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- TF01
- 3,Convention Reports - Part 2
- 4,
- The convention mayhem continues...
- ---------------
- Holiday Inn, Glasgow, Scotland
- --------------------------------
- Report by Edward Woo - Part Two!
- ----------------------------------
- Richard Arnold took a back seat as George announced the arrival of
- Mr. Michael Dorn. The whole hall was full, by the way were the
- dealers rooms closed during his talk? I hope so. Michael walked up
- onto the stage and asked how many were here from yesterday.
- Practically the whole audience raised their hands. Michael was
- somewhat surprised as he half expected to do the same routine as
- yesterday. Instead he went into a question and answer session.
- Michael told us of his views of ST and they would seem to follow
- Gene's rules more so that Rick's and no doubt this would get back to
- the Paramount studios. For the role in STVI he played Worf's
- grandfather a completely different way and not as Worf. As to other
- television programmes, he said he has rarely seen Babylon 5 or
- Seaquest DSV because of work. But at least now he does not have to
- have the 1.5 hour make up before and 1.5 hours to remove it.
- He, Johnathan and Brent all dislike Marina's dog and everytime she
- brings it along they have fun with the microwave and going..... The
- role of Worf was demanding and he now has time to pursue a career in
- music and loves playing the guitar. He would have liked to have
- become a musician if acting was not his first choice.
- Michael didn't give much away about the movie but just to go and see
- it. He was asked about Worf's chair and he said it was a designer
- piece of furniture found in Hollywood. Some asked whether he could
- sing or speak Klingon. He was able to do a few words and in the
- meantime did some German to a lady in our audience who understood it.
- He described at one time trying to recite some Klingon and his teeth
- literally flew out to the great amusement of the other cast members.
- He hopes to do a play with Marina and a possible film with Jonathan.
- He loves being recognised in the street being an actor and one time
- in a hotel lift there was a convention going on in the hotel. One
- ignorant individual said it was a Star Trek convention and some
- actor's coming, the guy who plays the Klingon is coming and mentioned
- he hated that show and then realised Michael was standing next to
- him. Another time, again in the hotel, an individual asked who was
- the Star Trek actor coming and turned to Michael, he said Michael
- Dorn and then carried on to his friend talking.
- As it was coming to the end of his guest spot Michael did a couple of
- classic poses for the cameras and did find some difficulty in
- answering questions when he couldn't understand the question without
- a microphone or the accent. One lucky individual was able to come up
- on the stage and even ask his question. Michael is an excellent Star
- Trek guest and will be remembered for his humour and ST gossip and
- secrets as he wound up being told by George he left to a huge
- ovation. Karinn had just left to do her stewarding job and missed
- only a few minutes. In fact I got a second ticket for the autograph
- session and passed it onto Baggy so he could get Graham's portrait of
- Worf signed.
- Once again the hall emptied and was being redressed for the videos.
- In between popping to my room, the dealers room and everywhere else I
- can imagine, I got to speak to Mhairi who was shepherding two
- attendees, who were lucky to get in for a few hours to see what it
- was like. I told her she could have a rest next year from the
- committee work and actually enjoy a con as an attendee. Over the
- weekend there were a lot of on spec ST fans who tried to get into the
- con on the day but were disappointed as it was a sell out long
- before. Quite a few had travelled some distance. I'm sorry they were
- disappointed but pre-registration is now the norm these days.
- Back to our rooms for tea and biscuits - and Graham arrived too. I
- had intended to go and see The Wire but got persuaded to go to tea at
- the Blue Lagoon. In fact there were two of them on our exploits in
- the Scottish streets. I hadn't seen Graham since last year and we
- chatted about his paintings and piano rebuilding. He said his best
- commission was at Warp One. And the idea of drawing caricatures of
- convention attendees to which one or two dealers had done was an
- excellent souvenir of the convention. I know how many of them took
- the idea and did it including Dave but how long did you have to sit
- whilst you were being drawn?
- At the Blue Lagoon we had fish and chips. Harminder had steak. I had
- don't know what the others had but it was fun ie. two fishes. Baggy's
- favourite food is baked beans. I gave my cost all in change just to
- upset John for fun. Once fed we prepared ourselves for the walk back,
- mind the buses as the charity auction was the next event. Dave Simons
- was there but no sign of the German Hans, otherwise we would have had
- a three way bidding competition for ST press kits.
