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- TF01
- 4,
- We are now proud to offer a small mail order service for all INFINITE
- FRONTIERS productions. For ordering details and the postal address,
- see the end of this file.
- --------------------
- At last, you can now order THE FINAL FRONTIER direct from the
- producers! The prices are:
- Issue 1 - September 1991 - £3.00 (2 disks)
- Issue 2 - March 1992 - £4.00 (3 disks)
- Issue 3 - August 1992 - £5.00 (4 disks)
- Issue 4 - January 1993 - £5.00 (4 disks)
- Issue 5 - June 1993 - £5.00 (4 disks)
- Issue 6 - November 1993 - £5.00 (5 disks) Free extra disk!
- Issue 7 - May 1994 - £5.00 (4 disks)
- Issue 8 - August 1994 - £5.00 (4 disks) PROVISIONAL DATE
- inclusive of postage and packing anywhere in the world!!
- No profit is made on the sale of the magazine. All of the profit made
- is put back into the magazine to cover costs such as providing free
- issues for contributors, prizes for competitions, adverts etc. Also,
- as we have broken even, we will hire top artists/musicians to do
- exclusive work for the magazine and money will be invested in the
- mag's future development as well as the production of new INFINITE
- FRONTIERS releases. However, feel free to copy it for your friends as
- it IS freeware.
- If you wish, you can also subscribe to future issues. From issue 3
- onwards, the size of THE FINAL FRONTIER has been fixed at 4 disks
- per issue. Although we do not have a regular release schedule (I feel
- that it is more important to release a mag when it is ready rather
- than rush a disk out to meet a deadline), if you subscribe, your
- copies will be sent to you as soon as they are released.
- To subscribe, simply send enough money to cover the number of issues
- you want and tell us which mags you would like. E.g. if you want
- Issues 8 - 15, send us the appropriate amount (worked out from the
- table below) and tell us in your order that you want THE FINAL
- FRONTIER Issues 8 - 15. Simple!
- Subscription Rates
- ------------------
- 1 Issue - £4.75 (must be ordered 2 weeks in advance)
- 2 Issues - £4.50 each
- 3 or 4 Issues - £4.25 each
- 5 or more - £4.00 each
- Again, all of the above prices INCLUDE postage etc. for ALL orders.
- In case you have missed any of our earlier issues, here's a brief
- summary of their contents:
- -----------------------------
- First Six Issues - Highlights
- -----------------------------
- Issue 1: Convention talk by Richard Arnold (former Research
- Consultant for STAR TREK at Paramount)
- 2 ray-traced HAM pictures by Tobias Richter
- A 790K animation with sampled music/speech
- 3 pieces of music by UK musician - Echo/LSD
- Exclusive demo written for the magazine
- Issue 2: Tribute to Gene Roddenberry with photos
- Convention talk with Guy Vardaman (Stand-in/extra on TNG and
- former Research Consultant)
- 2 pieces of Interlaced, ray-traced HAM art from Tobias
- Richter
- 2 pieces of music from Bjorn Lynne
- 3 pieces of music from Echo/LSD
- Selection of convention reports with over 830K of digitised
- photos
- Exclusive demo written for the magazine (with ORIGINAL music
- from Bjorn Lynne)
- A trilogy of Star Trek parodies in our fiction section
- Issue 3: Star Trek VI special with reviews, articles and photos from
- the film
- 2 Convention talks with John de Lancie (Q) and Carel
- Struycken (Mr Homn) both from The Next Generation
- 3 pieces of music from Bjorn Lynne
- Convention Reports with over 1MB of digitised photos
- 4 Star Trek parodies
- The start of our new series featuring the best Trek
- articles/fiction from various Bulletin Boards all over the
- world.
- Issue 4: Convention talk with George Takei (Sulu) -- printed IN FULL!
- 6 pieces of music by Bjorn Lynne
- 4 pieces of art featuring the Classic Trek Enterprise by
- Tobias Richter.
- A TNG story entitled "The Ghosts Of Yesteryear" - a script
- that was actually submitted to Paramount, but later rejected
- (pity, really!).
- Issue 5: Convention talk with James Doohan (Scotty) -- printed IN
- 4 pieces of music by Bjorn Lynne.
- DEEP SPACE NINE special with reviews, articles, and art.
- 7 pieces of art from Tobias Richter.
