ALCHEMIST PD LIBRARY. LIST 4. JULY 1993. 62 Tithe Barn Lane, Woodhouse, Sheffield S. Yorks S13 7LN PART 2 (SEE PART 1 FOR DETAILS OF ORDERING ETC.) *** COMMS *** CO01 VTX EDITOR: Essential comms pack for VTX 5000 CO02 VTX ENHANCE: Soups up built in VTX 5000 ROM CO03 FIREVIEW2: Brilliant viewdata comms package CO04 TERMINAL: Scrolling comms program CO05 XMODEM: File transfer program CO06 FIRESCROLL: Excellent scrolling prog with buffer record CO07 SST: Scrolling terminal with clock and function keys CO08 DIALSOFT: THE user to user program to chat and swap files CO09 MIKPRINT: Display,rotate and print viewdata frames CO10 VTX128: Use the VTX in 128 mode CO11 EDITVIEW: Viewdata screen designer CO12 EDITVIEW+2: As above but with modifications for the +2 CO13 CET: Upload code to a Bulletin Board CO14 TX: Communicate between two 128k via the RS232 port CO15 CON1: Convert ZX screen$ to BBC teletext format CO16 CON2: Convert Fireview-Editor frames CO17 RADIOCOMMS: RTTY/Morse/SSTV reciever program CO18 PROGMAIL: Program encoder/decoder CO19 VTXBOOT: Neater boot for 128 VTX CO20 SPECTERM6: Dutch comms package CO21 VIEWER: View 64 col comms files CO22 SPECTERM1: Use the Interface1 RS232 for comms CO23 SPECTERM2: Use the 128k RS232 for comms CO24 SPECTERM7: Use the ageing VTX 711 better CO25 VOYSCROLL: Use the mark2 version of the VTX711 CO26 EDITOR+3: +3/+2a version of CO01 ================================================================ *** FONTS *** FO01 GOTHIC FO02 COMMODORE FO03 BBC FO04 BOLD FO05 BOLD 2 FO06 WIDE FO07 PC FO08 MIRRORED FO09 PC FO10 FUTURISTIC FO11 ALIEN FO12 ITALIC FO13 ARMY FO14 MOON RUNES FO15 TASWORD NEW FONT 1 FO16 " " " " 2 FO17 " " " " 3 All fonts can be supplied with a basic control program to load the font to any address any poke it in to use if required. Other fonts or characters can be created or removed from any program if you wish. ================================================================ *** GAMES *** GA01 GLOBULAR TROUBLES: Isometic puzzle game GA02 ESCAPE FROM MALCHOR: Quill Adventure- but see GA12 GA03 CHOPPER MISSION: Mini Airwolf game GA04 MAZE OF TERROR: See for yourself! GA05 MURDER: GACed detective thriller- but see GA13 GA06 EMPIRE: Defeat the empire in this Quill adventure GA07 TREASURE TRAIL: Solve the clues and fly like Anneka GA08 SANTA: 128k Santa-blitz game GA09 TRADER: Elite on the high seas of Europe GA10 MARIE CELESTE: Quill Space Adventure GA11 DEADLY ERRORS: Simple alternative pacman type game GA12 MALCHOR: As GA02 but a QUILL file GA13 MURDER: As GA04 but a GAC file GA14 BLASTER: M/C Asteroids type game GA15 CAVE: Colossal cave adventure GA16 REALM: Cult fantasy adventure GA17 HOLIDAY TO REMEMBER 1: Hilarious PAWed adventure GA18 HOLIDAY 2: The sequel to HOLIDAY TO REMEMBER GA19 KOSHIMA: POW Adventure by David Ledbury of ZAT! GA20 MATT LUCAS : : GA21 LAST BELIEVER : THE GUILD PD Adventures : GA22 SHADOWS OF THE PAST: Created with PAWS : GA23 TEACHER TROUBLE : : GA24 VALLEY: D&D type wargame-adventure GA25 NOAH: Advanced Noah's Ark Simulator! Adventure. ================================================================ *** AUDIO / VISUAL *** AV01 MEGGA PICCY SHOW: 128 music demo AV02 ARNOLD THE FISH: Goldfish tank program with sprites AV03 DOWNTOWN: 128 music (Petula Clark) AV04 SNOB SONG: 128 music AV05 FONTASIA: Text screen creator- various fonts and sizes AV06 UK: Picture of UK (except Ireland) AV07 GARFIELD: Teletext garfield face AV08 WOMAN: Teletext woman AV09 BLOW UP: Examine characters in large size and get data AV10 CARD: Test card program AV11 BOX: Spinning box- 128k only AV12 JELLY: 128k Wobbling jelly AV13 GLOBE: Spinning 3D globe program. RECOMMENDED AV14 PFN: Design Program AV15 SIGNAL: Polish music & scrolly AV16 SQUIRREL: BBC Teletext