- For once the charity auction was well attended by an eager audience.
- Craig and Steven were after trading cards. Stephen, Baggy, myself,
- Simon, Gary and many others were after autographed photo's. Before it
- began we had the Queen video with TNG clips - it was the first item
- up for sale and reached £75 to the lucky owner. So Richard began the
- auction in earnest. Simon got Robin Curtis signed 10 x 8 for £20 and
- DeForest at £50 - bargain prices. Gary got the 10 x 8 of Spock for
- £90 and Baggy got a couple of 10 x 8 of Majel for £30-£40.
- Most of the early items were autographed trading cards by individuals
- from TNG, DS9 and Classic Trek. Prices ranged in the £20-£40's each.
- The more expensive ones where duo signatures of Kirk and Uhura
- (inter-racial kiss), Rom and Nog, Marina and Jonathan. A couple of
- Franklin Mint items went cheap compared to shop prices. There were
- some nice DS9 and Enterprise fan club posters that went for £10 each.
- The only script up for auction was Armegeddon Game signed by Siddig
- and Colm. Our resident Klingon bought the Tribble sweets. A set of
- SeaTrek photos of 1994 went for £100.
- Other items included ragdolls of three Trek characters, partial press
- kits, an alarm clock, STTMP mug, quite a few LP's which I had bought
- years ago, John DeLancie's surgical glove, a set of Christmas stamps
- signed by Patrick. Craig narrowly missed out on a set of 70 out of 79
- original trading cards that only came with the videos by £5. Trading
- cards seem to be the current item to collect with Patrick and Brent's
- the most valuable. I don't know if Fran got anything for her bits but
- Baggy got his bits and pieces. So ended another day at the office.
- The bidding was not as fierce as I have seen it in the past but still
- very exciting to anyone who comes. For once there was no over run of
- time and we finished early and so began the collecting of items and
- in exchange for money.
- Again with time to spare back for another rest and to enter into the
- fray with my DS9 uniform, a mic of STIII, Future Imperfect and a
- science officer on DS9, the Karaoke Trek was delayed until the DJ and
- equipment arrived. Unfortunately it never arrived so in true Trek
- tradition it was improvised to a DiscoTrek. Ian seemed to have been
- orchestrating it all including one attendee who had birthday and was
- greeted by a group of Klingon and Federation fights on the disco
- floor as we had a great vantage point. I heard Donna did some singing
- and we were supposed to be her backup group. Giving her drinks all
- day to give her courage - was it good?
- Next door was the Next Generation game quiz which was less than
- successful due to the lack of microphone for the contestants Simon
- said. It will have to be done better next year. In between going from
- the groung floor and the eighth floor Stewards Party it was all fun.
- At the Stewards Party, Alison and Lorraine were serving tricks and
- snacks. Gaile was sitting comfortably to one side but would be in on
- the action later. I was introduced to Maria from Austria and more of
- Tarukas' friends and introduced her to Jean and so the new USS
- Unicorn is being formed out of Formby.
- With only a bag full of Tribbles, 70 in all, so began a Klingon
- Tribble fight. Lets say the fur was flying and I took cover behind a
- table, Tribbles flew everywhere, including wet Tribbles, snack eating
- Tribbles and highflying Tribbles. The phase of the tribble fight took
- a rest and when Lynn, Scott or other members of the committee came in
- to the room they were immediately rained down with Tribbles. Jean
- mentioned that these are stewards entrusted to run the videos and a
- convention!
- Unfortunately, one trek fan was hit in the eye - it's rather painful
- and later was okay despite me wanting to call a first aider to help
- her. In between snacks, lack of a bottle opener, diet coke, another
- Federation fight broke out. With another lull in proceedings came the
- next paper ball fight as all the Tribbles had disappeared down
- someones Federation uniform. A few more Tribbles were found all over
- the hotel. The next activity was paper planes flying out of the
- window down onto the streets below with Judith leading the flight.
- Frankie and Jean felt guilty about the litter below and spent half an
- hour picking up the paper planes and putting them in the bins.
