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- TF01
- 3,Development of the LCARS software by Luke Elliott
- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
- Date/times given are for completion of alteration.
- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
- 21-2-95 16:15 Fixed bug which caused samples to stop
- playing after a few requesters had been
- displayed. Requester routines now also
- determine the screen display type (either
- MenuMode like or full screen like a
- slideshow) and position standard requesters
- accordingly.
- 13-2-95 16:20 Release 2.2 sent to HQ!
- 12-2-95 17:00 Altered graphics routines. Previously, a ILBM
- file was either copied to RAM (if not
- crunched) or decrunched to RAM (if crunched)
- before being displayed with the buffered IFF
- routines. Now, if the file is not crunched it
- is displayed "off the disk", with quite a
- considerable memory usage saving.
- 10-2-95 ----- A memorable day...
- 27-1-95 13:00 Final final improvements before finally
- sending an update - renamed lcars library to
- lcsupport library in order to avoid possible
- problems with the old version, since they are
- incompatible. Final. Honest.
- 9-1-95 15:35 Final few improvements before sending Simon a
- release-ready version (2.2). When a requester
- is opened the window it is opened from is
- locked (apart from in MusicControl -
- later...).
- 8-1-95 17:00 More keyboard shortcuts added (to TextMode,
- QuizMode and PrefsMode). Only leaves Music
- Control and the standard requesters.
- 4-1-95 01:20 Finally rewritten Dos IO error handling
- routines - those that display the "Insert
- Disk" requesters. To the user should look the
- same, but much tidier code (should cope with
- most situations).
- 3-1-95 19:30 As a consequence of the new global event
- handlers, in TextMode using the NEXT LINE
- gadget would in fact move two lines (one for
- GADGETDOWN, one for GADGETUP) -- no longer!
- 3-1-95 17:40 Major reshuffle. Previously, the LCARS
- library contained the routines and data for
- playing the sounds you hear in the program.
- Now the sample playing routines have been
- rewritten and put in the lcmusic library. The
- actual sample data for the sounds is now in
- the LCARS file itself. Unfortunately this
- means it size has gone up again (by about
- 18K), but of course the LCARS library is 18K
- smaller, and now just contains miscellaneous
- support functions which really have nothing
- to do with LCARS - but which LCARS, and other
- programs I have written, can utilise. This is
- a much more logical solution since all music
- playing functions are now in the lcmusic
- library, where they should be!
- 1-1-95 11:55 Two improvements: In TextMode, displaying of
- files would be considerably slowed after
- viewing the INFO screen. Fixed by removing
- color from INFO screen. Secondly, the NEXT /
- PREV line gadgets now respond the the user
- moving the mouse back into the select box of
- the gadget after moving it out and not
- letting go of the mouse button (as RELVERIFY
- gadgets should).
- 31-12-94 15:30 Finished perging of graphic data. The
- executable is now 69K, as opposed to 145K
- before work started. 3300 bytes of this is
- chip (graphic) data, as opposed to 83K
- before...! Gibber gibber! Also compressed the
- background "bridge" sample by 50%, saving
- almost 10K!
- 30-12-94 17:10 We now have background printing! You must
- wait for the standard "INFINITE FRONTIERS"
- header to be printed, and then you can carry
- on doing what the hell you like - including
- viewing other text files! However, you cannot
- yet queue print requests. Is there any need?
- 30-12-94 15:20 All modes which interact with the main LCARS
- window now use a global, recursive event
- handler. Previously each mode dealt with its
- own events, but now we have a single handler.
- This is a pre-cursor to adding background
- printing and will make the proposed
- ScriptMode and HyperTextMode a hell of a lot
- simpler (if they ever appear...)! Besides
- which, the executable is smaller still!
- 22-12-94 12:15 Changed the QuizMode status screen (again).
- It is now one of the new, flexible, LCARS
- "Easy Requesters".
- 22-12-94 11:25 Main file now 81K! Saved lots of image data
- by clever use of PlanePick / PlaneOnOff
- variables. Another 8K could go, however...
- 21-12-94 01:32 Variable sized requesters, with any title
- (not just SYSTEM REQUEST anymore). Check out
- MenuMode INFO for an example...
- 20-12-94 12:15 Uncrunched executable length down to 85K!!
- Requesters tidied up, all requester gadgets
- now highlight to the same colour.
- 18-12-94 23:30 YES! It's university holiday time again, so
- work on LCARS starts once again. The
- executable was getting far too large (about
- 145K), so a serious purge was started - so
- far, approx. 10K has been lost plus a 20K
- file off the boot disk! There is another 30K
- to go, however!
- 25-9-94 16:30 Altered LCARS library to improve generation
- of random numbers for QuizMode.
