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- TF01
- 3,Convention Reports - Part 1
- 4,
- Another helping of news and views from the world of Trek conventions!
- Just the one con report (although it is a little on the large side!),
- but we've another helping of photos and a massively expanded news
- section. Thanks to Tim Gaskill of the Official UK Fan Club and Anne
- Page from the Fan Convention Diary for helping out with some of the
- information on forthcoming cons.
- ---------------
- Holiday Inn, Glasgow, Scotland
- --------------------------------
- Report by Edward Woo
- ----------------------
- Thursday - working between Cumbria and Merseyside and the M6. I spent
- 10 hours on the train to London and back with a brief visit to
- Forbidden Planet which had no photographs of Worf. It was 10.30 pm
- before I got home and began to pack for the con with clothes, food,
- maps et cetera, finishing at 30 minutes past midnight (Friday am.)
- Friday - Eight hours later I was up. First some cereal, followed by
- ham sandwiches and apple pies for the journey north. Fortunately
- there were only three bags to be loaded in the car. With biscuits in
- hand my first stop would be Motherwell. Heather and family won't be
- going to the con so I dropped off a load of videos and Trek
- merchandise for her to view the weekend. She's an avid Star Trek fan
- but couldn't go the con' because of her children. She gave me tea and
- sandwiches and told me of her brother who buys the videos but has not
- the courage to come to a con or an Away Team meeting yet. Urge him to
- do so, he'll have fun meeting us!
- I was back on the M8 to Glasgow and negotiated the traffic signs to
- the heart of Glasgow, arriving at about 2.30 pm and into the
- underground car park into place number 12 as 13 was already occupied.
- There in the car park was Scott as we said our hellos mentioning he
- was the only Contagion crew member who had arrived yet. One flight of
- stairs upto reception to find Sheila, Philip and Gary in the foyer.
- The hotle was not quite ready yet and so many of us had to wait for
- our rooms so we chatted. Stephen, Carol and Frances arrived and it
- seemed there was a mix up in rooms and so those on the fifth floor
- might not get to much sleep because of the proposed Klingon party.
- Philip mentioned Unicon was a poor con with it finishing in the
- afternoon and a video prepared by flip chart and no Majel as well.
- The hotel problems included many including Karinn's accomodation who
- was shunted in the central hotel despite registering with me sometime
- last year. I had seen Karinn only a week and a half ago whilst on
- business in London where she works. Sheila said they would be staying
- at Valerie's tonight as she only lived nearby saving a days hotel
- costs.
- Finally, I got my room key, first in and first choice of bed (still
- only 2 keys for a triple the whole weekend. It's a hotel policy
- despite 3 of us paying for the room.) Our room was on the 3rd floor,
- easy enough by stairs but this time Helen and Margaret were on the
- 1st floor after last years Fridays night Trek trivia till 3:00 am.
- The room was bigger with 2 double beds but missing another bed, not
- quite we did have a castor wheel. No Sky TV but everything worked, so
- I started filling the hotel complaint form. Took the nearest bed to
- the wall and flaked out. After a shower, shave, tidy up and munchies
- I left the unpacking except getting the battery charger going with
- one socket as Simon wanted the other socket, so Baggy would have
- none. It was later that I found Vicki, Judith and Taruka, next door
- and the newly formed USS Unicorn.
- The hotel was not quite ours as there were a group of Americans
- visiting. I spoke to one couple who said they enjoyed ST and I
- explained to them that we made money for charity as well as enjoying
- ourselves. The water fountain was not working but it later ran.
- That's one thing I spotted but I failed to notice the 6ft drinks
- machine on our floor 'til Simon pointed it out later. Baggy didn't
- see it either.
- Made my way down the stairs to Philip on the Balcony discussing
- Unicon when I saw Simon arrive with friends and I gave him a shout
- from above. I returned to my room to meet him and we were able to
- catch up on all the Trek news, swap photo's of T'kon and he handed
- me the Generations film script to read. Picard dies and the
- Enterprise blows up for starters. We were joined by Simon's friends,
- a projectionist and the person who will type this into the computer I
- think. I've forgotten both your names - sorry. After comments about
- food, Trek, photo's, news clippings there was a knock on the door.
