This is just some text so that you can see what is happening wit the little bit of code that I have written for this months OUTCLASS. As you can see you can still leave blank lines if you require them and all you text is nicely word wraped. I find that I can save no end of room on my disc by using the routine STRIP and ten saving the file. If you wish I shall write a routine that replaces the spaces that have been removed by STRIP. I thought about it but then decided that it wasn't really necessary. If you use the display (MAIN) routine before using strip then you will see the double line spacing that Tasword II files produce. Try using display then STRIP the file and display again. I like the idea of a random display (as something differant) There are any number of things you can do this is just one idea. It don't take into account printer codes or colour controls but I suppose with a bit of thought it could. You could even make it move back and fourth between the pages if you wanted to by poking (from within the program) the relavent page values into the store area. See what you can do to alter it. Have fun. All the best. BoB.