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- TF01
- 3,Holodeck and Computer FAQ
- 4,Compiled by Joshua Bell
- The Holodeck and Computer Mini-FAQ
- ------------------------------------
- (updated May 31, 1994)
- ------------------------
- Maintained by: Joshua Bell <jsbell@acs.ucalgary.ca>
- -----------------------------------------------------
- Answers to common questions as theorized by me, and based on
- canonical and quasi-canonical information.
- Comments, additions, suggestions, flames, etc. are welcomed.
- Contents:
- I. How real is real? - Mechanics of the Holodeck
- II. Where does it all end? - The Holodeck and troublemakers
- III. What if...? - Limitations and possibilities of the Holodeck
- VI. Will it run Windows? - The Enterprise computers
- Credits
- Note on References
- .....................................................................
- Part I: How real is real?
- ---------------------------
- "How does it work?"
- The Holodeck uses 5 levels of simulation:
- 1) Things in the distance are holograms projected on the walls. (Like
- the wall in "Encounter at Farpoint" or "Ship in a Bottle".)
- 2) Nearby things are holograms projected into space. An example would
- be a tree or lamppost.
- 3) A fixed object that requires interaction is a combination of a
- projected hologram and shaped forcebeams. A good example might be
- steps or a wall.
- 4) A _static_ object which may be picked up, eaten, etc, is
- physically replicated onto the Holodeck. An example would be food,
- paper, a snowball, etc. These objects are independent once
- created, and may be carried off Holodeck intact.
- 5) An _animated_ object is comprised of a partially stable form of
- matter created by the transporter-based replicators for use in the
- holodeck. This material is stable only within a holodeck or
- holosuite, and degrades into energy if removed. (Encyclopedia).
- This is matter held in place by forcebeams operating at a
- molecular level, as opposed to actually replicating the object
- down to the molecular bonds. Without the forcebeams, the object
- disintigrates. Examples would be the gangsters in "The Big
- Goodbye", Picard's horse in "Pen Pals", or Minuet in "11001001".
- Note that levels 1-4 are relatively trivial for the ship, while level
- 5 requires more computation time... which could explain Riker's
- surprise at Minuet (though he hadn't experienced her charms at that
- point). It may also have not been possible prior to the enhancements
- made by the Bynars in "11001001". This is supported by the
- Encyclopedia.
- Note that if an object's status changes, the simulation type will
- change seamlessly as well. For example, someone sees a distant tree
- (hologram), approaches it and leans on it (forcebeams), breaks off a
- branch (holodeck matter), then picks and eats an apple (replicated).
- ....
- "What about eating on the Holodeck? Does Troi do it to keep thin with
- all that chocolate she eats?"
- Any food consumed on the Holodeck would be of level 4 simulation - it
- will be as real as replicated food from a replication terminal.
- ....
- "What is this 'meat puppet' description I've heard used?"
- A 'meat puppet' is a old term resurrected to describe a replicated
- humanoid form created on the Holodeck, and dragged around by
- forcebeams. If the forcebeams failed, you'd be left with a limp,
- lifeless body.
- ....
- "So can you take things off of the Holodeck?"
- Yes. Any object replicated on the Holodeck may leave. Unfortunately,
- it is sometimes hard to tell what is replicated, and what is not.
- Snow, such as the snowball thrown by Wesley in "The Naked Now" is
- easily replicated, and dampness is hard to simulate. The book thrown
- by Picard in "Ship in a Bottle" would be easily simulated by force
- beams and thus was not replicated.
- The paper in "Elementary, Dear Data" was likely simulated until the
- computer realized that it was going to be carried off the Holodeck,
- at which point it would have been seamlessly replaced with a
- replicated copy.
- ....
- "Didn't Picard lie to Moriarty (in "Elementary, Dear Data")?"
- According to various reliable sources, that was Gene Roddenberry's
- intention. If the paper could have left, Moriarty should have been
- able to, goes the logic. Fortunately, this scene was cut, and as
- always, canon is what we see on the screen, big or small. This means
- the whole argument against replicating people holds - that the
- computer cannot store that much information.
- ....
- "What about beaming things off the Holodeck (ala "Ship in a
- Bottle")?"
- This has never been tried, as explained in the episode, which is why
- the computer was unable to simulate the results. Replicated objects
- should be able to be transported out of the Holodeck, but anything
- relying on the forcebeams would instantly collapse.
- As for uncoupling the Heisenberg Compensators - that would give a
- random quantum state to each element of the transported object. It
- would be akin to a molecular-resolution transport - probably deadly
- for any living being.
- ....
- "Now wait a second. How come something simple like the chair in TNG
- "Ship in a Bottle" wasn't replicated?"
