ocr: hews'n RUMOPS III COMA 1/9 guy from SPRCADPOINT! HOT. joined ARISE after having shortly visited MORTEM and HORAL! Chrome left IRSI! There are no ER-ARis members in the Deteon left BIONEX to Join BLAGK Maltese group THE CATS! MONKS. Here is some news from the U.K. scene: VIC, Stuermer and Ossi left 2yLON. Vic is now independent. Ossi and UNITY is dead. Stuermer Joined LEGEID. IPEC ELITE are dead. The north-secti0n of IENSION is dead! Brain + 3 others left Akron U.K. GRUSH will release there first Hega-Demo soon. SHARKS are Planning to release a new 't-file' Disk-Mag. It'll contain Ads, CRUSH wi ...