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- TF01
- 3,Genesis - Review
- 4,by Tim Lynch
- Star Trek: The Next Generation - "Genesis"
- --------------------------------------------
- Reviewed by Tim Lynch
- -----------------------
- Tim Lynch is one of the more well-known names on the 'net, writing
- his never ending series of reviews of TNG and DS9 episodes as they
- air in the states. Here's one of them...
- ----------------------------------
- WARNING: This post contains lots of spoiler information for TNG's
- "Genesis". If you don't want early access to the
- information, hold off.
- Ugggggggh. What were they *thinking*?
- Or, perhaps, "WERE they thinking?" is a better question. Regardless,
- this is probably an episode that should never have been made, at
- least in its current form. More after a synopsis:
- In sickbay, Riker is being tended for a... romance-induced encounter
- with a cactus, Barclay is being treated for an illness that is mostly
- in his imagination, and Data brings in a very pregnant Spot for
- prenatal care (given by Ogawa, who is *also* pregnant as of very
- recently!). Bev finds that Barclay has Urodinan flu, and injects him
- with a synthetic T-cell to activate his dormant immunity to the
- virus.
- When a field-test of upgraded photon torpedoes goes awry, Picard and
- Data take a shuttle to retrieve the torpedo (the Enterprise cannot
- chase the torpedo down itself, as the surrounding asteroid field is
- too dense). Shortly after their departure, however, strange things
- begin happening. Worf takes the setback with the torpedo very badly,
- becoming snappish, coarse, and primitive; Troi begins complaining
- about the ship being too hot and too dry; Barclay becomes
- hyperactive, willing to do anything except rest; and Riker begins to
- have more and more difficulty concentrating or thinking.
- Things begin to come to a head when Troi, taking a bath in her
- quarters, is surprised to see a very primal Worf come in. He tells
- her simply that he needed to be near her -- and then *bites* her, on
- the neck, hard enough to draw blood. Later, in sickbay, Bev finds
- that Troi's body temperature is way down, and that she's not the only
- one. Worse yet, however, Worf is no longer speaking to anyone -- and
- when she finds something on his neck that appears to be a venom sac,
- he spits venom in her face and escapes. A short time later, Worf
- still hasn't been found, Bev's in stasis pending reconstructive
- surgery, and Riker is virtually unable to function. He defers to
- Geordi's judgement about a security alert, but when he tries to
- contact Starfleet to let them know what's happening, he can't
- remember the code for a secured channel...
- Days later, Picard and Data return to find the Enterprise adrift and
- without power. They manage to enter the shuttle bay and begin
- exploring. After hearing a number of animal-like noises and finding
- what appears to be a layer of skin someone shed, they reach Troi's
- quarters. Entering, they find Troi in the bathtub -- completely
- submerged, and with gills as well as lungs. Data's scans suggest
- that her genetic codes are being rewritten on the spot, and that she
- has mutated -- in effect, she is now amphibian rather than human.
- Moving on, they reach the bridge only to find all personnel there
- dead, ripped apart as if by a wild animal. Data manages to get
- enough power to read out life signs, and finds that everyone on board
- is changing just as Troi has done. He and Picard suddenly hear a
- thump and a growl in the ready room, and enter cautiously. There,
- they find Riker there watching the fish-tank -- but Riker now appears
- rather primitive himself, much like a Neanderthal man. He attacks
- Picard, only to be stunned unconscious by Data.
- Further research on both Riker and Troi reveals that, in Data's
- words, "the crew is de-evolving." A synthetic T-cell is invading
- everyone's genetic makeup and activating their introns, the effect of
- which is to mutate them into earlier evolutionary states. Every
- humanoid should be affected -- and since coming on board, Picard has
- now become infected as well, doomed to de-evolve into a lemur in
- short order. They decide to adjourn to Data's quarters, where his
- independent computer might be able to help them search for a cure.
- There, they find that Spot has also de-evolved (into an iguana), but
- Spot's day-old kittens have *not* been affected. They quickly
- theorize that the natural antibodies in Spot's amniotic fluid might
- be the cause, and suggest that amniotic fluid from a pregnant
- humanoid (i.e. Ogawa) might prove an effective basis for a cure.
- They decide to get Ogawa from the arboretum, but are first forced to
- stop in Engineering to fix a plasma conduit.
- After the stop in Engineering (where they encounter Barclay, now well
- into his transformation into a spider), the pair retrieve Ogawa and
- find that her amniotic fluid does, in fact, contain the antibodies
- they need. Just as they begin creating a retrovirus of sorts,
- however, there is a strong pounding at the door -- and scans suggest
- that it's a horribly mutated, and horribly strong, Worf.