- Back on the eighth floor, the Stewards Party was over and it was the
- big tidy up of food, drinks, funiture et cetera. Only a few tribbles
- were found. I wonder what we can do with several hundreds of
- tribbles? I returned to the Fray downstairs to find the rest of the
- gang watching the disco, a few drinks further and it all came to an
- end when we were told to leave the main hall because of a water leak.
- We were told it was a leak, not a leak in a sprinkler et cetera. So
- there I sat in uniform in the middle of the hallway with a few
- buckets around containing the drips from the toilets above. It's a
- pity the ground floor bar was closed at midnight just like last year.
- The other bar next to the foyer was still open for business.
- Seafood is enjoyable. Next location was our room so I could climb out
- of my uniform and I even did some late night packing. It would save
- time tomorrow. Upto the eighth floor I found Taruka stewarding
- Robocop the TV series. Me, I was two doors away and two hours later I
- signed in for the California Suite an hour earlier as I was taking
- over from Pearl and Gaile followed me. I saw Pegasus from the back
- followed by necessary evil and another but I can't remember the
- episode. Sitting on the floor is far better and at least you can
- doze. Simon arrived about 2.30 am and watched one more episode. Gaile
- arrived early with headache in hand and promptly crashed in her seat
- to steward from me. We were running behind but that's nothing. I
- found that sucking ice cubes is a good way to cooldown. At 3 am I
- left for the sack and was well away till the alarm sounded three
- hours later.
- Baggy was in fact a first aider overnight and even carried a pocket
- pincher. Myself, Simon and Jane did have the idea of getting
- reception to page him telling him to go to his own room but that
- would have been fun but silly as a misuse of emergency procedures.
- Monday - 7.45am came and Deanna would say we were all unfocused at
- that hour. It was the final day and it was even slower motion. Simon
- and Baggy were still in their pit whilst myself and Jane went to
- breakfast. As the main restaurant was full we got shunted to the
- other room, at least no waiting. Bumped into the group from Lust who
- were also breakfasting. There was a distinct lack of cereal and
- cooked breakfast bowls and plates respectively. Our final breakfast
- and the biggest as I find it difficult to have a full fryup because
- of the drink the night before.
- Jane went back to pack and catch some more videos whilst the two boys
- were up for breakfast. Did Simon have two breakfasts this time? Did
- my last rounds of the dealers table and found Philip also viewing.
- At 9.50 am we went to see the blooper reel, sitting on the left side
- of the hall, slowly moving towards the centre line. The bloopers are
- funny despite the malfunctioning projector. Maria sat in front of us
- with her Vulcan teddy bear. Philip told me he had raffle tickets and
- somehow I missed buying them but I had some for another club.
- The whole was ready for the closing ceremony. George came on stage
- and introduced the Contagion committee who are a shy group. The
- raffle prize winners were drawn next. Keith won a Star Trek
- videogame, the only thing he's ever won and was really happy at it.
- The finale arrived, first onto the stage was Richard Arnold, then our
- guest of honour, Michael Dorn approached the stage with a Scottish
- bagpipe player in front escorting him and we continued clapping till
- he finished.
- The final duties of the closing ceremony began. First the winners of
- the art, model, poetry and fiction competitions. Each going up to
- receive their certificates from either Richard or Michael. Taruka
- said later that her second prize was written in a couple of hours.
- George was unable to pronounce Taruka's surname but got by as she
- approached the stage.
- Next was to announce the big thank yous. First to the hotel staff
- with gifts of chocolates and drinks to their representative. I was
- able to talk to our chambermaid earlier that weekend and she said it
- was much more fun than the usual business conventions and I told her
- we'd be back next year and hoped we were not too untidy in our rooms.
- The most important item was the money raised for our charities - in
- total over £16,000 was made for the four charities and two of the
- representatives were there to accept their cheques with great thanks
- and applause from everyone. Michael jokingly enquired if there were
- any further funds left as he would be interested.
- As Richard is a regular guest he was first to receive his gift but
- this time he didn't open it. Just before Michael received his
- goodies, the Klingon Assault Group, KAG, came aboard to present him
- with a minature Bat'telh in a presentation box which he was highly
- suprised and delighted to get. Our guest received his box of presents
- and announced the convention was officially closed. Unfortunately my
- photo of Michael with his Bat'telh turned out slightly out of focus
- otherwise it would have been a good shot to have.
