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- Begin1
- Pintro- Pinion #1
- Magik Elvis
- 68
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- subversive,alternative,brainwashing,propaganda ~~~~~
- Issue # 1
- ---------------
- Pinion Contents
- ---------------
- 1. Pinion Intro
- 1.1 What is/is not accepted
- Pinion Intro
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Welcome to the intro of Pinion, a small 'zine type operation whos
- main objective is to allow an output for the literary works of any one
- wanting to have themselves published on however small a scale. Each
- "issue" will just be a collection of works submitted to the main author.
- The main author for Pinion, is myself, Magik Elvis (or Matt).
- I can be reached at (604)325-8116 by modem (8,N,1) at Neo-Graceland
- (My Bulletin Board system).
- The "members" of Pinion are irrevelvant - if you submit a piece of
- work and it is approved (not hard) then you get the credit and a "hey!"
- in the mag.
- Works approved for publishing:
- Fiction (short stories)
- Poetry (prose, verse, anything)
- Non-Fiction (a report on anything, a small article, journalism, etc)
- Humor, Satire
- Works NOT to be approved for publishing:
- Bullshit (just to put "Pinion" in your signature", etc)
- Non-fiction about irrevelant issues (the latest warez group warz, etc)
- Can you handle it? Well, thats our intro. If you want to get the
- updated versions of this 'zine, check local free speech, h/p/a type boards
- for it. If you wish to become a Pinion distrobution site, please, inform me
- and I will place your board at the end of each issue.
- - Magik Elvis
- Pinion can be reached at (604)325-8116 by modem.
- __________________________________________________________
- \ | Pinion Electronic Magazine Productions. 1994. | /
- \ | Fuck my rights, until we live in a free country. | /
- -----| subversive,alternative,brainwashing,propaganda |------
- / | | \
- / | "The harder you kick me, the bigger my toothless grin" | \
- |________________________________________________________|
- <EOF>
- Begin2
- Pinion #2
- Cthulu
- 81
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- subversive,alternative,brainwashing,propaganda ~~~~~
- Issue #2 - Are Men Better?
- Writer : Cthulu
- Are men better? The question which has plagued our greatest thinkers
- since the dawn of "man"kind will now be resolved in this controversial essay
- by the author of the exciting "Why Not to Drink" and "The Advantages and
- Disadvantages of Being a Rutabaga", Prof. Cthulu.
- Men are certainly better than some things, such as cough drops or pig
- droppings. However, in this essay, I shall be comparing them to their most
- frequent rivals, the females of the human race, women. Now, at first, one may
- think that there can be no fair comparaison, that men are simply and
- blatantly better. However, after some careful thinking and pondering, the
- cons of being a man stack up and outweigh by far the pros.
- For instance: males cannot bear children. While this could be viewed as
- advantageous in the mobility department, the jealousy this creates in the male
- psyche raises levels of stress, aggravation and agression significantly. In
- fact, many of the problems stemming from the masculine gender are based on
- excessive levels of agression, caused by frustration at our own ineptitude and
- incompitance, combined by other factors, such as the inability to bear
- children.
- But what, you might ask, of men's superior logic? Their larger and more
- muscular frames? Doesn't their higher alcohol tolerance count for anything?
- Surely you jest by ranking the magnificent male sexual organs on a lower level
- than the barely-functional female ones? And what about those cool beards they
- can grow, huh?
- Unfortunately, men's logic is often clouded by petty grudges,
- childishness, and at best simply makes us less imaginative. Being big and
- strong only perpetuates our childlike agressions, while our alcohol tolerance
- counts for naught if we ignore and exceed it. And what, you say, of the penis?
- Yea, even this final refuge of manhood shrinks under scrutiny as we grasp and
- peer for a glimpse of the truth. Despite the myth and romance shadily
- surrounding the legendary organ, it can quite simply be concluded that it just
- plain gets in the way. Ask any male who rides horses, jumps hurdles, or simply
- delivers speeches in front of crowds, and they will ashamedly attest to that
- fact. And, while beards may look nice, in reality they provide an ideal
- habitat for various species of parasites, who take every opportunity to move
- in and create an infestation.
