ocr: - Fri Jun 01 09:00:00 1990 Current Popularity: 50% Days to Election: 886 AORLD PEACE LEVELS XXXXHXXXXXXNE Nr LEADERSHIP EFFECTIVENESS.. 61% MF resident's robabilicy 2 of successtul ActION GLOBAL PEACE - TOTAL INFLUENCE : 23% STABLE PEACE U.5. % of World Pouer COLD PEACE u.S. QUALITY of LIFE : 100% COLD WAR Standard of Living" a Compared to World's HOT WAR Highest Ever Reached I PURE ANARCHY Fr - = - WORLD QUALITY of LIFE.. 22% Average "Standard of Living" Lompared to World's Highest Ever Reached AVERAGE AORLD CITY PRRTA Mr 2r M Display World Lualuation Dlalog Box 1 A WORLD UIEW e