- I answered the door and some young lady stood there in a hat. I was
- half expecting to say she had the wrong room when Baggy's head pooped
- from the side. We hadn't expected him to arrive so early as he is
- usually late. He said "Hi!" carrying luggage and Graham's paintings
- in hand. Jane was the other person and it was her first con.
- Baggy's our punching bad for the weekend and we joked about his lack
- of bed, and the extra facilities for another person. Whilst Baggy and
- Jane read the script and Simon and company debated about food, I
- popped into Glasgow to collect my kilt costume and get some money
- from the Barclay's machine and to see a man about a bed. During my
- ups and downs on the stairs I bumped into Jean who was actually in
- Manchester this afternoon and had intended to drive upto Scotland but
- last minute work commitments meant she took a plane in desperation to
- get to the con. This meant she left her car at the airport and had
- reduced her lugagge from 3 to 2 bags. This meant she left a lot of
- 'zines for the IDIC table behind. She wouldn't give me her room
- number after last years wakeup call despite me having more Trek bits
- and pieces for her to read.
- It was 7pm and Stephen had got his con package being a senior steward
- and so was Ian. George had opened up registration early so room 144
- was invaded by the attendees. it was still only 7.30 pm with an hour
- to go before the evenings video session. Found Harminder in the hotel
- lounge and Julie, Gerry and members of Lust. It was there first 2 day
- con as they normally do 1 day only. Lynn, I do like late night duties
- - always. We all used the steps to the eighth floor to watch The
- Maquis parts 1 and 2, Preemptive Strike and The Jem Ha'dar. I chose
- to suck an ice cube during the 3 hours. Keeps you cool despite
- choking a few times. We still had a problem with the lighting in the
- room but the hotel staff finally cured it. The loss of a Galaxy class
- starship in one episode has to be seen to be believed. Baggy and Jane
- came in for All Good Things as we exited. Dave "Comics" Houston was
- also due in the back saying he'd join saying join us in the bar
- later.
- He said Taruka had arrived somewhere. Gary's gathering had gone to
- see the Flintstones but I still prefer the cartoon. Let's hope
- Washington do better next year with a new coach and old and new
- faces. Simon and I joined Harminder, Michael and friend at the lounge
- bar for the next two hours. Margaret and Lynn joined us as well. I've
- forgotten that drink again. Harminder had to live as he was local and
- would be back early tomorrow. The real discussion was point was cons
- being professional and amateur and the future of Trek, the new film
- and Voyager.
- It was 1 am before we returned to our rooms. Baggy was asleep and we
- had set up 4 alarms. His, Simon's, mine and the hotels for 7 am or
- there about. Baggy did have a bed as one had come during the evening.
- Why is it always that the first night con beds are the most difficult
- to sleep in. I don't thik I really slept at all, it was probably the
- heat and even the noise of the heating system didn't help with the
- rumble of fans. At least I didn't have the problems of Margaret and
- Helen who had a leaking hot water tap that did eventually get
- repaired. Over that weekend, one lift failed, the right handside one
- must have been overused but it was working again within hours. Trek
- fans must be a heavy lot.
- Saturday - several wake up alarm calls but there was no rush to get
- up. In fact one alarm went off and we didn't know which one it was, I
- thought it was the hotel's but it was John's. Artificial light is a
- real eye opener in the morning - best to use one eye at a time.
- Whilst I remember, Baggy had asked the committee about a Michael Dorn
- cement print but there was no answer yet. John had bought a set of
- Pizza Hut mugs of the original series and TNG to see if any of the
- Americans wanted to buy. Richard Arnold also tried to con Baggy out
- of a set as well. It took time for us to dress and we even watched
- Joe 90 before we went to eat breakfast.
- From what I remember, it was juice x2, cereal and a mini fry up. It's
- always a slow start on the first day for food. Dawn and friend sat
- adjacent to us. I thought her accent was American. It was Scottish as
- she tried to sell me a copy of the original series blueprints. I got
- my set for £2.00. Simon felt weird as he was only an attendee this
- time, no steward badge, so he couldn't get a front row seat for the
- talks or photographs. After running conventions, being an attendee
- can be a relief except you can't get into the dealers room first. To
- make matters worse, Baggy and Jane were the first-aiders, carrying
- pocket pinchers for a few hours each, in Baggy's overnight bag.
