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Text File | 1994-05-12 | 48.4 KB | 1,408 lines |
- TF01
- 3,Text Adverts - Part 2
- 4,
- ----------
- Playmates Star Trek: The Next Generation figures
- --------------------------------------------------
- All have been carefully opened and all the figures are in mint
- condition with all accessories.
- Range 1: The first Playmates figures all with the American packaging;
- Importers sell these for around £10 each.
- Captain Jean-Luc Picard,
- Commander William T. Riker,
- Lieutenant Commander Data,
- Lieutenant Commander Geordi LaForge,
- Lieutenant Commander Deanna Troi,
- Lieutenant Worf,
- Gowron The Klingon,
- Romulan,
- Ferengi,
- Borg
- Worth a total of around £100
- Range 2: The second release of Next Gen figures all with the altered
- American packaging (i.e. no collector cards and mention of the
- collector cards on the packaging has been covered by stickers); These
- are generally on sale in certain shops in Britain at an RRP of £5.99.
- Doctor Beverly Crusher,
- Cadet Wesley Crusher,
- Locutus of Borg,
- Klingon Warrior Worf,
- Mordok the Benzite,
- K'ehleyr.
- Worth a total of £35.94
- Will sell for £75 or nearest offer. I will consider swapping for
- models or toys of any starships that I have not already got.
- Also...
- -------
- PANINI Star Trek: The Next Generation stickers for the album;
- 3, 4, 9 14, 17, 19, 21, 23, 24, 31, 34, 38, 51, 52, 53, 55, 57, 58,
- 59, 63, 64, 74, 79, 80, 83, 89, 91, 92, 95, 98, 99, 100, 105, 106,
- 107, 111, 119, 120, 128, 133, 137, 140, 152, 155, 165, 172, 178, 182,
- 185, 187,193, 200, 201, 202, 203, 208, 218, 220, 222, 227, 232, 233
- and 240
- SWAPS...
- 2, 16, 26, 30, 33, 39, 42, 49 (X2), 56, 69, 71, 72, 77, 82, 94, 101,
- 122, 131, 134, 138 (X2), 144, 146, 160, 163, 169, 180, 186, 190 (X2),
- 198, 209 (X2), 210, 211, 214, 215, 219, 224, 225, and 231.
- Also...
- --------
- /////// /////// /////// // // //////////
- // // // // // //// // //
- // /////// ///////// // // // //////////
- // // // // // // /// //
- // // // // // // // //////////
- /////// /////// /////// ////////// /////// //////// /////////
- // // // // // // // // // // // //
- ///// // // /////// // // // ////// //////// /////////
- // // // // // // // // // // // //
- // /////// // // // // // /////// // // /////////
- ANY Transformers (toys not electrical equipment!) in good condition
- with packaging and all accessories. Particularly in search of
- following original generation Transformers;
- Autobot Powerdasher
- Omnibots (Camshaft, Overdrive and Downshift)
- Autobot Headmaster Fortress Maximus
- Autobot Perceptor
- Autobot Cassettes (Steeljaw, Ramhorn, Eject, Rewind, Raindance and
- Grandslam)
- Deluxe Autobots (Roadbuster and Whirl)
- Dinobot Swoop
- Autobot Clones (Fastlane and Cloudraker)
- Autobot Sky Lynx
- Monsterbots (Repugnus, Grotusque and Doublecross)
- Autobot Pretenders (Sky High, Groundbreaker and Splashdown
- Autobot Elite Action Masters (Turbo Master and Omega Supreme)
- Deluxe Insecticons (Ransack, Barrage, Venom, and Chopshop)
- Predacons (Razorclaw, Rampage, Tantrum, Divebomb,and Headstrong)
- Decepticon Cassettes (Ratbat, Beastbox, Squawktalk, Overkill and
- Slugfest)
- Decepticon Clones (Pounce and Wingspan)
- Sharkticon Gnaw
- Decepticon Pretenders (Iguanus, Finback and Bugly)
- Decepticon Elite Action Masters (Windmill and Double Punch)
- Generation 2 Transformers; THESE MUST BE IN AMERICAN PACKAGING!...
- --------------------------
- Autobots (Jazz, Sideswipe and Inferno)
- Autobot Commander Optimus Prime
- Decepticon Leader Ultra Megatron
- Decepticons (Starscream and Ramjet
- Autobot Minicar Bumblebee
- The Constructicons (Long Haul, Bonecrusher, Mixmaster, Hook, Scrapper
- and Scavenger)
- The Arielbots (Silverbolt, Air raid, Sky Dive, Fireflight and
- Slingshot)
- Combacticons (Onslaught, Blast Off, Vortex, Swindle and Brawl)
- Dinobots (Grimlock, Slag, Sludge)
- Laser-rods (Jolt, Volt and Electro) THE AMERICAN UNITS HAVE BEEN
- Rotorforce (all of them) AGAIN THESE MAY HAVE BEEN IN ARGOS IN
- Autobot Comabt Hero Optimus Prime
- Decepticon Combat Hero Megatron
- Sparkabots ?
- I am interested in all the following ORIGINAL GENERATION Transformers
- as long as they are with all of the box or card. The ones I have not
- got are as follows...
