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- ************************************************************************
- * 4-Bitplane-Zoom-Routine C) May 1991 by the WEAPONMASTER/CYTAX *
- * Release in I.C.E. Issue #5 *
- ************************************************************************
- * I programmed this routine after I saw Sanity's 'Elysium'-demo. *
- * It wasn't my original intention to publish this sourcecode, so I *
- * didn't comment the routines in the way as I would do, if the source- *
- * code should be released. For this reason nearly all comments are in *
- * German, but I decided to publish it, because a lot of coders wanted *
- * a copy from me. The important routines are partially optimised, but *
- * not the routines for display-, start-initialization and main-loop. *
- * I didn't want to waste much time, so I used parts of my older *
- * productions for controlling the important routines. *
- ************************************************************************
- * If you want to contact me for any reason write to the I.C.E. address
- * but mark your sending, that the other Cytax-members will notice
- * that they should give it to me.
- * (e.g. add something like: 'to Weaponmaster' or 'to WPM.')
- * For 'zooming' press left Mouse-Button, right MB for exit
- * The sourcecode works with 'Seka V3.2'
- >extern "testpic",origpic,32032 ;Bild muß folgendes Format haben
- ;4 Bitplanes (320*200), 8000 Bytes groß
- ;+ 16 Farben (dahinter)
- ;Makrodefinition zum Warten auf Blitter
- waitblit: macro
- wblit?0:
- btst #14,(A5)
- bne.s wblit?0
- endm
- start:
- move.l 4.w,a6
- jsr -132(a6) ;Forbid (eigentlich nicht notwendig,
- ;da IRQs später aus)
- lea grname,a1
- clr.l d0
- jsr -552(a6)
- move.l d0,graphicsbase
- beq error
- lea $dff002,a5
- move.w $1a(a5),intenaold
- move.w #$7fff,$98(a5) ;IRQs aus
- move.w #$03f0,$94(a5)
- move.w #$2c81,$8c(a5)
- move.w #$f5c1,$8e(a5)
- move.w #$38,$90(a5)
- move.w #$d0,$92(a5)
- move #$4200,$fe(a5)
- move.w #0,$100(a5)
- move.w #$2c07,d0
- move.w #$fffe,d1
- move.l #$01080078,d2
- move.l #$010a0078,d3
- move.w #$100,d4
- move.w #$f507,d5
- lea cpl_mod-6,a0
- cop_init1:
- move.w d0,(a0)+
- move.w d1,(a0)+
- move.l d2,(a0)+
- move.l d3,(a0)+
- add.w d4,d0
- cmp.w d5,d0
- blo.s cop_init1
- lea col1,a0
- lea $17e(a5),a1
- move.w #$f,d0
- cop_init2:
- move.w (a0)+,(a1)+
- dbf d0,cop_init2
- move.l #cladr,$7e(a5)