- Issue 6: 9 pieces of music including two from Allister Brimble.
- Art from Gary Moffat and Mark Platts.
- The start of the STAG Collection - two re-printed Classic
- Trek zines from the club Star Trek Action Group.
- Full colour convention photos from Warp One!
- All back issues also have the following regular articles:-
- Book reviews
- Video reviews
- PD reviews
- News
- Trivia / Questions + Answers section
- Updated listing of ALL Trek fan clubs in the world!
- Merchandise guides
- Convention news/reports
- Reader's adverts section
- --------------------------------------------------------
- -------------------------------
- Yes, the paper version of TFF is almost with us and we are now taking
- advance orders! The mag will be a 64 page A4 zine with a glossy cover
- and the first issue will feature a selection of re-prints of some of
- the best articles from TFF, along with a few new ones with all new
- art and photos. Issue 1 should be out in early to mid '94 for just
- £2.95 inc. postage. If sales go well, we promise that we will either
- increase the size or reduce the cover price.
- To order your copy of Issue 1, send your cheque/postal order to us as
- soon as possible and be amongst the first to read this new 'zine.
- --------------------------------------------------------
- -----------------------------
- This is a series of disks being released to compliment the TFF range.
- Each disk (or disks as the case may be) in the series will cover a
- different topic related to Trek. All the titles in this series will,
- initially, only be available from INFINITE FRONTIERS and the disks
- are copyrighted to us (that means you CAN'T copy them to your
- friends), so the only way you can legally obtain these disks is by
- purchasing them from us or from any authorised stockists.
- All the people working on these disks receive royalties from every
- copy sold, so please support them by buying these titles and
- encouraging your friends to buy them instead of copying them. You
- never know, your software could be here next!
- All of the prices below INCLUDE postage etc. ANYWHERE in the world.
- ---------------------------------------------------
- This is a 2 disk rolling demo of the magazine that we created as part
- of the TFF Live roadshow and it features almost 40 pieces of art and
- photos, including 4 pieces from Tobias Richter, taken from the first
- four issues, along with a few brand new photos never seen before. All
- of this is accompanied by a piece of music from Bjorn Lynne. ("Now
- What 2" as heard on Issue 4 of TFF.)
- This set is ideal for anyone who has ever wanted to look at the art
- from the mag, or see any of the convention photos, but didn't want to
- go through the hassle of loading the mag itself.
- Great value for only £2.50. 1MB memory required, 2 drives
- recommended. Works on ALL Amigas, including the A1200!
- This demo is also available EXCLUSIVELY from CYNOSTIC PD. No other PD
- library may sell this slideshow.
- --------------------------------------------------------
- ----------------
- -------------------
- This is a brand new slideshow featuring two packed disks full of
- science fiction and fantasy related artwork, all brand new and never
- to be re-used in any other Infinite Frontiers release. The disks
- contain over 20 pictures from most of the artists in the group
- including selections from Tobias Richter, Anthony Carpendale, Gary
- Moffat, Sven Harvey and many more. All this is accompanied by a
- choice of music from either Bjorn Lynne or Allister Brimble!
- 1MB required and two drives recommended. Only £3.00 including postage
- and packing anywhere in the world. Available SOON!
- ------------------
- A stunning new ray-traced Star Trek slideshow with over 20 pieces of
- art from Mark Platts and music from Bjorn Lynne. All the usual art
- you'd expect to see in a Tobias Richter slideshow, but on this you
- can expect to see plenty of Klingons, Romulans, the Excelsior,
- Cardassians and much, much more! Look for the reviews in AMIGA USER
- 1MB required and two drives recommended. Only £3.00 including postage
- and packing anywhere in the world. Available NOW!!
- -------------------------------
- This is a brand new special edition of Holodeck for those of you
- lucky enough to own either an A4000 or a high density drive. We have
- taken the original version of Holodeck and re-written it to run from
- a single high density disk.
- We weren't content with just porting it over though. There are a few
- enhancements to the disk including the ability to leave the slideshow
- to run automatically (the normal version needs a mouse button to be
- pressed between images) and there is even some EXTRA art on the disk
- from Mark.
- 1MB required and Kickstart 2.0 or higher plus a high density drive.
- Only £2.00 inclusive of postage and packing.