- 1984 Available in U.K.;
- Autobot Cars (Wheeljack, Trailbreaker, Ironhide, Ratchet, Hound,
- Sunstreaker, Jazz, Sideswipe, Bluestreak and Prowl)
- 1985 Available in the U.K.;
- Decepticon Triple Changers (Astrotrain and Blitzwing)
- Insecticons (Bomshell, Kickback and Shrapnel)
- Dinobots (Snarl and Sludge)
- Mini Autobots (Powerglide and Cosmos)
- Autobot Air Commander Jetfire
- Autobot Cars (Hoist, Inferno, Tracks, Skids and Red Alert)
- 1986 Available in the U.K.;
- Autobot City Metroplex
- Autobot Cars (Blurr, Kup)
- Arielbots (Silverbolt, Air Raid, Slingshot and Fireflight)
- Protectobots (Hot Spot, Groove, Blades and Streetwise)
- Autobot Heros (Rodimus Prime and Wreak-Gar)
- Autobot City Commander Ultra Magnus
- Autobot Triple Changers (Springer, Sandstorm and Broadside)
- Combacticons (Onslaught, Blast Off, Vortex, Swindle and Brawl)
- Battlechargers (Runamuck and Runabout)
- Dragstrip, Dead End, Breakdown and Wildrider)
- Decepticon Triplechanger Octane
- 1987 Available in the U.K.;
- Autobot Headmaster Highbrow
- Technobot Strafe
- Autobot Targetmasters (Sureshot, Pointblank, Hot Rod and Kup)
- Throttlebots (Goldbug, Chase and Searchlight)
- Decepticon Targetmasters (Triggerhappy, Cyclonus and Scourge)
- Decepticon Headmaster City Scorponok
- Terrorcons (Cut-Throat, Ripper-Snapper, Sinnertwin, Blot)
- Duocons (Flywheels and Battletrap)
- Decepticon Headmasters (Mindwipe and Wierdwolf)
- Headmaster Horrorcon Snapdragon
- 1988 Available in the U.K.;
- Autobot Powermasters Optimus Prime, Getaway, Joyride and Slapdash)
- Autobot Pretenders (Landmine, Waverider and Cloudburst)
- Autobot Pretender Beasts (Chainclaw and Catilla)
- Autobot Pretender Vehicle Gunrunner
- Autobot Headmasters (Nightbeat and Hosehead)
- Autobot Double Targetmasters (Quickmix, Scoop and Landfill)
- Triggerbots (Dogfight, Override and Backstreet)
- Sparkabots (Guzzle, Sizzle and Fizzle)
- Autobot Six Changer Quickswitch
- Decepticon Double Targetmasters (Needlenose, Spinster and Quake)
- Powermaster Decepticons (Dreadwind and Darkwing - DON'T EVEN THINK
- Seacons (Overbite/Jawbreaker, Skalor, Seawing, Tentakill, Nautilator
- and SnapTrap)
- Decepticon Headmasters (Fangry, Squeezeplay and Horri-Bull)
- Decepticon Pretenders (Skullgrin, Submarauder and Bomb-Burst)
- Decepticon Pretender Beasts (Carnivac and Snarler)
- Decepticon Pretender Vehicle (Roadgrabber)
- Triggercons (Crankcase, Ruckus and Windsweeper)
- Decepticon Six Changer Sixshot
- Firecons (Cindersaur, Sparkstalker and Flamefeather)
- Powermaster Mercenary Doubledealer
- 1989 Available in the U.K.
- Autobot Pretender Classics (Jazz, Bumblebee and Grimlock)
- Autobot Mega Pretenders (Crossblades and Vroom)
- Autobot Ultra Pretender Skyhammer
- Classic Hero Autobots (Wheeljack, Ironhide, Prowland Sunstreaker)
- Decepticon Pretender Classic Starscream
- Decepticon Mega Pretender Thunderwing
- Decepticon Ultra Pretender Roadblock
- 1990 Available in the U.K.
- Autobot Micromaster Patrols (Monster Truck and Hot Rod Patrols)
- Autobot Micromaster Transports (Erector and Overload)
- Autobot Micromaster Battlestations (Ironworks and Hot House)
- Autobot Micromaster Base (Groundshaker)
- Autobot Micromaster Rocket Base (Countdown)
- Autobot Micromaster Combiners (Metro Squad and Astro Squad)
- Autobot Micromaster Combiner Transports (Missile Launcher and Tanker
- Transport)
- Autobot Micromaster Combiner Headquaters
- Decepticon Pretender Monsters (Icepick, Bristleback, Wildfly, Scowl,
- Slog and Birdbrain)
- Decepticon Micromaster Patrols (Race Track and Military Patrols)
- Decepticon Micromaster Transports (Roughstuff and Flattop)
- Decepticon Micromaster Battlestations (Airwave and Greasepit)
- Decepticon Micromaster Base Skyhopper
- Decepticon Micromaster Space Shuttle Skystalker
- Decepticon Micromaster Combiner Cannon Transport
- Decepticon Micromaster Combiners (Battle Squad and Constructor Squad)
- Decepticon Micromaster Combiner Anti-Aircraft Base
- Decepticon Powermaster Overlord
- 1991 Available in the U.K.
