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- TF01
- 3,I Locutus - Part 8
- 4,by Ryan Nicol
- Well, here it is. That's right; the conclusion to "I, Locutus"
- (finally). Sorry it's taken so long, but better late than never. At
- any rate, enjoy it; comments, criticisms are welcome, including
- flames for not tying up lose ends, getting the characters wrong, not
- being proficient in the extraordinary art of technobabble, etc. But
- for now, I'm off on vacation......!!!!!
- All the beach... sorry, best (Vac is already getting to me)
- Ryan.
- ------------
- by Ryan Nicol
- ---------------
- PART EIGHT - The Conclusion
- Jean-Luc Picard stared at the strange beings who surrounded him;
- half-biological, half-machine. Where in Hells name was he?
- The creatures that surrounded him seemed to sense something was
- amiss, for they moved closer in to him, restricting his movements.
- Still they continued to guide him down the narrow metal corridor, a
- rhythmic clanging at every foot-fall.
- Confused and bewildered, Picard moved along with them, not that he
- had any choice in the matter.
- The corridor came to a sudden dead end, forming a gang-plank of
- sorts, and the creatures before him parted to either side, allowing
- him to walk to the edge. Unsure, yet alert, Picard moved forward,
- and found himself facing an abyss. It seemed to stretch down by many
- miles, and up as well. Where he was and what he was looking at, he
- had no idea, but he could not shake the uneasy feeling he had every
- moment he stared at these strange beings by whom he had found himself
- surrounded and every time he looked across that abyss at the towering
- structures that seemed to surround him.
- "Jean-Luc Picard of the starship Enterprise." Many voices called
- out, ringing in unison.
- He hesitated, then answered those many voices: "I am Jean-Luc
- Picard."
- "A futile effort, to try and destroy that which is named Locutus."
- The many voices continued. "You shall now be assimilated into the
- whole; you will become one with the Borg."
- Picard froze. He did not know why, but every muscle in his body
- tightened at the mention of that name. An uneasy feeling settled
- over him, and he turned slightly to glance at one of the strange
- creatures that stood nearby... guarding him?
- "Are you the... Borg?"
- The creature gave no answer. Instead it remained standing there,
- expressionless.
- "We are the Borg." The voices replied, and Picard felt an instinctual
- urge to run....
- * * * * * * * *
- No time. Riker watched as the Borg ship, carrying Data's
- consciousness rammed into the side of one of the other two Borg
- ships.
- There was only one thing left to do.
- "Head for that Borg ship!" He ordered, pointing to the other one,
- that was nearest to them.
- Worf reacted immediately; with not a moment's hesitation, he plotted
- the course that would put the other Borg ship between them and the
- explosion. The Enterprise lurched forward, and the nearest Borg ship
- sprung forward, as if closing in on the kill, then swung away again
- as the Enterprise angled around it.
- Goodbye Data, Riker thought as the brightness of the explosion
- illuminated the space for a second before the vacuum diminished it.
- Large pieces of debris flashed past in the distance; pieces that
- would have proven fatal had it not been for the bulk of the remaining
- Borg ship protecting them in its shadow.
- Riker had almost relaxed when there was a sudden lurch that nearly
- threw him from his seat.
- "We've been hit!" He heard Geordi cry from behind him, unable to see
- what was happening around him.
- "Negative, Commander." Worf replied. "The Borg have caught us in
- their tractor beam."
- "This is not my lucky day." Geordi muttered. He couldn't see,
- couldn't react, and as a result couldn't do a thing to help.
- * * * * * * * *
- "Sir, the Borg have the Enterprise in their tractor beam!"
- Shelby turned to the Lieutenant before her. "Open fire on the Borg
- ship. Destroy that tractor beam. Ensign, try and raise Commander
- Riker."
- "Firing, Captain."
- Twin beams of energy lanced out from the underside of the USS
- Garrett, striking the point of origin of the tractor beam.
- "Tractor beam has been eliminated."
- "I can't seem to raise the Enterprise, sir." The ensign reported.
- "The Borg ship is giving out some kind of interference."
- Shelby continued to stare at her viewscreen. "Why the hell is the
- Enterprise still loitering around there? They don't want to be near
- there when that Borg ship goes. Ensign, keep trying to raise them."
