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- Program GameNotes2Cover;
- Uses CRT,DOS,XUnit;
- Type
- ColType=Array [0..239] of Byte;
- TimeRec=Record
- H,M,S,S100:Word;
- End;
- Var
- CurrentRGB:RGB;
- PaletteBuf,PaletteSave:PaletteRegType;
- I,X,Y,NewINdex:Integer;
- OneByte:Byte;
- InFile:File of ColType;
- ColBuf:ColType;
- STime,CTime:TimeRec; {Start time, Current Time}
- StartSecs,EndSecs,DisplayTime:LongInt;
- StopNow:Boolean;
- ErrCode,LastCount:Integer;
- LastCountText:String;
- MonthStr:String;
- OneKey:Char;
- Begin
- Val(ParamStr(1),DisplayTime,ErrCode); {Get command line parameter, time}
- If ErrCode<>0 then DisplayTime:=15; {If bad or no time entered, 15 secs}
- If DisplayTime>999 then DisplayTime:=999; {>999 seconds not allowed}
- StopNow:=False;
- XRGB2Buf(PaletteBuf); {Read default palette set into PaletteBuf variable}
- PaletteSave:=PaletteBuf; {Save palettes for restoring later}
- {Do not put the following before RGB2Buf or it will not function
- correctly on STB PowerGraph cards.}
- MonthStr:=ParamStr(2);
- MonthStr:=MonthStr+' 1994';
- XSet320x240Mode; {Set screen to X-mode}
- {This For loop sets up palettes. There's no magic here, I just fooled
- around with the values I'm assigning 'til I thought it looked pretty.
- Note that only palettes 32 to 255 are being assigned. This is because
- palettes 0-31 will be used for colors which do not change, while palettes
- 32-255 will be altered to animate the display.}
- For I:=32 to 255 do
- Begin
- PaletteBuf[I].Red:=I div 2;
- PaletteBuf[I].Blu:=I div 4;
- PaletteBuf[I].Grn:=I;
- End;
- XBuf2RGB(PaletteBuf); {Write the palettes to VGA}
- Assign(InFile,'PLASPIC.DAT'); {Read the plasma bitmap}
- {$I-}
- Reset(InFile);
- {$I+}
- If IOResult<>0 then {couldn't find the file}
- Begin
- XSet80x25Mode; {go back to text mode before displaying message}
- WriteLn('File PLASPIC.DAT must be in the same directory as GH1TITLE.EXE.');
- WriteLn('Program halted. Hit <CR> to continue.');
- ReadLn;
- Halt(0); {Stop the program}
- End;
- For X:=0 to 319 do {For each screen column ...}
- Begin
- Read(InFile,ColBuf); { ... read in 1 column of data from file ... }
- For Y:=0 to 239 do XPutPix(X,Y,0,ColBuf[Y]); { ... and draw it.}
- End;
- Close(InFile); {Close bitmap file, we're done with it.}
- { Now we're done with the plasma bitmap and we need to draw the text
- and non-animated parts of the screen. }
- XFillRect(9,9,146,81,0,0); {Black rect, 1 pixel bigger per edge than ...}
- XFillRect(10,10,145,80,0,1); { ... this blue rectangle. "GAME HACK" will
- be drawn in this blue area with a black border.}
- XFillRect(19,199,301,236,0,0); {Black rect, 1 pix bigger per edge than ...}
- XFillRect(20,200,300,235,0,1); { ... this blue rectangle. Text and prompt
- will be drawn inside this blue area with a black border.}
- {The next group of commands draws all the text on the screen}
- XWriteDrop(4,15,40,'GAME',0,127,0); {Note scaling of 4}
- XWriteDrop(4,15,75,'HACK',0,63,0);
- XWriteDrop(1,234,25,'ISSUE # 1',0,15,0);
- XWriteDrop(1,306-Length(MonthStr)*8,15,MonthStr,0,15,0);
- XWriteCenterDrop(1,210,'AN ELECTRONIC MAGAZINE PUBLISHED',0,15,0);
- XWriteCenterDrop(1,220,'BY VISUAL IMPACT SOFTWARE',0,15,0);
- If DisplayTime=0 then
- XWriteCenterDrop(1,230,'HIT A KEY TO CONTINUE',0,15,0) else
- XWriteCenterDrop(1,230,'HIT A KEY TO CONTINUE OR WAIT 000',0,15,0);
- {Now let's animate the display by messing with the palettes.}
- With STime do
- Begin