- Honey and jam pots. There was a stewards meeting this morning but I
- completely forgot about it but Jean told me there was nothing I
- already knew of the job. Being a red badge holder I got into the
- dealers room early to drop off a few white Horta items for Moira and
- then spent some money on two photo's of Michael, one for me and Simon
- to be autographed by him later. From what I saw there were plenty of
- goodies and a couple of American dealers. The book I wanted, the
- authorised biography of Gene, none of the U.S. dealers had bought
- over so I will have to wait. Carol and Michael of Starbase had
- arrived at 7.30 am after driving overnight and were leaving Sunday as
- Carol was working on Monday am.
- Hello to all those members of the Away Team I met including Alison,
- David, Lorraine, John (KAG) and new members of IDIC. Not long since
- we saw Doctor M'Benga and a male nurse whose name I've forgotten,
- Marguritte and husband, Peter of Childwall and Jean's friend,
- Frankie. I saw Anne Page and Jacqueline of South Wales who I both saw
- at T'kon.
- Jean wanted the book "The Man Behind The Ears" and I told her that a
- dealers table had it. She came back saying the queue was too long and
- then I reminded her she was a steward and could go in early anyway!
- The art work was put in the dealers room, one or two pieces I had
- seen before at past cons. There were more exhibits than last year.
- Of the model and art exhibits, there was a DS9 space station, a
- Cardassian ship and an old style Klingon battle cruiser. The most
- impressive art work included a Worf portrait, Geordi and Scotty from
- Relics. Odo and Quark and a neat one of Picard, Riker and the
- Enterprise D. The picture of Worf was eventually autographed by
- Michael Dorn later.
- As attendees gathered, it was coming upto noon as we queued outside
- the main hall for the opening ceremony. Wheel chairs and the walking
- wounded got in first otherwise the would be a mad rush - rightly so.
- With my camera and bits and Simon's tape machine, we all waited
- patiently. We heard that our guest of honour was in the hotel having
- just flown in this morning. The doors opened and we were in. I chose
- the right side of the hall and got onto the second row next to
- Margaret, saving seats for Karinn and Jean. Jean needed it as she was
- taking notes for IDIC. The main rooms decor had changed and there
- were two new Star Trek theme posters on the stage but no orange ST
- bridge from last year.
- George came onto the stage announcing we were only a few minutes late
- but that's usual anyway. First came a group of Klingons including
- Gaile and a bunch of Klingon children and took root in front of us.
- Not forgetting Alison and Lorraine in their Klingon outfits.
- Next George mentioned that our first guest would be Terry
- Shuttleworth from CIC who came out to an appreciative audience. The
- next guest needed no introduction, and was not getting one, but a
- real favourite of Star Trek fans, Richard Arnold. He duly bounded
- onto the stage and said hello. Finally, what everyone had been
- awaiting, our Next Generation guest, Michael Dorn. Michael was first
- escorted by a group of Klingons carrying ceremonial torches with a
- hooded Klingon ambassador who later turned out to be a
- Ferengi/Klingon i.e. Stephen. Michael approached the stage to huge
- applause with a troop of Klingons beside and behind him. Michael was
- about to get into his talk when George intervened saying his guest
- spot would be in half an hours time and not just yet. So the whole
- stage gathering moved off stage and so the con had officially begun.
- Mr Dorn was still jet lagged and was staying at another hotel but
- would be on soon. With a bit of time available till Michael's first
- U.K. convention appearance we sat ourselves in and chatted. Philip
- was only a few seats behind away and Baggy and Jane were for the
- first time close to the front row. Jean was ready with her note pad.
- One pm arrived and Michael Dorn arrived on stage to a huge ovation
- and muiltiple flash photography. I got a couple of shots, hopefully
- they will come out. He was a commanding 6ft 3 inches tall and was
- very pleased to be in Scotland. He began talking about himself, his
- character and TNG in general. He mentioned on voice overs, he's
- always been compared to James Earl Jones. He does an excellent
- impression of Patrick's voice and Brent. He takes the mickey out of
- Patrick being English and Lord and Master. Especially as Patrick
- drives a Jaguar and does Pontiac voice overs. He says there is a lot
- of playing about on the set and one time Patrick leaped up over his
- tactical station and he found he was carrying Patrick Stewart in his
- arms literally. He jokingly said Patrick from England comes to the
- U.S., takes our money, our cars and our show.