- In conclusion, once one gets past the confusion and conspiracy, and the
- facts are laid out on the table in the light of day, the pro-man arguements
- deflate and lose their potency. The answer must now seem obvious to my now
- enlightened readers...what your jobs must be are to spread the gospel and
- convert your friends. Only then will the truth be known to all, and the males
- thrown from power, and rightfully so.
- Professor Cthulu, Ph.D.,
- Miskatonic University
- in co-operation with
- Partnership for a Male-Free America
- Note: the ideas and views shown here are not nessessarily shared with the
- staff of this publication, or even the author himself! And especially not
- shared with the general modeming community, that's for damned sure...
- Pinion can be reached at (604)325-8116 by modem.
- __________________________________________________________
- \ | Pinion Electronic Magazine Productions. 1994. | /
- \ | Fuck my rights, until we live in a free country. | /
- -----| subversive,alternative,brainwashing,propaganda |------
- / | | \
- / | "The harder you kick me, the bigger my toothless grin" | \
- |________________________________________________________|
- <EOF>
- Begin3
- Pinion #3
- Magik E/Cthulu
- 169
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- subversive,alternative,brainwashing,propaganda ~~~~~
- Hello my few and fond readers.
- Okay, this time we have more than ONE poem in ONE release! Amaaazing!
- Yup. So, heres our religiously brilliant attempts at literature.
- Thanks to everyone.
- Magik_Elvis-
- ---
- rock n' roll
- hey my
- hey
- rock die
- hey my will
- n' roll my my
- hey
- never
- |
- |
- do you know what time it is
- its time for you to look
- not at your watch
- but in the mirror
- tell me what you hear
- don't lie about what you know
- close your eyes and start to sew
- when they're shut you'll be free
- |
- |
- \ | /
- \ /
- V
- why me
- why me
- don't fuck with me
- don't fuck with me
- don't touch me
- why me
- don't fuck with me
- why me
- take me
- take
- me
- don't fuck with me
- touch
- why
- magik@elvis.com
- ---
- Trampled by a moose
- -By Evil Iggy
- A poet if I've ever seen one
- Oh mighty moose,
- you hit my caboose
- and mowed over my head
- like a mighty rolling bed
- which crushed my puni brain
- and put my blatter thru much pain
- which drove my urethra insane
- Oh mighty moose,
- who crushed my cranium
- which stopped me from rhyming
- that did not feel good
- Oh mighty moose
- like a river gone loose
- who stopped me from making sense
- that flew over the apple fields
- and into the pigmy paper meals
- Oh mighty moose
- who broke my pretty tooth
- and then to the dentist I went
- to get my tooth enbent
- and to pay an outragous price
- to put my jaw in a vice
- Oh mighty moose
- who crushed me like a telephone booth
- you make me sick
- like strawberry quick
- Oh mighty moose
- who's hoof prints adorn my face
- tis not a disgrace
- to have a taste of wildlife, on my face
- Oh mighty moose
- who parralized my lower body
- to get to the McPotty
- How I admire you so
- I now grab my shotgun, to blow
- the mighty moose
- into tasty moose juice
- Oh mighty moose,
- it's time that you learn the truth
- I'm going to cut your head loose
- and skin your flea bitten fleace
- and use your head as a mantel piece
- Oh mighty moose,
- your head now loose,
- nailed to the wall,
- so that you will not fall
- into my fire place
- every so often though, I spray you with mace
- and kick in your head
- just so I know you're dead
- I also feed you bread
- well, actually I just smack you with it
- but what's the dif?
- - Didn't really happen, but we can dream
- can't we?
- ---
- Do you think you're secure in your suits and ties
- My little conformist friend?
- One more clone becomes another friend for my own
- Threaten my life, I saw you in high school
- Beat the shit out of everyone ! Yeah !
- You and your kick ass now, live now, ask questions
- Never attitude.
