ocr: SAY YESH! TO MORE TOTAL AND UTTER STUPIDITY FROM B.S.S! The British Swapping Syndicate Proudly Presents "Yesh! Its Mental Too!" - Release date:29.1.98 F- On this errr remarkable disk we have:- F1 - - - The Jolly Jovial Jocular Japery Jokes Menu! F2 - The Animation Menu - Its Totally Woodstock. F3 - The Great Slappo Presents Magic Show 2-Arrggh! F4 - The "I had a sound sampler for xMas" tune. F5 - The Golden Bidet Awards for 1989. F6 - A few words or ten from B.S.S. % Meg Lamers May Have a Few Problems - Solution:GET A MEG!!! Once Again Created By Phil! & Grey! Of B.S.S We apologize for the lac ...