- move.w #0,$86(a5)
- move.l #planes1,planeakt
- move.l #planes2,planeverd
- clr.w bildnr
- move.l planeakt,d0
- move.w d0,cladr+2
- swap d0
- move.w d0,cladr+6
- swap d0
- add.l #40,d0
- move.w d0,cladr+10
- swap d0
- move.w d0,cladr+14
- swap d0
- add.l #40,d0
- move.w d0,cladr+18
- swap d0
- move.w d0,cladr+22
- swap d0
- add.l #40,d0
- move.w d0,cladr+26
- swap d0
- move.w d0,cladr+30
- move.w #$87c0,$94(a5)
- jsr tabinit
- jsr hauptprogramm
- move.w #$03f0,$94(a5)
- move.w intenaold,d0
- bset #15,d0
- move.w d0,$98(a5)
- move.l graphicsbase,a1
- move.l 38(a1),$7e(a5)
- move.w #0,$86(a5)
- jsr -414(a6)
- move.w #$83f0,$94(a5)
- error:
- jsr -138(a6)
- clr.l d0
- rts
- intenaold: dc.w 0
- hauptprogramm:
- clr.w bildnr
- ranzoomen:
- btst #10,$14(a5)
- beq ende
- btst #6,$bfe001
- bne.s ranzoomen
- move.w bildnr,d0
- move.l planeakt,a0
- lea 160(a0),a0
- move.l planeverd,a1
- lea 160(a1),a1
- lea origpic,a4
- bsr vergroessern
- bsr umschalten
- addq.w #1,bildnr
- cmpi.w #160,bildnr
- blt.s ranzoomen
- subq.w #1,bildnr
- move.l #$30000,d0
- verz:
- subq.l #1,d0
- bne.s verz
- wegzoomen:
- btst #10,$14(a5)
- beq ende
- btst #6,$bfe001
- bne.s wegzoomen
- move.w bildnr,d0
- move.l planeakt,a0
- lea 160(a0),a0
- move.l planeverd,a1
- lea 160(a1),a1
- bsr verkleinern
- bsr umschalten
- subq.w #1,bildnr
- bpl.s wegzoomen
- bra hauptprogramm
- ende:
- rts
- bildnr: dc.w 0
- ****************************************************************************
- umschalten:
- move.l planeakt,d0
- move.l planeverd,d1
- exg d0,d1
- move.l d0,planeakt
- move.l d1,planeverd
- waitrast:
- move.w 4(a5),d1
- and.w #$ff00,d1
- cmp.w #$f600,d1
- blo.s waitrast
- move.w d0,cladr+2
- swap d0
- move.w d0,cladr+6
- swap d0
- add.l #40,d0
- move.w d0,cladr+10
- swap d0
- move.w d0,cladr+14
- swap d0
- add.l #40,d0
- move.w d0,cladr+18
- swap d0
- move.w d0,cladr+22
- swap d0
- add.l #40,d0
- move.w d0,cladr+26
- swap d0
- move.w d0,cladr+30
- move.l #cpl_mod,d0
- waitblit
- move.l d0,$52(a5) ;DPT
- move.w #-40,$72(a5) ;ADAT
- move.w #10,$64(a5) ;DMOD
- move.l #$ffffffff,$42(a5) ;Masken
- move.l #$01f00000,$3E(a5) ;CON0
- move.w #$3241,$56(a5) ;SIZE
- move.w bildnr,d1
- add.w d1,d1
- add.w d1,d1
- lea ModTabZeiger,a0
- move.l (a0,d1.w),a0
- move.w (a0)+,d1 ;Offset
- move.w (a0)+,d2 ;Anzahl = Blt-Height
- beq.s um_next
- lsl.w #6,d2
- addq.w #1,d2 ;Bltsize
- ext.l d1
- add.l d0,d1 ;Startadresse.
