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- So you thought DOpus couldn't do that!
- --------------------------------------
- Brought To You By Sigma Alpha
- By Dr DOpus
- -----------
- So you've been using DOpus for a while and you've discovered that it is
- probably the most useful, brilliant, amazing program available for the
- Amiga...but are you getting the most from it?
- In this doc some hints and tips to get the most from DOpus will be
- explained but remember the beauty of DOpus is it's individuality, so be
- sure to think about what you want DOpus to do and adapt ideas to suit
- your own needs...there's not much it can't do when it comes to file
- management!
- To explain all the features and functions in DOpus would be a pointless
- task...that's what the manual is for, but there's a host of things that
- can be done or made to be more efficient that aren't in the manual, so
- that's where this doc comes in. One of the most important things to
- remember is that DOpus really shines when used in conjunction with
- external utilities so I'll mention the most useful ones...be sure to find
- them from the usual sources, PD Libraries, BBS's etc.
- The hints are aimed at the average Amiga user who wants to do a little
- bit of everything with his machine rather than experts who may wish to
- perform more specific tasks. I'll assume that a hard drive is in use.
- Q. What utilities will enhance Directory Opus?
- A. Here's a list of a few essential utilities that you should have, that
- perform functions or aid existing functions in DOpus. In no particular
- order...
- a) LhA (Stefan Boberg) - File archiving util.
- b) KingCON (David Larsson) - Console handler (improves Shell/CLI).
- c) PPShow v4 (Nico Francois) - Multi format viewer for pics/anims.
- d) DMS (SDS Software) - Disk archiver/cruncher.
- e) Virus_Checker (John Veldhuis) - Guess!
- f) GoldED (Dietmar Eilert) - Text editor, complex but superb.
- g) Edword (Martin Reddy) - Text editor, less powerful than GoldED
- but still very good.
- h) View80 (Frederico Giannici) - An alternative text viewer to
- Fullview (the built-in viewer), faster and more flexible when
- reading larger doc files.
- i) StatRam 3 (Nicola Salmoria) - A very robust Rad: useful for fast
- archiving/DMS'ing.
- j) DLD or XFD (Georg Hormann) - decrunch utils.
- k) FMS (Mat Dillon) - Create 'virtual' floppy disks' on your hard
- drive, speeds up all sorts of operations.
- NB: You'll have to follow the installation instructions supplied with
- the utilities and ensure they work as they should before incorporating
- them into use with DOpus.
- Q. When I load a directory into an Opus window it takes ages to display,
- is there anything I can do to speed this up?
- A. To speed up access in the DOpus windows, select the Operation menu in
- ConfigOpus, then select List Format. In the 'selected display items'
- window just have 'file name' & 'file size' this will speed up the windows
- enormously. Also make sure your disks/hard drives are optimized using a
- utility such as Re-Org 3.11 (Holger Kruse) you'll be amazed at the speed
- improvement.
- Q. When I double-click or click and drag on some files things happen,
- and on others nothing happens...why is this?
- A. These mouse operated functions are set up in the Filetype section of
- ConfigOpus, this is probably the most powerful feature of Opus yet it is
- widely ignored. You can set up loads of different functions to be
- performed with the mouse, for example, you can de-archive from one window
- to another by simply clicking on a file with a .LHA extension then
- clicking on the destination window. You can read docs, view pics and
- anims, DMS disks, copy files, list the contents of archives etc etc, all
- with your mouse! Details of how to set up some Filetypes are given on
- this disk so take a look and experiment :)
- Q. When I perform a function that has an output window, the workbench
- screen comes to the front and the output window disappears just as I'm
- reading the contents. I want to see what has happened and sometimes keep
- a record, is this possible?
