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- TF01
- 3,I Locutus - Part 1
- 4,by Ryan Nicol
- Before this starts, may I just say that this is difficult to write,
- when considering the possibility of there being a Borg cliffhanger at
- the end of the current season. With my not knowing how they will
- continue the Borg saga, this story may not fit in with the Star Trek
- universe in a couple of months when that episode is aired. So
- basically, I'm writing for the enjoyment - whether it fits in or not
- with the ST universe now or ever is not an issue for me at the
- moment.
- Enjoy; comments, criticisms, suggestions and anything else is
- welcome,
- Ryan.
- ------------
- by Ryan Nicol
- ---------------
- "Yes, it was ugly enough; but if you were man enough
- you would admit to yourself that there was in you
- just the faintest trace of a response to the terrible
- frankness of that noise, a dim suspicion of there being
- a meaning in it which you could comprehend."
- (Joseph Conrad; Heart of Darkness)
- "Captain's log: Stardate 7352.61 - The Enterprise is racing towards
- Beta Ariquae V in an attempt to avert a catastrophe. Two days ago, a
- cube-shaped space ship was detected entering Federation space, its
- heading - on a direct course for this colony. Once we arrive, we
- estimate there will be two hours to vacate the colony before the Borg
- obliterate it from the face of the planet."
- The chime from his Ready Room door snapped him out of his reverie,
- and back to the cold, harsh reality he knew he would have to face.
- "Come."
- The doors on the other side of his desk slid open, and Will Riker
- entered, pausing for a moment before moving towards him. Behind his
- first officer, the doors closed, shutting them off from the main
- bridge.
- "What can I do for you, Number One?" Picard asked, adjusting his
- personal monitor so Riker could not see what he had been studying on
- its screen.
- His first officer moved forward without saying a word, watching his
- captain intently. After a few seconds, he spoke.
- "You've seemed unusually pensive in the last few days, Captain. If
- it is not out of line, may I ask why?" Riker knew he didn't have to;
- the answer was all too clear. It was merely a matter of how to
- approach his captain, a man not accustomed to sharing his feelings
- with others.
- Picard was silent for a moment, then turned his personal monitor off.
- He looked up at Riker and gave a nod. "It's Hugh. I just wonder
- what has happened to him, if they've changed because of him. I guess
- this is the test."
- This most certainly was the test; the Federation, indeed the known
- galaxy, had not heard from the Borg since the Enterprise had
- encountered the remains of a crashed Borg ship on a planetoid, and
- recovered one survivor - Hugh.
- Riker nodded. He understood what the captain had gone through, what
- he was still going through. Of course, he could never really know.
- But he had some feeling of what it must have been like; a rape of the
- mind, transformed into a cold-blooded killer. He wondered if Picard
- really felt he was somehow responsible for what happened at Wolf 359;
- if it was something that haunted him still....
- "Getting those colonists out shouldn't take long." Riker finally
- said. "We should have plenty of time to evacuate the planet, then
- watch the Borg at work, learn about their methods..."
- "....And confront them." Picard finished for him.
- "Hold them off until Shelby arrives." Riker corrected. "We only have
- to engage them if they threaten any other planets with larger
- populations than we can evacuate."
- Shelby. Picard thought back to the overbearing, pushy commander, who
- eventually played a large part in their success against the Borg ship
- around Earth. Now she was in command of a Star Fleet proto-type - a
- starship that was built with enough power to maintain a lengthy
- combat against a Borg vessel. Nothing amazing, but the best the
- Federation could make, what with her Fleet still suffering the
- effects from their previous entanglement with the Borg.
- Unfortunately that ship, the USS Garrett, was too far away to be of
- any immediate assistance to them. But he had been assured that they
- were on their way, and knowing the ever-eager Shelby, he did not
- doubt that.
- "Captain Picard to the bridge." Data's voice filtered through the
- intercom system.
- "On my way." Picard said into the air, then got up and looked at
- Riker, "So it begins."
- The two marched out of the Ready Room and onto the main bridge of the
- Enterprise. On the viewscreen, the image of a tranquil planet
- floated into view.
