ocr: BAIILESIORM L# of D1SKS-31Ze per DISKJEL1-366K Graphic Support: - EGA/UGA Sound supportiPC Speaker/Adlis Company of Origin:Ti tus Cracked By:THG on Mar 1, 1991 Comments This sane is et ttu crood - - - - - - 0220e - - - - - - - - - arcace ore aME: ie vun grapaics &e verg mice. - was ver NPrESSE y cne Smoothness of the scrolling. In cnis JaMEs you control a little spaceship and obliterate other little spaceships Koriginal idea eh?). The untortunate side 15 that you fly around in a limited area. PLLASE NOIL: inis JaNe aues 0 WOXK ou some LUPPUVELE Lie Ae just crack thhem L Graphics Sounds Game Pl ...