- What in Heaven's name is Riker up to? She wondered.
- * * * * * * * *
- "Borg shields are partially down, Commander." Worf reported as he
- inspected his Security station. A Lieutenant and an ensign had
- replaced Riker and him at the ops and conn, and medics had removed
- Doctor Crusher and Geordi La Forge to the sickbay.
- "Partially? What do you mean?"
- "The USS Garrett has performed numerous serious blows to the Borg
- ship." Worf responded. "As a result, the Borg's shields have
- weakened. In essence, there are so-called holes in them."
- Riker digested this for a moment, then asked: "Is it possible to beam
- an Away Team through one of those so-called holes?"
- Worf was quiet for a moment. When he replied, his tone was one of
- calmness and admiration. "Yes, sir. It is possible."
- Riker nodded. "Inform three of your security officers to meet me in
- Transporter Room Four. You're in command, Mr Worf."
- Worf was momentarily stunned. "Commander, with all due respect, I
- believe I would be the most reasonable choice to lead the Away Team;
- considering your present condition and the fact that you are in
- command..."
- Riker didn't stop walking, but turned when in the elevator. "You have
- your orders, Mr Worf. Carry them out."
- The doors slid shut, but Riker took with him the look of a very
- annoyed Klingon Security Chief.
- * * * * * * * *
- "Captain, we're reading a drastic drop in the Borg's power!" Felmers
- called out from his station. "Both the explosion and our anti-matter
- charges seems to have done quite a bit of damage."
- "What is the status of the Borg's shields?" Shelby asked from the
- captain's chair.
- Felmers bent down to take another look at the readings before him.
- "Generally low from the explosion of those two Borg ships, and there
- are areas where there's no shielding at all."
- Shelby nodded, satisfied. "Fire phasers at those openings. Let's hit
- them at the tender spots."
- Staying near that Borg ship was your decision, Will. She thought,
- not without a certain amount of regret.
- * * * * * * * *
- As the shimmering from the transporter beam faded away, Riker found
- himself staring straight into the face of a Borg soldier. His first
- instinct was to fire his weapon, but he stopped. That would just
- raise the alarm, and besides, this Borg wasn't going anywhere. Sure
- enough, it was one of many lined against the wall in its own
- individual compartment.
- He turned to look at the three security guards that had accompanied
- him. All looked alert, and just a little nervous. Understandable
- considering the Borg track-record. All three had their phasers out,
- but as ordered before transporting, they had not fired when they
- found themselves in the midst of the Borg collective.
- Riker looked around, feeling that cold feeling that came over one
- when returning to a place that filled your mind with horrors. He
- had, after all, seen and felt enough horrors in the last few days to
- last him a life-time. After a slight pause, he looked down at the
- tricorder he held in his hand. He still held onto the phaser in the
- other; he was damned if they were going to get him again.
- "I've got the co-ordinates for the captain's communicator; we'll head
- in that direction."
- Slowly, they moved forward through the maze of wires and metal
- conduits. Looking at his surroundings, Riker could hardly believe he
- had ever left the Borg ship with Data on it. They were exactly the
- same, in every detail. They soon came to a turn in the passage, as
- it opened up to what seemed like an abyss. On the far side, Riker
- could make out countless levels stretching upwards - and downwards -
- as far as the eye could see. And on every level, he could make out
- thousands of Borg, lining the wall in their own slots. Now they had
- a choice of moving left or right on what seemed to be a metal gang-
- plank that ran along the side of the "abyss". Once again, he studied
- his tricorder, then motioned for the security detail to follow him as
- he turned left.
- As he moved down the gang-plank, he couldn't help but look to his
- right, where the world seemed to fall away, into a bottomless,
- artificial pit. Though he couldn't locate the source, he felt a
- distinct throbbing, as if they were near some great power source. No
- Borg, except for those in their slots along the wall - puppets
- without a master - were visible. They were getting close now.
- Then the whole world seemed to collapse around them.
- * * * * * * * *
- "Get me the USS Garrett!" Worf roared from the captain's chair.
- "They're firing right on Commander Riker's position!"
- "I'm sorry, sir." The Lieutenant at the security station replied, a
- small amount of panic clearly evident in his voice. "All
- transmissions are being blocked by the Borg."
