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- TF01
- 3,I Locutus - Part 3
- 4,by Ryan Nicol
- Part Three here and on time. Again, if there are any comments,
- criticisms, suggestions, etc, you're welcome to mail me.
- Enjoy,
- Ryan.
- ------------
- by Ryan Nicol
- ---------------
- "Message received and understood, Captain." Admiral Ranklin said,
- gravely. "And for what it is worth, Jean-Luc, I am deeply sorry for
- the loss of Commanders Riker and Data. The Federation has lost two
- fine officers."
- Picard nodded, his carefully composed face masking all feelings. "How
- long before the USS Garrett can confront the Borg ship?"
- "We've notified Captain Shelby of the... recent events at Beta
- Ariquae V, and she is on her way. We estimate she will arrive at
- Earth in four days. A bit late, but better late than never."
- Ranklin forced a smile. "We're preparing to evacuate."
- "Four days." Picard repeated, slowly. "The Borg ship will be there in
- less than one."
- "I know." Ranklin nodded. "But we'll give them a good fight."
- "We'll be there in two days, Admiral. You'll just have to hold them
- off until then."
- Ranklin sighed deeply. "We're pulling all our forces back in. Away
- from the Neutral Zone, away from patrol routes. If we're going,
- we're going to go with a fight. But you're the closest starship to
- Earth. You'll be the first to arrive and see what havoc's been
- wreaked. We just hope we're still around to see you, Enterprise."
- The link was cut. Picard sat for a moment, staring at the stars that
- had replaced the Admiral's drawn face.
- "Engineering to Bridge." Geordi's voice cut through his thoughts,
- bringing him back to the harsh reality around him. "We can give you
- Warp Eight as soon as you're ready, Captain."
- "Understood, Mr La Forge." Picard replied. "How soon until shields
- are fully operational?"
- "They're up to eighty percent, captain," Geordi's voice responded,
- "and that's better than I anticipated. Right at the moment, it looks
- like full efficiency is closer to wishful thinking than anything else
- I can imagine."
- Well, it was better than he could have hoped for, Picard thought with
- a sigh. "Thank you, Geordi. It's all I could have asked."
- He turned to the empty chair to his right, then spoke: "Mr Worf, I
- would like a word with you in my Ready Room."
- * * * * * * * *
- Will Riker's quarters were unusually quiet. In the past it had an
- air of warmth and cheer about it; but now it was bathed in a dim
- glow, as Geordi La Forge was shutting down all non-essential sections
- of the ship to divert the majority of the power into the shields and
- the warp engines.
- Deanna Troi glanced around the spacious room, and thought of its old
- owner. The only comforting thought was that he was dead, but what
- comfort was that? She hoped that it had been quick. After
- witnessing Jean-Luc Picard's conversion into a Borg, seeing the pain
- he felt after he was brought back from that nightmare, she hoped
- Riker would be spared that. And Picard....?
- He was being more distant, more elusive, as they moved towards Earth.
- The encounter with the Borg at Beta Ariquae V had no doubt shaken him
- up far worse than she thought possible, but then again, when it
- awakened such harsh memories that had been forced into the
- unconscious, what else could be expected? The reminder of what he
- had been, what they made him become, was something that had obviously
- haunted him since his escape from the Borg, a crushing of his spirit,
- of his very being - all this was being dredged to the surface once
- again, as he travelled on this course towards Earth once again, this
- time knowing his William Riker and Data were undergoing the same
- conversion - and destruction of their spirit. The only comfort was
- in the notion of their death, for if becoming a Borg and losing your
- very essence was not death, what was?
- She would have to help him confront those fears, those pains. A part
- of him was no doubt hiding, and the first step was to bring that part
- out into the open; the problem was how.
- * * * * * * * *
- Earth defensive capabilities? Irrelevant; they knew them. The
- knowledge gained from those assimilated; the information retrieved
- from the Enterprise memory banks; data acquired from their refined
- sensors - all fed into the Borg consciousness. They knew.
- Assimilation was only a matter of time.
- The high-grade phaser cannons, the electrical discharge, and anti-
- matter ejector were all powerless against the newly developed shields
- of the Borg. Through the darkness of space, the cube-shaped ship
- sped towards its destination, an unstoppable force about to be
- unleashed on a defenseless planet.