- waitblit
- move.l a0,$4e(a5) ;APT
- move.l d1,$52(a5) ;DPT
- move.w #$09f0,$3e(a5) ;CON0
- move.w #0,$62(a5) ;AMOD
- move.w d2,$56(a5) ;Size
- um_next:
- waitblit
- move.l d0,$4e(a5) ;APT
- addq.l #4,d0
- move.l d0,$52(a5) ;DPT
- move.w #10,$62(a5) ;AMOD
- move.w #$09f0,$3E(a5) ;CON
- move.w #$3241,$56(a5) ;SIZE
- waitblit
- rts
- **********************************************************************
- * Startinitialisierungen der Zoom-Routine *
- **********************************************************************
- TabInit:
- lea ZeilenTab(PC),a0
- lea BitTab(PC),a1
- moveq #15,d0
- ti_loop1:
- lea WortTab(PC),a2
- move.w (a1)+,d1
- move.w #9,d2
- ti_loop2:
- move.w (a2)+,d3
- asl.w #4,d3
- add.w d1,d3
- move.w d3,(a0)+
- dbf d2,ti_loop2
- dbf d0,ti_loop1
- lea ArbeitsTab(pc),a0
- move.w #159,d0
- move.w #2000,d1
- ti_loop3:
- move.w d1,(a0)+
- dbf d0,ti_loop3
- lea ZeilenTab(pc),a0
- lea Einftab(pc),a1
- lea ArbeitsTab(pc),a2
- clr.w d0
- ti_loop4:
- move.w (a0,d0.w),d1
- moveq #-2,d2
- ti_loop5:
- addq.w #2,d2
- cmp.w (a2,d2.w),d1
- bgt.s ti_loop5
- lea 318(a2),a3
- lea (a2,d2.w),a4
- ti_loop6:
- move.w -(a3),2(a3)
- cmpa.l a4,a3
- bhi.s ti_loop6
- move.w d1,(a4)
- lsr.w #1,d2
- move.w d2,(a1)+
- addq.w #2,d0
- cmp.w #160*2,d0
- blo.s ti_loop4
- lea VielfachenTab,a2
- clr.w (a2)+
- move.w #120,d0
- move.w #160,d1
- move.w #200,d2
- ti_loop10:
- move.w d0,(a2)+
- add.w d1,d0
- dbf d2,ti_loop10
- ;Modulotabelle aufbauen
- lea modulotab,a0
- lea ModTabZeiger,a1
- lea Vielfachentab,a2
- moveq #1,d7 ;n = Breite /2
- move.l a0,(a1)+ ;Offset auf Daten in ModTab für
- move.l #0,(a0)+ ;Bildnr. 0 (nichts sichtbar)
- ti_loop9:
- move.l a0,(a1)+ ;Offset auf Daten in ModTab für
- ;jeweilige Bildnr.
- moveq #0,d6 ;Register für Coplistoffsets
- move.w d7,d0 ;n
- move.w d7,d2
- mulu #$a000,d0
- move.l #$640000,d1
- sub.l d0,d1
- swap d1 ;= erste Zeile, in der Modulos
- ;aus Tab geschrieben werden
- add.w d1,d1
- add.w d1,d1 ;4*
- add.w d1,d6 ;+
- add.w d1,d1 ;8*
- add.w d1,d6 ;=12* (da Move Mod1; Mod2; Wait =
- ;(3 CopperBefehle)
- add.l d0,d0
- swap d0 ;= 2n* 200/320 = Höhe
- move.l #$a000,d1
- divu d2,d1
- swap d1
- clr.w d1
- lsr.l #8,d1 ;$a000/n * $100 als $10000er-Bruch
- moveq #0,d2
- moveq #0,d4
- ;in d0: Anzahl (eigentlich Anzahl-1 wegen Zeile 0) -> Schleifenvar.
