains
- a UFO Hotline where callers can get up to date information about UFO
- sightings. The caller can also leave their name and report their own
- sighting on a tape. The UFO hotline number is 914-739-6830.
- If the reader would like to reach me to report a sighting or
- encounter I can be reached at PO Box 4218 Greenwich, Ct 06830.