BLAST IT! TEXT DISPLAY - Brian Cavers ------------------------------------- This is a normal TASWORD TWO file you are reading. You can'tedit it because BLAST IT! can display only but you may find itmore comfortable to read and check Tasfiles using this utility.I wrote it originally for a cassette-based magazine which is nolonger available. We did consider using this program in OUTLETto display text but after much thought decided against it asthere was a complication in developing a reverse scroll.Thereason is in the next paragraph. Anyway, there is no more textin any screen than normal as there are only half the verticallines. All in all it would take a lot of development work! ü SURPRISE! SURPRISE! You can include INK colour by using thegraphic commands in TASWORD. Just select the colour number ingraphics mode (8 for black) and put the actual graphic characterin a blank space between paragraphs or evenébetweenüwords. Inthis utility the graphic is displayed as a blank space and anyfollowing colour altered until the next graphic is reached. Ofcourse this means that the normal use of graphics in TASWORD, asprinter codes, may appear as colours in this display. The use ofcolour is the reverse scroll complication I mentioned - thecolour codes are at the WRONG end when scrolling backwards! Ç There are printer options for most of the Interfaces but I mustadmit it's a bit slow and, of course, it ignores any specialprinter codes. Still, if the occasional TASWORD 2 file comesyour way and you don't have TASWORD 2, you can now read the fileand print it out. The ZX option also wordwraps 64 column filesto 32 column rather neatly. Almost makes you wish you had anAlphacom doesn't it! Oh, if you want to try out the LOAD a text file option - thisfile is called : "blastTAS". - B.C.