- Autobot Action Master Armoured Convoy Optimus Prime
- Autobot Action Master Blaster Vehicles (Prowl and Over-Run)
- Autobot Action Master Vehicles (Wheeljack and Sprocket - NOT THE
- Autobot Action Master Figures (Grimlock, Jazz, Bumblebee, Blaster,
- Inferno, Snarl, Sideswipe, Tracks, Rad, Rollout, Jackpot, Mainframe,
- Skyfall, Kick-Off [NOT THE FOOTY SIM!] and Powerflash)
- Autobot Action Master Exo-Suit Vehicles (Circuit and Rumbler)
- Autobot Motivators (Lightspeed, Flame and Gripper)
- Throttlebots (Goldbug, Rollbar, Chase, Freeway, Wideload and
- Searchlight)
- Autobot Classic Heroes (Inferno, Tracks and Sideswipe)
- Dinobot Grimlock
- Autobot Classic Triple Changer Sandstorm
- Autobot Classic Hero Commander Optimus Prime
- Decepticon Classic Triple Changers Astrotrain and Octane
- 1992 Available in the U.K.
- Decepticon Small Predators (Snare, Falcon and Talon)
- 1993 Available in the U.K.
- Autobot Aquaspeeders (Speedstream, Deluge and Jetstorm)
- Autobot Lightformer Ironfist
- Decepticon Stormtroopers (Aquablast, Rage and Drench)
- Decepticon Trakkons (Fearswoop and Calcar)
- 1994 Available in the U.K.
- Autobot Commander Optimus Prime
- Autobot Sparkabot Sizzle
- Autobot Illuminators (Volt [red] and Electro [Gold])
- Autobot Heroics (Sideswipe and Inferno)
- Autobot Rotorbots (Pirana and another - I dont have the name)
- Autobot Combat Hero Sureshot
- Dinobots (Grimlock, Slag and Sludge)
- Decepticon Commander Megatron
- Decepticon Illuminators (Sizzle [grey] and Jolt [purple])
- Decepticon Skyraiders (Starscream and Ramjet)
- Decepticon Sparkabots (Flamefeather and Sparkstalker)
- Decepticon Rotorbots (both of them)
- Decepticon Combat Hero ?
- Reasonable prices please! I recently bought a North American
- Tripticon (which was never available here in Britain) with complete
- packaging and all accessories for £15! I have also just got all of
- the original green constructicons (i.e. Devestator) for only £8! As
- for toys that were available here in the U.K. I got a mint condition
- original run Optimus Prime with ALL of the packaging and accessories
- for £10 and Smokescreen with all accessories and packaging for £4.
- Please keep these prices in mind!
- Sven Harvey
- 108 Norman Road
- Smethwick
- Warley
- West Midlands
- B67 5PU
- Telephone: (021) 429 5206 or Email me on
- harveysk@aston.ac.uk
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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- Bringing you a wealth of data for your DTP projects. We cater for
- both the amateur and professional user. Here is a quick list of the
- fonts and clipart EMC has available:
- Type 1 Fonts
- ------------
- For use with Pagestream 2.1+, The Publisher and Final Copy 2 release
- 2.
- EMC Vol 4 - 5 Disks £14.00 67 Type 1 fonts
- EMC Vol 5 - 5 Disks £14.00 63 Type 1 fonts
- EMC Vol 6 - 5 Disks £14.00 83 Type 1 fonts
- EMC Vol 7 - 5 Disks £14.00 68 Type 1 fonts
- EMC Vol 16 - 5 Disks £14.00 76 Type 1 fonts
- EMC Vol 17 - 5 Disks £14.00 56 Type 1 fonts and utilities
- EMC Vol 27 - 5 Disks £14.00 56 Type 1 fonts
- EMC Vol 29 - 5 Disks £14.00 80 Type 1 fonts
- Converted from MAC Truetype format fonts
- EMC Vol 77 - 5 Disks £16.50 78 Type 1 fonts
- EMC Vol 78 - 5 Disks £16.50 69 Type 1 fonts
- EMC Vol 79 - 5 Disks £16.50 84 Type 1 fonts
- EMC Vol 80 - 5 Disks £16.50 71 Type 1 fonts
- EMC Vol 81 - 5 Disks £16.50 106 Type 1 fonts
- CG Scalable fonts
- -----------------
- For use with all versions of Professional Page, Pagesetter 2/3,
- WB2/3, Scala, DPaint 4.1+, Opalvision etc..
- EMC Vol 8 - 5 Disks £16.50 61 Scalable CG fonts
- EMC Vol 9 - 5 Disks £16.50 64 Scalable CG fonts
- EMC Vol 10 - 5 Disks £16.50 57 Scalable CG fonts
- EMC Vol 23 - 5 Disks £16.50 58 Scalable CG fonts
- EMC Vol 24 - 5 Disks £16.50 64 Scalable CG fonts
- EMC Vol 25 - 5 Disks £16.50 66 Scalable CG fonts
- EMC Vol 26 - 5 Disks £16.50 71 Scalable CG fonts
- EMC Vol 30 - 5 Disks £16.50 59 Scalable CG fonts
- EMC Vol 31 - 5 Disks £16.50 60 Scalable CG fonts
- Converted from MAC Truetype format fonts. These volumes come complete
- with postscript downloadable fonts for PPage and Pagesetter 3.
- EMC Vol 82 - 5 Disks £16.50 53 Scalable CG fonts
- EMC Vol 83 - 5 Disks £16.50 48 Scalable CG fonts
- EMC Vol 84 - 5 Disks £16.50 46 Scalable CG fonts
- EMC Vol 85 - 5 Disks £16.50 46 Scalable CG fonts
- EMC Vol 86 - 5 Disks £16.50 34 Scalable CG fonts
- EMC Vol 87 - 5 Disks £16.50 38 Scalable CG fonts
- IFF Bitmapped Clipart
- ---------------------
- For use with ANY Amiga application that supports the use of IFF
- Bitmap clipart. Unlike the normal PD clipart that you are probably
- used to, you *DO NOT* have to cut the desired piece of clipart out of
- pages and pages of pictures before use. All the EMC clipart has been
- saves individually saved as brushes ready for direct import into your
- DTP, Graphic and DTV applications.