- ;in d1: Zähler zum Aufaddieren
- ;d2: Aufaddierungsregister
- ;d3:
- ;d4: Jeweils letzte Zeile
- ;d6: Coplistoffset
- ;a0: ModTab
- ;a1: ModZeiger
- ;a2: VielfachenTab
- move.w d6,(a0)+ ;Coplistoffset schreiben
- move.w d0,(a0)+ ;Anzahl-1 schreiben
- addq.w #1,-2(a0) ;+1 = Anzahl (Bltsize-Höhe)
- bra.s ti_loop7
- ti_loop8:
- add.l d1,d2 ;Zähler aufaddieren
- swap d2 ;= i-te Zeile
- move.w d2,d3 ;darzustellende OrigZeile
- sub.w d4,d3 ;- letzte OrigZeile = Zeilendifferenz
- add.w d3,d3 ;*2 = VielfachenOffset
- ;move.w d3,(a0)+
- move.w (a2,d3.w),(a0)+ ;Mod aus VfTab nach ModTab schreiben
- move.w d2,d4
- swap d2
- ti_loop7:
- dbf d0, ti_loop8
- move.w #201,d3 ;Von letzter Zeile (d4) auf OrgZeile 201
- sub.w d4,d3 ;Zeilendifferenz
- add.w d3,d3
- move.w (a2,d3.w),(a0)+
- ;move.w d3,(a0)+
- addq.w #1,d7
- cmp.w #160,d7
- bls.s ti_loop9
- rts
- ****************************************************************************
- verkleinern:
- ****************************************************************************
- ;A0 Quellpuffer
- ;A1 Zielpuffer
- ;Bildnr. in d0
- ;lea $dff002,a5
- add.w d0,d0
- lea EinfTab(pc),a2
- move.w #$9f,d6
- sub.w (a2,d0.w),d6
- move.l a0,a2 ;Pufferadr. kopieren
- move.l a1,a3
- move.w d6,d7
- not.w d7
- and.w #$f,d7 ;Bitnr. links in d7
- lsr.w #4,d6 ;Breite-1 in W. in d6
- move.w d6,d5
- add.w d5,d5 ;Breite-2 in B. in d5
- moveq #38,d0
- sub.w d5,d0
- move.w d6,d1
- add.w #$c801,d1
- waitblit
- move.l #$fffffffe,$42(a5) ;FWM,LWM
- movem.l a0/A1,$4E(a5) ;APT,DPT
- move.w d0,$62(a5) ;AMOD
- move.w d0,$64(a5) ;DMOD
- move.l #$19f00000,$3e(a5) ;CON0,CON1
- move.w d1,$56(a5) ;SIZE
- adda.w d5,a0
- adda.w d5,a1
- clr.w d4
- bset d7,d4
- subq.w #1,d4
- ;beq nächste Blitteroperation
- moveq #38,d2
- waitblit
- movem.l a0/a1,$4E(a5) ;APT,DPT
- move.l a1,$4a(a5) ;BPT
- move.w d2,$60(a5) ;BMOD
- move.w d2,$62(a5) ;AMOD
- move.w d2,$64(a5) ;DMOD
- move.w #$ffff,$44(a5) ;LWM
- move.w d4,$6e(a5) ;CDAT
- move.w #$0de4,$3e(a5) ;CON0
- move.w #$c801,$56(a5) ;SIZE
- *** MITTE
- moveq #18,d2
- sub.w d5,d2 ;Breite Mitte in W.
- beq.s vk_nextBlit ;falls 0, nächste Operation
- moveq #40,d3
- sub.w d2,d3
- sub.w d2,d3
- add.w #$c800,d2
- addq.w #2,a0
- addq.w #2,a1
- waitblit
- movem.l a0/a1,$4e(a5) ;APT,DPT
- move.w d3,$62(a5) ;AMOD
- move.w d3,$64(a5) ;DMOD
- move.w #$09f0,$3e(a5) ;CON0
- move.w d2,$56(a5) ;SIZE
- vk_nextblit:
- lea $7d00-2(a2),a2
- lea $7d00-2(a3),a3
- waitblit
- movem.l a2/a3,$4E(a5) ;APT,DPT
- move.w #$7fff,$44(a5) ;LWM
- move.w d0,$62(a5) ;AMOD
- move.w d0,$64(a5) ;DMOD
- move.l #$19f00002,$3e(a5) ;CON0,CON1
- move.w d1,$56(a5) ;SIZE
- eori.w #$f,d7
- addq.w #1,d7
- clr.w d4
- bset d7,d4
- ;subq.w #1,d7
- subq.w #1,d4
- not.w d4
- ;beq Ende (==> RTS)
- moveq #38,d2
- suba.w d5,a2
- suba.w d5,a3
- waitblit
- movem.l a2/a3,$4E(a5) ;APT,DPT
- move.l a3,$4a(a5) ;BPT
- move.w d2,$60(a5) ;BMOD
- move.w d2,$62(a5) ;AMOD
- move.w d2,$64(a5) ;DMOD
- move.w #$ffff,$44(a5) ;LWM
- move.w d4,$6e(a5) ;CDAT
- move.w #$0DE4,$3e(a5) ;CON0
- move.w #$c801,$56(a5) ;SIZE
- rts
- ****************************************************************************
- vergroessern:
- ****************************************************************************
- ;A0 Quellpuffer
- ;A1 Zielpuffer
- ;Bildnr. in d0
- ;A4 Zeiger auf OriginalBild
- lea $dff002,a5
- lea einftab(pc),a2
- add.w d0,d0
- move.w d0,-(a7) ;Tabellenoffset auf Stack retten
- move.w #$9f,d6
- sub.w (a2,d0.w),d6
- move.l a0,a2 ;Pufferadr. kopieren
- move.l a1,a3
- move.w d6,d7
- and.w #$f,d7 ;Bitpos rechts in d7
- lsr.w #4,d6 ;Breite-1 in W. d6
- move.w d6,d5
- add.w d5,d5 ;Breite-2 in B. in d5
- lea 38(a0),a0
- lea 38(a1),a1
- suba.w d5,a0 ;Startadr.