- All that was going to change, Riker thought as he sat down next to
- his captain.
- "Number One, I don't believe there is much time for pleasantries.
- You and Commander Data had better beam down and organise the
- evacuation from below; I'll begin to speak to whoever is in charge in
- the mean time."
- Riker nodded and got up, as did Data from his station. The two
- entered the turbo-lift together. Picard watched as the doors slid
- them out of his view, then motioned for Worf to hail the planet.
- When the face of the leader appeared on the screen, Picard was
- momentarily stunned.
- "Enterprise, I was under the impression that you agreed we would not
- be troubled again." The image of Goshevon spoke.
- Why the hell wasn't I told this was the planet they had been given to
- colonize, Picard thought, as he stared at the face of the leader Data
- had publicly embarrassed in order to let his people leave their
- colony when the Sheliak had demanded the world they were on belonged
- to their race.
- "You and your android chased us off our world once, Picard, when the
- "mighty" Sheliak stole our world from us. This time, I hope this is
- nothing more than a courtesy call." Goshevon continued.
- "Mr Goshevon, I do not have the time to discuss the situation with
- you." Picard said, as diplomatically as possible. "But believe me
- when I say an evacuation is necessary. Commander Data and my first
- officer..."
- "You want us to pack up shop again, Picard! Have the Sheliak claimed
- this quadrant as well?"
- "No." Picard said, quietly. "But the Borg have."
- * * * * * * * *
- Riker and Data appeared in what seemed like the town's centre, the
- buildings that surrounded them suiting the warm, tropical
- environment. Though different in design, Data noticed that the city
- was laid out in a similar fashion to the one on the planet the
- Sheliak took from them.
- "Data!" A woman's voice called out from behind them, and before the
- android could do anything, the owner of that voice ran up and hugged
- him as he turned in her direction.
- "Ard'rian!" Data said in surprise, not quite sure how to return the
- affectionate gesture. As he disentangled himself from the woman, he
- turned to Riker, who was standing next to him with a rather amused
- expression on his face. "Ard'rian, this is Commander Riker."
- Ard'rian Mackenzie turned to shake hands with Riker, but still held
- onto Data's arm, a fact that didn't make Data feel any more
- comfortable than when he was when hugged.
- "Data, what are you doing here?"
- "That involves a rather lengthy discussion on a wide range of
- subjects and, unfortunately, time is of the essence." Data informed
- her. "If you could show me to your leader, I will be able to fill you
- in as well."
- "Does this involve evacuation?" Ard'rian's face showed deep concern.
- "Because if it is, there is no way in hell you're going to get
- Goshevon to back down again."
- "Unfortunately, there is no choice in the matter." Riker spoke up.
- "There is no way this colony is going to be left standing, whether
- you leave or not."
- Data looked at his friend, who looked slightly taken aback at Riker's
- directness. "Ard'rian, we must speak to Goshevon now."
- * * * * * * * *
- "Captain, the Borg seem to have other ideas regarding their time of
- arrival." Worf spoke from behind his station.
- "In what way?" Picard asked, looking up at his Chief of Security.
- "Current sensor readings indicate that they are only two hours away
- at Warp nine."
- There was no way the Enterprise was going to evacuate the more than
- thousand colonists on the planet in that limited time, Picard knew.
- True they had the space on board - all non-essential personnel had
- been left on Star base Six, where the Enterprise had got the
- emergency call - but in order to beam all of those people on board,
- they'd need three hours at least. And that was with everything
- running perfectly....
- "Mr Worf, inform Commander Riker that we will be separating from the
- saucer section. You will remain in command and oversee the
- evacuation from here." Picard snapped, then turned to the two
- officers at the stations before him. "Ro and Soris, you're with me."
- After the brief flurry of orders, Picard moved towards the turbo-lift
- that would carry him to the Battle Bridge.
- * * * * * * * *
- The large cube slid through space at an unimaginable speed. They were
- in no hurry; time was irrelevant. But their goal was soon at hand.
- The Borg-whole knew it was only a matter of hours away.
- They scanned the small object that now approached them. They found
- there to be one kindred to their own kind on board. Indirect
- assimilation had begun. It was a matter of time, and they were in no
- hurry.