- They were testing beaming something composed of the 5th type of
- simulation; an object made of holodeck matter, just like Moriarty and
- the Countess. Obviously a purely replicated chair wouldn't do for
- this experiment, so Geordi probably tweaked the chair to be the right
- kind of simulation to use for the test.
- ....
- "Whats this about 'HoloSex'?"
- If current trends are a pattern for the future to follow, then
- Virtual Reality Sex will be alive and well long into the 24th
- century. Quark's bar on DS9 has personal holosuites on the second
- floor. Various stimulating programs are available.
- In "The Perfect Mate", Riker manages to croak out something about
- "I'll be in Holodeck 4..." after an encounter with the metamorph. No
- proof that he did anything, true. Minuet (in "11001001") was "As real
- as you need me to be." Uh-huh. Geordi doesn't seem to have much luck
- off the 'deck, it seems, nor does Reg Barclay.
- Draw what conclusions you will.
- ....
- "What if you urinate/defecate/excrete whatever on the Holodeck?"
- One would hope the Holodeck is smart enough to clean up after you. It
- probably gets transmuted into some form the bulk matter stores can
- use, and saved for later use by replicators or the Holodeck again.
- The ultimate in recycling.
- ....
- "Can you get hurt on the Holodeck?"
- Yes. Even when it isn't malfunctioning, the simulation can't protect
- you from your own stupidity. Broken ribs and arms from cliff diving
- and other sports practiced on the holodeck are often seen treated in
- Sick Bay.
- ....
- "But the replicators can't even make unhealthy food!"
- Replicators can (within limits of technology and energy) produce
- anything for which they have a pattern. Certain objects may need
- security clearance. But you can have the replicator make a glass of
- water, and use the glass as a weapon - it may be smart, but it's not
- foolproof.
- ....
- "What happened to the "arch" they used in the first season?"
- Its intended use was as a way to program the Holodeck and access the
- ship's computer, as well as a virtual reality safeword. In later
- episodes, they just used the "exit" and programmed the computer by
- voice. It is still around, recently seen in "Ship in a Bottle". The
- arch was how Moriarty first learned that he was a simulation, and
- gained control of the ship in "Elementary, Dear Data".
- .....................................................................
- Part II: Where does it all end?
- ---------------------------------
- "How do they manage to keep walking for hours and hours?"
- The Holodeck has a forcefield treadmill. If its occupants get too
- close to the walls, they are shifted away. Since the Holodeck can
- modify its gravity in 3 dimensions, the occupants won't notice any
- inertial change.
- ....
- "But what about the walls seen in "Encounter at Farpoint" and "Ship
- in a Bottle", demonstrated by Data?"
- In "Farpoint", Data threw a Holodeck-generated rock at the wall.
- There are a few possibilities. Either the computer realized the
- intent of the demonstration, and didn't replace the rock with an
- image on the Holodeck wall; or the "simple pattern" of that
- simulation didn't allow for treadmill-scrolling; or the Holodeck
- computer wasn't quite powerful enough, pre-Bynar intervention.
- In "Ship in a Bottle", Data throws his own communicator at the wall.
- The Holodeck must have safeguards not to summarily destroy things it
- didn't create, so it didn't do anything to affect the communicator.
- ....
- "What happens if two real people enter a Holodeck and start running
- away from each other?"
- The simplest answer is that the Holodeck "compartmentalizes", in
- effect becoming a separate Holodeck for each person within it. In
- reality, the two people would probably be only a few meters apart,
- but would be separated by a Holodeck-projected "wall". If they turned
- to look at each other, they would see an image of the other projected
- on that wall.
- ....
- "What if they take a real rock in with them, walk away from each
- other (past the physical limits of the Holodeck) and then toss the
- rock back and forth?"
- This one is too easy. Assume the rock is sentient. When it leaves the
- hand of the thrower, the holodeck "wraps" it in its own miniature
- simulation, and hides it from the two people, who (in their own mini-
- Holodeck) see only an image of the rock. The rock is then moved (with
- forcebeams) from the thrower to the catcher, given the appropriate
- kinetic energy along the way. From the rock's point of view nothing
- out of the ordinary happens.
- ....
- "So what if two people take a long rope, and start walking away from
- each other?"
- The answer in this instance could be that the Holodeck hides part of
- the rope, and projects an image of a tightening rope along with
- forcebeam-generated tension.
- In general, though, the answer to these "boggle the Holodeck"
- questions is that no, it's not perfect. You will encounter
- limitations to the technology, and gaps in the 'reality' will become
- apparent. However, you really do have to be looking for problems to
- find them.
- .....................................................................
- Part III: What if...?
- -----------------------
- "Can you go swimming on the Holodeck?"