- The closing cermony broke up as the main hall was beginning to be
- turned into two video rooms again. It was time to say goodbyes to
- people who had trains. Keith was heading towards Newcastle whilst
- Fran had an hour to spare before heading to Edinburgh and then south
- again. In fact I had checked out but still had a key as 2 keys into 3
- people don't go. I even got my parking ticket validated so there
- would be no parking fee to pay. My bags were left in the room as
- Simon was staying on till Tuesday morning like may others. Part of
- the Starbase committee had left yesterday and the other half were
- leaving today.
- Baggy was still packing with all those Trek items in hand. Again I
- wanted to see the wire but saying goodbye to friends is more
- important. Jane watched one more episode as she and John finally
- departed but gave me a great big hug before they went. I pointed out
- that Simon was at the front of the video hall for them to say
- goodbye.
- Jean was stewarding the main video hall and the sign in sheet was
- behind the door. Karinn was below me as I was sitting on the bar -
- real uncomfortable after awhile. Ian was senior stewarding. We saw
- Crossover (not as good as Mirror Mirror), Collaborator (I knew the
- ending before it began) and Tribunal. In between trying to work the
- video machine Jean and I got there in the end. I wish machines would
- use words instead of words. We kept good time according to Ian. Let's
- say there was one small child who was annoying and wanted the DS9
- theme to be fast forwarded and wanted to know what the story was
- about and used his torch. Jean wanted to hit him and her being a
- teacher! I intervened but I could have throttled the kid myself. But
- I kept cool - he's only a young Trek fan.
- Popped briefly next door to find the dealers closing up. KAG had some
- new BT phonecards out that had ST pictures on them. Stephen wanted to
- know if Baggy had gone and I said yes but I'll tell him about the
- cards.
- As we had already seen The Jem Ha'dar and with the Galaxy class
- starship blown up, we went off to tea early in the evening. We did a
- circular route to find a Pizzaland recommended by Carol. Jean ordered
- a salad whilst I went for the ham and mushroom pizza plus 20% for
- attendees. Jean was flying home tomorrow on a standby and it would
- have been better tonight but it was too late to change she said.
- After chewing our way through, we were approaching the hotel with Ian
- going from something to eat. As I had a spare Pizza I gave it to him
- instead of the committee whom I had intended to give it - sorry
- folks, don't hold it against me please!
- In all the confusion of goodbyes, we again registered for next years
- convention, Conundrum. Baggy was ahead of us, in fact I was number 63
- at the time of entry. Scott said the con would not be the same
- without you - thanks very much.
- Once Ian had finished his Pizza, we headed off to the bar. I was able
- to catch Moira to return a few of my unsold white Horta items, mainly
- videos and books. At least part of my hotels costs were paid by it.
- Tekwar was just beginning so I missed that. The bar was still busy
- with attendees and we chatted for an hour. It was coming upto 6pm and
- Babylon 5 was due on. Instead I excused myself as I wanted to see
- Firstborn in the main hall. Sat next to Helen and Margaret and fell
- asleep through part of it - guest what? It was a Klingon story, just
- like Rightful Heir last year when I fell asleep through that as well.
- Bloodlines and Emergence followed. Emergence was easy to follow and I
- know some others found it difficult - a Braga story. Karinn had crept
- in and in between breaks she said she had bought the Encyclopedia and
- enjoyed the con except for the mix up in accomodation which placed
- her at another hotel. Having seen Preemptive Strike on Friday, it was
- up to the eighth floor to catch the Larry King weekend and the
- Patrick Stewart interview. Avery Brooks is unusual in his talks with
- a shave head. Patrick has a slight moustache. We had crept in by a
- side entrance and watched the video from a most acute angle until it
- finished way past 2100 hours.
- As we broke up, the steward on duty was Maria from Austria and she
- only had a few days off and would be flying back home tomorrow I
- think - correct me if I am wrong. Down the stairs or was it the
- elevator to the the ground. Oh, it was back up to the 3rd floor for
- my luggage as Jean and Frankie helped me carry it to the car on the
- lower ground floor.