- EMC Vol 1 - 5 Disks £14.00 Bitmapped clipart
- Sports, cartoons, Plants, Easter, Christmas, Animals and
- Food.
- EMC Vol 11 - 5 Disks £14.00 Bitmapped clipart
- People, People Groups, Food, Aircraft and Art Deco.
- EMC Vol 15 - 8 Disks £22.00 Bitmapped clipart
- Sports, Anatomy, Babies, Transport, Wedding and lots
- more!
- EMC Vol 22 - 5 Disks £14.00 Bitmapped clipart
- Ornate Dropcaps, Office, Transport and lots more!
- EMC Vol 28 - 5 Disks £14.00 Bitmapped clipart
- Animals, Birth, cats, Flowers and lots more!
- EMC Vol 34 - 5 Disks £14.00 IFF Animals 1
- Bears, Birds, Dogs, Water Animals, Insects, Horses,
- Reptiles and Exotic Animals.
- EMC Vol 35 - 5 Disks £14.00 IFF Animals 2
- Cats, Wild Cats, Cats, Tropical Fish, Fish, Farm
- Animals and Funny Animals.
- EMC Vol 36 - 8 Disks £22.00 IFF Transport
- Aircraft, Motorbikes, Classic Cars, Cars, Boats, Ships,
- Eng. Tools & Trains.
- EMC Vol 37 - 5 Disks £14.00 IFF Business
- Computers, Office, Business People, Photocopiers,
- Printers, Funny Business.
- EMC Vol 38 - 5 Disks £14.00 IFF Fantasy 1
- Animals, Barbarians, Beasts, Weapons, Dragons, Battles,
- Men and Women.
- EMC Vol 39 - 5 Disks £14.00 IFF Fantasy 2
- Demons, Devils, Skulls, Warriors, Sea Creatures,
- Witches, Wizards, Greek Gods.
- EMC Vol 40 - 5 Disks £16.50 IFF Borders
- A stunning collection inc. Animals, Women, Men, Objects,
- Places and Natural.
- EMC Vol 41 - 6 Disks £16.50 IFF People 1
- Babies, Boys, Girls, Men, Women, Working, Families,
- Groups and Famous People.
- EMC Vol 42 - 5 Disks £14.00 IFF Natural
- Plants, Flowers, Tropical Plants, Trees, Scenery and
- Garden plants.
- EMC Vol 43 - 5 Disks £14.00 IFF Sports
- Gymnastics, Motor Sports, Tennis, Golf, WaterSports,
- Ball Games and Running.
- EMC Vol 44 - 6 Disks £16.50 IFF Education 1
- Bibles, Christ, Churches, Priests, History, World Maps,
- Historic Humor, Places.
- EMC Vol 45 - 5 Disks £14.00 IFF Various 1
- Food, Wedding, Christmas, Valentines, XMas Borders,
- Santas, Sleighs, Wreaths.
- EMC Vol 46 - 5 Disks £14.00 IFF Various 2
- Buildings, Dancing, Music, Military, Rescue, Zodiac,
- Survival, Silhouettes.
- EMC Vol 47 - 5 Disks £14.00 IFF Humour
- Animals, Chickens, Idiots, People, Fruit, Kids,
- Dentists, Fish, Sports.
- EMC Vol 50 - 6 Disks £16.50 IFF Dogs and Cats
- Just about every breed of Dog and Cat, including Wild
- Dogs & Cats.
- EMC Vol 51 - 5 Disks £14.00 IFF Birds and Insects
- Chickens, Owls, Parrots, Common Birds, Flies, Bugs,
- Beetles and Spiders.
- EMC Vol 52 - 5 Disks £14.00 IFF Animals 3
- Beavers, Gerbils, hamsters, Deers, Foxes and lots of
- Farm Animals.
- EMC Vol 53 - 5 Disks £14.00 IFF Animals 4
- Frogs, Turtles, Snakes, Tropical Fish, Sea and
- Freshwater Fish, Insects etc.
- EMC Vol 54 - 5 Disks £14.00 IFF Animals 5
- Apes, Giraffes, Elephants, Zebras, Bears, Teddy Bears
- and Other Animals.
- EMC Vol 55 - 6 Disks £16.50 IFF Flowers 1
- Daffodils, Daisies, Dandilions, Flowering Plants, Chyrs,
- Marigolds etc.
- EMC Vol 56 - 6 Disks £16.50 IFF Flowers 2
- Poppies, Flowers, Flowers and even more Flowers!
- EMC Vol 57 - 6 Disks £16.50 IFF Flowers 3
- Petunias, Tulips, Flowers, Flowers and even more
- Flowers!
- EMC Vol 58 - 6 Disks £16.50 IFF Trees
- Humerous, Oak, Pine, Branches, Maple, Willows, Palms,
- Bonsai and lots more!
- EMC Vol 59 - 6 Disks £16.50 IFF Plants 1
- Bamboo, Fungus, Grasses, Pot plants, Cacti, Yucca, Ferns
- and more!
- EMC Vol 60 - 6 Disks £16.50 IFF Plants 2
- Herbs, Food related plants and lots more!