- Patrick did have some pronunciation problems and Michael loved making
- fun of it. Patrick is just great fun and they have just finished
- making the movie Generations, he said go and see it once or twice.
- During filming he was forbidden to fly, his favourite hobby, now that
- he's onto jet fighters now. He said he started flying during the
- writers strike early in the second season and now does it as often as
- he can. He described how the pony tail was his idea for the seventh
- season and how he got the part originally. He knew what a Klingon was
- at the audition and pretended not to and came to rehearsal with a
- Worf like attitude and got the role.
- Michael asked for a drink and got a glass and a bottlefull, the
- committee member got a kiss. Then George came out with a tray of
- drinks for Michael but I don't think he was going to get a kiss from
- our guest. Michael continued on saying that his mother only worries
- that he has a job and has only finally come to realise his fame in ST
- after 7 years. Michael admitted he hates prune juice and regularly
- gets gifts of it and left it in his fridge one time only to find out
- that his mother was concerned. He replied it's all to do with ST.
- He said that this is sort of average size for a convention as he has
- done it for as few as 100 people to as many as 4000. He felt he would
- have liked the Troi relationship to have developed further and would
- liked Worf to be a better father to Alexander. As to a DS9 cross it
- would have to be Worf even though he enjoyed playing Worf's
- grandfather in STVI. After 1.5 hours Michael had to finish and again
- he left to a huge ovation. He is an excellent guest speaker and we
- really enjoyed it. Can't wait until tomorrow. As the hall emptied I
- stopped Simon's tape, I later checked it and it seemed to have
- recorded everything Michael said. Jean said she wouls need a second
- notebook for tomorrow's talks. A lot of people were heading towards
- Forbidden Planet as Michael was scheduled to be signing autographs -
- in fact a couple of hundred went. Baggy got his denim jacket signed
- with other Trek guests he's got on it.
- With a brief respite from the fray, I went back for tea and
- sandwiches till Richard Arnold's talk was due to begin. To another
- capacity audience I caught the last half hour of All Good Things
- before our Star Trek consultant Richard arrived. Richard had a stall
- in the dealers room and was doing good business in trading cards and
- Taruka bought three sets. I hear Judith spent £98 on Trek goodies.
- Fortunately I spent most of the day browsing before buying - the
- following day just one Starlog and CineFantastique.
- As the main hall was being reset up for Richard, the crowd gathered
- for his slide show. As he was running late he had to stand astride
- two parts of the stage with microphone in hand and slide controller.
- He even foung the zoom in and out control for the slides. So began
- his famous behind the scenes talk. We had a slide show of DS9 second
- season and TNG seventh season. We had a couple of shots of
- Generations including Kirk, the Klingon bridge from STV and the
- Enterprise B. The effects are done by ILM and David Carson is
- directing.
- He said no one from DS9 is leaving as they have just started filming
- season 3. DS9 is still behind the ratings compared to TNG. There is
- no chance of an 8th season TNG as the sets have been ripped for
- Voyager. So if Voyager fails they would have to rebuild the whole
- set. DS9 has already felt the budget pinch because of Voyager just
- like the NG cast previously. Paramount has been making money since
- the 5th season of TNG and hopefully DS9 by the 3rd season. Richard
- thinks that with Jeri Taylor in charge, Voyager will be okay, but
- still the Paramount bosses want a male captain, but Rick is holding
- out for a woman captain. ST has made Paramount over $650 million
- profit and rarely does it listen to the 5% who are the true fans. He
- said the film, video and merchandise divisions rarely talk to each
- other, but if ST sales are affected, the divisions do make murmurs to
- others to get their act together.
- The title of STVII is not being used otherwise Paramount has to pay
- the contracts of the original actors. It looks like DS9 may well have
- a permanent starship assigned to the station in the 3rd season.
- When Marina and Jonathan asked about doing Voyager, Paramount were
- only prepared to pay a fraction of what they earned in TNG. In fact,
- this problem of money is best exemplified by the Ted Danson scenario
- who gets $300,000 per half hour episode of Cheers whilst the whole
- cast of TNG per episode is $200,000 for the 7 cast members. That's
- what Brent says all the time, Ted Danson. Levar's recently had a baby
- and Jonathan's wife Genie is due very soon.