- I was all dumped in the boot and we again went back upstairs to the
- dying hours of a a con on Monday.
- Vicky's party was staying overnight as Judith's father was intending
- to pick them up and return them to Preston just as he delivered them
- on Friday, saving travelling costs. Quite a few regular con goers
- were staying overnight. I had considered it but I was expected
- somewhere else anyway and it was free. I said goodbye to members of
- the committee and got hugs plus I'm not a troublemaker. Found George
- in the bar and thanked him for the con, saying I'll send you the full
- con report and the one in IDIC but I shall return for the Away Team
- meetings. Jim was there and shook hands and to Harminder and one or
- two new faces. I got a hug from Karinn who was chatting. I'll keep in
- touch if I am in London and look you up. My last goodbye was to
- Frankie and Jean. Jean I'll no doubt see when I have more videos
- available over the forthcoming months, even at that Formby meeting.
- My final look at the hotel lobby. I had intended to pick up any spare
- flyers but they had been tided up. Made my way to the porter to ask
- for direction to the M8 again. It was down to the garage and waved to
- 2 committee members loading up their own car as I departed our of the
- car park and into the Glasgow night again asking for directions from
- the attendant.
- After attending Contagion and away team meetings I have finally
- nailed how to get onto the M8 now and it was 70mph all the way to
- Motherwell. Arrived a little early but Heather greeted me a she was
- watching Pegasus with her son. She gave me tea and biscuits as we
- watched All Good Things. I left about midnight to go to bed and then
- started reading a Starlog before finally falling asleep only to be
- woken at 7 am as Heather runs a guest house. Fell back asleep until
- 10am. Awoke fairly promptly and got breakfast of scrambled eggs and
- tea. Heather had only a breif look at the books and magazines and she
- enjoyed the videos that were coming on Sky soon anyway. At least she
- was ahead of her brother.
- It was time to say goodbye to Motherwell and loaded up the car.
- Heather said if I needed to stay overnight during my away team
- visits, I was welcome to. So off I went and headed south to
- Liverpool. It was going to be a 5 hour drive with an hours break.
- There was a few hold ups and junctions 32 and 26 but it didn't last
- long. As I was off work till Saturday I could sleep and write this
- overlong report con report. However, it was Thursday before I had
- recovered from the con and began a report of the events.
- --------------------------------
- F O R T H C O M I N G C O N V E N T I O N S
- ------------------------------------------------
- All the MAJOR guests will be highlighted in capitals so it's easier
- for those of you who choose your cons by guests to decide which to go
- to!
- ----------------
- Date: 10th - 12th March 1995
- Place: Forte Crest Hotel, Newcastle-Upon-Tyne, ENGLAND
- Price:
- Guests: Robert Llywellyn, Dave Prowse, Richard Arnold, Bjo Trimble
- Contact: The Neutral Zone, 16 Annandale, Darlington, Co. Durham, DL1
- ---------
- Date: 11th - 12th March 1995
- Place: The Grand Hotel, ,Malahide, IRELAND
- Price:
- Contact: PO Box 4183, Dublin 16, EIRE
- ----------
- Date: 17th - 19th March 1995
- Place: The Holiday Inn, Leicester, ENGLAND
- Price:
- Guests:
- Contact: 47 Marsham, Orton Goldhay, Peterborough, PE2 5RN, ENGLAND
- -----------
- Date: 14th - 17th April 1995
- Place: Holiday Inn, Sheffield, ENGLAND
- Price:
- Guests: Bjo Trimble, Max Grodenchik, Aaron Eisenberg, Mark Shepherd
- Contact: Terry Elson, 8 Ennerdale Close, Oadby, Leicester, LE2 4TN,
- ---------------
- Date: 15th - 16th April 1995
- Place: Tisbury, Salisbury, ENGLAND
- Price:
- Guests:
- Contact: STC1, 21 Queen Road, Tisbury, Salisbury, Wilts, SP3 6JW,
- SOL III '95
- -----------
- Date: 26th - 29th May 1995
- Place: Norbreck Castle Hotel, Blackpool, ENGLAND
- Price: £30
- Contact: Sol III, c/o Jean Barron, 39 Dersingham Avenue, Manor Park,
- London, E12 5QF, ENGLAND
- Date: 3rd - 10th June 1995
- Place: Cruise to Norway!!!