- --------------------------------
- Already proving to be as successful as it's predecessor, this is a
- follow-up to the already popular Holodeck, again featuring some
- stunning art from Mark Platts and great music from Bjorn Lynne. Again
- this is on two disks for £3.00 including postage and packing. Rated
- 95% by Amiga User International!!
- --------------------------
- Again a high density edition of one of the highest rated slideshows
- ever in Amiga User International. All of the art and music from the
- original two disk version, along with extra artwork and faster
- loading.
- Requires Kickstart 2.0 or above and a high density drive. £2.00 inc.
- postage.
- ---------------------------------------
- The latest and probably greatest in the Holodeck series, Holodeck III
- features a vast array of art covering all eras of Star Trek (hence
- the title) by not only Mark Platts but Tobias Richter and Gary Moffat
- as well along with a toe-tapping tune by Paul Draaisma. Using the new
- fast trackloader slideshow routine written by Phil Inness-Chaytor,
- this is a slideshow that looks and sounds fabulous.
- Requires Kickstart 2.0 or above (Kickstart 1.3 version available
- soon). 2 disks - £3.00 inclusive of postage etc.
- -------------------------------
- Yet another blockbuster slideshow packed with some more stunning
- images from Mark Platts and Gary Moffat. Mainly concentrating on TNG,
- this slideshow has some of Mark Platts best work to-date and is a
- must for Trekkers everywhere.
- Requires Kickstart 2.0 or above (Kickstart 1.3 version available
- soon). 2 disks - £3.00 inclusive of postage etc.
- --------------------------------------------------------
- ----------------
- BEYOND REALITY is INFINITE FRONTIERS's FREE semi-regular newsletter.
- Each 1 or 2 sheet newsletter is packed with up-to-date information on
- all INFINITE FRONTIERS releases, behind the scenes news, details on
- our plans for the future and much more. The first four issues have
- already been released, but we do have stocks available of these
- still if you want back editions. To prevent us from obtaining a
- massive overdraft, please send us a stamped addressed envelope for
- us to send you the newsletter. Alternatively, send us several in one
- go and you will automatically receive the appropriate number of
- newsletters as they are released i.e. if you send 6 envelopes, you
- will receive 6 months worth of the newsletter. Just send your SAE's
- to the regular address and include a short note saying what you want.
- Subscribers to any INFINITE FRONTIERS productions (or AM/FM) will
- automatically receive the current edition of BEYOND REALITY with
- their software. If you, as a subscriber, send several SAEs, instead
- of using an SAE when an Issue of TFF is due so you would receive two
- letters from us one month, we will hold your SAE back extending your
- BR subscription even further!
- --------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------
- There can't be many PD collectors who don't own any of the
- incredible slideshow/animation disks produced by Tobias Richter under
- the Agatron label. Well, we have now arranged rights to distribute
- these disks with Tobias (we currently have the FULL range of 87
- disks) and a MINIMUM royalty payment of 10% from the sale of EVERY
- disk will be paid to Tobias.
- Prices are:
- 1 - 5 disks - £1.50 each
- 6 or more - £1.25 each
- And those prices INCLUDE postage and packing anywhere in the world!
- We know that you can get these cheaper from many PD libraries, but
- how many libraries can claim to pay royalties to Tobias on the sale
- of every disk? As far as I am aware, INFINITE FRONTIERS are the only
- group to offer Tobias such payments. Also, most stockists DON'T have
- the full range as we do!
- Unless otherwise stated, all the disks below will run on a standard
- 1MB Amiga. We haven't tested them all for compatability yet, although
- we would be only too happy to try to resolve any problems with
- individual disks/offer replacement titles. If you order any disks
- and they DO work, we'd be really grateful if you could let us know so
- we can keep our records up-to-date.
- The disks we currently have are (all of them to date, but we haven't
- managed to write descriptions for them all as yet - these will be
- added in time):-
- ----------
- A01 - Animation Disk 1
- A02 - Animation Disk 2
- A03 - Animation Disk 3
- A04 - Animation Disk 4
- A05 - Animation Disk 5
- A06 - Animation Disk 6
- A07 - Animation Disk 7
- A08 - Animation Disk 8
- A09 - Animation Disk 9
- A10 - Animation Disk 10
- A11 - Animation Disk 11
- A12 - Animation Disk 12
- A13 - Animation Disk 13
- A14 - Animation Disk 14
- A15 - Animation Disk 15
- A16 - Animation Disk 16
- This disk, "Star Trek", is the only DPaint animation in the
- entire Agatron range and is an animation featuring art, ships
- and animation from Tobias's Star Trek game, including a
- sequence showing a fleet of ships flying past on the
- viewscreen on the bridge of the Enterprise.