- Richard's talk came to an end and we had a special treat in the
- single Queen "Bohemian Rhapsody" soundtrack was intermixed with the
- NG clips. It was an excellent pieced video and editing by a couple of
- attendees who did it over three weeks and the video would be up for
- sale in the charity auction. In fact CIC wanted a copy of it as well
- and it went down very well with the Trek audience. The people who did
- it might be doing one for the Klingons later.
- At 5.30 pm it was Terry Shuttleworth's guest talk and he's the man
- from CIC video with the latest DS9 and TNG releases. He's also
- responsible for Northern Exposure and Quantum Leap. I would have
- liked to have stayed but other things were pressing. It gave me an
- oppurtunity to get into line for Michael Dorn's autograph. Jean got
- part of his talk on Trek on notepad. Simon stayed for Terry's talk
- whilst I returned back to our room to find Baggy stretched out on his
- bed, tired out. Jane was still reading the Generations script in
- between her medicine and bananas. In the meantime we were shouting to
- people from our window to Jean, Donna, Margaret et cetera, just for
- fun. The next time I will shout to passerbys, let's hope they are not
- in the middle of road crossings, eh Baggy? John left the window to
- our room open so we could see it from below later. In fact it even
- rained today. Baggy had headed for the bank whilst I headed for the
- 8th floor and autograph queue. Tried to persuade Scott to give me a
- head start but no joy. I joined the rest and started talking to an
- attendee - it was his first convention in 14 years after being in the
- Territorial Army. I would like to thank various new IDIC members who
- thanked me for my writings in the newsletter. And to all the others
- who have not written something yet, please do.
- Whilst waiting Dave joined the line and got a brief word and then
- Pearl arrived. She started talking about her neck operation and the
- use of staples to hold the flesh together whilst it healed. This is
- to be done by her doctor in between Star Trek conventions in
- September. The autograph queue moved far quicker than last year and
- we only waited 25 minutes to be in and out.
- We were in and out and got Michael to quickly give his autograph on a
- colour photo of Worf. I carried onto Richard Arnold and mentioned
- Baggy who was tired out. He autographed my NG Technical Manual as he
- was a contributor to its contents. Thanks, a great book. Jean
- mentioned that we should have an IDIC meeting up in Scotland but the
- time table is a bit congested at a con. Only ran into the IDIC
- committee briefly in the hotel for quick chats, but passed on a few
- more stamps to the Guide Dog Collection.
- Blue Circle cement. Next was dinner and trying to gather as many
- people as possible. Eventually Harminder, Ian, Baggy, Donna and
- Adrian headed for Pizzaland. I was still trying to drum up others as
- Jane grabbed me and we followed the rest. She said I kept on stopping
- to talk to people. We had intended to go to a cafe but ended up at
- Pizzaland like many others with a table for seven. There was a slight
- drinks order confusion concerning diet cokes and Sprites but
- eventually the waiter was able to cope. Next mixup was the pizza
- orders aver 7" and 10" pizzas but Ian and myself eventually sorted it
- out with the waitress confused. I mentioned to Baggy about the last
- Peking duck question as it was not the true version. We told the
- Pizzaland staff we would be only here for the weekend for them to
- survive.
- Simon, our room mate was off to dinner with Tim Gaskill and Terry
- Shuttleworth doing interviews for his magazine and the UK Official
- Fan Club - it had been prearranged. Donna was the Quantum Leap fan
- and Ian our senior steward was now detached from his headset. After
- food was consumed we headed for the door not forgetting our discount
- by showing our badge numbers. We all wandered back in good time to
- find the first part of the Ceilidh had already started. The fancy
- dress would be an hour later. Asty the alsatian was in attendance
- with owner and I'm sure she was one of the people in the Victorian
- top hat and tails. Jacqueline Comben had also bought her two dogs
- along and this time she didn't get lost in the Glasgow streets like
- in Bradford.
- With time to spare it was back to our rooms, so I could climb into my
- kilt. I did it for a bet last year and this time just for fun,
- getting it fitted the right way around. Jane was in a dress whilst
- Baggy had a shirt and tie, but denim jeans. He said the only kilt he
- would wear is an English tartan.
