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- ===== Dr. Hepler on Hombre [he was the one in charge of it]=====
- I have seen a lot of discussion over the past months on the pros and cons
- of various RISC processors and the future of the Amiga. Since it was my
- responsibility to make some of these decisions in the past, and now that
- Escom has announced their decision, I thought that some of you may find
- it interesting to hear some of my views as I remember them and get some
- insight into how decisions like this are made... or at least how I
- approached things. From what I have seen on the net, many folks out
- there have no clue as to how things like this are really done :-)
- Remember that much of this happened well over two years ago... and my
- memory is not as good as it perhaps should be... Take all of this to be
- my opinion.... you may disagree with whatever you like... First, you
- have to put this into context. In order to make a decision like this,
- one has to have a strategic plan for the future. This plan then drives
- the decision process. As such I had some ground rules to start with:
- a. Only one chip set would be developed... We only had enough R&D money
- for one... so it had to address the low-end (game console, set-top-box)
- to high end (work-station, A4000 style machine)... The requirements for
- low-end systems are so different than those of high-end systems that this
- is quite difficult...
- b. It had to be capable of supporting Windows-NT sometime in the future.
- Amiga-DOS would be ported (at least the micro-kernel for game systems,
- set-top-boxes)... the rest later (for low-end systems).... but it was
- felt (at the time) that NT would be the emerging OS... and compatibility
- would be necessary for market acceptance outside of the traditional Amiga
- market. Having support for a "more main stream" OS would have made
- getting main stream applications ported to the machine *much* easier.
- This ground rule meant that we wanted a platform which had some NT
- porting activity at least started... It also had some implications on
- the type of memory management needed. No flames please.
- c. I knew that we could not support a *complete* line of products within
- Commodore with our resources...
- But I felt that we could not have a product line which did not have a
- link of some kind to more powerful machines like those used in business.
- Most people like to have something at home which is in some way
- compatible with what they use at work. I wanted to select a platform
- which gave Hombre users a growth path for the future. We wanted to have
- a strategic partnership with a company which had a *complementary*
- product line... and perhaps cross-promote, etc.
- d. I wanted to be able to include the integer core of the processor on
- one of the Hombre chips. We also wanted to be able to add a few
- instructions to aid in graphics setup, etc.
- e. I was targeting a 0.6 micron, 3-level metal CMOS process.
- Of course cost was a major concern. I have seen many people on the net
- discuss RISC chips *without* considering the cost as it applies to the
- overall system. In order to build a system like the A1200, hit the price
- point that we wanted, and make a profit, the CPU chip, custom graphics
- chips, etc, have to cost about $20 (total!!). Many folks forget about
- all the other costs involved in producing a product. This alone
- eliminates many of the candidates that some have proposed and cheered
- for... Our cost objective for the Hombre chip set was a little more
- liberal than this since I was integrating more onto the chips... but the
- cost target was not much more!! Certainly not some of the prices I have
- seen bantered about some of the groups here. Remember, we wanted to be
- able to put this into a game console or set-top box. You can't spend 1/3
- of the retail price of the product on the CPU chip!!! I looked at many
- (almost all the commercially available) architectures (my favorite from a
- purely computer architect (my primary training) viewpoint was the
- MC88100)... and narrowed down to three: MIPS, PowerPC, and PA-RISC.
- Lew E. and I talked to all the companies involved:
- MIPS was interesting because their parent company is Silicon Graphics.
- Wouldn't it be nice to have a strategic partnership with the premier
- high-end graphics company!!! We could have built the low end
- "home-version" of their machine, made great games, etc. Lew and I talked
- with one of the founders and he asked lots of questions, etc., but didn't
- sound too interested... The 4200 series MIPS chips where too expensive
- and they didn't seem too interested in making any changes for us... The
- R3000 series was in the right cost area, but was not viable for
- Windows/NT. As I said above, we felt at that time that it would be
- important for this chip set to be able to support NT in the future.
- We dropped them from the list and found out shortly thereafter that
- SGI/MIPS had signed an agreement with Nintendo for their next generation.
- It was obvious then that they knew when they had talked to us that they
- were in discussions with Nintendo... It must have been interesting for
- them...
- By the way, at that point, we were 9 months to a year ahead of them...
- PowerPC:
- Motorola talked to us about PowerPC (IBM may have come in too, I don't
- remember)... We had a good working relationship with Motorola as a
- vendor. I had earlier done a study to integrate AA type functionality
- onto a die with an MC680x0 core.
- I had a number of problems with the PowerPC:
- a. An early version of the instruction set documents (received under
- NDA) caused me to have a real concern about using this part in our
- product line. Lew E. agreed. I can't really discuss this any further.
- b. They were unwilling to do a full-custom version for us (with our
- graphics enhancements) and their time-table for core-versions was too far
- out.
- c. There was no good strategic relationship from a systems point of
- view. It seemed unreasonable to approach Apple: they were
- competitors... their line was not complementary. The same was true of
- IBM, and Motorola did not have a strong systems presence.