- EMC Vol 61 - 6 Disks £16.50 IFF Military
- WWII Planes, Modern Fighters, Tanks, Armoured vehicles,
- Naval Ships etc.
- EMC Vol 62 - 5 Disks £14.00 IFF Fruit
- Apples, Grapes, Raspberries, Strawberries, Melons,
- Pears, Pineapples.
- EMC Vol 63 - 5 Disks £14.00 IFF People 2
- Babies, Girls, Boys, Kid's Stuff, Men, Cowboys, Famous
- People and more.
- EMC Vol 64 - 5 Disks £14.00 IFF People 3
- Circus, Couples, Historic, Borders, Women >> Beaut,
- Lingerie, Household.
- EMC Vol 65 - 6 Disks £16.50 IFF Events
- Birthday, Camping, Easter, Halloween, Christmas and
- nearly 2mb of Wedding.
- EMC Vol 66 - 6 Disks £16.50 IFF Work
- Garden Tools, Precision Tools, Working Men, Machinery,
- Pliers, Drills.
- EMC Vol 67 - 6 Disks £16.50 IFF Food 1
- Bread, Italian Food, BBQ, Sweets & Puddings, Junk Food,
- Chefs and Waiters.
- EMC Vol 68 - 6 Disks £16.50 IFF Food 2
- All types of Drinks, Lettuce, Tomatoes, Mushrooms,
- Sweetcorn, Wine etc.
- EMC Vol 69 - 5 Disks £14.00 IFF Science
- Doctors, Anatomy, Dentists, The Sick, Medical Equipment,
- Nurses, Opticians.
- EMC Vol 70 - 5 Disks £14.50 IFF Education 2
- Books, Teachers, Churches, Religion, Worship, Music and
- Instruments, Dancing.
- EMC Vol 71 - 6 Disks £16.50 IFF Geography
- Egypt, Japan, Africa, Holland, Greece, Italy, India,
- S.America and more.
- EMC Vol 72 - 5 Disks £14.00 IFF Various 3
- Boats, Lorries, off Road, Ferreri, Lamborghini,
- Mercedes, Buses, Trains.
- EMC Vol 73 - 5 Disks £14.00 IFF Various 4
- Castles, Houses, Cartoons >> Tweety, TMH Turtles,
- Speedy, Sylvester, Daffy.
- EMC Vol 74 - 5 Disks £14.00 IFF Various 5
- Office Equip., Clothing, Computers, Electrics, Business
- People.
- EMC Vol 75 - 5 Disks £14.00 IFF Various 6
- Am. Football, Basketball, Cycling, Football, Fishing,
- Horses, Martial Arts.
- EMC Vol 76 - 5 Disks £14.00 IFF Various 7
- Footwear, Masks, Crowns, Household, Wizards, Witches,
- Fantasy, UK Bits.
- Professional Draw Fonts
- -----------------------
- For use with ALL versions of Professional Draw
- EMC Vol 18 - 5 Disks £16.50 60 PDraw format fonts
- EMC Vol 19 - 5 Disks £16.50 63 PDraw format fonts
- EMC Vol 20 - 5 Disks £16.50 50 PDraw format fonts
- Encapsulated Postscript Clipart
- -------------------------------
- Mainly for use with Pagestream, but can also be used with
- Professional Page v4 and any other application that supports EPS
- clipart.
- EMC Vol 12 - 6 Disks £16.50 EPS clipart for Pagestream users
- Dining, Drugs, Weddings, Houses, Office, Children,
- Military Planes, Food.
- EMC Vol 13 - 6 Disks £16.50 EPS clipart for Pagestream users
- Buildings, Kitchen, Animals, Holiday, Masks, Sport,
- Birds and Shopping.
- EMC Vol 14 - 6 Disks £16.50 EPS clipart for Pagestream users
- Aircraft, Houses, Helicopters, People, BiPlanes, World
- and more.
- Additional Fonts and Clipart for Pagestream Users
- -------------------------------------------------
- EMC Vol 2 - 6 Disks £16.50
- Gem structured clipart for Pagestream users
- Structured and .IMG clipart for Pagestream - Borders,
- Computers, Arrows etc.
- EMC Vol 3 - 2 Disks £ 6.00 34 Pagestream format fonts
- 34 Pagestream Format fonts for ALL versions of
- Pagestream.
- EMC Vol 21 - 6 Disks £16.50 PCX clipart for Pagestream users
- Animals, Birds, Cartoons, Cats, Computers, Old Line Art,
- School and Sports.
- EMC Vol 32 - 6 Disks £16.50 IMG clipart for Pagestream users
- High Quality Animals, Flowers, Food, Cartoon, Plants,
- Insects and more.
- EMC Vol 33 - 6 Disks £16.50 IMG clipart for Pagestream users
- People, XMas, Books, Buildings, Sports, Electronics,
- Transport.
- Colour Fonts
- ------------
- For use with DPaint, Scala, Opalvision etc.
- EMC Vol 48 - 5 Disks £14.00 54 Colour Fonts
- EMC Vol 49 - 5 Disks £14.00 63 Colour Fonts
- 256 Colour Pictures for AGA/24 Bit Amigas
- -----------------------------------------
- These extremely popular photo realistic 256 colour images can be used
- on WB3.0 machines (A1200/A4000) with programs like DPaint 4.5 AGA,
- PPage v4, P'Setter 3 etc. The images are in standard IFF256 format
- and can also be used with Amiga equipped with 24 bit dispay/video
- cards like Picasso, Opalvision, IV24 etc.