- Price:
- Contact: Starship Voyages, 5 Plough Rise, Cranham, Upminster, Essex,
- G-FORCE '95
- -----------
- Date: 8th July 1995
- Place: Alton Towers, Staffs, ENGLAND
- Price:
- Guests:
- Contact: Shaun Brannigan, 7 Talbot Drive, Stapleford, Nottingham, NG9
- ---------
- Date: 16th - 18th July 1995
- Place: Hospitality Inn, Glasgow, SCOTLAND
- Price:
- Contact: PO Box 1598, Rutherglen, Glasgow, G73 4HS, SCOTLAND
- ---------------
- Date: 25th - 28th August 1995
- Place:
- Price: £19.98
- Guest:
- Contact: Tina Lukas & Simon Hage, Voyager Enterprises, 43 Lodore
- Road, South Shore, Blackpool, Lancs, FY4 2JL, ENGLAND
- --------------
- Date: 1st - 3rd September 1995
- Place: Leeds Hilton Hotel, Leeds, ENGLAND
- Price:
- Guests:
- Contact: Lightspeed Conventions, 16 Bramwell Street, Eastwood,
- Rotherham, South Yorkshire, S65 1RZ, ENGLAND
- --------------
- Date: 2nd - 3rd September 1995
- Place: Shepperton Moat House, ENGLAND
- Price:
- Guests:
- Contact: Joan Foxley, 143 Northumberland Road, North Harrow,
- Middlesex, HA2 7RB, ENGLAND
- -----------------------
- Date: 15th - 18th Spetember 1995
- Place: Sacha's Hotel, Manchester, ENGLAND
- Price:
- STRACZYNSKI, George Marshall
- Contact: 141 Warden Road, Canvey Island, Essex, SS8 9BF, ENGLAND
- --------
- Date: 16th - 17th September 1995
- Place: University College, Galway, IRELAND
- Price:
- Guests:
- Contact: Mairead King, c/o 4 Lisin, Tullyglass, Shannon, Co. Clare,
- ---------
- Date: 6th - 8th October 1995
- Place: Holiday Inn, Leicester, ENGLAND
- Price:
- Guests:
- Contact: Terry Elson, 8 Ennerdale Close, Oadby, Leicester, LE2 4TN,
- -------
- Date: 27th - 29th October 1995
- Place: Apollo Hotel, Birmingham, ENGLAND
- Price:
- Guests:
- Contact: 112 The Normans, Wexham, Slough, SL2 5TU, ENGLAND
- -----------------------------
- Date: 27th - 30th October 1995
- Place: Picadilly & Britannia Hotels, Manchester, ENGLAND
- Price:
- Guests:
- Contact: SAWCON '95, 43 Lodore Road, South Shore, Blackpool, FY4 2JL,
- ------------
- Date: 18th - 19th november 1995
- Place: Friendly Hotel, Milton Keynes, ENGLAND
- Price:
- Guests:
- Contact: Stuart Banks, 77 Holyrood Avenue, South Harrow, Middlesex,
- ------------
- Date: 2nd - 4th February 1996
- Place: Hilton Hotel, Leeds, ENGLAND
- Price:
- Guests:
- Contact: Carol Looby, 152 Otley Road, Headingley, Leeds, LS16 5JX,
- --------
- Date: 2nd - 6th May 1996
- Place: TBA
- Price:
- Guests:
- Contact: 69 Merlin Crescent, Edgware, Middlesex, HA8 6JB, ENGLAND
- -----------------
- Date: 24th - 27th May 1996
- Place: Pontins Holiday Camp, Southport, ENGLAND
- Price:
- Guests:
- Contact: Camp Khitomer, 14 Norwood Avenue, Southport, PR9 7DT,
- --------------------------------
- Send in your convention reports/photos (old and new), news or
- details of forthcoming cons to this address:
- The Final Frontier - Conventions
- P.O. Box 8966
- Great Barr
- Birmingham
- B43 5ST
- Some convention details in this guide have been taken from the Fan
- Convention Diary, compiled by Anne Page.