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- Unit XUnit;
- {$F+}
- Interface
- Type
- AlphaType=Array [0..6,30..126] of Byte;
- RGB=Record
- Red:Byte;
- Grn:Byte;
- Blu:Byte;
- End;
- PaletteRegType=Array [0..255] of RGB;
- Var
- Alphafile:File of Byte;
- AlphaChar:^AlphaType;
- Procedure XSet320x240Mode;
- Procedure XSet80x25Mode;
- Procedure XPutPix(X,Y,PageBase,Color:Word);
- Procedure XFillRect(StartX,StartY,EndX,EndY,PageBase,Color:Word);
- Procedure XClrScr(PageBase:Word);
- Procedure XGetRGB(PaletteNum:Byte;var RGBVal:RGB);
- Procedure XPutRGB(PaletteNum:Byte;RGBVal:RGB);
- Procedure XRGB2Buf(var PBuf:PaletteRegType);
- Procedure XBuf2RGB(PBuf:PaletteRegType);
- Procedure XWriteString(Scale,X,Y:Integer;TheString:String;
- PageBase,Color:Integer);
- Procedure XWriteCenter(Scale,Y:Integer;TheString:String;
- PageBase,Color:Integer);
- Procedure XWriteDrop(Scale,X,Y:Integer;TheString:String;
- PageBase,ColorFG,ColorDrop:Integer);
- Procedure XWriteCenterDrop(Scale,Y:Integer;TheString:String;
- PageBase,ColorFG,ColorDrop:Integer);
- Implementation
- Uses CRT,DOS;
- Var
- Reg:Registers;
- Procedure XSet320x240Mode;
- { This procedure performs 2 functions:
- 1. Sets up the VGA to Mode X 320x240
- 2. Since the call to Mode 13h screws up the mouse parameters, these
- are set to default values (full-screen, sensitivity in both X and
- Y equal, and located in the center of the screen)
- It is always possible to set mouse parameters here because the mouse
- driver has always been set up as part of the initialization routine for
- this unit.}
- Const
- CRTParams:Array[0..9] of Word=($0d06,$3e07,$4109,$ea10,$ac11,$df12,
- $0014,$e715,$0616,$e317);
- Begin
- asm
- push bp
- push si
- push di
- mov ax,13h
- int 10h
- mov dx,03c4h {SC_INDEX}
- mov ax,0604h
- out dx,ax {Disable Chain4 Mode}
- mov ax,0100h {Synchronous reset while switching clocks}
- out dx,ax
- mov dx,03c2h {Misc Output}
- mov al,0e3h
- out dx,al {28 MHz dot clock/60 Hz scan rate}
- mov dx,03c4h
- mov ax,0300h
- out dx,ax {Undo reset (restart sequencer)}
- mov dx,03d4h {CTRC_INDEX}
- mov al,11h {VSync End reg contains register ...}
- out dx,al {... write protect bit}
- inc dx
- in al,dx
- and al,7fh
- out dx,al
- dec dx
- cld
- mov si,offset CRTParams
- mov cx,10
- @SetCRTParmsLoop:
- lodsw
- out dx,ax
- loop @SetCRTParmsLoop
- mov dx,03c4h
- mov ax,0f02h
- out dx,ax
- mov ax,SegA000 {Get Screen Segment from Pascal}
- mov es,ax
- sub di,di
- sub ax,ax
- mov cx,0FFFFh
- rep stosw
- pop di
- pop si
- pop bp
- End;
- End;
- Procedure XSet80x25Mode;
- Begin
- asm
- push bp
- mov ax,3
- int 10h
- pop bp
- end;
- End;
- Procedure XPutPix(X,Y,PageBase,Color:Word);
- Begin
- asm
- mov ax,80
- mul Y {offset of pixel's scan line in page}
- mov bx,X {X value to bx register}
- mov cl,bl {Lower byte to cl, we'll use it later}
- shr bx,1 {Divide X by 4 ...}
- shr bx,1 {... X/4 = offset of pixel in scan line}
- add bx,ax {offset of pixel in page}
- add bx,PageBase {Offset of pixel in display memory}
- mov ax,SegA000 {Get Screen seg from Pascal}
- mov es,ax {point ES:BX to the pixel's address}
- and cl,011b {CL = pixel's plane}
- mov ax,0102h {AL = index in SC of Map Mask reg}
- shl ah,cl {set only the bit for the pixel's plane to 1}
- mov dx,03C4H {set the Map Mask to enable only the ...}
- out dx,ax { ... pixel's plane}
- mov al,byte ptr [Color]
- mov es:[bx],al {draw the pixel in the desired color}
- end;
- End;
- Procedure XFillRect(StartX,StartY,EndX,EndY,PageBase,Color:Word);
- Const
- LMask:Array[0..3] of Byte=($f,$e,$c,$8);
- RMask:Array[0..3] of Byte=($f,$1,$3,$7);
- Begin
- asm
- push bp {save away regs we'll use here}
- push si
- cld
- mov ax,80
- mul StartY {offset in page of top rectangle scan line}
- mov di,StartX
- shr di,1 {X/4 = offset of first rectangle pixel in ... }
- shr di,1 {... scan line}
- add di,ax {offset of first rectangle pixel in page}
- add di,PageBase {offset of first rectangle pixel in disp memory}
- mov ax,SegA000 {point ES:DI to the first rectangle}