- EMC Vol 88 - 6 Disks £16.50 256 Cars 1
- F-40's, Testarossas, BMW's, Corvettes, Mercedes, Formula
- 1, Sports Cars.
- EMC Vol 89 - 6 Disks £16.50 256 Cars 2
- Porches, Lambos, Classic Cars, E-Types, Jag, Camero,
- Pontiac and Fords.
- EMC Vol 90 - 6 Disks £16.50 256 Planes 1
- Falcons, Thunderbirds, Spitfire, A10, B17, SR71, F14,
- Tomcats and more.
- EMC Vol 91 - 6 Disks £16.50 256 Planes 2
- F15's, F16's, Harrier, JA37's, Blue Angels, B17's,
- Stealth Bombers etc.
- EMC Vol 92 - 5 Disks £14.00 256 Space 1
- The Earth, NASA Launch Site, Satelites, NASA Space Shots
- and Planets.
- EMC Vol 93 - 5 Disks £14.00 256 Space 2
- Lost in Space, Space Shuttles, NCC 1701 Enterprises and
- lots more.
- EMC Vol 94 - 5 Disks £14.00 256 Women
- Lots of beautiful women, models and even more beautiful
- women!
- EMC Vol 95 - 5 Disks £14.00 256 Wildcats
- Lions, tigers, Lion Cubs, Cougars, Leopards and lots of
- other Wildcats.
- EMC Vol 96 - 6 Disks £16.50 256 Horses 1
- Black Horses, White Horses, Running horses, Foals, Rodeo
- and more Horses.
- EMC Vol 97 - 6 Disks £16.50 256 Horses 2
- Foals, White Horses, Galloping Horses, Horses in the
- Snow and on the Beach.
- EMC Vol 98 - 5 Disks £14.00 256 Dogs 1
- Alsation, Labrador, Collie, Dalmation, Poodle, Cute
- Puppies and Ugly ones.
- EMC Vol 99 - 5 Disks £14.00 256 Dogs 2
- Spaniels, Gun Dogs, Labradors, Setters, Cute Dogs with
- Cats and more!
- EMC Vol 100 - 6 Disks £16.50 256 Cats 1
- Full of really cute pictures of Cats and Kittens.
- EMC Vol 101 - 6 Disks £16.50 256 Cats 2
- Yet another 6 disks full of really cute Cats and
- Kittens.
- EMC Vol 102 - 6 Disks £16.50 256 Waterlife
- Dolphins, Whales, Frogs, Tropical fish, Fish, Coral,
- GoldFish and more.
- EMC Vol 103 - 6 Disks £16.50 256 Sun and Sea
- This volume covers everything from Tropical Islands to
- White Sandy Beaches.
- EMC Vol 104 - 6 Disks £16.50 256 Animals 1
- Pandas, Deers, Bears (all types), Teddy Bears, Zebras
- and lots more!
- EMC Vol 105 - 6 Disks £16.50 256 Animals 2
- Elephants, Gorillas, Monkeys, Bison, Iguanas, Cute
- Seals, Koalas and more.
- EMC Vol 106 - 6 Disks £16.50 256 Animals 3
- Wolves, Mountain Goats, Buffalos, Spider, Cougar,
- Kangaroos, Fox Pups.
- EMC Vol 107 - 6 Disks £16.50 256 Animals 4
- Lizard, Squirrels, Walrus, Kittens, Horse and lots of
- other Animals.
- EMC Vol 108 - 6 Disks £16.50 256 Panorama 1
- Autumn Forests, Mountain rivers, Mountain Lakes,
- Waterfalls, Rainbows etc.
- EMC Vol 109 - 6 Disks £16.50 256 Panorama 2
- Breathtaking pics. of Snowtopped Mountains, Mountain
- Lakes, Waterfalls etc.
- EMC Vol 110 - 6 Disks £16.50 256 Panorama 3
- Rolling Hills, Light houses, Snow Scenes, Farms, Small
- Harbours and more.
- EMC Vol 111 - 6 Disks £16.50 256 The Sun
- Nearly 5mbs of spectacular pics of Sunrises, Sunsets
- from Cities to Lakes.
- EMC Vol 112 - 5 Disks £14.00 256 World People
- American/Amazon Indians, Hawaiians, Thai People,
- Africans, Tibetans etc.
- EMC Vol 113 - 6 Disks £16.50 256 America
- Collection with a American theme - Grand canyon, Vegas,
- Ceasars Palace etc.
- EMC Vol 114 - 6 Disks £16.50 256 Castles
- Castles with moats, Castles on Mountains, Castles on
- Rivers and more!
- EMC Vol 115 - 6 Disks £16.50 256 The World
- Excellent pics from around the world - Egypt, Japan,
- England, Italy etc.
- EMC Vol 116 - 5 Disks £14.00 256 Birds 1
- Parrots, Humming Birds, Ugly Birds, Flamingos, Pelicans
- and more Birds!
- EMC Vol 117 - 5 Disks £14.00 256 Birds 2
- Ducks, eagles, Ducklings, Hawks, Owls, Winter Birds and
- even more Birds!
- EMC Vol 118 - 5 Disks £14.00 256 Birds 3
- Swans, Falcons and lots of birds that we can't
- identify!
- EMC Vol 119 - 6 Disks £16.50 256 Fantasy 1
- Warriors, Dragons, Female Warriors, Horse Women and
- lots more!
