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- /* Grapevine article conversion AREXX script */
- /* R.J.Osbaldeston v1.00, July 1993 */
- arg filename dst_filename options
- If arg()=0 Then Do
- Say 'Please enter the article filename: '
- pull filename
- End
- If dst_filename == '' Then Do
- dst_filename = filename||'.cnv'
- End
- /* ++ Open GV article for read, and an output file for writing ++ */
- success = open('src_handle',filename,'r')
- If success = 0 Then Do
- Say 'Unable to open that Article!'
- exit
- End
- Else Do
- src_line = Readln('src_handle')
- /* Do a quick check on the file type */
- If Left(src_line,10) ~= '----------' Then Do
- Say 'ERROR: File Format, Not A Recognised Grapvine Article.'
- exit
- End
- End
- success = open('dst_handle',dst_filename,'w')
- If success = 0 Then Do
- Say 'Unable to open article destination.'
- exit
- End
- do_title = 1 /* check for command line options */
- If index(options,'/NO_TITLE')>0 Then do_title=0
- page_brk = copies('-',80) /* page break constant */
- lf_token1 = 'FF'x /* alternating linefeed token 1 */
- lf_token2 = 'FE'x /* alternating linefeed token 2 */
- lf_toggle_known = 0
- lf_toggle_tmp = 0
- pages_read = 0 /* number of pages processed */
- lf_toggle_col1 = 0 /* flags used to keep track of linefeeds .. */
- lf_toggle_col2 = 0 /* .. while writing to destination. */
- call time 'R' /* Reset timer, start timing now! */
- Say 'Working'
- call process_header /* Process the Grapevine article header */
- Do While ~eof('src_handle')
- first_col_buffer = ''
- second_col_buffer = ''
- lf_toggle_known = 0
- lf_toggle_tmp = 0
- lines_read = 0
- If (do_title & pages_read=0) Then call process_title
- /* process a text section, until End of the current page
- or the End of the source file, or buffer overflow. */
- /* ++ PROCESS A PAGE ++ */
- Do While (~eof('src_handle'))
- src_line = Trim(Readln('src_handle'))
- If src_line = page_brk Then Leave
- /* --- If Substr(src_line,39,2) ~= ' ' Then say '*' src_line --- */
- column_txt = Trim(Left(src_line,40))
- If length(column_txt)=0 Then
- Do
- first_col_buffer = first_col_buffer||'0A'x
- If lf_toggle_col1 Then first_col_buffer = first_col_buffer||'0A'x
- lf_toggle_col1 = 0
- End
- Else
- Do
- If lf_toggle_col1 Then
- first_col_buffer = first_col_buffer||column_txt||'0A'x
- Else
- first_col_buffer = first_col_buffer||column_txt||' '
- lf_toggle_col1 = ~lf_toggle_col1
- End
- column_txt=Delstr(src_line,1,40)
- If Words(column_txt)=0 Then
- Do
- second_col_buffer = second_col_buffer||'0A'x
- If lf_toggle_known Then
- Do
- If lf_toggle_col2 Then second_col_buffer = second_col_buffer||'0A'x
- End
- Else
- Do
- /* .. PROBLEM, lf_toggle not known at this point,and
- this will occationally cause an extra linefeed */
- second_col_buffer = second_col_buffer||'0A'x
- lf_toggle_known = 1
- End
- lf_toggle_col2 = 0
- End
- Else
- Do
- If lf_toggle_known Then
- Do
- If lf_toggle_col2 Then
- second_col_buffer = second_col_buffer||column_txt||'0A'x
- Else
- second_col_buffer = second_col_buffer||column_txt||' '
- lf_toggle_col2= ~lf_toggle_col2
- End
- Else
- Do
- If lf_toggle_tmp Then
- second_col_buffer = second_col_buffer||column_txt||lf_token2
- Else
- second_col_buffer = second_col_buffer||column_txt||lf_token1
- lf_toggle_tmp = ~lf_toggle_tmp
- End
- End
- lines_read = lines_read + 1
- End