- Yes. Cliff diving has been mentioned as a recreation sport aboard the
- Holodeck ("Conundrum"), as has kayaking ("Transfigurations").
- "So does it replicate all of that water?"
- Probably not. What would likely happen is that a "personal space" of
- water would be replicated around the person, and the rest of the
- water in the pool, river, etc, would be a visual and auditory
- simulation. There is no canon evidence one way or the other, however,
- although in "Encounter at Farpoint", there was enough real water
- present to soak Wesley.
- "So what if someone is scuba diving, and the Holodeck door opens?"
- Very likely, the forcebeams would give the sensation of a water
- surface over the doorway. Depending on the simulation, it might be
- possible for someone to wander onto a Holodeck, in normal duty
- uniform, and walk around someone who is swimming several meters below
- the "surface" of the pool. Only the swimmer would feel the sensation
- of water around them. Again, no canonical evidence either way.
- ....
- "How about a Holodeck within the Holodeck?"
- This is done in "Ship in a Bottle". They end up with a Holodeck (in
- which Picard was in control, and sent Moriarty away) inside a
- Holodeck (the real one, in which Moriarty took control) by the end of
- the episode. Is there a limit? Probably. No evidence for what that
- limit might be.
- ....
- "Can you get the Holodeck to simulate someone?"
- Yes. Although done numerous times, including "Ship in a Bottle" and
- "A Matter of Perspective"; "Hollow Pursuits" is the prime example of
- this, and brings up the question...
- "Is it ethical to simulate someone without their permission?"
- Systems of ethics are by no means universal across cultural lines.
- Nor can we extend our 20th century foibles to the 24th century, where
- such things may be common place. In every instance, however, people
- thusly simulated have reacted negatively when they find out - for
- example, Troi, Riker, and Picard in "Hollow Pursuits" and Dr. Leah
- Brahms in "Booby Trap" and "Galaxy's Child".
- "So does the computer stop these simulations?"
- Nope. Moriarty was able to do it in "Ship in a Bottle", without any
- special permissions. It is amusing, however, to watch the episode
- again, and see how the simulated characters appear slightly stiff.
- ....
- "Could you simulate the Enterprise bridge from the Holodeck, and use
- it to take over?"
- The simulation would not be a problem - the Enterprise computer has
- extensive files of all Federation starship layouts, as shown in
- "Relics".
- In three episodes, the Enterprise has been controlled from the
- Holodeck - by Barclay in "Nth Degree", with a neural interface; in
- "Elementary, Dear Data", where Moriarty somehow cracked the security
- codes via the Holodeck Arch; and in "Ship in a Bottle", where Picard
- inadvertantly gave Moriarty the security codes.
- ....
- "Why not just have single-person Holodecks? For interaction, the
- computer could just link them all together!"
- According to the TNG Tech Manual, there are four primary Holodecks
- and a number of personal ones. They could indeed be linked, but part
- of the fun of a Holodeck is the interaction with other people,
- knowing that they are real.
- These do exist on Deep Space 9 in Quark's Bar, and are called
- holosuites. Some are quite small (DS9 "A Man Alone"), others large
- enough for a number of people (DS9 "Blood Oath").
- ....
- "Why do people get dressed up before going to the Holodeck? Can't it
- provide the period costumes?"
- Yes. But they probably don't want to walk around the Enterprise
- naked. It also allows them to get "into character" before entering
- the simulation.
- ....
- "Wasn't there a Holodeck on the original Enterprise? I'm sure I
- remember...."
- Not in TOS. However, in TAS the recreation deck had an environment
- simulator that used holograms and "stock" effects to produce an
- effect similar to the holodeck, but not as realistic or convincing.
- The best example is the episode "Practical Joker", in which the
- computer malfunctions, trapping Uhura, Sulu and McCoy in a series of
- hostile environments.
- This is probably what most people remember, and also the inspiration
- for the Holodeck itself on TNG.
- Sources like "Mr. Scott's Guide to the Enterprise" mention similar
- things, including rooms with hologram projectors for the walls alone,
- but no canonical evidence exits.
- .....................................................................
- Part IV: Will it run Windows?
- -------------------------------
- "So tell me about the computers."
- According to the TNG TM, the Enterprise has three main computers. Two
- reside in the Primary Hull (the saucer); they are vertical cylinders,
- about 8 decks high, and located on opposite sides of the saucer,
- flanking the bridge. The third computer is located in the Secondary
- Hull (engineering), and is smaller than the other two cores; it
- controls the Stardrive section when the ship separates.
- The computers are networked with each other, and with the rest of the
- ship via the ODN - the Optical Data Network. The ODN has enough
- processing power on its own to take over limited control of the ship
- in case of a complete computer failure.
- ....
- "Why aren't the computers distributed?"