- 25-9-94 16:15 "The word was given" (!) from Simon that
- issue 8, the next release of LCARS (2.1)
- would have quizzes in it, so a clean up of
- QuizMode was next on the list. There were, as
- far as I know, no bugs, but the code was a
- mess! Now much more "LCARS friendly"!
- 18-9-94 21:15 Finished complete rewrite of all SoundMode
- code. Music Control feature now has a
- "ListView"-esque kind of list of modules
- available. Tempo of modules (except MED
- modules) can be controlled with a slider
- gadget. Can now play another module without
- stopping another first.
- 16-9-94 17:30 Started going through all segments of LCARS
- to optimise/bug fix/improve/add new features.
- First up is the LCARS library. AnimPointer is
- now only a single structure - saves memory
- fragmentation and will be faster. Interrupt
- code about half its old length.
- 8-9-94 00:30 Removed alternate color support from
- AnimPointer routines. It occured to me that
- you may have two windows on screen, do
- something in one which activates an
- AnimPointer (and thus changes the pointer's
- palette), then activate the other window to
- do something in that - with a pointer with
- strange colors. Messy! It is mentioned in the
- 3.1 development notes that a colors-per-
- window system for the pointer may be
- introduced in the future, but until then this
- feature will be dormant!
- 4-9-94 23:52 Fixed a bug in the new AnimPointer code which
- caused a software failure if the pointer was
- displayed for a long while. I tried to
- "include" a file which contained code twice,
- but had the "Ignore Multiple Includes" option
- in Devpac set - so the file was only included
- once, meaning I was writing to an unallocated
- area of memory!!
- 3-9-94 12:02 Complete rewrite of AnimPointer support in
- LCARS library. New code is smaller, faster
- and removes the annoying jerky movement of
- the pointer under Kickstart 3. Also no longer
- needs a separate task.
- 25-8-94 21:45 Added skeletal NTSC support. If running on an
- NTSC machine the LCARS screen will open up in
- interlace, so that all of the screen can be
- seen at once. Of course, if a machine is
- running Kickstart 2 or greater, then a screen
- larger than the actual viewing area can be
- scrolled around with the mouse, but this is
- hardly a workable solution, especially when
- dealing with scrolling text.
- 25-8-94 00:53 Simple alteration - changed the position of
- the screen-swap gagdet to the top right of
- the screen. I felt the old position was a bit
- ambiguous - now simply move the pointer as
- far up and to the right as it will go and
- click. Then again, there's no real need for
- it anyway...
- 21-8-94 16:58 Fixed bug which had "appeared" on keyboard
- shortcuts in MenuMode. Somehow some spurious
- code calling sample playing routines had
- appeared in an interrupt server.
- 21-8-94 16:36 Bug fixed which caused sound effects execpt
- for the background "engine" noise to cease
- functioning after playing two music modules.
- Found to be that the "access" sample was
- called twice when loading a module, but only
- waited for and freed once, so a channel was
- lost each time a module was played!
- 18-8-94 01:20 LCARS interface for MusicList added. The STOP
- gadget has been replaced by a permanent MUSIC
- gadget which brings up a window from which a
- module can be selected for playing (from the
- MusicList), playing can be stopped or
- restarted from the beginning and the tempo of
- playback can be altered. Modules can now be
- selected independant of mode - eg during
- TextMode.
- 17-8-94 00:40 MusicList feature added - worked first time!
- Allows selection of modules from a list. No
- LCARS interface to run this yet.
- 16-8-94 12:54 Bug found by Allister Brimble in ProTracker
- replay (not my code I hasten to add!). When
- running on faster machines a busy wait loop
- using dbra obviously didn't wait long enough!
- Now uses a raster-line timer. Why don't
- people listen to Commodore?
- 12-8-94 19:20 Updated LCARS font size 28. Now much thinner
- and looks far superior (in my opinion!). Also
- added new characters such as ()% etc... A few
- changes to fonts 11 and 8.
- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
- All code and graphics ................. Luke Elliott
- (Except as noted below)
- Original program design ............... Luke Elliott
- Jason Dunning
- Additional program design ............. Simon Plumbe
- Music replay routines ................. Teijo Kinnunen
- Peter Hanning
- Additional music replay help .......... Allister Brimble
- LCARS was created with the following hardware and sotfware:
- Amiga 500 with Kickstart 2.04 and 1MB RAM (originally)
- Amiga 600 with 30MB HD and 2MB RAM (for a short while)
- Amiga 1200 with 60MB HD (currently!)
- StereoMaster
- HiSoft Devpac 3.02
- DICE 2.06.21
- Deluxe Paint
- FED, the Workbench 1.3 font editor!
- The Art Department 1.0.3
- Protext 4.362
- and other utilities to numerous to mention...
- Enjoy!