- suba.w d5,a1
- moveq #38,d0
- sub.w d5,d0 ;Modulo
- move.w d6,d1
- add.w #$c801,d1 ;Size
- waitblit
- move.l #$ffffffff,$42(a5) ;FWM,LWM
- movem.l a0/a1,$4e(a5) ;APT,DPT
- move.w d0,$62(a5) ;AMOD
- move.w d0,$64(a5) ;DMOD
- move.l #$19f00000,$3e(a5) ;CON0,CON1
- move.w d1,$56(a5) ;SIZE
- lea $7d00-4(a2),a0
- lea $7d00-2(a3),a1 ;Startadr.
- suba.w d5,a0
- suba.w d5,a1
- clr.w d4
- addq.w #1,d7
- bset d7,d4
- subq.w #1,d7
- subq.w #1,d4 ;Maske
- not.w d4
- ;beq next_Blit_OP
- moveq #38,d2 ;Modulo
- waitblit
- move.l a1,$4a(a5) ;BPT
- move.l a1,$4e(a5) ;APT
- move.l a1,$52(a5) ;DPT
- move.w d2,$60(a5) ;BMOD
- move.w d2,$62(a5) ;AMOD
- move.w d2,$64(a5) ;DMOD
- move.w d4,$6e(a5) ;CDAT
- move.l #$1de40002,$3e(a5) ;CON0,CON1
- move.w #$c801,$56(a5) ;SIZE
- ;next_Blit_O:P
- subq.w #2,a1
- *** MITTE
- moveq #18,d2
- sub.w d5,d2 ;Breite Mitte in W.
- beq.s vgr_nextblit ;falls 0, nächste Operation
- moveq #40,d3
- sub.w d2,d3
- sub.w d2,d3 ;Modulo
- waitblit
- movem.l a0/a1,$4e(a5) ;APT,DPT
- move.w d3,$62(a5) ;AMOD
- move.w d3,$64(a5) ;DMOD
- move.w d2,d3
- add.w #$c800,d2
- move.w #$09f0,$3e(a5) ;CON0
- move.w d2,$56(a5) ;SIZE
- add.w d3,d3
- suba.w d3,a0
- suba.w d3,a1
- vgr_nextblit:
- waitblit
- movem.l a0/a1,$4e(a5) ;APT,DPT
- move.w d0,$62(a5) ;AMOD
- move.w d0,$64(a5) ;DMOD
- move.w #$19f0,$3e(a5) ;CON0
- move.w d1,$56(a5) ;SIZE
- lea (a3,d5.w),a1
- moveq #38,d2
- clr.w d4
- eori.w #$f,d7
- bset d7,d4
- subq.w #1,d4
- ;beq nextOp
- waitblit
- move.l a1,$4a(a5) ;BPT
- move.l a1,$4e(a5) ;APT
- move.l a1,$52(a5) ;DPT
- move.w d2,$60(a5) ;BMOD
- move.w d2,$62(a5) ;AMOD
- move.w d2,$64(a5) ;DMOD
- move.w d4,$6e(a5) ;CDAT
- move.l #$1de40000,$3e(a5) ;CON0,CON1
- move.w #$c801,$56(a5) ;SIZE
- ;Daten, die jetzt noch benötigt werden:
- ;d5 (Breite-2) in Bytes
- ;a3 Zielpuffer
- ;a4 Zeiger auf OriginalBild
- ;d7 Bitnummer Einfügstelle links
- move.w (a7)+,d0 ;Bildnr.
