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- // HLD.C - Horizontal Line Drawing
- // Written by Phil Inch for Game Developers Magazine (issue 2).
- // Contributed to the public domain.
- // This program written and compiled with Borland C++ v3.1
- // Compatibility with other compilers is not guaranteed.
- // Usage of this program is subject to the disclaimer printed
- // in the magazine. You assume all risks associated with the use
- // of this program.
- // Note to experienced C programmers: I'm deliberately using 'double'
- // instead of 'int' to exaggerate the optimisation. I don't know if
- // other languages optimise integer calculations as well as C does
- // so by doing this I hope to present a more general result.
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <conio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <time.h>
- #include <dos.h>
- // Routine to swap to integers
- void swap( double a, double b ) {
- double temp;
- temp = a;
- a = b;
- b = temp;
- }
- // Routine to put screen into mode 13h
- void set_mode_13h( void ) {
- asm {
- mov ax,0x13
- int 0x10
- }
- }
- // Routine to put screen into mode 3h (text mode)
- void set_text_mode( void ) {
- asm {
- mov ax,0x03
- int 0x10
- }
- }
- // Slow horizontal line drawing program
- void slow_horizontal_line( double x1, double x2, double y, unsigned char colour ) {
- char far *screen_location;
- double xcount;
- for ( xcount = x1; xcount <= x2; xcount++ ) {
- screen_location = MK_FP( 0xA000, ( (int)y*320 ) + (int)xcount );
- *screen_location = colour;
- }
- }
- // Fast horizontal line drawing program
- void fast_horizontal_line( double x1, double x2, double y, unsigned char colour ) {
- char far *screen_location;
- double xcount;
- screen_location = MK_FP( 0xA000, ((int)y*320) + (int)x1 );
- for ( xcount = x1; xcount <= x2; xcount++ ) {
- *screen_location = colour;
- screen_location++;
- }
- }
- // This is where the program first starts
- void main( void ) {
- double x1, x2, y;
- long lines, number_of_lines;
- unsigned char colour;
- char input[80];
- clock_t slow_start, slow_end, slow_elapsed;
- clock_t fast_start, fast_end, fast_elapsed;
- clrscr();
- printf( "*** HORIZONTAL LINE DRAWING DEMO ***\n\n" );
- printf( "Suggestions for number of lines:\n\n" );
- printf( "486/50: 25000\n" );
- printf( "486/33: 10000\n" );
- printf( "486/25: 5000\n" );
- printf( "386/40: 500\n" );
- printf( "386/33: 200\n" );
- printf( "lower : 100\n\n" );
- printf( "Enter number of lines to draw: " );
- gets( input );
- number_of_lines = atol(input);
- if ( number_of_lines <= 0 ) {
- printf( "That's not a valid number!" );
- exit(1);
- }
- set_mode_13h();
- gotoxy( 18, 13 ); puts( "\"Slow\"" ); delay( 1500 );
- slow_start = clock();
- for ( lines = 0; lines < number_of_lines; lines++ ) {
- x1 = rand()%320; // 0 <= x1 <= 319
- x2 = rand()%320; // 0 <= x2 <= 319
- y = rand()%200; // 0 <= y <= 199
- colour = rand()%256; // 0 <= colour <= 255
- if ( x1 > x2 ) swap( x1, x2 );
- slow_horizontal_line( x1, x2, y, colour );
- }
- slow_end = clock();
- slow_elapsed = slow_end - slow_start;
- set_mode_13h(); // quick way of clearing the screen
- gotoxy( 18, 13 ); puts( "\"Fast\"" ); delay( 1500 );
- fast_start = clock();
- for ( lines = 0; lines < number_of_lines; lines++ ) {
- x1 = rand()%320; // 0 <= x1 <= 319
- x2 = rand()%320; // 0 <= x2 <= 319
- y = rand()%200; // 0 <= y <= 199
- colour = rand()%256; // 0 <= colour <= 255
- if ( x1 > x2 ) swap( x1, x2 );
- fast_horizontal_line( x1, x2, y, colour );
- }
- fast_end = clock();
- fast_elapsed = fast_end - fast_start;
- set_text_mode();
- printf( "\n\nTimes for %ld lines:\n", number_of_lines );
- printf( "\nSLOW: Took %ld clock cycles (about %ld seconds)\n",
- slow_elapsed, 5*(9+slow_elapsed)/91 );
- printf( "\nFAST: Took %ld clock cycles (about %ld seconds)\n",
- fast_elapsed, 5*(9+fast_elapsed)/91 );
- printf( "\nSAVING: FAST was %ld clock cycles (about %ld seconds) faster!\n\n",
- slow_elapsed-fast_elapsed, 5*(9+slow_elapsed-fast_elapsed)/91 );
- }