- They hailed the tiny vessel to speak to their brethren.
- * * * * * * * *
- Picard noted his hands were sweating, as he stared at the viewscreen,
- where the large cube-shaped structure hung in space before them, as
- silent as death.
- He was surprised that it had stopped when it picked the star-drive
- section of the Enterprise up on its sensors; he had assumed it would
- have continued on, ignoring them, unless provoked.
- Unless they want something with me, he thought, then immediately
- squashed that idea. Had Hugh had an effect on them, perhaps?
- "Sir, we're being hailed." The woman behind him spoke, sounding
- slightly uncertain.
- "What does the message say?" Picard asked, not taking his eyes away
- from the view screen.
- "It's just repeating the same word, over and over. Locutus."
- A chill shot up Picard's back at the mention of that name; it froze
- his heart until he had to fight for breath. Slowly, he realised he
- was gripping the armrest of his chair, and forced his hands to relax.
- "Open a channel, Lieutenant." He ordered, then stood up and moved a
- step towards Ensigns Ro and Soris who sat at their stations before
- him.
- "Channel open, sir."
- "This is Captain Jean-Luc Picard of the starship...."
- "Captain Picard of the Enterprise." The Borg voices rang in unison,
- interrupting him. "We speak to Locutus of Borg."
- Picard was silent for a moment. When he spoke, his voice was icy
- cold, and for a moment the anger at the rape he had undergone shone
- within him, threatening to burst. "That being no longer exists."
- "Existence is irrelevant. Locutus is alive. We speak to Locutus of
- Borg." The Borg voice continued.
- "Do not approach Beta Ariquae V. This is your final warning." Picard
- spoke, sternly. Turning to the Lieutenant behind him, he gestured
- for the channel to be closed, then reseated himself in his command
- chair, wondering at his latest dialogue with the Borg.
- "The Borg ship is moving forward, captain, picking up speed on a
- heading towards Beta Ariquae V." Ro Laren reported from her station.
- "How long before they reach the planet?"
- "Roughly two and a quarter hours, sir." Ensign Ro replied.
- Not good enough, Picard thought. "Prepare to open fire on the Borg
- ship, but maintain our distance from them."
- The Enterprise moved forward to follow the shrinking Borg ship, which
- had picked up its speed to Warp Four. Soon the cube-shaped ship had
- resumed its immense size on the view-screen.
- "Fire." Picard ordered, surprised at how much satisfaction it gave
- him to say that one word.
- Two beams of pure energy lanced out from the star-drive section,
- hitting the Borg ship dead-on. From their position relative to the
- Borg ship, no damage was evident.
- "The Borg have put up a shield, captain. I doubt our phasers can
- penetrate it."
- "Move in front of them and dump an anti-matter spread." He ordered.
- The Borg ship zoomed closer as the Enterprise took over it. "Release
- anti-matter... now!"
- Soris obliged, and the Enterprise increased speed to escape the
- coming explosion.
- "Minor damage to Borg shields, captain. Otherwise, no change. No
- change in their speed either, sir." Ro Laren reported.
- Picard was just about to give an order for a barrage of photon
- torpedoes, when the star-drive section rocked wildly. He grabbed
- onto the armrest to keep from tumbling from the command chair. Out
- of the corner of his eye, he saw on the view screen the brilliant
- beam of energy that had lanced from the Borg ship to envelope the
- Enterprise.
- "Shields down by 40 percent!" He heard the Lieutenant behind him cry
- out. "Massive damage to the warp engines!"
- Impossible, he thought, but said: "Give us some distance from the
- Borg." He turned to the lieutenant behind him. "What the hell was
- that?"
- "Some powerful beam of energy, sir. With the kind of power I've
- never seen before."
- "Warp drive down by 70 percent!" Ro Laren cried out. "I can only get
- us Warp Three."
- What the hell was that thing they had used? Picard wondered. Whatever
- it was, he had failed in his attempt to buy Riker time. The Borg
- would arrive at Beta Ariquae V in just over two hours, and the
- colonists and the saucer-section would all be sitting ducks.