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- TF01
- 3,I Locutus - Part 7
- 4,by Ryan Nicol
- And here is Part Seven, the penultimate chapter in the "I, Locutus"
- story. As I stated at the beginning of Part six, all the parts of
- "I, Locutus" will have been posted here by Tuesday evening, as I'll
- be away on vacation for a week or so after that! If one or more
- parts go missing, I'm afraid I'll be away until the 19th April, so
- only then will I be able to answer any mail and supply you with
- missing parts.
- All the best,
- Ryan.
- ------------
- by Ryan Nicol
- ---------------
- "Since I do not know how much you have forgotten, let me start from
- scratch. Your name is Beverly Crusher, and the vial that is in the
- hypospray marked X contains...." She watched her mirror-self,
- listened to her own voice and couldn't believe what she was seeing
- and hearing. "....schematics of this ship can be found in the
- Library Computer. The person I have told you about is named Locutus.
- Whatever happens, it is imperative you administer the full dosage.
- As you know from what I've told you, those areas of his brain
- rewritten by this virus will be neutralised. Since the creatures
- you've just heard about are only interested in controlling those
- portions of the brain that make a person unique from the rest - ones'
- memories - you won't kill him or incapacitate him to a point of no
- return, so don't worry. But remember, no matter what happens to you,
- you must get this dosage through to him. To the one they call
- Locutus."
- Beverly turned from the desk monitor and looked around her, at the
- strangely familiar setting she had found herself in. She could
- remember Jean-Luc, of course. And the Enterprise as well. But
- the... Borg? And since when did Wesley leave for the Academy?....
- But the pieces fitted together, now that she had listened to this
- message, taped only half an hour ago, and yet filled with things she
- didn't know and could barely understand.
- Eradication. It was the only way, and the only hope they had, her
- previous self had told her. Beverly Crusher now knew what she had
- done; to get at these Borg, she destroyed those things she considered
- most cherished - her memories....
- * * * * * * * *
- Riker watched as Shelby's engineering team worked around the clock,
- extracting all the data they could from the access terminal which he
- had used to halt the Borg. With the help from Data, trapped within
- the confines of the Borg's circuitry, Riker was able to tell them how
- to pass certain security precautions the Borg had set up. All the
- information they gathered was being transmitted into the USS
- Garrett's ship-board computer to analyse and relay all pertinent
- details to Shelby and her officers, who would then consider different
- courses of action that could be taken once they confronted the two
- approaching Borg ships.
- It had been Riker's idea to copy the "file" in which Data's so-called
- mental patterns had been transmitted, so that even if the Data stuck
- in the Borg circuitry was destroyed when the ship collided with one
- of the other Borg ships, there would still be something left of the
- original Data around which a new android could be built.
- The Data in the Borg circuitry had begun to analyse this new moral
- dilemma, but Riker had cut him off quickly. There was little time to
- philosophise, what with more important things to attend to, and after
- all, the Data in the ship's circuitry wouldn't be around for much
- longer for it to be much of a dilemma for him, if they succeeded in
- their plan. And if they did not, then what did it matter in a
- Federation controlled by the Borg?
- "Commander Riker," Worf's voice broke the silence that had surrounded
- him, and the commotion inside of him - commotion caused from the
- continual presence of Data... and of the Borg.
- "Yes, Mr Worf?"
- "The USS Garrett has slowed down, allowing us to catch up with her.
- Those to be transferred to her have been notified and are standing
- by." Worf spoke, his gaze not averting from Riker, even for an
- instant.
- "Thank you, Mr Worf." Riker paused. "I take it you're ready to beam
- back with them."
- Worf continued to stare at him, seemingly unmovable. "I am staying
- here, Commander."
- Riker sighed. "Mr Worf, you will be beaming back with the others, and
- that is the last word on the subject."
- Worf continued to gaze steadily into Riker's eyes. "Captain Shelby
- requested that I accompany you here to see that you do nothing that
- may... compromise our strategy. I have acceded to that request, and
- will continue to do so."
- So that was it, Riker thought. Shelby doesn't trust me. He couldn't
- blame her, actually; not when he was still linked like this to the
- Borg. And then the thought occurred to him: Am I still under their
- control? Like an unsuspecting pawn in their game, like Jean-Luc
- Picard had been for Starfleet?
- "Very well, Mr Worf." He sighed. Perhaps it would be a wise
- precaution for someone to look over him, after all.
- * * * * * * * *
- The two Borg ships loomed ahead of him, on the Bridge's main
- viewscreen. Now that they had reached the Enterprise, they had all
- but stopped in space. Not all of the crew had been assimilated; the
- so-called "bug" did not work instantaneously, for its job was a slow
- one, as it altered each brain cell into a set pattern that would turn
- the owner of that brain into one of the Whole. That was happening
- for the majority of the ship's complement, but there were still many
- who had not been reached. Once transported to one of the two Borg
- ships, the process could be sped up. But first it was Locutus' duty
- to beam over, and be physically transformed into a Borg, so that his
- appearance could complement his Borg-mentality.
- "Locutus." The woman's voice carried from the aft turbo-lift.
- Locutus turned to see that it was the doctor. She had already been
- impregnated with the virus, but owing to the time that it took for it
- to complete its task, she was not yet a complete Borg. Thus she was
- difficult to reach without vocal communication. But he could sense a
- definite feeling of urgency.