- If lf_toggle_col1 Then
- Do
- ctrl_command1 = '0A'x
- ctrl_command2 = ' '
- End
- Else
- Do
- ctrl_command1 = ' '
- ctrl_command2 = '0A'x
- End
- lf_pos = pos(lf_token1,second_col_buffer)
- Do While lf_pos ~= 0
- second_col_buffer = overlay(ctrl_command1,second_col_buffer,lf_pos)
- lf_pos = pos(lf_token1,second_col_buffer,lf_pos)
- End
- lf_pos = pos(lf_token2,second_col_buffer)
- Do While lf_pos ~= 0
- second_col_buffer = overlay(ctrl_command2,second_col_buffer,lf_pos)
- lf_pos = pos(lf_token2,second_col_buffer,lf_pos)
- End
- Writech('dst_handle',first_col_buffer||second_col_buffer);
- If ~lf_toggle_known Then
- Do
- If lf_toggle_tmp Then lf_toggle_col1 = 1 Else lf_toggle_col1 = 0
- End
- Else
- Do
- lf_toggle_col1 = lf_toggle_col2
- End
- pages_read = pages_read + 1
- Say '.' /* keep the user interested */
- /* Check wether this is the End of article */
- If lines_read < 2 Then Leave
- End /* ..Otherwise continue loop */
- Close('src_handle') /* close files, free memory and exit */
- Close('dst_handle')
- Say 'Finished. <' pages_read 'Pages, Time taken' time('E')||'s >'
- Say ''
- Exit
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
- process_header: PROCEDURE
- prev_pos = Seek('src_handle',0,'B')
- header_line1 = Readln('src_handle')
- Writeln('dst_handle',header_line1)
- header_line2 = Readln('src_handle')
- Do while (Left(header_line2,10) ~= '----------')
- Writeln('dst_handle',header_line2)
- prev_pos = Seek('src_handle',0,'C')
- header_line2 = Readln('src_handle')
- End
- Writeln('dst_handle',header_line1)
- /* Often there is no LF after the End of the header and the
- start of the title, check for this and reset the file
- pointer appropriatley */
- If length(header_line2) > 80 Then Do
- curr_pos = Seek('src_handle',prev_pos,'B')
- header_line2 = Readch('src_handle',80)
- End
- Return(1)
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
- process_title: PROCEDURE EXPOSE lines_read lines_written do_title
- prev_pos = Seek('src_handle',0,'C')
- title_line = Readln('src_handle')
- lines_read = lines_read + 1
- Do While (lines_read<8 & ,
- (Words(title_line)=0 |,
- Substr(title_line,39,2) ~= ' ' |,
- check_leading(title_line) |,
- check_upper() |,
- check_dspace()))
- If length(title_line)<77 Then
- Do
- title_line = Strip(title_line,'B')
- Writeln('dst_handle', Centre(title_line,77))
- End
- Else
- Writeln('dst_handle',title_line)
- prev_pos = Seek('src_handle',0,'C')
- title_line = Readln('src_handle')
- lines_read = lines_read + 1
- End
- curr_pos = Seek('src_handle',prev_pos,'B')
- lines_read = lines_read - 1
- Return(1)
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
- check_dspace: EXPOSE title_line
- /* check wether characters are Doubled spaced */
- If Words(title_line)=0 Then Return(0)
- Do word_loop=1 To Words(title_line)
- If WordLength(title_line, word_loop) ~= 1 Then Return(0)
- End
- Return(1)
- check_upper: EXPOSE title_line
- /* check wether characters are all upper case */
- If Words(title_line)=0 Then Return(0)
- Do word_loop=1 To Length(title_line)
- If Substr(title_line,word_loop,1) >= 'a' &,
- Substr(title_line,word_loop,1) <= 'z' Then Return(0)
- End
- Return(1)
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
- check_leading:
- arg line_text
- /* check for leading spaces in line */
- If WordIndex(line_text,1) > 1 Then Return(1)
- Return(0)