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- TF01
- 3,Desert Island Trek
- 4,
- Welcome to this new regular series in TFF (not based on a popular
- radio show, honest!), imagining what the TFF production team would
- take with them if they were to be stranded on a deserted asteroid
- (well, we've got to have a Trek element to it - desert islands are so
- boring!!). Without further ado, we'll kick off this issue with
- Matthew Crossman and Marcus Priddey.
- They were both asked to choose 10 episodes (from ANY series), 1
- movie, 1 novel and 1 piece of merchandise and why they made their
- choices.
- Matthew Crossman
- ------------------
- On several occasions my friends and I have had occasion to debate the
- merits of one episode of Star Trek over another. This also applies to
- novels, toys, comics and so on. You get the idea. Never have I been
- asked to surround these opinions in concrete. Putting one's
- preferences down on paper (or on disk in this case) is a risky
- business. Preferences change like the weather, but what is written
- stays the same. In years to come I could well be reminded of a
- certain choice or decision and cringe. Why did I choose a certain
- episode over another episode? Why did I choose that particular novel
- when this novel is a far greater work. This is a dilemma that faces
- us all. Even so I am willing to take that risk.
- So here I am. Stuck on a lone asteroid. Wandering through the
- galaxies on this hunk of rock with only a few chosen items to prevent
- insanity. The first of these choices that I was allowed to make was
- which ten episodes of any Star Trek series I would allow valuable
- space in my escape pod. A most difficult choice. With over two
- hundred and eighty episodes to choose from, narrowing the final
- choice down to ten was not easy.
- So having said that, may I present my (current) favourite top ten
- episodes. The episodes are not in any order and a short paragraph
- follows each title explaining why I chose that particular episode.
- 1. "Yesterday's Enterprise"
- Not an unremarkable choice and I would suspect the favourite of
- many fans. My love of alternate universe stories will soon become
- apparent in my following choices, so it is obvious that this
- episode would enter into my top ten. Overall an excellent episode,
- which was made possible by the superb direction of David Carson,
- and the long awaited return of Tasha Yar. Although I am not a
- Tasha Yar fan, I found that the character was well scripted for in
- this episode, and much improved from her earlier appearances.
- 2. "The Inner Light"
- Picard episodes are also favourites of mine, mainly due to the
- fantastic acting abilities of Patrick Stewart. This episode
- embodies everything that Star Trek stands for and is a beautifully
- crafted story that brings out the best in everybody involved. A
- true classic in every sense of the word.
- 3. "The Best Of Both Worlds, parts I & II"
- Bit of a cheat this, as I am including both episodes as one
- choice. Phil Farrand, author of "The Nitpicker's Guide For Next
- Generation Trekkers" describes parts one as the "all - time, hands
- - down, `no argument,' BEST episode of Star Trek: The Next
- Generation." and who am I to argue? This is the ultimate, as far
- as I am concerned, story line that the writers have ever offered
- us. Plays equally well as either a two parter or a mini film. Top
- notch Trek.
- 4. "Duet"
- The only Deep Space Nine episode included in my top ten, but
- easily one of the best of all the series to date. This shows the
- woefully inept "Shades Of Grey" how a bottle show should be done.
- Full of human drama at it's best and comes complete with
- fascinating character depths not seen on DS9 before. The best so
- far of a series that threatens to run and run and run.
- 5. "The Offspring"
- Although this is the directorial debut of Jonathan Frakes, it is
- the script and performances of Brent Spiner (Data) and Hallie Todd
- (Lal) that really shine through. One of the most heart rendering
- episodes ever aired, this episode captures the uniqueness of the
- Star Trek universe. Also provides the series with some of the most
- funny moments in any episode (witness Lal in Ten Forward).
- 6. "Parallels"
- Another alternate universe episode this time centring on Worf. A
- fascinating insight into what would have happened had the Borg
- succeeded at Wolf 359, and other events make this an episode not
- to be missed. High humour is also abound as Worf, who usually gets
- the best lines anyway, tries to make sense of being married to
- Deanna Troi.
- 7. "Tapestry"
- An episode which features Picard, Q,, and an alternate universe
- could hardly be left of my list. Another episode that is also high
- on humour proves to be an absolute riot as Picard, with the aid of
- Q, travels back to the days when he was but a lowly ensign to try
- and correct any mistakes he may have made. I just love the scene
- where John Luck Picard is sent back to the Enterprise as a
- Lieutenant. Priceless.