- EMC Vol 120 - 6 Disks £16.50 256 Fantasy 2
- Dragonlance pics, Dracula, Skull Warriors, Wolfmen,
- Medieval Warriors etc.
- EMC Vol 121 - 6 Disks £16.50 256 The Movies
- Batman, Star Wars, Top Gun, Terminator, Indiana Jones,
- Karate Kid and more.
- EMC Vol 122 - 5 Disks £14.00 256 Renders 1
- 1st rate ray traced pictures of Dragons, Houses, Cars
- and lots more.
- EMC Vol 123 - 5 Disks £14.00 256 Renders 2
- 1st rate ray traced pictures of Bugs, Chess Boards,
- Rooms and F16's etc.
- EMC Vol 124 - 5 Disks £14.00 256 Renders 3
- 1st rate ray traced pictures of Kitchens, TP Bowling,
- Insects, Cameras etc.
- EMC Vol 125 - 5 Disks £14.00 256 Girls 1
- Lots of Beautiful Women/Models dressed in very
- little... Blood Boiling!
- EMC Vol 126 - 5 Disks £14.00 256 Girls 2
- Lots of Beautiful Women/Models dressed in very
- little... Blood Boiling!
- EMC Vol 127 - 5 Disks £14.00 256 Girls 3
- Lots of Beautiful Women/Models dressed in very
- little... Blood Boiling!
- EMC Vol 128 - 6 Disks £16.50 256 Water Girls
- Beautiful Women under waterfalls, at the Pool and
- generally very wet!
- EMC Vol 129 - 5 Disks £14.00 256 Swim Suits
- Lots of Beautiful Women of all shapes and sizes in
- Swimsuits.
- EMC Vol 130 - 5 Disks £14.00 256 Bikinis
- Lots of Beautiful Women of all shapes and sizes in
- Bikinis.
- EMC Vol 131 - 5 Disks £14.00 256 Beach Girls
- Lots of Beautiful Babes on the Beach... The kind you
- see in Baywatch!
- EMC Vol 132 - 5 Disks £14.00 256 Lingerie
- Lots of Lots of Beautiful Women of all shapes and sizes
- in Lingerie.
- EMC Vol 133 - 5 Disks £14.00 256 Star Trek
- For all you Trekkers - loads of brilliant Star Trek
- piccies.
- EMC Vol 134 - 5 Disks £14.00 256 Various 1
- A mixture of pics mainly of a Women and fantasy theme!
- EMC Vol 135 - 5 Disks £14.00 256 Reptiles
- Snakes, Frogs, Lizards, Crocodiles, Iguanas and some
- amazing Dinosaur pics.
- Type 1 Fonts: For use with Pagestream, Final Copy 2 Rel.2 and
- The Publisher
- CG Fonts: For use with PPage, PSetter2/3, WB2/3, Scala,
- DPaint 4.1+
- Bitmap clipart: For use with ANY program that supports IFF.This
- clipart is of very high quality, and fully sorted
- into directories. The clipart is saved as brushes
- and is READY for importing into yourDTP/Graphics/
- Video program. Unlike the normal PD clipart that
- you are probably used to, you DO NOT have to cut
- the desired piece of clipart out of pages and
- pages of pictures.
- Technical Support: All EMC customers benefit from our full technical
- support service. This service is free, and is
- *ONLY* available to EMC customers.
- More Volumes! We presently have access to over 3 GIGABYTES!
- (3,000 MBs) of new material, including over 500
- NEW fonts. New volumes will be added to the EMC
- library, in stages, over the next few months.
- Please watch this space for more information OR
- watch out for newsflashes and adverts in the UK
- Amiga Press. We currently run full page
- advertisements in J.A.M., Amiga Computing and
- Amiga Pro.
- ** For more information on the EMC PD/Shareware library, **
- ** please send a SAE **
- Credit card orders (phone, fax and post) are dispatched the same day
- along with Postal Order orders. Orders placed by cheque are subject
- to a five working day cheque clearance before dispatch.
- E.M.Computergraphic
- 8 Edith Road,
- Clacton on Sea,
- Essex. UK CO15 1JU
- Tel:(+44) 0255 431389 Fax: (+44) 0255 428666
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- Specialising in the Promotion of DTP on the Amiga
- Please take the time to read this text file, we believe that it gives
- you, the user of our products, a brief and informative insight into
- the workings of this company, and what we are doing for DTP and the
- Amiga
- E.M.Computergraphic's sole aim in life is to promote DTP on the
- Amiga. We fully support everything we sell, including our PD/
- Shareware disks!. EMC also sells both commercial hardware and
- software, but as a general rule we only sell you what we actually
- use ourselves. This way, if you have any problems with anything you
- purchase from us... we will be in a position to use our exexperience
- with the product and assist you.
- Our main concern is to give full technical support to our clients,
- giving them both help and advice, by letter, phone, fax and even
- modem! To facilitate our backup services we have the full support of
- the" 01 for Amiga" BBS, (which is the largest Amiga based BBS in the
- U.K.!) and we even run a small DTP BBS ourselves. Almost on a daily
- basis we are receiving "letters of thanks" from our customers that
- have experienced E.M.C.'s backup in "their hour of need!".
