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- ====================
- @1The following text is a totally `un-doctored' version of the original message
- that I posted off into the vast ether of Fidonet space. It proved to be the
- inspiration and motivation behind @2`Qayamat and beyond...'@1
- I`ve often heard people wonder whether or not Susan was really
- was the Doctor`s Granddaughter.
- Well I know it sounds a daft thing to say but Susan always did refer to him as
- Grandfather, never Doctor, during all her episodes. If it was some sort of
- deception they were playing on Ian and Barbara then surely she would have
- dropped it at some during their many adventures together.
- This would have been even more relevant during the `Five Doctors' when any need for pretence would
- have been long gone. My conclusion is that Susan must indeed have been his
- granddaughter.
- If she was, therefore there must there have been a Mrs Doctor...?
- No not necessarily! There are occasions when children grow up
- calling people, who are not blood relatives, grandfather
- (or grandmother). One of the two people I grew up calling grandfather
- wasn't my mother's father (my grandmother remarried after the death
- of *my* real grandfather.
- Aha! I hear you cry `but there was still a Granny Williams in your case' and
- you are quite correct. Let's stretch the imagination even further (and I
- emphasise that this is just my own pet theory. I know it is my own theory
- because it is the pet theory what I wrote myself... in about thirty seconds
- time.)
- Long before we first encountered the Hartnell Doctor on TV
- he had been buzzing
- around the time/space continuum having his (now) customary
- adventures. We know
- this much for a fact because when he regenerated after 3 years, into
- Troughton, he continually had to refer to his `500 year diary' to find out
- what happened in his earlier Hartnell era. It's therefore safe to say that he
- must've had at least a couple of hundred years of adventures before the BBC
- (and us) caught up with him.
- So one of his companions before we met him was a mother or father (perhaps
- both) with a very young child (Susan) in tow. Probably while he was visiting
- Earth in the year 2020AD. The Doctor didn't particularly like the idea of a
- young child being inside the TARDIS but in the circumstances there was no
- other option. He decided to tolerate them for the moment but get rid of them
- as soon as he could find a suitable time/planet/situation in which to leave
- them.
- The parent tries to mollify the young Susan's distress about her sudden and
- bewildering change in environment by telling her that Hartnell is her `other'
- grandfather, the one that most kids never get to see. The reason, the parent
- tells her, that Hartnell is so bad-tempered towards her is that `all
- grandfathers are old and get grumpy at times - it goes with the job'.
- The young Susan quite like this explanation and equates Hartnell's
- disagreeableness with the fact that he is her grandfather and from that point
- in (relative) time calls him `Grandfather'.
- Although Hartnell disapproves of the child running around the TARDIS, and
- generally getting in the way, he eventually comes to respect the parent and,
- albeit grudgingly, admits *only to himself* that he quite likes Susan too.
- >Many adventures later and Susan's parent is killed. On the parent's death-bed
- Hartnell promises to look after Susan as `his-own' until such time as `she
- would have surely left your (parental) care in order to cleave to another'.
- Hartnell continues to have adventures, companions come and go, Susan remains.
- Although Hartnell tries to keep her involvement with `alien' cultures to an
- absolute minimum, Susan often escapes from the TARDIS and observes the
- Doctor's conflicts and the way he resolves them.
- Ten years later, due to a slight mechanical failure, Hartnell and the TARDIS,
- temporarily, get stuck in 1962. It takes the best part of a year for the
- renegade Doctor to remedy the fault in the TARDIS (well, although it has been
- playing-up occasionally over the last two hundred years, this is the first
- time that it has actually refused to start!)
- Susan is now a teenager and somewhat resentful about being the `only-kid-on-
- the TARDIS-block'. Her human hormones are now starting to
- `kick-in' and she is
- starting to need some company, apart from Hartnell.
- Hartnell is eventually persuaded and he ventures outside of the `Foreman's
- Scrap Metal Yard' in order to enrol Susan for the local school. He, inwardly,
- hopes that, having broken out of the social confines of the
- TARDIS, Susan will
- eventually meet up with some people of her own age and `human' race and then
- he can fulfil his promise to look after Susan as `his-own' until such time as
- `she would have surely left your (parental) care in order to cleave to
- another' in other words, until she got married!
- Having done that Hartnell returns to fixing his TARDIS. Because he is a
- renegade he has no access to current Gallifreyan technology so he has to
- guess/fudge/and short-circuit a lot of what is there in his, already, old-
- technology TARDIS.
- In the meantime, at school, Susan is coming out as a very *Un-Earthly* child
- because she is talking about microchips, currently, in a world of transistors
- and valves, and talk of travel to planets when the nearest thing that `Man'
- can hope to go to is the Earth's moon!...
- And there we go.... `Boom-de-boom, boom-de-boom, boom-de-boom, ahh-wee-oooh!'
- and the BBC's theme music continues straight into the first episode of Doctor
- Who in 1963. Ian and Barbara follow Susan into the `Foreman's Scrap Metal
- Yard' and the rest is history... or NOT!!!
- Hehehee... This is my original theory, what I wrote,
- originally, just now, and
- I know this is original because it's what I've written just now! Well I
- actually wrote some of it ten minutes ago. OK, Monty-Python mode off!
- This *could* have been how Susan entered the Who equation. I actually *have*
- just typed this `premise' in `off-the-top-of-my-head' while I've had an hour
- to relax. I *write* for a living but not, usually, Sci-Fi stuff.
- Steve Williams