- A. To make the 'DOpus Output' windows more friendly and useful, first
- you should install KingCON (1.3), this is not essential but it does give
- Shell/CLI windows a scroll bar which can be invaluable when dealing with
- lists. Select System in ConfigOpus and then select AmigaDOS. In the
- 'Shell' string gadget type....SYS:c/NewCli (ensuring that you have the
- NewCli command in your C directory!) Then in the 'Console' string gadget
- type the following line....
- KCON:11/11/640/154/Directory Opus Output/CLOSE/SCREEN DOPUS.1
- or if you don't have KingCON...
- CON:11/11/640/154/Directory Opus Output/CLOSE/SCREEN DOPUS.1
- On a normal high res screen this will open the output window where the
- DOpus windows are, this is better than flicking to and from the workbench
- screen every time an output window is opened. If you want to suspend the
- closure of the output window after the function has completed so you can
- read what's happened (and scroll back if you've installed KingCON) then
- don't forget you can set the 'close delay' of the function to -1 making
- the output window wait for you to press the LMB before it will close.
- Should you wish to keep a record of what's happened you can set the
- 'output to file' flag of the function.
- Q. Is it possible to un-DMS to Ram: ?
- A. No. There are however, ways to speed up DMS functions using Opus.
- You can set up a recoverable ram disk ( Rad: ) and DMS to and from it by
- setting up a Filetype for DMS. There is a Rad: utility called StatRam
- (v3) available which is more flexible and robust than using the standard
- method described in the Amiga manual. Also you could use FMS (see
- essential utils above), this will set up "virtual floppy disks" on your
- hard drive ( FF0: FF1: etc ) so you can DMS to and from these also.
- To set up a filetype for DMS see the Filetypes directory on this disk for
- information.
- Q. Opus takes up a lot of my precious memory, how can I save some?
- A. Go to the System section in ConfigOpus and click on modules, then
- ensure that all modules have no tick beside them, this will prevent them
- being loaded every time you use Opus but you'll still be able to use
- them...they'll load when needed. Another thing you can do is regularly
- clear the buffers this will free up a bit of memory.
- Q. When I'm working with Opus I get thirsty, will it make coffee?
- A. No....maybe in the next update!
- Q. I want Opus to load my hard drive contents in the left window and
- Ram: contents in the right at startup, is it possible?
- A. Yes, just go to System/Startup in ConfigOpus and set which devices to
- load at startup. Come on, read the manual again! :) You can load
- devices into specified windows with any button/menu/filetype function if
- you want...when setting up the config of the button etc use the Scandir
- command like this...
- ScanDir Sys: 0 (will load your boot device into the left window)
- ScanDir Ram: 1 (will load Ram: into the right window)
- NB: Don't forget to set the cycle gadget to Command.
- For instance you could set up a Reset Opus button as follows...
- Command ScanDir Sys: 0
- Command ScanDir Ram: 1
- Command Clearbuffers
- Obviously you can rescan whatever devices/dirs you like.
- Q. I use Parnet to link my 1200 with my CDTV, can I mount the network
- from Opus?
- A. Yes. Make yourself a bootable disk for the CDTV with the lines...
- NetPNet-Server Unit 1
- Mount Net:
- ...somewhere in the startup-sequence then set up a button in Opus with
- the following...
- AmigaDOS SYS:c/NetPNet-Server Unit 0
- AmigaDOS SYS:c/Mount Net:
- (assuming your commands are in SYS:c) No flags ticked.
- Boot the CDTV with the floppy disk then after the disk activity has
- finished you can click on your NET: button in Opus to start the network.
- You can then set up Drive buttons to read the CDTV drives, for example...
- Drive Name CD0:
- Path Net:CD0
- You can do the same to read Net:DF0 / Net:Ram / Net:Rad etc etc. When
- using Opus with Net:CD0 it's better to type the exact dir you need into
- the string gadget below the selected window.
- ie. Net:CD0/utils/misc/
- If you use the mouse to click through the directories it will take ages
- because of the amount of information on the CD, and the CD drives are
- much slower than hard drives.
- ---