- The Borg had calculated well; the spokesman was on its way. All would
- be prepared for it. The new form of assimilation was at work, and
- soon it would be ready. The Borg vessel passed by the lonely giant
- planet, Uranus, and sped on towards its goal.
- * * * * * * * *
- The arms, legs, and most of the torso had been discarded. They were
- inferior, and hence irrelevant. But the head, and the multitude of
- circuits and electronic chips that it possessed, and the information
- contained within them were of importance, and it was 1075's job to
- assimilate that information into the Borg whole. It had been
- assimilated recently, but already it had total control over its large
- robotic appendages, electronic scanner, and other modifications that
- it had underwent when it had gone by the name of Ard'rian Mackenzie.
- That name meant nothing now. That being no longer existed. That
- being was now Borg.
- It stared down at the android head, carefully sliced open by one of
- the Borg's advanced machinery so that none of the delicate circuits
- were damaged or destroyed. The operation was precise, and done with
- the coldness associated with a machine in a factory.
- But there was no such coldness as 1075 stared downward at the object
- in its hand. There was something familiar about the head; a strange
- feeling that was associated with it, something totally alien to this
- creature that now stared at it. The metal plate that melded with its
- biological head had resulted in the long hair that the previous owner
- of this body once had being removed. Hair was unnecessary. In the
- dim light of the Borg vessel, it continued to stare downward at the
- head, its own white scalp standing out in the gloom.
- And then it did something totally alien to its character. 1075 turned
- to the accessing terminal where it had been stationed, and downloaded
- all the files in the android head under one directory in the Borg
- whole. Once the process was completed, 1075 hesitated another moment
- as it stared at the blank face of the android again, then moved down
- the narrow, metal gang-way to dump the head with the rest of the
- android's body parts.
- * * * * * * * *
- "Captain Picard, report to the bridge." Worf's voice boomed through
- the intercom system.
- In the darkness of his quarters, Picard did not move. Instead, he
- continued to sit on the edge of his bed, oblivious to everything.
- What were they fighting for? Why even try to fight? Resistance was
- useless. Resistance.... irrelevant, he thought and stood up. He
- left his quarters in its darkness and moved out towards the bridge.
- Troi had ordered a complete mental and physical medical check-up, and
- he had acceded to her request reluctantly. As he entered the turbo-
- lift he reminded himself to stop by sickbay to check on the results.
- "Report, Mr Worf." He said into his badge as the turbo-lift started
- upwards.
- "We have arrived at the edge of the solar system, Captain." His new
- First Officer's voice said. "And a message has just come in from the
- Quadrant Delta-Agneu."
- "What does the message say?"
- There was a pause before Worf responded. "Two more Borg ships have
- been spotted entering Federation space, sir. Both are on a direct
- course for Earth."
- * * * * * * * *
- "I repeat, Captain: The Enterprise has been co-opted by the Borg.
- You are to use all available force to neutralise both the Borg ship
- and the Federation star ship."
- Shelby hesitated for a moment, unsure of how to question an Admiral
- who had barely escaped from Earth with his life. "In what way has
- the Enterprise been commandeered by the Borg?"
- Admiral Ranklin looked at her, his eyes glazed over by the
- destruction he had seen. "This may be hard to believe, Captain
- Shelby, but Locutus is alive."
- "What? Locutus was destroyed when we retrieved Captain Picard. I
- don't see how..."
- "He is alive, Captain." Ranklin interrupted her, wearily. "In fact,
- he never died. This is something we suspected, but never were able
- to confirm, and the reason why Commander Riker was not offered
- another captaincy since Picard's abduction. But that's not important.
- What is is that you must stop them both. We've lost Earth, and thank
- God we managed to get out of there before things got messy, but you
- know about the two other Borg ships. If we're going to turn this
- around into a victory for our side, the Enterprise must be destroyed.
- We're counting on you, Captain. Good luck."
- The screen dimmed, and Ranklin's face was replaced by the stars of
- the galaxy. How many of their planets are going to meet Earth's fate
- before this is all over? Shelby wondered. And what did Ranklin mean
- by Locutus being alive? If this was true, how did he know? He
- managed to get out of the area alright, claiming he was non-
- expendable, that he was needed to organize the counter-strike against
- the Borg. Meanwhile, many civilians on Earth were being butchered, or
- even worse, being assimilated.
