ocr: - - AV - // - / - - // // // // // - / I/ - / I INIERNAIIONAL COMPUTER ENTERIAINMENT There are Many good Magazines: ZINE, HACK-MAG, D.I.S.C., CJ etc.i There are Many bad Magazines : 'II!'! : 'IIII etc.i There is a new Magazine Sorry forget the name.. I only know that it's a "cool" name. After a delay of : 2 MONTHS : CYTAX present the first issue of LCA It's only a average 1ssue, we know. But the reason is that all CYTAX Members aren't 50 good editors as the others (ZINE, CJ...) and we don't get Many articles (who wants to write for an unknown Mag 2). And our last bad excuse: our MAIN-SHAPPER,, ...