- They realize that Worf's likely reason for coming to sickbay is to
- find Troi, Worf's perceived mate (hence the earlier bite), and that
- they must lure him away if Data's research can be successful. As he
- works, Picard takes an extraction of Troi's pheromones and lures Worf
- away with them. Trapped in a Jeffries tube, however, Picard is
- forced to electrify the tube to stun Worf. Data then releases the
- cure in gaseous form, and eventually everything and everyone is
- returned to normal, leaving Barclay (whose cellular structure created
- the mutated T-cell in the first place) with a disease named after
- him.
- ----------
- Well, that's that. Don't worry if it didn't make sense -- it's an
- accurate summary, I'm sad to say. Now, some commentary.
- Yaaaaaaa.
- Now, some more involved commentary. :-)
- I hardly know where to begin. TNG has had plenty of shows that have
- turned me off (particularly this season; I don't know what's been
- happening, but I hope it doesn't bode ill for the finale and film),
- but "Genesis" is the first one this season that seemed to go out of
- its way to make me wince, and wince on an almost constant basis.
- And, just for those who are worried at this turning into a repeat of
- my review of last year's "The Chase", only some of it has to do with
- the science (which was absolutely godawful, but the sort of godawful
- where all you can do is laugh hysterically to keep from pitching the
- television out a window, not get up in arms). Science aside, "The
- Chase" was a decent show. To put it mildly... "Genesis" wasn't a
- good show on much of any level.
- There was basically *no* internal logic to this show at all. Okay,
- so Barclay is the carrier for this "virus" (which it's not, but I
- said I'd keep science out of it for now), which must have been first
- activated in sickbay. Given that, it would seem that the people first
- affected after Barclay would be those either in sickbay or those who
- work with Barclay a lot (i.e. those in engineering).
- Is that what we got? No. Bev isn't affected at *all*, and Ogawa is
- affected very little, at least until we've seen the "days later" part
- of the show. As for Geordi, we never get to see what he's turned
- into -- no doubt because there's nothing the producers could safely
- "de-evolve" the sole black character on the show into without opening
- themselves up for brickbats across the country. No, the two people
- affected most strongly and most quickly are Worf and Troi, two of the
- people who are _least_ likely to have had extensive contact with
- Barclay or sickbay in that twelve to twenty-four hour period. The
- pattern of infection was less organized than the average ten-car
- pileup on any LA freeway.
- Then, there's the fact that main power is lost because "the main
- power grid has been completely destroyed". Fine. If so, though,
- it's extremely tough to believe that (1) it can be restored in any
- reasonable form without major repairs at a starbase, and (2) that
- these rapidly devolving wild animals were able to destroy all the
- systems without either blowing up the ship or knocking out life
- support. Awfully smart animals, there. (Until I heard that line, I
- thought it likely that perhaps one of the last crewmembers with their
- wits about them ordered an emergency shutdown of everything in order
- to keep things intact.)
- Other problems:
- -- Um, Bev? If you've realized Worf has a venom sac, maybe asking
- him to open his mouth when you're right in front of him is a
- *really* dumb idea.
- -- The torpedo was an awfully convenient excuse to get Picard and
- Data off the ship. Okay, the power fluctuation might have made it
- go off course, but combine that with the very convenient "it's not
- accepting an abort command" with the also convenient *with a
- different cause* "the Enterprise can't go get it because the
- asteroids are too plentiful" and you have something that yells
- "let's go get the plot device underway". Ugh.
- -- Despite the fact that Picard and Data had major problems with
- Riker, and that many of the creatures in the arboretum probably
- were in a state similar to his, the two of them manage to get
- Ogawa with precisely zero fuss. That's stretching plausibility as
- well, and that's one that's trivial to fix (i.e. don't say she's
- there in the first place!).
- So much for the plot. However, I didn't feel that any element really
- managed to draw me in, plot aside. Barclay was, as usual, fairly
- entertaining to watch when we got to see him, and Ogawa had her
- moments (including one excellently subtle movement, the final time we
- see her before Picard and Ogawa return: when she gets up to leave,
- she braces herself on her knuckles. Nice foreshadowing.). However, I
- really felt that not a single one of the regulars was particularly
- into the show here. Stewart did a decent job with what he had, but
- "decent" is a step down for him. As for everyone else... the less
- said, the better, particularly Marina Sirtis and Michael Dorn. Sigh.
- (I'd also like to note that after the huge buildup for how menacing
- Worf must have been after his transformation, we never, *ever*, got a
- good look at him. Given how unimpressed I was with the rest of the
- transformations, I'm not exactly shedding tears, but it seems like
- pretty teasing behavior on the part of whoever made that decision.)
