ocr: ROCKIN MAGIC BALL L# of Disks-Size per DISKJEL3-366KJ Graphic Support:UGA ONLYCCOlOr/Mono) Sound supportiPC Speaker/Aalis company of origin:Soft World Int. Cracked By: THG on Febb 18, 1991 Comments: This is E impont Com Taiwana - 2 a - - 1228 sou - ove aocu. 101s C 19 Similar - ietris out -4 uses difterent colored 3D Speres grouped n a Cross. The object 15 to Match the colors toget ther. Every- time you clear the SUIEEIT you get a peek at some half nude gif. Considering this is a Tai waneese import IM pretty impressed. - suggest you d/1 this game Cause - - PIEUUE snor cta wi keer sraphics Soun ...