- 8. "City On The Edge Of Forever"
- Bet you thought I wouldn't have any classic Trek on my list? Well,
- you were wrong. My absolute favourite episode of Kirk and the
- boys, which shows what could have been done with the original
- series had they not stuck with so many unimaginative, routine
- episodes. Different and absorbing.
- 9. "Family"
- The perfect companion piece to "The Best Of Both Worlds". A gentle
- and moving episode which shows the real damage done to Picard by
- the Borg. Introduces the viewer to much of Picard's past, not to
- mention the sub plot concerning Worf's parents. An underestimated
- classic.
- 10. "All Good Things..."
- I cannot think of a better way to end this section than to finish
- on the climax to the series. Having only seen this once, I have
- to go with my instincts on this one, but despite the minor plot
- discrepancies I loved it. An alternate universe and a Picard
- story, what more can I say. Perfect.
- Well, they are my favourite episodes and no doubt that many of you
- disagree with my choices, but so what, this is a democracy. Write
- your own damned list!
- The next choice I had to make was which of the six Star Trek movies
- as was to take with me. A more difficult choice than it looks, I
- finally narrowed it down to three films. The three I was to choose
- from were Star Trek II: The Wrath Of Khan, Star Trek III: The Search
- For Spock, and Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country. And The Winner
- is...
- Star Trek II: The Wrath Of Khan. It was after this movie that I vowed
- never to see a film before I knew a bit more about it, to counter the
- effects of me blubbering in public. To this day I cannot watch Star
- Trek II without tears welling up in my eyes, and those wonderful
- bagpipes at the end. The movie for me, as a lot of other Trekkers,
- was a great relief following the sterile atmosphere of the proceeding
- film, and a welcome return to the fine traditions of action,
- adventure and human drama. The film takes pride of place over my
- other two finalists mainly because of the reason to kill of Spock.
- Now that was a brave decision. Star Trek II also introduced Harve
- Bennett and Nick Meyer into the fold, a coupling which would see the
- movie adventures of Kirk, Spock, and McCoy go from strength (not
- including part V) to strength.
- The next choice I was faced with was which Star Trek novel I would
- take with me on my asteroid adventure. The choice of this category,
- as you all know, is staggering. Now I won't pretend to have read all
- the Star Trek novels, so my choice is from limited subject matter.
- From the estimated one hundred and forty novels I figure I've read
- about half. Based on this I went about re-acquainting myself with
- some I have already read. I must say that I prefer the giant novels
- of both the classic and Next Generation series, feeling that the
- normal numbered releases are sometimes a bit light weight. The novels
- I did enjoy far out number those I didn't and include, "Best
- Destiny", "The Lost Years", "Prime Directive", "The Entropy Effect",
- "Q In Law" and many others. My favourite author, I've discovered is
- Peter David. With this in mind it comes as no surprise that my
- favourite Trek novel is "Imzadi". Now due to the early episodes of
- TNG I found it difficult to really like Riker and Troi as much as I
- liked some other characters. This book however has endured me to them
- more than any episode could ever do. The story line is simple and
- easy to follow, yet perfectly crafted in an intelligent and
- intriguing way. The recounting of Deanna and Riker's first meeting is
- a joy to behold and I'm glad she didn't take to the smug git straight
- away. The climax is as enthralling as the pages that precede it and
- is a worthy finale to such a well crafted tale. It is such a shame,
- as with nearly all Trek novels, that the actual premise is
- compromised by the series itself. At least it does not suffer as much
- as novels like "Vendetta" or "Metamorphosis". Still, an excellent
- read.
- The last item allowed to me, on my floating rock, was any piece of
- Star Trek merchandise that I wanted. This probably constituted the
- largest category of all and perhaps surprisingly was the easiest to
- solve. Without a seconds hesitation I plumped for my Tribble. Ever
- since I was a small boy, when I had seen these items advertised in an
- American magazine, I desired one of these items more than anything
- else. Since that moment, many years ago, I scoured every specialist
- shop I could find, but to no avail. Then, one summers day, three
- years ago, I found one. Sitting there, all alone, in the Star Trek
- shop at Universal Studios, was my one desire. Of course we (me and my
- Tribble, that is) have not parted since, and no damned piece of
- floating rock will parts us either. I sometimes think that I take
- Star Trek too seriously.