- Shelby turned to the ensign before her. "What is our ETA at Earth,
- Ensign?"
- "Twelve hours, sir." He responded.
- Shelby turned back to the stars, and mused.
- * * * * * * * *
- "Two minutes from Earth orbit, sir." Ensign Ro reported from her
- station.
- "Thank you, Ensign. We'll hold our position here." Picard said, then
- turned to Worf at the security console. "What do the sensors read,
- Lieutenant?"
- Worf was silent for a moment. When he spoke, his voice was both deep
- and somber: "Sensors indicate a multitude of individual Borg members
- on the planet, sir. They seem to be in the process of assimilation."
- Picard turned back and faced the screen. There, before him, the
- large cube-shaped ship hung in orbit around his home-world. He
- imagined the thousands of Borg crawling across its surface, taking
- what they wanted and destroying the rest....
- "Captain, I need to speak to you; this is urgent."
- Picard turned to see Beverly Crusher, having just emerged from the
- aft turbo-lift, walking down the side of the bridge towards him.
- "It can wait till later, Doctor. Until we...."
- "I need to speak to you now." The look on Crusher's face told him it
- was important, but....
- An alarm beeped on Worf's board, and the Klingon looked up to say:
- "We're being scanned, sir."
- "Are the Borg making any sign of moving or intercepting us?"
- "No, sir." Worf answered. "There's no indication of.... Incoming
- message, Captain, from the Borg!"
- Picard hesitated, and glanced to his left, at Deanna Troi. She met
- his gaze. Not for the first time, Picard was happy the ship was
- designed for a Counsellor, and not any Counsellor, to be seated
- beside him.
- "Put the message on the screen."
- For a few seconds the image of the Borg ship circling the Earth
- remained on the view screen, and then it was gone, replaced by the
- face of a man he knew well, a man he had hoped was dead. Next to
- him, he heard Troi take a deep breath.
- "My God!"
- "Will...." Picard stood up and moved forward, not taking his eyes
- from the screen, where the half-human, half-machine creature stood
- before him, the familiarity of its face distorted by the mechanical
- implants that scared it. A large patch of metal encased the left
- half of its face, and in place of the left eye, there was a ball of
- fiery-redness that seemed to burn into the screen.
- "Locutus of Borg, your arrival has been anticipated by the Whole."
- The voice was almost metallic, and cold. "We welcome you and your
- prize to your new home world, and the moment when it will be
- assimilated into our culture. Assimilation is under way, in you as
- it is in others. Prepare to receive members of the Whole, as your
- ship will also require a breakdown into its component parts as we
- assimilate it and those on board it who are untouched."
- "Captain!"
- "Later, Doctor!" Picard barked as he motioned for Worf to close the
- channel. "Mr Worf, is it possible to beam an Away Team to their ship,
- get him back?"
- Worf shook his head. "Even if we lowered our own shields, their
- defenses have improved drastically since we last encountered them.
- There is no way we can find a hole in their shields."
- "Jean-Luc...!" Crusher yelled.
- "All right, Doctor." Picard bristled. "I'll give you a minute, in my
- Ready Room."
- Crusher followed him as he stalked into the privacy of the room
- adjacent to the bridge.
- "Let's have it, Doctor. I don't have time for..."
- Crusher looked at him sternly, yet hating to tell him what she had
- found out. Finally, she said: "Captain, Locutus is alive."
- Picard stared at her for a moment, then turned to face the window.
- Finally, he looked back at her, a mixture of apprehension and a
- dawning horror on his face. "How is that possible?"
- "I don't know what to call it; a bug, maybe. But whatever it was, it
- was small enough to pass through all of my medical scans unnoticed
- until now." Crusher's voice had softened, but there was still that
- hint of urgency. "Whatever it is, I assume it was planted in you at
- the time of your abduction, in the event of you being re-taken by us.
- At any rate, this "bug" is wiping out each of your brain cells
- systematically, and supplementing them with new ones - those that
- match Locutus'. It's like a computer virus, but on the biological
- level."
- Picard grabbed a hold on the arm of his chair, and lowered himself
- into the seat behind his desk. He sat silently for a moment, the
- apprehension turning to a look of absolute dread.
- "I'm going to become him again. I'm becoming Locutus." He
- whispered.