- "The Borg ship is beginning to break apart, sir!" The ensign at the
- ops console cried out.
- "Maintain our position." Worf answered. "And keep the shields down,
- so we can beam the Away Team back as soon as it is necessary."
- It was risky, he knew. It meant that they were vulnerable to attack
- from both the Borg ship and the results of its destruction. But it
- was the only honorable thing he could do.
- * * * * * * * *
- The artificial world that surrounded him shook, throwing him from his
- feet, towards that great abyss that stretched out near him. Riker
- held on to the railing, feeling himself slide over it as the Borg
- ship underwent another convulsion. He gripped the cold metal bar
- tightly, his feet feeling the empty air that stretched for miles
- below him. One of the security guards managed to clamber to help him
- back over the railing, to the "safety" of the gang-plank. Riker
- managed to mutter a thanks just as an explosion rattled the ship.
- Riker fell against one of the Borg soldiers alongside the wall and
- managed to roll out of the way as the soldier responded to the
- "attack" with a swipe at the starfleet officer with its mechanical
- appendage.
- "Let's keep moving!" He yelled to the security officers, noting their
- rather stunned expressions. Slowly, with a tight grip on the
- railing, he moved on, pausing to hold on for dear life every time the
- Borg ship shook from an attack.
- The co-ordinates of Picard's communicator were nearby and moving,
- which meant that it hadn't been abandoned like the first time they
- had tried to retrieve the captain from the Borg.
- Riker just hoped they could find Picard, or Locutus, before the ship
- destroyed itself.
- * * * * * * * *
- "How are our energy reserves doing?" Shelby asked.
- The ensign in front of her looked up from his station momentarily.
- "We won't be able to hold on much longer, Commander. I'd say we have
- seven minutes until our shields collapse."
- They'd lasted longer than any other Starfleet vessel had any rights
- to last already, Shelby mused. The USS Garrett was good when it came
- to fighting the Borg.... But not invincible.
- Felmers looked up from his sensor readings. "Captain, if we released
- our anti-matter container with a twelve-seconds time delay, the Borg
- ship should be finished."
- Shelby took this all in, but never took her eyes from the Enterprise.
- What was Will doing? Unless he had an Away Team on the Borg
- vessel....
- "Ready the anti-matter container, Lieutenant." She ordered. "But hold
- release it on my order."
- She would give him five minutes to get out of there. But no more.
- After that....
- * * * * * * * *
- They had begun to move away from the gang-plank on the edge of that
- metallic precipice, making their way into what seemed like the heart
- of the Borg ship. The co-ordinates for Picard's communicator had
- stopped moving, which either meant that the carrier of the
- communicator was standing still, or it had been dropped. As he moved
- through the silhouette of the Borg ship, Riker hoped it was not the
- latter. If the communicator had been parted from Picard, then there
- was little hope of ever re-capturing the Captain.
- The passage-way had come to a sudden end, opening up into a large,
- cavernous area. Riker slowed his pace down, and signalled the guards
- to do like-wise. As he moved cautiously forward, he tried to look
- through the dimness that seemed to have settled around them. The
- explosions had stopped for the moment, though every now and then the
- floor shook, less violently than before.
- And then he made out the form of the Borg soldier, standing over a
- gaunt-looking individual, who was lying on a table - a table not so
- unlike the one he had been lying on when....
- Sensing their presence, the Borg looked up, its mechanised arm
- hovering over Picard's face. Riker needed to further encouragement.
- He had a strange sense of satisfaction as the beam from his phaser
- engulfed the Borg soldier, felling it instantly.
- There were others all around him, but he didn't care. The three
- security guards were already firing their phasers, dispersing those
- Borg soldiers that had come to aid their fallen co-worker, while
- Riker hurried to help his captain from the metal bed to which he had
- been secured. The three security guards continued firing, changing
- the frequencies on their phasers as fast as the Borg could adapt to
- them, and moved inwards towards Picard in an ever-tightening circle.
- "Enterprise, this is Riker. Emergency beam up!"
- O'Brien's voice filtered through Riker's badge: "I'm sorry,
- Commander. But you're in an area of the Borg vessel where their
- shields are still up. You'll have to move...."
- The phaser whine surrounded him, distorting the voice of the
- Transporter Chief. Riker had to shout to be sure he was heard.
