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- P R E S E N T
- AdItor 1.0b
- By Shagratt of LSD
- 1 . 0 b U P D A T E
- This version now works on ALL kickstarts, however I have not changed this
- version whatsoever. After assembling 1.0a, I crunched it. This corrupted
- the hunk structure and it only worked on KS1.3. I have been unable to repeat
- the error, so i`m not blaming the cruncher used. If you want to test this
- further try using Monam2 on version 1.0a, it bombed it out because of the
- corrupted hunks.
- I N T R O D U C T I O N
- At last its here, the Grapevine advert editor! Now you can design and colour
- your own adverts for Grapevine. AdItor is fully multitasking but does not
- auto-detatch, so I recommend you "Run" it from the CLI.
- IMPORTANT: Your libs: directory MUST contain reqtools.library and
- powerpacker.library.
- M E N U D E S C R I P T I O N S
- LOAD ARTICLE: This loads a previously saved Grapevine format advert into the
- editor.
- LOAD ASCII: This loads a standard ASCII file into the editor, note it MUST be
- no more than 22 lines long (any more lines than 22 are shown).
- SAVE ARTICLE: This saves your edited GVadvert to disk, reqtools.library has
- named your .txt file as a .xxx file, so there's no need to name it.
- SHOW CR'S: This toggles a <RETURN> sign at the end of the lines, useful if you
- get a too-long line.
- PALETTE: Each GV advert can have a different palette of 8 colours. Use this
- to remap them. The last colour is flashing between the background colour
- (first colour) and this one.
- SAVE PALETTE: Save the current palette to disk
- LOAD PALETTE: Load the saved palette to your article.
- CLEAR: Clears the advert, ready to do another one.
- CENTRE: Centres a line
- QUIT: Guess!
- K E Y B O A R D C O M M A N D S
- LEFT AMIGA and M or N: Toggles between the CLI and the editor, so you can
- multi-task.
- F1 - F7 Select colour
- F8 - Nothing!
- F9 Double height
- F10 Double width, these can be used together to bring a bigger font, remember
- to put one space between each letter when using double width.
- SHIFT and F1 Selects a font, you are presented with a menu of 12 8x8 fonts
- either press the corresponding letter to select or use the mouse. The new font
- starts at your cursor position. The "Standard" font is font A, the italic is
- font "B". Some fonts are only suitable for titles etc.
- SHIFT and F2 Turns on the codes for AMIGA alt symbols, NOTE the £ sign is an
- amiga alt symbol!
- SHIFT and F3 Turns on the codes for PC alt symbols
- SHIFT and F4 Selects an alt symbol to be placed at the cursor pos, when using
- this the control code defaults to AMIGA alt symbols, so there's no need to
- press Shift and F2, if you want to use them.
- SHIFT and F5-F8 do nothing!
- SHIFT and F9 selects the 4chars by 4 chars size font, to use this you need
- THREE spaces between each letter.
- SHIFT and F10 Selects the 8 chars by 7 chars font, you need SEVEN spaces
- between letters! These last two are for titling!
- ALT and DEL deletes a line.
- DEL and BACKSPACE function as normal.
- M U L T I T A S K I N G
- AdItor is fully multitasking. Hard Drive users will find this feature very
- useful as they can copy disks using "Super Duper" while editing, this saves
- time and Pazza loves it! You can of course do anything that multi-tasks while it
- runs like play modules, ray trace a piccy, download from your modem etc. Isn't
- multi-tasking wonderful!
- B U G S
- There are no known bugs, Pazza has given this a good testing for a week! I have
- tried it on KS2 and it is 100%, I haven't tried it on an A1200, but you should
- have no problems, if you do try downgrading to standard chipset, cashe off, but
- I am not hitting any hardware! Let Pazza know of any bugs.
- E X A M P L E S
- There are a few examples on this disk, look in the "Examples" directory. Play
- with them, change them, see how effects work. There are many effects
- available, just play around with it!
- Y O U R F I N I S H E D A D V E R T
- MAIL: Send your advert on disk to;
- Pazza
- 2, South Parade
- Gainsborough
- Lincs
- DN21 1UQ
- England
- Or mail it to any Grapevine editor.
- MODEM: Call Pazza voice on +44 (0)427 677463, he will connect the modem for
- you. Do not try to upload any adverts to any LSD BBS's, it is unlikely they
- will get to GV in time. Pazza will have a BBS up soon, you will be able to
- upload adverts there!
- U P D A T E S
- As you may have noticed, the menu has gaps between gadgets. That is because
- the advert editor is a cut-down version of the GV article editor (for GV
- editors only, not distributed freely!), perhaps I will sort this out someday!
- Future versions will become available as more options etc. are added to GV!
- All speling mistaces (c) Pazza 1993!
- end.