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- //***************************************************************************
- //* *
- //* Interactive 3D Kit *
- //* *
- //* I3D API *
- //* *
- //* (c) 1993 Jim O'Keane *
- //* All Rights Reserved Worldwide *
- //* *
- //***************************************************************************
- #ifndef _I3DKIT_H
- #define _I3DKIT_H 1
- // Simple macros to facilitate global vars in .h files
- // Define MAIN in only one file before #includes.
- #ifndef MAIN
- #define GLOBAL extern
- #else
- #define GLOBAL
- #endif
- // MS Windows-like types
- #ifndef TRUE
- typedef unsigned char BYTE;
- typedef unsigned short WORD;
- typedef unsigned long DWORD;
- typedef short BOOL;
- #define FALSE 0
- #define TRUE 1
- #endif
- #ifndef FAR
- #define FAR far
- #endif
- #ifndef PASCAL
- #define PASCAL pascal
- #endif
- #ifdef __FLAT__
- // If 32 bit compiler, dump the "far" and the "pascal"
- #undef FAR
- #define FAR
- #undef PASCAL
- #define PASCAL
- #endif
- // pointer to the 3D Window buffer, alloc'd by your code
- // Maps are always 128 by 128 blocks. (128 x 128 x 2 = 32K Bytes)
- // If you need a smaller map, just don't use whole array.
- // The map contains indexes into the block definition array.
- #define MAP_WIDTH 128
- #define MAP_HEIGHT 128
- // Map array type
- // size of map blocks (high byte of coords is map coord)
- #define BLOCK_SIZE 256
- // mask is used to find position inside a block
- #define BLOCK_MASK 255
- // shift is used to find the map coords
- #define BLOCK_SHIFT 8
- // Block shape types
- #define BLOCK_EMPTY 0 // block is empty (just floor & ceiling)
- #define BLOCK_CUBE 1 // block is a cube
- #define BLOCK_HORZ 2 // block is a horizontal (EW) divider
- #define BLOCK_VERT 3 // block is a vertical (NS) divider
- #define BLOCK_ACTOR 4 // block is an actor or prop (a thing)
- // Bit flags
- #define BLOCK_TRANS 1 // block is transparent
- #define BLOCK_WALL 2 // block is an impassable
- // definition of a block
- typedef struct tag_block
- {
- short ns_wall; // wall panel to show (-1 = none)
- short ew_wall; // wall panel to show (-1 = none)
- short ceil; // ceiling panel to show
- short floor; // floor panel to show
- short shape; // type of shape
- short flags; // bit flags
- short x_offset; // positional offset (+/- 1/2 BLOCK_SIZE)
- short y_offset; // used to animate blocks and things
- short user1;
- short user2; // free for user defined uses
- short user3;
- short user4;
- } BLOCK;
- // if a block is an actor or prop, cast the block struct to this:
- typedef struct tag_thing
- {
- short panel; // base panel to show (-1 = none)
- short block; // what background block is at this location
- short views; // how many directions give different views?
- short heading; // direction facing
- short shape; // type of shape
- short flags; // bit flags
- short x_offset; // positional offset +/- 1/2 BLOCK_SIZE
- short y_offset; // used to animate blocks and things
- short user1;
- short user2; // free for user defined uses
- short user3;
- short user4;
- } THING;
- // standard image operator macros
- #define IMAGE_SIZE256(w,h) ((unsigned short)((long)(w)*(h)))
- #define PIXPOS(x,y,w) (((y)*(w))+(x))
- // handy macros
- #define MIN(a,b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b))
- #define MAX(a,b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b))
- #define SIGN(x) (((x) < 0) ? -1 : (((x) > 0) ? 1 : 0))
- #define ABS(x) ((x)<0 ? -(x):(x))
- // Prototypes ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Quicky integer math functions. High speed, low accuracy.
- short FAR q_sin( short angle );
- short FAR q_cos( short angle );
- void FAR rotate(short *x, short *y, short cx, short cy, short angle);
- // I3D functions ////////////////////////////
- // Tell the I3D engine what map to use. I3D keeps a copy of
- // this pointer, so you can change the map on the fly.
- BOOL FAR i3d_set_map(MAPTYPE FAR *map_ptr);
- // Tell the I3D engine about the texture map panels. I3D keeps a copy of
- // the pointer to the panel list, so you can change the texture maps on
- // the fly.
- BOOL FAR i3d_set_panels(short num_panels, BYTE FAR **panel_list,
- short size,short shift);
- // Tell the I3D engine about you block definition list. I3D keeps a copy
- // of the pointer to the block list, so you can change the block definitions
- // on the fly.
- BOOL FAR i3d_set_blocks(short num_blocks, BLOCK FAR *block_list);
- // Tell the I3D engine to use a solid color for floors and ceilings. If set
- // to zero, uses texture mapped floors and ceilings.
- BOOL FAR i3d_set_floor_ceil(short floor_col, short ceil_col);
- // Tell the I3D engine the dimensions of the window buffer it uses, and
- // the width of a line in bytes.
- BOOL FAR i3d_set_window_buffer(short width, short height,
- short line_width, BOOL invert,
- short scale, BYTE FAR *buf);
- // Ask I3D to create a frame in the window buffer.
- void FAR i3d_view_scan256(short viewer_x, short viewer_y,
- short eye_angle,
- short viewer_heading);
- // Ask I3D to tell you what is hit at a particular point in the window buffer.
- void FAR i3d_hit_scan256(short viewer_x, short viewer_y,
- short eye_angle,
- short viewer_heading,
- short click_x, short click_y,
- short FAR *h_x, short FAR *h_y, short FAR *h_z,
- short FAR *block_id, short FAR *panel_u, short FAR *panel_v);
- #endif