- Marcus Priddey
- ----------------
- When I was asked to write this, I thought "yeah, sure, no problem!"
- then when I sat down and thought about singling out my ten most
- favourite episodes, the thoughts changed to "oh dear!"
- Well here goes - my ten most favourite episodes and why I like them,
- not necessarily in any order.
- 1. "Best of Both Worlds - Part II"
- Well, what can I say? In my eyes, this is about the most perfect
- episode ever made. Brilliant effects, writing, acting (even by
- Frakes!) and soundtrack. This could have easily been made into a
- movie and I would love to see it on a big screen. If you were to
- only by one tape ever, this is the one to get! (But don't ask me
- why I haven't got it)
- 2. "Measure of a Man"
- A superb Data episode. Fine performances from Spiner, Stewart and
- Frakes (whoa, that's two episodes in a row!). I'm not so much a
- Data fan as our esteemed editor but then, I don't feel that this
- episode is strictly about Data (but then, the episodes never
- are).
- 3. "The Offspring"
- Okay, so maybe I am a Data fan, but it Lal that I most like in
- this episode. That last scene between Data and Lal will always
- bring a tear to my eyes. Good direction by Frakes (it would
- appear that he is a better director than actor).
- 4. "Deja Q"
- Yes I'm a fan of the third season of Next Generation as well! I
- disagree with what Tim Smith said in Yesterday's Enterprises last
- issue. I CAN watch this over and over again, repeat the script
- vertabim and still laugh. I still smile at the line "Ah Worf...
- eat any good books lately?"
- 5. "The Next Phase"
- Michelle Forbes, I salute you! I don't know what it is about this
- episode (perhaps that damn wide smile may have something to do
- with it) but I do like this episode, especially the scene where
- Ro fires a phaser at Riker's head!
- 6. "The Emissary"
- I've only seen the one season, so that's all I have to go on,
- although I have heard that season two is supposed to be better. I
- like this because it shows a different side to Starfleet life.
- That is, not all get on board a ship, but the adventures can
- still be found right on our doorstep if we know where to look.
- 7. "If Wishes Were Horses"
- Not as humourous as "Deja Q", but it has its moments, and as for
- Bashir's version of Dax, well....
- 8. "Hide and Q"
- Wesley gets stabbed in the back. Need I say more?
- 9. "Where No Man Has Gone Before"
- No particular reason why I should like this Classic Trek episode,
- it's just that it has always stuck in my mind as it was the very
- first episode I ever saw, and I feel it deserves a mention for
- that alone. (Who knows, if I hadn't have seen it I might still be
- sane. Wibble.)
- 10. "Spock's Brain"
- Seriously! NOT!!!!!!!!!!! no, only joking. Last, but not least is
- "The Enemy" - I just love the fact where Worf refuses to donate
- his blood which is the only thing that will save the Romulan.
- Also, the way prejudices are put aside in the fight for survival
- when La Forge is trapped on the surface.
- Now, as for my favourite movie. It has got to be Star Trek III: The
- Search For Spock - fine acting by all involved including Shatner (I
- think he must have Frakes role model, or they went to the same acting
- school.) Brilliant effects, especially, where the Enterprise docks
- and is then stolen and chased by the Excelsior. The only let down is
- Robin Curtis as Saavik. Kirstie Alley was much better!
- Favourite book. Hmm. Tough one. I would have to say it is "My Enemy,
- My Ally" by Diane Duane. I know she is having some problems at the
- moment, but when she puts her mind to it, she can write a good,
- original story. Not only that, but I do rather like the Romulans and
- Commander Ael t'Rlailiiu is my favourite.
- Now the toughie in this list was my favourite piece of merchandise. I
- don't have that many, so I'm going to go for one I saw in a magazine
- and fell in love with - Classic Trek Ninja Turtles. Yes, you read it
- correctly! Your favourite turtles, Leonardo, Michaelangelo, Dontello
- and Raphael in Classic Trek uniforms, complete with hairpieces from
- Spock, Kirk, Bones and Scotty. You've got to see them to believe.
- Absolutely brilliant.
- Well, there you have it. Some you'll agree with, some you won't and
- those that you don't - I don't care!
- Two more victims will be stranded next time...!