nsfw:racy: Possible ocr: GHIRSETRAURIVAFALCHF MEM:1384K FAST MEMARCLRS2B-PLANURE INDER LINE UP PAGE UP TOP COLOUR FONT HELP LINE DN PAGE DN MUSIC BOTTOM POINTER PRINT Subject: MATI Dryanization: Underachieving Alaskan Association File three of five. InforMation on the Majestic Tweuve. I have decided to coMe ouL of the cLoset and Let the UFO COMMUNILY KMOW evervthing that I know and have seen and that MY sources have COMMUNicated to Me over the Last 17 vears regarding the UFO question. I have uptoaded the truth to severau Who have yained MY trust over the Last few Months, Those peopue are TOM Mickus, Don Ecker, Stan Fr ...