- mov es,ax {pixel's address}
- mov dx,03C4H {set the Sequence Controller Index to ... }
- mov al,02H {...point to the Map Mask register}
- out dx,al
- inc dx {point DX to the SC Data register}
- mov si,StartX
- and si,0003h {look up left edge plane mask}
- mov bh,byte ptr LMask[si] {to clip & put in BH}
- mov si,EndX
- and si,0003h {look up right edge plane}
- mov bl,byte ptr RMask[si] {mask to clip & put in BL}
- mov cx,EndX {calculate # of addresses across rect}
- mov si,StartX
- cmp cx,si
- jle @FillDone {skip if 0 or negative width}
- dec cx
- and si,not 011b
- sub cx,si
- shr cx,1
- shr cx,1 {# of addrs across rectangle to fill - 1}
- jnz @MasksSet {there's more than one byte to draw}
- and bh,bl {there's only one byte, so combine the left ...
- ... and right edge clip masks}
- @MasksSet:
- mov si,EndY
- sub si,StartY {BX = height of rectangle}
- jle @FillDone {skip if 0 or negative height}
- mov ah,byte ptr [Color] {color with which to fill}
- mov bp,80 {stack frame isn't needed any more}
- sub bp,cx {distance from end of one scan line to start ...}
- dec bp {... of next}
- @FillRowsLoop:
- push cx {remember width in addresses - 1}
- mov al,bh {put left-edge clip mask in AL}
- out dx,al {set the left-edge plane (clip) mask}
- mov al,ah {put color in AL}
- stosb {draw the left edge}
- dec cx {count off left edge byte}
- js @FillLoopBottom {that's the only byte}
- jz @DoRightEdge {there are only two bytes}
- mov al,00fh {middle addresses are drawn 4 pixels at a pop}
- out dx,al {set the middle pixel mask to no clip}
- mov al,ah {put color in AL}
- rep stosb {draw the middle addresses four pixels apiece}
- @DoRightEdge:
- mov al,bl {put right-edge clip mask in AL}
- out dx,al {set the right-edge plane (clip) mask}
- mov al,ah {put color in AL}
- stosb {draw the right edge}
- @FillLoopBottom:
- add di,bp {point to the start of the next scan line of ...
- ... rectangle}
- pop cx {retrieve width in addresses - 1}
- dec si {count down scan lines}
- jnz @FillRowsLoop
- @FillDone:
- pop si
- pop bp {restore caller's stack frame}
- End;
- End;
- Procedure XClrScr(PageBase:Word);
- { Clears screen PageBase. More exactly, fills screen PageBase with palette #
- zero's, which is usually set to black.}
- Begin
- XFillRect(0,0,320,240,PageBase,0);
- End;
- Procedure XGetRGB(PaletteNum:Byte;var RGBVal:RGB);
- { Return RGB values for PaletteNum into var RGBVal }
- Begin
- Reg.AX:=$1015;
- Reg.BL:=PaletteNum;
- Intr($10,Reg);
- RGBVal.Red:=Reg.DH;
- RGBVal.Grn:=Reg.CH;
- RGBVal.Blu:=Reg.CL;
- End;
- Procedure XPutRGB(PaletteNum:Byte;RGBVal:RGB);
- { Write RGBVal to PaletteNum }
- Begin
- Reg.AX:=$1010;
- Reg.BX:=PaletteNum;
- Reg.DH:=RGBVal.Red;
- Reg.CH:=RGBVal.Grn;
- Reg.CL:=RGBVal.Blu;
- Intr($10,Reg);
- End;
- Procedure XRGB2Buf(var PBuf:PaletteRegType);
- { Copy all RGB Palette values to a buffer, PBuf }
- Begin
- Reg.AX:=$1017;
- Reg.BX:=$0000;
- Reg.CX:=256;
- Reg.ES:=Seg(PBuf);
- Reg.DX:=Ofs(PBuf);
- Intr($10,Reg);
- End;
- Procedure XBuf2RGB(PBuf:PaletteRegType);
- { Copy values from PBuf into RGB Palettes }
- Begin
- Reg.AX:=$1012;
- Reg.BX:=$0000;
- Reg.CX:=256;
- Reg.ES:=Seg(PBuf);
- Reg.DX:=Ofs(PBuf);
- Intr($10,Reg);
- End;
- Procedure LoadFonts;
- Var
- I,J:Integer;
- Begin
- Assign(AlphaFile,'FONT7X7.DAT');
- {$I-}
- Reset(AlphaFile);
- {$I+}
- If IOResult<>0 then
- Begin
- XSet80x25Mode;
- WriteLn('Error: Font file FONT7X7.DAT not found.');
- Halt(0);
- End;
- New(AlphaChar);
- For I:=0 to 6 do For J:=33 to 126 do
- Read(AlphaFile,AlphaChar^[I,J]);
- Close(AlphaFile);
- End;
- Procedure XWriteString(Scale,X,Y:Integer;TheString:String;
- PageBase,Color:Integer);
- { This procedure writes a string using the 7x7 font set loaded by the
- LoadFonts procedure. The parameters are:
- Scale: An integer. If 1, each font is 7x7 pixels with 1 1-pixel space
- between each character. If 2, each font is 14x14 pixels with a 2-pixel
- space between each letter. I have tried scales up to 4, but it should
- work with any reasonable integer number.
