ocr: DISH-STEALER 19 Foge:l/L This time I wonna tolk about 0 1."JOU" wrote the Wrong oddress on the problem that every SHOpper knows.. envelope. find you forget also your DISK-STFAMING During My little address (faked stomps?) on the sHOpPErcoreer (I'm only 0 hobby- envelope. 5o your sending is lost swopper with only 30 contocts) Il lost forever. More than 10 disks. Why the hell I told you ?! I wonno soy that "I" OM 2.The post lost your sending. Very no Diskstealer. I think there are seldoM but it hoppens, Mony guys out there who sent US disx and get no answer After 5o guys out there stop the fuckin ...