- A17 - Animation Disk 17
- A18 - Animation Disk 18
- Two short animations on this disk, both "inspired" by scenes in
- the Trek movies. The first is "The Wrath Of Khan" and is a
- rather bland animation featuring an overhead view on the
- Enterprise flying above the Reliant. The other is much better,
- seeing the scene from Star Trek III where the Grissom flies
- through space and approaches the Genesis planet.
- A19 - Animation Disk 19
- This is Tobias's James Bond animation! It features the famous
- Lotus driving down a cliffside road, whilst avoiding being shot
- at by gunfire from a helicopter flying overhead. Looped to give
- the impression of a continuous chase sequence.
- A20 - Animation Disk 20
- Still dealing with helicopters, "Huey" features a short
- animation of a Huey copter taking off from a landing pad and
- flying towards a range of mountains.
- A21 - Animation Disk 21
- "Enterprise Docking" - Tobias's interpretation of the visually
- stunning scene from Star Trek III where a battle-scarred
- Enterprise returns home and enters the mammoth orbitting
- Starbase. The Enterprise approaches slowly, the doors begin to
- open...!
- A22 - Animation Disk 22
- A23 - Animation Disk 23
- Probably Tobias's most famous animation, this is the legendary
- "Fleet Maneuvre" - a superb animation featuring the flight of a
- shuttle as it flies in and around a small fleet of about a
- dozen assorted Starfleet vessels, including the Enterprise.
- A24 - Animation Disk 24
- A25 - Animation Disk 25
- This disk features a single animation - "The Run", which is
- one of Tobias's more well-known animations, following a police
- car chase down a very busy street. Very fluid movement and
- looped to give the impression of a continuous chase. A
- classic!
- A26 - Animation Disk 26
- A27 - Animation Disk 27
- A28 - Animation Disk 28
- A29 - Animation Disk 29
- A30 - Animation Disk 30
- A31 - Animation Disk 31
- Entitled "The Porsche", this is the first ray-traced animation
- in the Agatron range, and is a promotional animation created
- by the author of Reflections (the software that Tobias uses),
- Carsten Fuchs. It features a Porsche 911 rising up through a
- table top covered in an assortment of household objects. Very
- impressive.
- A32 - Animation Disk 32
- A33 - Animation Disk 33
- A34 - Animation Disk 34
- A35 - Animation Disk 35
- A36 - Animation Disk 36
- A37 - Animation Disk 37
- A38 - Animation Disk 38
- Just one animation this time, "In Memorium Gene Roddenberry".
- This is a superb ray-traced animation dedicated to the late
- Gene Roddenberry featuring fly-by views of both the film and
- TNG Enterprises, along with a shuttlepod from the first movie.
- Simply magnificent! Requires 2MB.
- ----------
- S01 - Slideshow 1
- Tobias's first slideshow is a collection of hand-drawn images,
- obviously looking crude when compared with his more familiar
- ray-traced work. The disk features a short anim of the Agatron
- logo, sound in the form a short 2/3 second looped sample and
- 22 NTSC-sized images, covering all aspects of sci-fi and
- fantasy including Star Trek and Star Wars. Two of the pictures
- also feature simple animation created using colour cycling
- techniques. Nothing spectacular, but there is quite a good
- picture of a Klingon Bird Of Prey in flight.
- S02 - Slideshow 2
- More of the same. This disk only features 16 pictures, again in
- NTSC format, although 5 of these are colour cycling, some of
- which create some stunning effects. Another short looped sample
- accompanies the art (8 or 9 seconds from the theme to the TV
- series "The A Team"). Highlight of the disk is a superb image
- of an AT-AT under attack from the Star Wars movies.
- S03 - Slideshow 3
- This is Tobias's first ever ray-traced slideshow, created with
- the German package Reflections. There is no sound to accompany
- the art, but as there are 15 HAM images, all in a PAL format
- (some using full overscan as well) I can't see any reason to
- complain! Mainly of a sci-fi/space theme, although there is
- only 1 Star Trek related picture.