- The three main computer cores are equipped with low level subspace
- field generators. This allows signal propagation within the cores at
- Faster-Than-Light (FTL) speeds, allowing the computers to perform
- much faster than anything constructable given 20th century
- technology, even theoretically. This cannot be applied (by 24th
- century technology) to smaller computers.
- ....
- "Why do the displays and touchpads work when the computers are down?"
- The displays use "nanoprocessors" - cell sized mechanical computers -
- to display information. The display itself contains data polled from
- the ODN, and based on user selections, displays whatever is
- appropriate. So even if the computers go down, whatever information
- is (1) already on the ODN (or ODN backups) or (2) in the display
- itself can be selected and displayed.
- ....
- "How big is a kiloquad?"
- This hasn't been answered, and Michael Okuda is reported to have said
- it *won't* be answered, as any number he could come up with would be
- obselete before the series ends.
- However, many r.a.st.tech contributors have converged on kiloquad to
- mean 1000 (kilo) * 1 quadrillion bytes (or bits, but we'll stick with
- bytes for the explanation), the premise being that a "quad" came into
- use instead of "pet" for Petabyte, and the kilo- prefix was added as
- "ex" for Exabyte was equally silly. That makes one kiloquad = 2^60
- bytes ~= 1 billion gigabytes, or 1 million million megabytes. Thats a
- fair amount.
- Is this technologically feasable, given that an isolinear chip,
- quoted at 2.15 kiloquad in the TNG TM is about the size of a
- microscope slide?
- From: H. Peter Anvin
- ...The 2.15 kqd isolinear chips [would have] a bit density of
- 2.94e+15 bits/mm^3 (I have assumed the dimensions to be 90x30x2.5 mm,
- this is probably on the high side if you exclude the part where you
- handle the chip); that means each bit could form a cube 7.0 nm (70
- [angstrom]) to the side. The chips are optical, which I assume means
- they are read and written with electromagnetic radiation that behaves
- somewhat approximately like light. 7 nm is in the far ultravioled
- region-near X-ray region (visible light ends at about 200 nm) which
- is really pushing the limit. Assuming some form of multi-state
- encoding that may exist may push this down to near UV which would
- then be a bit more practical to deal with, and more "optical", but
- that is irrelevant.
- Hence, what we "know" about ST computer technology seems to correlate
- pretty well to the definition 1 quad = 1 quadrillion bytes. It may
- be bits or bytes (it is only a factor of 8, obviously... it changes 7
- nm to 14 nm if it is bits not bytes), but it seems to fit pretty
- well.
- ....
- "But a quad is a unit of energy!"
- Words can have more than one meaning.
- .....................................................................
- Contributors:
- John F. Meyer Jr. <gtd322a@prism.gatech.edu>
- H. Peter Anvin <hpa@ahab.eecs.nwu.edu>
- .....................................................................
- Note on References:
- See the Reading List Mini-FAQ for a full details on the volumes
- mentioned above and below.
- More recently presented information is considered to supercede old
- information, unless the weight of the evidence supports the original
- data.
- Greatest priority is placed on aired live-action material (canon) and
- documents produced by or quoting the production crews for Star Trek
- (quasi-canon), most notably the Technical Advisors to ST:TNG and
- ST:DS9, Michael Okuda and Rick Sternbach.
- Other materials are not considered reliable sources of information,
- and anything gleaned from these is of questionable relevance.
- Canonical Material:
- (DS9) Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
- (TNG) Star Trek: The Next Generation
- (TFS) Star Trek feature films
- (TOS) Classic Star Trek
- Quasi-canonical Material:
- (Encyc) The Star Trek Encyclopedia: A Reference Guide to the Future
- (Chron) Star Trek Chronology: The History of the Future
- (TM) Star Trek: The Next Generaion Technical Manual
- Questionable Materials:
- The Star Trek: The Next Generation Companion
- - contains some behind-the-scenes notes of interest
- Other episode guides (Compendium, Concordance, etc)
- - useful, esp. for spellings and details
- The Making of Star Trek
- - contains Roddenberry-approved TOS ship systems info
- Episode scripts
- - unaired material is often cut for a reason
- Trading cards (esp. Skybox)
- - technical stuff often prepared by production staff
- Material that is ignored (other than where it reproduces material
- from the above, e.g. photographs, descriptions, etc.):
- (TAS) Star Trek: The Animated Series
- Mr. Scott's Guide to the Enterprise
- (WoF) Worlds of the Federation
- (SFTM) Star Fleet Technical Manual
- (TJ) Starlog's Star Trek: The Next Generation Technical Journal
- Other "reference" guides
- Novels, incl. novelizations of films and episodes
- Blueprints, drawings, photographs, models, etc.