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- TF01
- 3,Playmates Figure Guide
- 4,by Gene Grasso
- The following is a list of all Star Trek Action Figures and
- Accesories made starting from the First series of Playmates figures
- up until the end of the 1994 series. This list also includes the
- First Series of Deep Space Nine action figures.
- ****** ABOUT THIS LIST ******
- We decided to do this listing because, as a collector, keeping track
- of all of your collectible figures can get very tiring after a while.
- Now that Playmates will be releasing it's 6th series of Next
- Generation figures,the up coming second Series of Deep Space Nine
- figures, and no doubt in 1995, the First series of Star Trek:Voyager
- figures, we decided to build a list to help the Star Trek collector
- keep track of how many there are, and which ones they are. Anyway,
- It's a lot easier to have someone else do the typing and writing for
- once, and this list is very easy to print up and make copies of.
- So,without further ado, we'll start with the first series of
- Playmates Star Trek: The Next Generation Action Figures.
- Star Trek: The Next Generation
- First Series Collectible Action Figures
- Playmates Toys-1992
- 10 Figures
- 1. Captain Jean-Luc Picard
- 2. Counselor Deanna Troi
- 3. Lieutenant Commander Data
- 4. Lieutenant Worf
- 5. Commander William Riker
- 6. Lieutenant Commander Geordi LaForge *** SPECIAL NOTE ***
- 7. Borg
- 8. Ferengi
- 9. Romulan
- 10. Gowron the Klingon
- *** SPECIAL NOTE ***
- Lieutenant Commander Geordi LaForge was originally issued with a
- removable visor in the lower numbered figurines. After concern that
- small children may accidentally swallow the visor, Playmates had it
- glued to the figure. Subsequentally, the figure became known as
- Geordi LaForge with removable visor. Rumor has it that numbers 1-
- 75000 have removable visors, and that card numbers 1-110000 show that
- the visor can be removed.
- Star Trek: The Next Generation
- Second Series Collectable Action Figures
- Playmates Toys-1993
- 15 Figures
- 1. Mordok the Benzite
- 2. Guinan *** SPECIAL NOTE ***
- 3. K'Ehleyr
- 4. Borg
- 5. Locutus
- 6. Counselor Deanna Troi *** SPECIAL NOTE ***
- 7. Cadet Wesley Crusher
- 8. Dr. Beverly Crusher
- 9. Lieutenant (JG) Worf
- 10. Commander William Riker
- 11. Captain Jean-Luc Picard
- 12. Lieutenant Commander Data
- 13. Lieutenant (JG) Geordi LaForge
- 14. Klingon Warrior Worf
- 15. Lt. Cmdr. Geordi LaForge in Dress Uniform *** SPECIAL NOTE ***
- The Guinan figure while still a part of the original second series,
- was shipped much later than the rest of the Second series figures. As
- a result many collectors frantically searched for her until she was
- finally released. After her release, there was a subsequent shortage
- of the figure as many collectors now horded what they thought was a
- valuable investment.
- The Counselor Deanna Troi figure has an interesting variation on the
- card. An unknown number of the figure were shipped with the card
- reading: Ounselor Deanna Troi. Playmates somehow forgot to add the C
- at the beginning, thus making for a very scarce variation.
- The Lt. Cmdr. Geordi LaForge figure, like the Guinan figure was also
- shipped late, but is still a part of the second series of figures.
- The odd thing about this figure is that he was packed in cases with Q
- who was to be released in the Second half of the Second series. This
- packing of only two figures per case of twenty four, flooded the
- market with hundreds of Geordi's, and hundreds of Q's, thus
- decreasing their collectors market value.
- Star Trek: The Next Generation
- Second Series Second Release Collectable Action Figures
- Playmates Toys-1993
- 8 Figures
- 1. Vorgon
- 2. Dathon
- 3. Lore *** SPECIAL NOTE ***
- 4. Ambassador Spock
- 5. Commander Sela
- 6. Captain Scott
- 7. Admiral McCoy
- 8. Q
- Lore was the last Second series figure to be released in the set. He
- was featured on the backs of second series second release cards, but
- was released at the end of 1993.
- The release of the last eight figures was very sporatic, in that many
- of the figures either came out one at a time, or in sets of three. Q
- was the first released, then Admiral McCoy and Captain Scott. Next
- released were Ambassador Spock, Commander Sela, Vorgon and Dathon.
