!Welcome to another article by the$star of this diskmag team, Jaz X! In!this piece, I am going to propose#several reasons for disliking 'Miss
Worst Stage Name of the Season'
herself, Vanessa Paradis.
1. To kick off, it has to be"mentioned that she is French. Many#people will think that in itself is$good enough reason to stay well away%from her musak, but for those who are!not yet convinced, I shall go on.! 2. She has that all-famous gap#between her front teeth which makes%you cringe when she smiles. Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against%people with a gap between their front#teeth, hell, even I have one, but I%don't attempt to be an attractive pop
star, do I?
3. Her voice just was never
intended to be a singing one. A
snooker commentator, maybe, but"singing never really was a serious$career option for her(it wouldn't be
to people who can see their
limitations, anyway).
4. Either she makes her own
clothes, (which would mean that$fashion designing was not her forte,
either), or her designer has!seriously impaired vision. Either#way, the results can be seen in her
5. I won't mention any other#physical traits, except perhaps the#lack of much to write home about in"the 'upper torso' area, if you see
what I mean.! 6. Her involvements with Lenny%Kravitz are sordid, to say the least.%If none of those reasons have ensured"that you will run a mile next time#you see her, then your name must be!PVFC, or you are one of her close
family. Jaz X.
!(1. Discriminating against people!because of the country they come
from, eh? See my article on discrimination elsewhere in this
issue. You should be ashamed!%2. I think that gap between her teeth"is quite cute actually. Lets face
it, Vanessa wouldn't be Vanessa!without a gap between her teeth. "It's one of the things that people#recognise immediatly about her. For"example, when Simone asked me what
type of music I liked, I said
"Vanessa Paradis" and she said! "Oh, you mean that one with the$fucking huge gap between her teeth."%(That's an exact quote, that is.) You
see, it preceeds her.#3. Tee hee, ho ho, ha ha. I take it"you've never heared her album and #the best song of all time contained
there-in "Lonely Rainbows"#4. Most comical. This coming from a"person who is a walking advert for!Nike. I'm not quite sure what you"think is wrong with her choice of "clothes (or in some cases, lack of"them.), but when I've seen her on ""The Word" or pictures of her from#her CD's or the fan club, I always #think that she's a damn site better!dressed than a lot of people. It #says in her profile that she spends!all her money on seventys clothes 5. More shallow than a saucer of%milk. I fail to see what breast size
has to do with anything.%6. When Lenny Kravitz was interviewed
in Just Seventeen (not that I !read it or anything) he said that"people always assumed that when a "man and a woman worked together in!music there was always something else going on. He said she was a freind but nothing more. Tsshh.