- S04 - Slideshow 4
- Tobias's second ray-traced slideshow is yet another journey
- into the world of science-fiction and it features a selection
- of 16 HAM images, many of which are in overscan mode, and
- almost half of them are devoted to Star Trek!
- S05 - Slideshow 5
- Not as many pictures this time (only 10) as the images are all
- interlaced HAM meaning that they are twice as detailed as in
- previous slideshows. Unlike his previous slideshows, these
- images have also been compressed to fit even more onto the
- disk, offering even better value for money. Half of the images
- are devoted to Star Trek, the others catering for a general
- sci-fi audience including a couple of Star Wars pics. Note that
- for users of Kickstart 2.04 or higher, the overscan images may
- appear to be slightly off-centred, although this doesn't spoil
- the slideshow!
- S06 - Slideshow 6
- Only 7 pictures on this disk, but there is the welcome addition
- of a rather slow, melodic piece of background music. All of the
- pictures are of a sci-fi nature, with two Trek pics, and one of
- the general pics is a stunning image of a ship flying over a
- fractal mountain range with a planet in view in the background
- - and it's all ray-traced! Tobias's utility for incorporating
- fractals into Videoscape and a few other packages as objects
- for raytracing, called McFrac, can be found on Agatron Program
- Disk 6.
- S07 - Slideshow 7
- S08 - Slideshow 8
- S09 - Slideshow 9
- S10 - Slideshow 1
- S11 - Slideshow 11
- S12 - Slideshow 12
- S13 - Slideshow 13
- ------------------
- AS2 - 2001 (9 DISKS)
- The second Agatron Animation special to have been created with
- Videoscape, this animation set follows the voyage of a shuttle
- from the movie 2001 - A Space Odyssey as it travels from it's
- orbit around the Earth and it's subsequent approach and docking
- with the space station. Some very impressive animation, and
- all accompanied by sampled sound, but the story lacks any real
- "bite". The loading time can be pretty unbearable for anyone
- with a single drive!
- This is the only ray-traced animation in the Special series,
- and it features the flight of a cargo transporter which flys
- towards a space outpost, lands on the planet, deposits its
- cargo and flies off. Stunning HAM images, although the
- animation is jerky on 68000-based Amigas. Needs 4MB!
- -------------
- Please note - as many of these disks contain software that was
- written primarily for Tobias's own personal use, the instructions are
- in German and I (Simon) don't know how to use them!
- P1 - Program Disk 1
- P2 - Program Disk 2
- P3 - Program Disk 3
- P4 - The Ultimate Star Trek Game - Disk 1
- This needs no introduction and this is generally hailed as being
- the BEST Trek game on the Amiga. Miss it at your peril.
- Unfortunately, the instructions are in German, but it's fairly
- easy to figure it out! Enhanced sound for Amigas with 1MB or
- more. Amigas with even more ram than that have the option of
- loading the entire game into ram! The second part of this game
- can be found on Program Disk 5.
- P5 - The Ultimate Star Trek Game - Disk 2
- Disk 2 of the above.
- P6 - Program Disk 6
- I don't know the full contents of this disk, but it does include
- a selection of IFF brushes that Tobias has used in many of his
- ray-traced images. Now you can see how some of his art was
- created! Also is a utility called McFrac - a fractal landscape
- generator that creates landscapes and saves them in a format
- that can be loaded into a variety of ray-tracing packages as
- objects!!!
- -------------
- M01 - Star Trek Megademo (1MB, 2 DISKS)
- This is a two disk collection of art, music and animation from
- Tobias, featuring a Trek based piece of music, 4 ray-traced HAM
- animations and about a dozen pieces of ray-traced art. Superb!
- --------------------------------------------------------
- -------
- We have been official dealers for this top, highly acclaimed disk
- magazine created by Bjorn Lynne for musicians and music lovers
- everywhere for some time now and we are now pleased to announce a
- drop in price to just £2.25 a disk (more on this later)! For full
- details about AM/FM, see the regular adverts section, although
- briefly the magazine is a single disk mag released approximately
- every 2 months with articles, discographies, reviews, tutorials, some
- of the best PD music utilities, MIDI arrangements of well-known and
- original songs, and between 2 and 5 original pieces of music on every
- issue!
- The magazine is written BY music lovers FOR music lovers everywhere.