- The last figure released was Lore.
- Star Trek: The Next Generation
- Third Series Collectable Action Figures
- Playmates Toys-1994
- 23 Figures
- 1. Vorgon
- 2. Dathon
- 3. Guinan
- 4. Q
- 5. K'Ehleyr
- 6. Benzite
- 7. Lore
- 8. Counselor Deanna Troi
- 9. Locutus
- 10. Ambassador Spock
- 11. Commander Sela
- 12. Dr. Beverly Crusher
- 13. Cadet Wesely Crusher
- 14. Borg
- 15. Lieutenant (JG) Worf
- 16. Captain Jean-Luc Picard
- 17. Commander William Riker
- 18. Captain Scott
- 19. Lieutenant Commander Data
- 20. Lieutenant (JG) Geordi LaForge
- 21. Admiral McCoy
- 22. Lt. Cmdr. Geordi LaForge in Dress Uniform
- 23. Klingon Warrior Worf
- *** SPECIAL NOTE ***
- The Third Series figures are exactly the same as the Second Series of
- figures, except that they have been repackaged with Skycaps instead
- of Cards. The Third Series figures have also been renumbered for new
- release.
- Star Trek: The Next Generation
- Fourth Series Collectable Action Figures
- Playmates Toys-May 1994
- 8 Figures
- 1. Captain Picard as a Romulan
- 2. Cmdr. Riker as a Malcorian
- 3. Lt. Cmdr. Data as a Romulan
- 4. Lt. Cmdr. LaForge as a Tarchannen III Alien
- 5. Lt. Worf in Starfleet Rescue Outfit
- 6. Lt. Cmdr. Deanna Troi in Star Trek: The Next Generation 6th.
- Season Uniform
- 7. Lt. Barclay
- 8. Hugh Borg
- *** SPECIAL NOTE ***
- As of this writing, Cmdr. Riker, Lt. Worf, and Lt. Barclay have not
- yet been released, but that can change any day.
- Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
- First Series Collectable Action Figures
- Playmates Toys- 1993
- 9 Figures
- 1. Commander Benjamin Sisko
- 2. Major Kira Nerys
- 3. Chief Miles O'Brien
- 4. Lieutenant Jadzia Dax
- 5. Dr. Julian Bashir
- 6. Quark
- 7. Commander Gul Dukat
- 8. Odo
- 9. Morn
- Star Trek: The Next Generation
- First Series Collectable Playsets
- Playmates Toys- 1992
- 4 Pieces
- 1. Starship Enterprise
- 2. Shuttlecraft Goddard
- 3. Phaser
- 4. Communicator
- Star Trek: The Next Generation
- Second Series Collectable Playsets
- Playmates Toys- 1993
- 7 Pieces
- 1. Transporter
- 2. Bridge Playset
- 3. Tricorder
- 4. Romulan Warbird
- 5. Klingon Attack Cruiser
- 6. Communicator Walkie Talkies
- 7. Starship Enterprise Glider
- So concludes the first installment of Star Trek Collectable Action
- Figures. Hopefully, you've enjoyed this little compilation, and if so
- write to us, and tell us you did. We will be adding on to this list,
- as more toys are made available to the set, continuing with the
- fourth series, and going into the fifth series of action figures.
- The author of this compilation is 20 years old, and has been
- collecting toys for fun since 1977, when he was four years old.
- Today, he collects for both fun and profit trying to locate rare and
- hard to find action figures and accessories. His prized possessions
- of the collection include: 1 Original Invisible Woman Action Figure,
- and Several Iceman Action Figures.
- If anyone that reads this, is interested in us doing another list, or
- is interested in us trying to locate an action figure for them, you
- can write to us at:
- Star Toys Headquarters
- C/O Gene Grasso
- 25 Clinton Court
- Staten Island, NY 10301
- When writing, please include, what you would like to see a list made
- of, and what types of action figures you collect.
- Thanks again for checking us out.
- P.S. Feel free to pass this list around, it's free!
- **************************** DISCLAIMER ****************************
- The author of this work is not responsible in any way for misleading
- material included in the work. To the best of my knowledge, all of
- the above material is true and correct.
- Stardate: May 26,1994