- X,Y: The X,Y pixel coordinates (in real screen coordinates, [0,0] being
- the upper left of the screen, [319,239] being the lower right) of the
- bottom left corner of the text to be written.
- TheString: The string to be written.
- PageBase: Offset into screen memory.
- Color: A number from 0 to 255. This is actually the palette number to use
- for the text, not the color. The actual colors are defined by the PutRGB
- and/or the Buf2RGB procedures. }
- Var
- I,CharPos,CharNum,PixNum:Byte;
- Begin
- Y:=Y-(7*Scale-1); {Shift Y so that text bottom falls at specified Y}
- For CharPos:=1 to Length(TheString) do {For each character in the string}
- Begin
- CharNum:=Ord(TheString[CharPos]); {Get ASCII code of that character}
- {Next, if character is lowercase, make it uppercase. This is because
- I have not defined fonts for lowercase letters.}
- If CharNum in [96..123] then CharNum:=CharNum-32;
- {If the character is not a space, then draw it}
- If CharNum<>32 then For I:=0 to (7*Scale-1) do
- For PixNum:=0 to (7*Scale-1) do
- Begin
- {For each bit set to 1 in the font map Alphachar^[Row,Code], light
- up the pixel corresponding to that bit position. If you wish, remove
- the curly-braces from "and (X+PixNum<319)", and then pixels whose X
- coordinates are greater than 319 will be clipped. No checks have been
- made for wrapping in the Y direction.}
- If ((AlphaChar^[(I div Scale),CharNum] Shr (7-(PixNum div Scale)))
- and $01 = $01) {and (X+PixNum<319)} then
- XPutPix(X+PixNum,Y+I,PageBase,Color);
- End;
- X:=X+8*Scale; {Step X to prepare for next letter}
- End;
- End;
- Procedure XWriteCenter(Scale,Y:Integer;TheString:String;
- PageBase,Color:Integer);
- { This procedure writes a string using the 7x7 font set loaded by the
- LoadFonts procedure. The text is centered on the screen in the X
- direction, so no X coordinate is passed to this procedure. X is cal-
- culated within this procedure, then a call is made to WriteString,
- the most primitive string writing procedure. For parameter meanings
- see XWriteString procedure}
- Begin
- XWriteString(Scale,159-Length(TheString)*4*Scale,Y,TheString,PageBase,
- Color);
- End;
- Procedure XWriteDrop(Scale,X,Y:Integer;TheString:String;
- PageBase,ColorFG,ColorDrop:Integer);
- { This is like XWriteString, but writes the string with a drop-shadow one
- pixel below and to the left of the font. ColorFG is the foreground color,
- ColoroDrop is the drop-shadow color. As before, "color" actually refers
- to palette number, not the true color.}
- Begin
- XWriteString(Scale,X-1,Y+1,TheString,PageBase,ColorDrop);
- XWriteString(Scale,X,Y,TheString,PageBase,ColorFG);
- End;
- Procedure XWriteCenterDrop(Scale,Y:Integer;TheString:String;
- PageBase,ColorFG,ColorDrop:Integer);
- {Write string centered on the screen in X, with drop shadow. See XWrite-
- Center procedure.}
- Begin
- XWriteString(Scale,158-Length(TheString)*4*Scale,Y+1,TheString,PageBase,
- ColorDrop);
- XWriteCenter(Scale,Y,TheString,PageBase,ColorFG);
- End;
- Begin
- LoadFonts;
- End.