- GetTime(H,M,S,S100); {Find the current time}
- StartSecs:=H*3600+M*60+S; {Calc start time in seconds}
- End;
- NewIndex:=0; {Just a variable to increment}
- Repeat {Continue the animation}
- Inc(NewIndex);
- For I:=32 to 255 do {Calculate a new set of palette colors}
- Begin
- PaletteBuf[I].Red:=(I+NewIndex) div 2;
- PaletteBuf[I].Blu:=(I+NewIndex) div 4;
- PaletteBuf[I].Grn:=(I+NewIndex);
- End;
- XBuf2RGB(PaletteBuf); {Write the new palette set to VGA}
- If NewIndex=255 then NewIndex:=0;
- With CTime do
- Begin
- GetTime(H,M,S,S100); {Get the current time}
- EndSecs:=H*3600+M*60+S; {Calc current time in seconds}
- End;
- {The next statement adjusts for the rare midnight-crossing}
- If EndSecs-StartSecs<0 then StartSecs:=StartSecs-86400;
- If EndSecs-StartSecs>DisplayTime then StopNow:=True;
- If LastCount<>DisplayTime-EndSecs+StartSecs then {Secs changed, redraw}
- Begin {As a completely frivolous exercise, show the countdown}
- XFillRect(262,224,292,232,0,1); {Blank countdown text}
- LastCount:=DisplayTime-EndSecs+StartSecs; {Substitute new count}
- Str(LastCount,LastCountText); {Convert to string for WriteDrop}
- While Length(LastCountText)<3
- do LastCountText:='0'+LastCountText; {Pad 0's}
- If (LastCount<>-1) and (DisplayTime>0) then
- XWriteDrop(1,268,230,LastCountText,0,15,0); {write it to the screen}
- End;
- If DisplayTime=0 then StopNow:=False; {If DisplayTime=0, no time limit}
- Until KeyPressed or StopNow; {Until the user presses a key}
- If not StopNow then Repeat OneKey:=ReadKey Until not KeyPressed;
- {Flush keyboard buffer}
- XBuf2RGB(PaletteSave); {Restore palettes to their entry values}
- XSet80x25Mode; {Go back to text mode}
- TextBackGround(Black);
- {Write credits screen}
- ClrScr;
- TextBackGround(Green);
- TextColor(White);
- WriteLn(' About the cover art ... ');
- TextColor(White);
- TextBackGround(Black);
- WriteLn;
- WriteLn('GAME HACK Issue # 1 Mode-X animated cover by Fred Trafton.');
- WriteLn;
- WriteLn('640x480 plasma created by IMPROCES, read by Sean Wetzel''s GIFPAS Pascal');
- WriteLn('unit, then translated to 320x240 X-mode bitmap by Fred Trafton.');
- WriteLn;
- WriteLn('Sean Wetzel''s GIFPAS unit can be downloaded from the CompuServe Borland Pascal');
- WriteLn('Forum. Type GO BPASCAL from the CompuServe prompt. IMPROCES can be downloaded');
- WriteLn('from the Graphics Support Forum, type GO GRAPHSUP from the CompuServe prompt.');
- WriteLn('The Mode X assembly routines are heavily based upon Michael Abrash''s articles');
- WriteLn('in Dr. Dobb''s Journal on the subject, and were modified by me for use with');
- WriteLn('Borland Pascal rather than C.');
- WriteLn;
- WriteLn('Source code for this cover is included in this issue.');
- WriteLn;
- TextColor(Magenta);
- WriteLn('Hit any key to read GAME HACK Issue # 1 ...');
- With STime do
- Begin
- GetTime(H,M,S,S100); {Find the current time}
- StartSecs:=H*3600+M*60+S; {Calc start time in seconds}
- End;
- StopNow:=False;
- Repeat
- With CTime do
- Begin
- GetTime(H,M,S,S100); {Get the current time}
- EndSecs:=H*3600+M*60+S; {Calc current time in seconds}
- End;
- {The next statement adjusts for the rare midnight-crossing}
- If EndSecs-StartSecs<0 then StartSecs:=StartSecs-86400;
- If EndSecs-StartSecs>DisplayTime then StopNow:=True;
- If DisplayTime=0 then StopNow:=False;
- Until KeyPressed or StopNow;
- If not StopNow then Repeat OneKey:=ReadKey Until not KeyPressed;
- TextColor(LightGray);
- TextBackground(Black);
- ClrScr;
- End.