~~~~~~~~~~~"Have you ever wanted to be able to#make your own ginger beer? No? Well"sod you, because I'm going to tell
you how anyway. Read the recipe$through before starting. Right then,#firstly you need to gather together#the ingredients and stuff. You will
need: # 2oz (57g) of baker's yeast (dried
stuff will do)# 2 average sized lemons (phwoar eh
Approx. 50g of ground ginger
Approx. 1 kilo of sugar
A ready supply of water.!In addition to those ingredients,"have some sort of clean jar with a#reasonable capacity (something like"500ml) and a large vessel that can$hold at least 7 pints (sorry to keep%switching from metric to imperial) of$liquid. The making of ginger beer is%a two-week process. On the first day, mix all the yeast with two level
tablespoons of sugar, two level%tablespoons of ginger and half a pint"of water. Give it a good stir, and%put the lid on the jar. Note that you$should not fully screw the lid down, just halfway, so that the carbon$dioxide that is produced can escape."For the rest of the first day, the#mixture will probably keep bubbling"right up to the top of the jar and!looking generally out of control.#This is supposed to happen. The lid will stop it overflowing. If you$like, you can burst the bubbles when%they start to rise. For the next nine%days, put one level TEAspoon of sugar and one level TEAspoon of ground%ginger into the mixture each day, and#stir well before replacing the lid.#You shouldn't get the 'bubbling up'%problems from now on. On the eleventh%day, you make the ginger beer. Filter"your current yeast mixture through
some fine cloth or something (I$usually use a paper tissue, but this!may take a few hours). Meanwhile,!dissolve 18oz (about 525g) of the!remaining sugar in one and a half$pints of water (in a pan). Heat this"up to boiling, then cool slightly.#Set aside six pints of water in the$large vessel. Squeeze the juice from"the two lemons, and filter that as!well. Pour the lemon juice, sugar
solution from the pan, and the%filtered yeast mixture into the water%in the large vessel. Stir thoroughly.$Have some screw-topped bottles ready$with enough capacity between them to%carry all the ginger beer. Bottle it,#and leave in a cool place for three"or four days. Incidentally, if you"want to start again straight away,"you do not need to buy more yeast,$just use the solid left behind after"filtering. You will, however, need#all the other ingredients. When you have left the ginger beer in the"bottles for a sufficient amount of#time, drink. Enjoy! Oh yes, it does%tend to get quite fizzy, so watch out"for the bottle-tops flying off and"the ginger beer squirting all over