- Then, we come to the science. I'll start by saying that everyone I
- know reacted to the show in one of two ways:
- 1) laughing hysterically at virtually every line, particularly the
- alleged explanations of what was happening;
- or
- 2) sitting there, wide-eyed and virtually open-mouthed, in shock at
- just how badly any and all attempts at explanations were being
- abused.
- Everyone. Even my seventh-grade students who are regular Trek
- watchers came to me saying "oh, come ON" after "Genesis" aired. That
- should say something.
- Not being a biologist myself, and not being able to get reactions
- beyond "oh, no, I want my mommy" out of Lisa after she'd seen this
- show :-), I'll keep my science-related statements relatively brief.
- Others can handle the heavy lifting here.
- First of all, the idea that immediately changing DNA can change you
- into something else is simply wrong. If my cells start mutating into
- those similar to cows, I'm not going to start mooing (or appearing in
- Gary Larson cartoons) -- I am going to *DIE*. When my cells stop
- producing those things crucial to my survival, I will quit surviving.
- Period. DNA is not magic. The idea of DNA changes causing weird
- offspring... now that you might be able to get away with; but it
- cannot change the individual that is already formed.
- Second, the idea that the kittens might have initially been spared
- the virus due to protection in the womb is fine -- but the insistence
- that therefore amniotic fluid carried natural antibodies is dumb.
- Think about it, folks: if the fluid had those antibodies, it would
- mean that the mother (i.e. Spot-the-Iguana, the newest game from the
- creators of "Where's Waldo?") would also have them and thus be
- immune. Somehow, that doesn't seem to have been the case. Or, if
- you'd rather look at it another way, the fact that you were protected
- from getting measles while you were a fetus doesn't mean you don't
- need inoculations after you're born. Wrong, and wrong in ways that
- aren't technical.
- Third, those kittens were hardly a day old. That's not really a
- science goof, but as a cat lover and cat owner I felt it necessary to
- point out.
- Those are the basic, absurd-even-to-the-layman objections that make
- "Genesis" pretty weak on the plausibility scale. There are at least
- a good dozen objections to wording that could be made (such as Bev's
- note that Barclay has high "electrophoretic activity", which makes
- about as much sense as telling him he needs a new carburetor, or the
- idea that DNA can have cells *in* it), but I'll leave those for the
- biologists.
- The one major absurdity that's more technical was that of introns.
- Yes, they're evolutionary holdovers and currently serve no function.
- However, that also means they're not selected for or against in terms
- of evolutionary mutations. (In fact, I'm told that's one of the
- reasons theorized for their existence: they might be "junk strings"
- that can be mutated without endangering the animal.) One thing that
- means is that, even if you could "activate" the introns and somehow
- have it create a change, there's not going to be anything coherent
- left after millions of years. There won't be enough concrete
- sections left to cause a change *into* anything.
- In a nutshell, then, "Genesis" took a godawfully implausible plot and
- turned it into a disorganized mishmash of an episode. The only
- _attempted_ justification was on the scientific side of the episode,
- and it failed miserably.
- "Genesis" isn't the worst thing TNG has ever done -- but it's close.
- It's just shy of my bottom-five list (though based on her reactions,
- I think it *is* on Lisa's, in case you're curious), and it's
- definitely the worst thing I've seen from a generally worrisome
- season anyway. If this is going to be typical of "Voyager", count me
- out.
- So, some shorter takes:
- -- "De-evolving?" Yeesh. There's already a word for what was
- happening here (aside from implausible): "devolving". But, I
- suppose we needed the extra syllable, just so it would be Even
- More Obvious what was happening.
- -- One of the things that saves this show from an even lower rating
- than it gets is Barclay's scene with Spot. Bravo! I knew there
- was a reason I liked him. :-)
- -- It is painfully obvious that this is another show that will have
- no ramifications whatsoever. Bev was hit point-blank by some very
- corrosive venom, yet apparently reconstructive surgery has left
- her perfect as ever. And, of course, the families of the
- crewmembers who were killed won't ever blame Bev's mistake for
- their relatives' death. Bah.
- -- I trust I wasn't the only one inserting the line "fire BAD!" into
- Riker's dialogue once he started changing. :-)
- -- The final line of the show was also a help. "I think I'd better
- clear my calendar for the next few weeks," indeed.
- So, to wrap up:
- Plot: Implausible on the one hand, disorganized on the other.
- Plot Handling: Gates had a few nice shots, but this was the wrong
- show to give to her as a debut. I'm not sure anyone
- could have saved it.
- Characterization: Sure... growling and whining are wonderful
- characterization. Forget it -- Barclay, yes, but
- that's about it.
- OVERALL: 2. Extremely bad -- unless you're a completist, avoid it.
- Copyright 1994, Timothy W. Lynch. All rights reserved, but feel free
- to ask...