squirrels with love message AV17 VW: Teletext picture of a VW Beetle AV18 PIANO: 128k piano AV19 DRUMS: Drum file for Soundtracker AV20 EARTH: Screen of planet Earth for Globe program (AV13) AV21 ALLO: Allo Allo music in 128k mode while in basic! AV22 CLIP1: 5 digitised pix: film logos, newsreader etc. AV23 CLIP2: 5 more pix: girls, red dwarf, clown etc. AV24 NMI1: Fantastic polish demo with squiggly lines! AV25 SIGNAL3: Another polish 128k demo AV26 LYRA2: Possibly the best demo ever with ace dancing girl AV27 SHOCK: Another polish demo AV28 BERUSKA: Strange demo of a man and talking beetle AV29 BINGO: Bingo simulator program for bingo halls AV30 PAGEMAKER: Revamped 'Fontasia AV05' RECOMMENDED. AV31 ASTRO: french planetry data program AV32 PLANETS: Very graphic planet viewer RECOMMENDED. AV33 ETOILES: 4 french starmaps AV34 MOONTRAK: Moon data program AV35 SUNRISESET: Sun data program AV36 HALLEY: Comet tracking program AV37 PENCIL: Pencil 'draws' your text on screen AV38 TITRE: French titling program AV39 3D: 3D text drawer AV40 JUMBO: Jumbo character drawer AV41 THE SPROG: Extended Basic graphics system AV42 FONTASY 4: Font creator / Editor AV43 TRAIN SPOTTIN: Train Spotter Hater's demo! ADULT. AV44 YESTERDAY's DREAM: Follow up to "TRAIN SPOTTIN" AV45 NSD 1: AV46 NSD 2: Quintruple collection of very good 128k demos AV47 NSD 3: with excellent Soundtracker audio, and some AV48 NSD 4: very smart graphics and use of different AV49 NSD 5: scrollers. Feature the odd swear word! AV50 NMI3: Follow up to the popular NMI 1 and 2 AV51 48k SOUNDSYS: 2 channel sound system for the 48k AV52 SOUNDTRACKER: The ORIGINAL standard speed load version AV53 ST COMPILER: The ORIGINAL. Not a copy of the YS version AV54 PSB: 128k Pet Shop boys megamix with some ADULT sprites AV55 OVERSCAN: 128k megademo with excellent music and FX AV56 EXODUS: Another 18k Megademo AV57 3D SHOW: 3D Demonstration program AV58 TERMINADOR: Strange 128k demo. May be OFFENSIVE AV59 MUSICSYNTH: 48k 2 channel sound music creator AV60 INTERLACE: 128k music demo AV61 E-SAMPLER: Sampler package with lots of features Note: We can make a 3D spinning object to your specifications. The initial object is drawn on VU3D. The lines are removed and the file saved to ramdisk. The object is rotated and the process repeated. When done, all screens are compressed into one file by the Multiface. Initial object design files from VU3D are welcome, and senders will recieve free credit. ================================================================ *** MISC. *** ED01 ELITE EDITOR: Alter your ship and cash for ANY Elite files ED02 SIMCITY: $8000000 ready island ED03 FLOWCHART: Converts your program into a flowchart ED04 128 KEYPAD: File on the 128 keypad port to make I/O device ED05 JOKES: Adult joke file which needs CO06 ED06 JOKES2: A better, large adult joke file. OFFENSIVE. ED07 QS: Quickstart data files for PAW/GAC/QUILL ED08 DARKDATA: For Darkside, to see destruction of Zephyr One ED09 RESCALC: Resistor colour code calculator ED10 CALENDAR: 20th Century calendar printer ED11 128 NOISE: File on 128k sound ED12 PORTS: File on Spectrum I/O ports ED13 RAMPAGE: Load a custom ROM into the +2a/+3 by paging ED14 TIPS: General tips for the Spectrum ED15 ROMDIS: Disassemble useful routines in the ROM ED16 MR.SPEC: Have an intelligent conversation with the Speccy! ED17 TYPE: Touch typing tutor ED18 HE-MEN: Supermen party for Bards Tale ED19 BB3: Modifier for Beta Basic to work on the +3 ED20 WORDSEARCH: Create your own or find hidden words ED21 TASROMDIS: Tasword file on useful locns in Spectrum ROM Note: ED13-ED16 need to be loaded into a viewdata program like Fireview to show the teletext style pages. ================================================================