- If you have any interest in music on the Amiga, be it just listening
- to the sounds the Amiga can produce or if you are interested in
- composing your own masterpieces with a host of MIDI-controlled
- synthesisers, then AM/FM is for YOU.
- We currently have issues 1-18 available for only £2.25 each including
- P+P. Also, as with THE FINAL FRONTIER, if you wish to subscribe to
- future issues of AM/FM, then tell us what issues you want when you
- order and send the appropriate amount.
- We also stock the AM/FM sample disks, a series of disks that
- accompany the magazine, each packed with sampled instruments for use
- in Protracker, MED and similar music utilities. All samples are of
- the highest quality possible and are grouped in "themes" i.e. a
- percussion disk etc. These disks are also £2.25 and again, we have
- the first 18 disks.
- However, if you buy the sample disk and the appropriate issue of
- AM/FM together (e.g. AM/FM #9 and Sample Disk #9) then you can have
- both for only £4.00. These discount prices also apply to
- subscriptions.
- There are also now six AM/FM specials available, each on a single
- disk, for the same price as a standard issue of the magazine. They
- are:-
- SPECIAL 1 - MIDI Music Extra - Vol 1
- A collection of 41 assorted MIDI files for use with
- Music-X, MED and a host of other MIDI packages. A great
- way to get the most out of your synth and there's
- something on here for all musical tastes.
- SPECIAL 2 - MIDI Music Extra - Vol 2
- More of the same - another packed disk of assorted MIDI
- files.
- SPECIAL 3 - ProTracker 3.10
- This is the latest version of this stunning music
- creation package, completely re-written exclusively for
- AM/FM. I'm no musician, but if you are then this is THE
- tool to own (the music on this mag was written with
- ProTracker). Comes complete with full instructions and a
- selection of demo songs. This disk is NOT PD and may not
- be copied. It is only available through AUTHORISED AM/FM
- dealers such as INFINITE FRONTIERS etc.
- SPECIAL 4 - Bjorn "Dr Awesome" Lynne's Defunct Projects Vol 1
- A selection of music from Bjorn Lynne from various
- projects, demos, games etc. that never reached the final
- production stage. Bjorn was left with a large quantity
- of unused modules, so here they are in the form of two
- full disks of music featuring Bjorn Lynne at his very
- best. If you like his music for TFF, you'll love this!
- SPECIAL 5 - Bjorn "Dr Awesome" Lynne's Defunct Projects Vol 2
- Another selection of songs from the maestro!
- SPECIAL 6 - Assorted Music Utilities
- --------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------
- To order anything from this list, write to us telling us what you
- want and enclose the appropriate amount (cheque/PO/Int. Money Order/
- Cash) in UK funds only and send it to:
- P.O. Box 8966
- Great Barr
- Birmingham
- B43 5ST
- Please make all cheques/Postal Orders payable to "INFINITE FRONTIERS"
- and please allow up to 28 days for cheque clearance/delivery. UK
- orders should normally be despatched within 7 days (usually within 48
- hours), although please allow a little longer for orders of AM/FM as
- we have to obtain special labels from Bjorn Lynne in Norway to allow
- us to sell the magazine, and if we have run out at any time, then we
- can NOT sell you a copy of AM/FM. However, wherever possible we will
- try to maintain a stock of labels at all times to prevent this from
- happening. However, these will only take 7-10 days from the time of
- ordering to their arrival, so most AM/FM orders can be sent out
- within 2 weeks.
- Also, for UK orders only, add £0.50 to your total order and we will
- send it by Recorded Delivery. It won't reach you any quicker, but it
- IS safer! Note - this does NOT apply to subscriptions/orders for
- forthcoming releases. In these instances, please add £0.50 per parcel
- i.e. if you order 5 future issues of AM/FM, please add £2.50 to cover
- Recorded Delivery postage on ALL 5 issues, as they will all be sent
- under separate cover. This does not apply to back issues as they are
- always kept in stock.
- Finally, if you are planning on placing a fairly large order, if you
- call us on (021) 358 1213 between 7:00 and 9:00 pm weekdays and ask
- for Simon, I'm sure we can arrange some sort of discount for you!
- If you run a PD library/fan club/shop etc. and you are interested in
- selling any of the items listed above, please get in touch with us!
- Obviously, if you want to stock AM/FM, you'll need to contact Bjorn
- Lynne directly.