- Get the girls, fuck them, they think too much.
- Get the nerds, beat them, they think too much.
- Well, guess who the controller of your little world is now?
- Your nine to five routine is controlled by WHO, motherfucker?
- A NERD. Big Brother AND his nerd sister.
- We'll take that wedgie you gave us in high school,
- turn it into a computer that controls YOUR MIND and makes
- You the thoughtless vegetables we knew you were
- AND SHOVE IT UP YOUR ASS. Real HARD, just the way you like it
- Don't lie, we know you're a faggot under all that paint
- A blatant heterosexual buffoon is a cover and now, we'll
- Get a computer chip, just the right size for the inside
- Of your anal cavity, mother fucker!
- Think NOW fucker.
- ---
- Pinion can be reached at (604)325-8116 by modem.
- __________________________________________________________
- \ | Pinion Electronic Magazine Productions. 1994. | /
- \ | Fuck my rights, until we live in a free country. | /
- -----| subversive,alternative,brainwashing,propaganda |------
- / | | \
- / | " Wow, that was really easy, wasn't it? Huh? What?" | \
- |________________________________________________________|
- <EOF>
- Begin4
- Pinion #4
- Magic E/Cthulu
- 147
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- subversive,alternative,brainwashing,propaganda ~~~~~
- Issue # 004
- by Cthulu
- Magik Elvis, of course
- Welcome to another touch of brilliance. Ouch, that hurt.
- ---
- The Three Billy Goats Dysfunctional
- Cthulu
- Once upon a time there were three billy goats. They lived in a pasture across
- the river from an acceptably productive grazing field, where one could restore
- the body's required balance of minerals and vitamins without collecting
- potentially harmful amounts of cholesterol and trans-fatty acids. The
- difficulty lay in crossing the swiftly flowing river which divided the two
- plots of land. There was a bridge crossing the body of water, but it was the
- home of an unemployed troll who defied society's conventional standards of
- physical aesthetics and and fine dining. So the three goats remained on their
- side of the river and ate substandard chilean pesticide-sprayed whale fat
- clearcut causing hormonally enhanced genetically modified wheat... eventually,
- through a constant nourishing cycle for the three goats, and by no means
- because of overindulging in the grain, there was no more food left on their
- side of the river. The three goats would be forced to risk the underfed troll.
- So, the first and least physically intimidating goat began to cross the bridge.
- Trip trap, trip trap, trip trap went the wooden planks of the bridge
- dangerously, being part of the government's decaying infrastructure. The troll,
- hearing the footsteps, quickly scrambled on top of the bridge. He said, "Hello,
- fellow being. My search for sustainment has led me, regrettably, to the
- conclusion that I must eat you to continue my existance here on this plane. Be
- assured that I will be very kind and humane in your means of death, and that a
- place for you is assured in the afterlife or not, depending on your religious
- preference." The goat looked startled, not by the troll's outlandish and
- different appearance, but by the disturbing announcement. Then he remembered
- his brothers following him, and said "Friend troll, I fear that my
- small-but-functional body would not be enough to satisfy one of your
- proportionate appetites. My larger brother is following the path behind me, and
- will arrive at the bridge soon. If you let me pass, I am sure that he would
- gladly sacrifice his humble life to become one with your stomach." The troll
- looked at the small but by no means insignificant goat, and at his own growling
- lower torso. The troll, coming from a lower-class family, had not possessed the
- means to attend post-kindergarten education, and, as such, had not heard this
- story before. In his innocence and naivite, qualities admirable in reasonable
- quantities, he relented and allowed the first goat to pass into the fields
- beyond. He retreated underneath the bridge and waited for the second goat.