- *** Zeile links einfügen
- lea ZeilenTab(pc),a2
- move.w (a2,d0.w),d6 ;Origzeile Zeilentab
- move.w #$9f,d1
- sub.w d6,d1 ;Origzeile $9f-Zeilentab
- move.w d1,d2
- not.w d2
- and.w #$f,d2 ;Bitpos Origzeile links
- lsr.w #4,d1
- add.w d1,d1 ;Offset in OrigBild in Bytes
- lea (a4,d1.w),a0 ;Quelle OrigBild
- lea (a3,d5.w),a1 ;Ziel A/D
- bsr einfuegen
- *** Zeile rechts einfügen
- neg.w d1
- lea 38(a4,d1.w),a0
- neg.w d5
- lea 38(a3,d5.w),a1
- eor #$f,d7
- eor #$f,d2
- bsr einfuegen
- rts
- einfuegen:
- clr.w d4
- bset d7,d4
- move.w d2,d3
- sub.w d7,d3
- bmi ef_desc
- ;ascending
- ror.w #4,d3 ;Barrelshifter-Bits positionieren
- or.w #$0de4,d3
- waitblit
- movem.l a0/a1,$4e(a5) ;APT,DPT
- move.l a1,$4a(a5) ;BPT
- move.w d3,$3e(a5) ;CON0
- move.w #0,$40(a5) ;CON1
- move.w d4,$6e(a5) ;CDAT
- move.w #$c801,$56(a5) ;SIZE
- rts
- ef_desc:
- neg.w d3
- ror.w #4,d3
- or.w #$0de4,d3
- lea 799*40(a0),a0
- lea 799*40(a1),a1
- waitblit
- movem.l a0/a1,$4e(a5) ;APT,DPT
- move.l a1,$4a(a5) ;BPT
- move.w d3,$3e(a5) ;CON0
- move.w #2,$40(a5) ;CON1
- move.w d4,$6e(a5) ;CDAT
- move.w #$c801,$56(a5) ;SIZE
- rts
- ZeilenTab: blk.w 160,0
- EinfTab: blk.w 160,0
- ArbeitsTab: blk.w 160,0
- WortTab: dc.w 0,5,7,3,9,1,6,4,8,2
- BitTab: dc.w 8,12,4,14,2,10,6,15,0,3,13,5,11,9,7,1
- grname: dc.b "graphics.library",0,0
- graphicsbase: dc.l 0
- cladr:
- dc.w $e2,0,$e0,0, $e6,0,$e4,0, $ea,0, $e8,0, $ee,0, $ec,0
- dc.w 0,0,0
- cpl_mod:
- blk.b 6,0
- blk.b 200*12
- dc.w $ffff,$fffe
- planeAkt: dc.l planes1
- planeVerd: dc.l planes2
- VielfachenTab: blk.w 202,0
- ModTabZeiger: blk.l 161,0
- ModuloTab: blk.b 33044 ;Format dc.w Coplistoffset,Anzahl,
- ; Wert1, Wert2, ...
- planes1: blk.b 32320,0
- planes2: blk.b 32320,0
- origpic: blk.b 32000,0
- col1: blk.w 16,0