ocr: INDEH I.C.E. ISSUE FOUR Poge:1/5 H THE PARTY ZONE Logical Level Codes 68 Upcomming Party's - 63 Tequila Party - 64 INTERVIEW VICTIMS MUSIC CORNER Chucky/The Gang - - 79 Doxos 80 Techno - The New Generation - I IIII 65 I Killr/Jetset 81 Reward/Scoopex 82-83 CHARTS 66 Timex - 85 Rebels (Different Members) II - 86-88 Fairlight 89 THE GAME ZONE 4ice/Legends 90 TUR/Wizzcat 92 The Stuff we are waiting for IV.. 67 TEHT - - - - - RendingTime: 0:00:17 Produced by CUTAH June '91