- "There's no way I can do that, Enterprise!"
- The deathly-white faces moved closer.
- * * * * * * * *
- "Release anti-matter container."
- "Anti-matter container released. Twelve seconds till detonation."
- * * * * * * * *
- "You can't get us back, Worf! Get the hell out of here!" Riker
- shouted, as he held onto Picard's limp form. He tried to lift his
- phaser; give the Borg a going-away present.
- * * * * * * * *
- "Seven... six..."
- * * * * * * * *
- "I said get the hell out of here!"
- The Borg moved forward.
- "Enterprise...!" Futile.
- * * * * * * * *
- "Three... two..."
- * * * * * * * *
- The Enterprise shot away from the Borg ship, near the speed of light.
- There was a moment of stillness, then...
- * * * * * * * *
- "Zero."
- * * * * * * * *
- Space lit up for an instant as the anti-matter was released, reacting
- instantly with the matter that surrounded it. The already-battered
- Borg ship burst, spewing debris for miles around, forming what seemed
- like a large cloud in the area of space it once occupied.
- "That's our job done." Shelby sighed.
- But it's not over, she thought. Do you hear me, Ranklin? It's not
- over yet.
- * * * * * * * *
- Data looked down at the frail-looking woman he had once known. He was
- easy to mend; it had taken the USS Garrett's engineers the three
- weeks it took for them to limp back to Earth to put him together
- again, restoring his "mind", that had inhabited the ship's computer,
- back to his newly re-fitted body.
- But humans weren't that easy to put together again.
- "Ard'rian." He said, quietly. She still did not move; just lay
- there, curled up in a foetal position, facing away from him. "It is
- me, Data."
- "Go away." The voice was barely a whisper; almost a sob. The pale,
- shaved head moved slightly, turning towards the pillow.
- "Go away," It repeated. There was a slight hesitation. Then one
- word was added, "...machine."
- Data continued to look down at her crumpled form for a while. Then he
- turned, and left.
- * * * * * * * *
- Riker walked into the Enterprise's sickbay. He was whole again,
- thanks to the aid of both ship's doctors. It had been a close call,
- when the transporter had yanked them out of the Borg ship, just when
- the shields failed and the it was about to explode. It had been
- split-second timing that he would make sure would earn O'Brien a
- commendation.
- He had seen Geordi out of sickbay two weeks ago, when his visor had
- been fixed. The Chief Engineer had not been too happy about being
- blind for a whole week, but now with his sight back, he was already
- working to restore the Enterprise back to its prime condition. After
- all, the Borg had done more than enough tampering to the ship to keep
- Geordi busy for the coming months that they would be in orbit around
- Earth, helping to normalise the situation there.
- He smiled a hello at Beverly Crusher, who had just left her office.
- The memory of his first meeting with her after the encounter came
- back. She had greeted him, and taken a long look at his beard, as if
- she had never seen it before. To her, of course, she hadn't. Riker
- knew she had a lot of work ahead of her, so recapturing old memories
- via ship records and personal logs would have to wait till later.
- Still, she had found plenty of time to ask him questions about
- Wesley, and how he had grown up into a responsible officer. Riker
- found himself enjoying the talk, especially when it came to telling
- her about Odan and how the trill had inhabited his own body for a
- period of time.
- But in all that time, Jean-Luc Picard had not come out of the coma
- that the Borg had placed him in, and Will had regularly stood next to
- the bed in sickbay on which the captain had been placed, watching
- him. He had once thought he would never understand how Picard had
- felt, at the hands of the Borg. But now he did; and it hurt.
- "Captain," He smiled as he approached the bed, "the good doctor was
- kind enough to tell me you were finally awake."
- Picard stared up at him, looking a little dazed.
- "It's William Riker." Riker said, trying not to show the pain he felt
- at having to remind this person - who he had worked next to for so
- many years - of his name.
- Picard nodded slowly, but his eyes retained the haunted look that had
- been in them since he had come out of the coma.
- "I... remember you."
- Riker merely smiled.
- Picard was quiet for a moment. When he spoke, his voice carried a
- hint of awareness, of something deeper than previously known.
- "You're.... Number One?"
- "Yes," Riker nodded, slowly. The smile broadened for that one
- moment. "I'm your Number One."