- Sure enough, after several minutes, a familiar trip trap, trip trap, trip trap
- came echoing through the rotten timbers of the bridge raised on selfish and
- greedy capitalistic values. The troll swung up on to the bridge and again
- delivered his speech. The goat looked startled, not by the troll's outlandish
- appearance nor by the announcement, but by the fact that society would ignore
- and scorn such a selfless and humble individual, who had been reduced to,
- through no fault of his own, harrassing pedestrians for food. He then
- remembered his own hungry stomach, and the fields of wheat beyond the poor
- desperate troll. Having always had the guidance of the third and largest billy
- goat, he remembered that some threats could be nullified with the appearances
- of physical retaliation, and perhaps his friend the third goat could shock the
- troll enough to be led into rehabilitation. On which thought, he replied to
- the troll's eloquent speech, "Friend troll, one of your need deserves a reward
- more filling and substantial than my own average body. My brother is even
- larger than I, and would most certainly satisfy your empty digestive system for
- several days. If you will wait but a few minutes, he will come along and verily
- leap down your throat to satisfy your hunger. Now, may I pass?" The troll
- looked at the only average sized goat, and at his own greater than average size
- belly, and imagined an even larger goat sitting in the place of the one which
- stood before him, smoke wafting off his body and an apple in his mouth. He then
- wiped the drool off his mouth, an entirely normal reaction to have when
- thinking about food, and let the second goat pass. He then sat on the bridge
- and looked far to the distance, where he could see a massive shape lumbering
- towards him. The land trembled beneath the footsteps of the third and largest
- billy goat (who had previously done some work as a stunt double in Jurassic
- Park), who glowered across the vast distances at the troll with an expression
- that practically screamed "It's clobberin' time!" The troll, accurately
- predicting the upcoming episode of purely gratuitous physical violence, feared
- for the sanctity of his own warty yet lovable hide, and retreated beneath the
- bridge. When he came out from under the bridge, he was bearing a sign which
- read "Fairy tales unfair to antagonists: Bad Guys On Strike". He thwarted the
- third billy goat's violent intentions with threats of positive action from his
- union, and got on the 6 'o clock news. A law was passed in the US Senate in the
- coming week, making it unconstitutional to pound on villains unfairly for
- absolutely no reason save as a device used to further the plot. Many cash
- settlements were resolved in court, and every one lived fairly ever after.
- ---
- no
- be happy with what you have yes
- tomorrow you may not be so sad
- left right all around
- no get up stand up touch the ground
- i don't want i can't have
- less more i need a slave
- yes
- magik.
- ---
- _How to rock like a North Van Poser HomeBoy_
- 1. ) Be like your alternative friends, buy a "Green Day" album.
- 2. ) No, wait, don't do that.
- 3. ) Green Day might suck, so buy a classic, say.. Nevermind.
- 4. ) I mean, hes DEAD, he won't end up lame like Kriss Kross or something.
- 5. ) Okay, next, get a buzz cut and flatten it out so you resemble Mike D
- 6. ) Mike D? The guy from the Beastie Boys. Sabotage? You know?
- 7. ) No, thats NOT their first album.
- 8. ) Okay, GET RID of that Vanilla Ice album
- 9. ) Oh, and Paula Abdul is no longer cool
- 10.) Get an alternative girlfriend. This is a must.
- 11.) Get a 90210 chick who likes NIN. NIN? Nine Inch Nails.
- 12.) Not bondage! the band! Oh fuck you.
- 13.) Okay, next step - find a band NO ONE likes.
- 14.) Not cuz they suck, cuz no ones ever heard of them. Where?
- 15.) Go to the alternative section in HMV. Yup, the record store.
- 16.) Now, go to the next big concert, with your girlfriend and haircut.
- 17.) And your knowledge of the music bus!
- 18.) Finally, bob your head back and forth, don't go to the pit.
- 19.) Don't mess up your hair, don't start getting political.
- 20.) And no matter WHAT Snoop Dogg says - don't get hurt!
- magik.
- ---
- Pinion can be reached at (604)325-8116 by modem.
- __________________________________________________________
- \ | Pinion Electronic Magazine Productions. 1994. | /
- \ | Fuck my rights, until we live in a free country. | /
- -----| subversive,alternative,brainwashing,propaganda |------
- / | | \
- / | "Your vision of the future, always has YOU in it " | \
- |________________________________________________________|
- <EOF>