- Down to the mayhem of the main hall to find various costumed SF
- characters, waiting for their spot light. Our resident Ferengi-
- Klingon, Stephen had taken off his tailor made mask of rubber,
- Frances was a defective Borg, Carol - Consellor Troi once again,
- Taruka in a wrapped around sheet, or that's how I'd describe it only
- to be revealed in the fancy dress.
- Carol and myself tried to make our way forward for the fancy dress
- but ended up near the entrance doorway. Not the best view for
- photographs. Jean thought Baggy was in a kilt but only saw his upper
- half.
- The fancy dress began with the following entrants. A distinctive
- looking kitchen foil Cylon with a roving red eye, an ancient Klingon
- warrior, a Klingon Laurel and Hardy duo, a Star Wars speeder bike
- rider and X-wing pilot, a Scottish kilted Klingon, a fluffy looking
- Federation bear officer which I liked, the ever macho colonial
- marine, Taruka's skimpy Bolivian costume, a holidaying surf board
- Ferengi, a defective Borg with car aerial, another Troi, more
- Klingons, a character from Masks and finally a Klingon male nurse in
- red hair. There were plenty of video camera's including a German TV
- crew and CIC were in the process of making a video about ST fans and
- those who wanted to be in it were welcome to be interviewed.
- We had another gentleman with his tape and microphone getting views
- of all Trek fans and why they came. Myself, Gaile and many others
- were now on tape. I can't remember which of the entrants won the
- fancy dress but I was able to a few shots of the participants. Dave
- had arrived but was too late to enter his Christmas card outfit as it
- was a Christmas Ceilidh and we even has our Christmas tree with
- lights.
- Unfortunately we missed the panel discussion about the futre of ST
- fandom, due to food and fancy dress - anybody know how it went? Part
- 2 of the Ceilidh was next and it's far better than a disco - it's a
- real crowd puller. It's great fun and it's a bit of a problem if you
- don't know the steps but you soon learn. At least I got to dance with
- some lovely ladies. Jean whose been practising on the side, Donna,
- Fran, Mhairi and Jane who swings fast. After one hour of dancing you
- needed a rest and drink especially in a kilt. Jean had a bruised
- ankle - not of my doing I hope. Taruka and Dave stayed only a short
- while as shw was stewarding at 2 am and wanted a bit of sleep
- beforehand. During the break we had a Father Christmas Ferengi giving
- sweets and crisps. One packet included a free registration to
- Conundrum next year. Jelly Babies are the best, head eaten first.
- Karinn should have stayed as it's far more fun than video watching.
- So one more final hour till just before midnight with everyone doing
- Old Lang Syne. As the Ceilidh broke up we sat around watching various
- committee members clearing up the hall discussing what to wear next
- year. Baggy has come in a kilt and I would consider some sort of
- military uniform like Jim's, the confederate army uniform, maybe a
- calvary officer. Like you said Jean it takes me slowly to pluck up
- the courage over the weekend to wear a kilt and a DS9 uniform
- tomorrow. Simon joined us as he had been to the Klingon party and it
- was great fun on the 8th floor, even worse than the Stewards party
- tomorrow.
- Baggy took a couple of photo's of my kilt outfit before I returned to
- my room to get out of it and cool down. It's nice and impressive to
- wear, but hot. It was now 1am so we went to see some original Trek
- videos missing the end of Saturday Night Live with Patrick. I thought
- it was really funny but Harminder didn't think so. With a couple of
- chairs as seats or beds I watched Where No Man..., Corbomite Maneuver
- and part of Mudd's Women. I was stewarding in that room anyway at 2
- am. John went off to bed at about 2.30 am, In fact I was awoken by
- the steward who I was relieving at 2 am or a bit before and so missed
- a bit of The Corbomite Maneuver. By then I was alert again. As the
- videos were on long play we just kept an eye on its running. Ieven
- signed in this year for my duties - as I remembered. What was missing
- was the little TV screens by the videos in the main hall so the
- stewards could watch it at close range. Come 3 am it was time to
- sleep, everyone else was in bed as I searched my way to the pillow.
- Tomorrow's, sorry, today's wakeup was a little different.
