This young and beautiful woman$lived alone in a small house in the middle of a nice housing estate.
Every morning she got up and %showered, and then had her breakfast.% One morning she was having a shower
when she heared the doorbell #ring. "Oh," she thought, "that will
be the milkman." she had an $arrangement, by which if the milkman
didn't get an answer to his "doorbell, he would let himself in,
and go and put the milk in the
kitchen." After her shower, the woman went"downstairs to get a towel. Whilst !downstairs, she thought she'd get#herself some breakfast. Whilst she $was doing this, she turned and saw a person unlocking the back door. $"Oh," she thought (Again. -P.V.F.C.)
"That will be the milkman." (Again. -P.V.F.C.), so as not to#embarrass him, she went out of the "kitchen and hid in the understairs"cupboard. The gasman (as that was
who it was) came in, saw nobody!about, so he just headed for the %understairs cupboard to check the gas
meter. He swang open the door, "and saw the woman crouching there,