- d. A small, embedded version of PowerPC (the one that we could afford
- for the low end... (which was being developed for use in automobiles))
- did not have a memory management option... something required for both
- Windows/NT and set-top-boxes.
- e. The core version that they did promise would have required that we
- add our logic as standard cells. A standard cell implementation of
- Hombre would have been far too large - and therefore expensive. We
- intended to do a custom layout of the datapaths involved and merging
- these datapaths with their logic was viewed as a problem...
- f. I felt the instruction set had some problems... for example, the
- only way to get information between integer registers and floating point
- registers was through memory!
- HP presented the PA-RISC. We had a rather good working relationship with
- HP. They had fab'd the LISA chips and had done all the foundary work for
- the AAA project.
- The PA-RISC:
- a. It had one of the most powerful RISC instruction sets I had
- evaluated. It created very dense code (for a RISC) - and the dynamic
- cycle count was very good. It also had an instruction (SFU) which
- allowed customization without interfering with compatibility...
- I had defined some instructions which would aid in the 3D graphics that
- had been planned for Hombre.
- b. Other PA-RISC partners had already shown that a low-cost version was
- feasible.
- c. HP had a totally complementary product line - their low end
- workstations were more powerful than our high end Amigas.
- d. HP seemed interested in the current Amiga chipset for use in a
- set-top-box and seemed interested in the Hombre chipset for a next
- generation set-top-box. This made good business sense and allowed us to
- propose a rather nice agreement... By the way, Commodore died before the
- agreement could be signed.
- e. HP was willing to license Commodore to design and build our own
- version of a core for use in Hombre. I had designed the integer core of
- the CPU and showed them (HP) simulations of it (to prove our competence).
- (This was done with only the instruction set reference manual - no
- proprietary information or design was received from HP.) I'm not sure
- that the license was really necessary... I had in effect created my own
- implmentation of a published instruction set... Many others have done
- this with other instruction sets without a license... but having the
- license would have been nice and their cooperation would have been
- useful.
- f. While the HP chips were not available on the open market, other
- partners of theirs did have chips that could be put into systems. These
- other processors would have been used as the external processor on the
- larger systems I proposed.
- The architecture that was proposed by me (and approved by Lew) was a two
- chip set. One chip was a video buffer for the most part... the other
- chip held the internal cpu, blitter, and other goodies, etc. By the way,
- the internal datapath was a full 64 bits. There were two bonding options
- to get a lower costing 32 bit memory interface for game-consoles and
- set-top boxes, and a slightly more expensive 64 bit option for higher
- ended systems (VLSI packaging costs can be significant for large pin
- counts). The wider memory was not really necessary for the very low end
- systems which only had to produce NTSC or PAL level video, and was less
- expensive... Low end products used the internal processor as *the*
- processor. Higher end systems used the internal processor as a
- peripheral/graphics processor. While it made a lot of sense to have the
- external processor be a PA-RISC processor, there was nothing that
- required it.
- The architecture also made use of the PCI bus. Again, on low end
- systems, the PCI held peripherals for use by the internal processor. For
- higher end systems this was also true. But the PCI bus could also be
- turned around... this allowed the chip set to be used *as a peripheral*
- to any PCI based system. This was intended to allow this chip set to be
- used as a peripheral to PCs. Also, this was the "link" to the HP
- workstations. It was hoped that this chip set could be configured onto a
- PCI card for incorporation into HP workstations... This would allow
- software which ran on our systems run on HP workstations...
- I had written a simulation of the CPU, enhanced blitter/renderer, and
- memory interface in C to test instruction sequences and rendering
- performance. (The simulation even had a Tcl/Tk GUI!). I had also
- modelled many of the blocks in M (a behavioral simulation/synthesis
- language - similar in function to VHDL or Verilog). Some of the datapath
- had started transistor level design... Then things fell apart and the
- couple of people I had just gotten assigned to work on this either quit
- to take other jobs or were laid-off... Remember before you flame me...
- Most of this happened over two years ago. Had we remained solvent,
- gotten the resources that had been promised and remained on our original
- schedule, we would have had first silicon at the beginning of 1995!
- I believe that given the strategy, ground rules, information at the time,
- etc., I made the correct decision. I don't know what strategy Escom has,
- what their ground rules were or how they made their decision, so I can't
- comment on their selection...
- I hope this insight has been interesting and educational.... :-) Again,
- all of the above is my opinion... not to be taken as the policy or
- beliefs of my employers, etc.
- Dr. Edward L. Hepler Former:
- President, Director of VLSI and System Architecture VLSI
- Concepts, Inc. Architect of Hombre, Designer of Andrea (AAA)
- VLSI Architecture, Commodore
- Design, CAD
- Adjuct Prof. ECE Department, Villanova University ECE-8445 Graduate
- level Advanced Computer Architecture ECE-8460 Graduate level Introduction
- to VLSI Design elh@ece.vill.edu
- ---