- Sunday - slight miscalculation as we had folk music on the radio at
- 6.30 am until I turned it off. The 7.30 am hotel alarm call sounded
- and having slept better I made my way to the bathroom at slow motion
- speed. One way to wake people up is to draw back the curtains for the
- sunlight or turn on the wrong light switch and get a fluorescent
- glare. As with any Sunday you want a lie in but there were only
- videos till noon. Well planned. After a wash, shave, and general wake
- up alert, Simon and myself were down to breakfast or up for breakfast
- if you've had too much and travelling in the lift at the time. I
- can't remember where we sat. It was somewhere in the restaurant. All
- I can remember is two fruit juices, cornflakes, bread and the bacon
- fat builder and several cups of tea as Simon likes his coffee and
- hates decaffinated coffee. Somehow I can't remember much of that
- morning even though it's only been a week as I write this report.
- I'm sure it was well past nine o'clock before the dealers room was
- open and again did my homework of what I wanted to buy. There was a
- 3D chess set that I had a look at but the instructions were brief but
- had no idea who had wrote them or where printed. I got my
- CineFantastique of the Trek trilogy from Futureshock. I must have
- sort of wandered for a little bit between rooms, floors et cetera and
- phoned home to let them know I was still alive. Decided I needed a
- good seat for Richard's second talk and so made my way in the dark
- along the side walls to the video room where Liasons was being shown.
- Once again Karinn and Jean joined me on the second row for Richard
- Arnold's Voyager talk.
- At 11.45 am Richard began with a video by A&E (whoever that company
- is) about the life and works of Gene Roddenberry including US adverts
- in all. It ran a good half hour and when it came to the section on
- Gene's last few minutes it was emotionally described by both Majel
- and Marina's reaction later. The doctor had wanted all of Gene's
- family to leave whilst attempting to save his life but Majel said no
- and they all stayed till he passed on.
- I, like many others, were caught by the description of Gene's death
- and there were plenty of sniffles in the hall and I shed a tear or
- two at that point like many others . When it was finished there was a
- tremendous round of applause - it's well worth watching and getting
- if you can.
- With the lights back on and off - there were a few problems with the
- lighting system, even to have the dealers room plunged into pitch
- blackness. Richard jumped up onto stage and was ready with the
- Voyager news. He said he had misadvertantly left the cast sheet of
- Voyager on the table yesterday and so couldn't do what he was
- proposing. Luckily someone passed him an unofficial listing and he
- was able to describe the characters.
- The captain of Voyager would be called Elizabeth Janeway and as to
- the actress it's unlikely to be Kirstie Alley (wouldn't take the
- salary drop) and Lindsay Wagner would be good but still expensive.
- Viacom want a male lead but Rick and Jery are fighting for a female
- lead. Other characters include a native American, a Vulcan security
- officer, a holographic character and an alien. Richard felt the
- Vulcan security officer at 150 years old would be too old to be
- active. The doctor couldn't touch anyone but could only advise and
- the idea of an ugly alien should be described as a different alien.
- It seemed none of the possible characters from Lower Decks,
- Preemptive Strike and the Maquis would be returning to Voyager.
- Richard thought TNG is Gene's idea of the Enterprise travelling
- through space whilst DS9 sits there and Voyager is returning back. As
- to the effects being done on film and ILM, they would continue to do
- so even though the Babylon 5 and Seaquest DSV done computer i.e.
- cheaper. It's unlikely Paramount would throw away 7 years of
- experience to buy brand new equipment. Personally Richard thinks
- films and models look better on screen. Plus the fact the same
- effects team has been retained for Voyager.
- Voyager has only been signed up by 55 stations over the last months
- where as with TNG only 200 stations were signed up in one weekend.
- DS9 is feeling the Voyager costs and publicity as being a new show.
- Richard also had an impromptu vote about TNG, DS9 and Voyager and it
- would seem the majority of the fans would prefer TNG to continue.
- Voyager is expected to start filming in August and the director is
- ready and is just waiting for a cast. There will be 21 episodes of
- Voyager expected to air in February to coincide with the UK launch of
- the film Generations. Paramount is only interested in making money
- and does not care about the fans and, if the film or Voyager fails,
- Paramount might just say that's it for Star Trek and might even cut
- DS9 at the end of the third season blaming the fans for lack of
- interest. Richard's talk came promptly to an end as Michael was due
- on next at 13:15 hours.
- To be continued...