- "Yes?" He moved towards her, the three Borg soldiers in his vicinity
- moving with him.
- "Go to Hell." With incredible speed, Crusher pulled her hand free
- from her lab coat and jabbed the hypo into Locutus' side. Almost as
- quickly, but not quick enough, the Borg soldiers responded. The one
- grabbed her newly-healed wrist and threw her across the bridge, to
- smash against the far wall. The other two held onto Locutus, who had
- half-collapsed as the substance contained in the hypo was released
- into his system.
- Crusher, a half-smile across her face despite the pain from being
- thrown, looked up to see Locutus and the three Borg soldiers
- disappear in a transporter beam. After that, she lost all
- consciousness.
- * * * * * * * *
- "Mr Worf, prepare to beam out of here!" Riker called out suddenly.
- Worf took one look at him, then followed him to stand in one of the
- countless, now-empty, slots in the wall that were normally reserved
- for the Borg. He didn't understand what Riker was proposing, or
- where they were going to be beamed, but from the tone of his
- Commander's voice, he could tell there was no time for explanation.
- Besides, they were the last two left on the Borg ship, besides Data's
- consciousness, and where they beamed couldn't be more worse than
- being on a ship headed for destruction.
- Riker placed his hand on a circular disc that jutted out of the wall,
- and indicated to Worf to do the same.
- God-speed, Data, he thought; then the materialization effect of a
- Borg transporter, thanks to his friend stuck in the Borg circuitry,
- caught him in a swirling haze, and he was gone.
- * * * * * * * *
- No sooner had the surroundings of the Borg ship disappeared than he
- found himself standing in a lonely, darkened corridor. Immediately
- his hand reached down for his phaser as he felt a presence beside
- him.
- "Worf."
- It was Riker. Worf lowered his phaser and took a more careful,
- detailed look at his new surroundings. To his slight surprise, he
- recognized it as being a corridor on the Enterprise.
- "The shields are up, but the Borg transporters never have had a
- problem with that." Riker whispered, then turned and started heading
- cautiously for the turbo-lift.
- Once inside, he turned to Worf. "If the Enterprise is as close to
- the Borg ships as our last readings indicated, then we've got to re-
- take the bridge and get the hell out of here. When Data collides with
- one of them, we don't want to be near that explosion."
- "Readings indicate there are seven Borg soldiers on the main Bridge."
- Worf said as he read his tricorder.
- "Can you get Geordi's co-ordinates? We don't know what alterations
- the Borg have done to the ship, and we'll need his help if we're
- going to get anywhere."
- Worf hesitated for a moment as he tried to pinpoint Geordi LaForge's
- location from his communicator. "This way, Commander." The two of
- them exited the turbo-lift.
- * * * * * * * *
- The Borg knew of his presence, the danger he presented to them. They
- raised their defences, but by using the energy reserves that
- surrounded him, he was quick to cut them down. Their own barrage of
- weapons tried to stop him, but he took the wounds they inflicted.
- They were small compared to what was to come.
- Data maneuvered towards the further of the two Borg ships, the one
- further from the Enterprise. Not that it would matter of course; if
- the Enterprise did not get out of the immediate vicinity before the
- collision, that small distance between them and the targeted Borg
- ship would not count for much. They too would join him in the
- floating debris, as the collision would envelop them, tearing the
- Enterprise into so many tiny pieces.
- Time was running out.
- * * * * * * * *
- "We're running out of time." Riker said as he and Worf helped lead
- the blind Chief Engineer towards the turbo-lift.
- "Just get me to the bridge, and our problems will be solved." Geordi
- muttered, at a half-run and holding onto Worf's muscular arm.
- Within seconds they were back in the turbo-lift.
- "Bridge." Riker called out into the air, and the elevator began to
- rise. Both he and Worf held onto their phasers and aimed them at the
- door, ready.
- The instant the doors swished open, they darted out into the bridge,
- phasers aimed for any sign of a Borg.
- "Mr Worf, where are your soldiers." Riker asked, still in his
- crouching position, but this time looking up at the equally-puzzled
- Klingon.
- "I'm at a loss, Commander." Worf muttered, staring at the empty
- bridge.
- Not that empty, Riker thought as he spotted the crumpled form of
- Beverly Crusher on the other side of the bridge. But there were
- other things to attend to....
- Immediately he seated himself at the operations console, while Worf
- sat to his right.
- "Let's get the hell out of here."
- Geordi moved down the bridge ramp, feeling his way towards the three
- centre seats.
- On the view-screen, the two large Borg ships began to slide out of
- sight.
- "We're not going to make it, are we?" Geordi muttered; he couldn't
- see a damn thing, but he could still feel the sluggishness of the
- Enterprise.
- "No," Riker grimaced, "we're not."
- * * * * * * * *
- It was too late, and Data knew it. There were only seconds before
- impact, and the Enterprise had barely moved. Whatever had happened,
- Will Riker and Worf had failed. Though, technically-speaking, Data
- couldn't feel, he still felt a stab of... sadness? Intriguing, he
- thought, if not a little late. There was little time to analyse this
- new aspect of existence, but Data used the time he had left.
- That all ended as they collided....