- It has come to our attention that many PD companies have purchased
- disks from us and have simply copied "OUR" disks for resale, in some
- cases not even bothering to remove the references to EMC on the
- disks! this will give you an indication of what the other PD
- companies are all about! We actually consider these actions as a
- compliment, after all, if other UK PD companies copy our disks
- Although we are unable to do anything about this, we would like to
- point out that E.M.Computergraphic will NOT under any circumstances
- offer any form of backup to customers who buy font/clipart off other
- PD companies. EMC has an excellent track record, the amount of
- favourable UK Amiga press coverage that EMC has received will
- confirm this! We are a dedicated and specialised Amiga DTP business
- and we were the FIRST company to offer UK DTP'ers a dedicated DTP PD/
- Shareware library.
- Remember: if you aren't on the EMC database, and have EMC disks, we
- won't help you... We suggest that you seek technical backup from the
- company you bought the disks from!
- --------------------------------
- J.T.N. - Scotland said...
- "I count myself very lucky to have made such a personal contact as
- yourself who is willing to keep me right and give outstanding backup
- to his customers"
- P.G.G. - Staffordshire said...
- "Very impressed with the service and products"
- P.F. - N.Yorks said...
- "Good luck with this venture, it's what we've been waiting for"
- Digital Multimedia Services UK said...
- "The backup you offer is second to none, your EMC products are of
- exceptional quality.... I've seen your editorials in nearly every UK
- Amiga Magazine.... I'm happy to see that EMC is receiving the
- recognition it deserves"
- --------------------------------
- Amiga Computing in issue 52 said...
- "E.M.Computergraphic are the FIRST and FOREMOST Font distributors in
- the UK"
- Amiga Computing then placed us at...
- No.1 in the TOP 10 of the Amiga hardware/software chart!
- Ian Wrigley from Amiga Shopper in issue 16 said...
- "...I must say that I'm quite impressed..."
- Amiga Format in issue 36 said...
- "...E.M.Computergraphic have an enormous amount of expertise in the
- tricky area of fonts and can provide professional help and advice to
- customers"
- Amiga Format Special Edition Autumn 1992 said...
- "...the best-value rescalable fonts available anywhere"
- "...there's no cheaper way of getting quality fonts"
- CU Amiga September 1992 said...
- "...you couldn't do much better than taking a look through the sets
- offered by E.M.Computergraphic"
- --------------------------------
- E.M.Computergraphic have been actively involved in professional DTP
- on the Amiga for 5 years. Due mainly to the release of the high
- powered Amiga DTP programs; Professional Page and Pagestream, coupled
- with frustration at the lack of fonts/clipart on the Amiga platform
- compared with the other computer platforms.
- EMC decided it was time that a UK company started to compound the DTP
- data available on the other platforms and offer the Amiga desktop
- publisher with a source for all their DTP needs. After 6 months of
- hard work, phonebills that would cause most people to have heart
- attacks, countless sleepless nights, and after importing all of the
- data from overseas spending fortunes in the process on import duties
- and taxes) the...
- It's launch brought for the first time, a wealth of high quality DTP
- fonts and clipart to the shores of the UK. A source of DTP data so
- concentrated that it catered for nearly every DTP users needs! The
- launch of EMC's PD/Shareware library also generated a staggering
- amount of genuine interest in the Amiga desktop publishing community
- and with the UK Amiga press. In 4 short months, E.M.Computergraphic
- had received more editorial reviews than just about any other Amiga
- company or product, has in it's entire existence! was this it... or
- did EMC have more up it's sleeve?
- Prior to the launch of the PD/Shareware library EMC had already
- initiated talks with the U.S. Fonthouse Computer Safari. Only one
- month after the launch of the EMC PD/Shareware Library, we made yet
- another important announcement...
- This, yet again, stunned the UK Amiga Press. Most of the magazines
- had already reported the availability of these impressive typefaces
- in the USA, and that it was quite honestly, a real pain for anybody
- in the U.K. who wanted these fonts to go through the expensive and
- time consuming process of ordering them directly from Computer Safari
- in America. When EMC informed the Amiga press that as well as the
- fonts being available in the U.K. EMC were actually intending on
- selling the fonts.... CHEAPER! than Safari themselves do, they were
- quite literally speechless.
- Computer Safari have also given E.M.C. the first rights to the U.K.
- and European distribution of the Safari fonts on both the IBM and
- MAC platforms! This may not mean much to most of you, but it
- basically means that E.M.C. can forget about the Amiga sales,
- escalate the retail price, and quite literally make a fortune selling
- the fonts to IBM and Mac users who are used to paying up to £100 for
- ONE font!
- So, the Safari fonts were available in the UK, and compatible with
- ProPage 3 and Pagestream. This left Professional Page users that had
- versions of PPage prior to version 3, along with all Pagesetter II,
- Workbench2.04, Wordworth etc. users... OUT IN THE COLD! with no
- access to the Safari fonts that they had all seen and read about.
- EMC, seeing and hearing from all these unhappy fontless souls,
- initiated talks with Gold Disk Incorporated of Canada and Computer
- Safari. After two months of negotiations, E.M.C. made another
- announcement to the Amiga Press:
- Although E.M.C. had the capability to create CGFont conversions from
- the Type 1 Safari files, and had had the conversions sitting ready
- for distribution on a hard drive... it couldn't distribute the CG
- conversions of the Safari fonts. The reason for this was the need to
- distribute GoldDisk's CGUpdate program. The CGUpdate program updates
- some of the files in the CGFont directory for PPage users to enable
- the PPage to recognise new fonts that are added to the fontlist! It
- would have been pointless to distribute the CG Safari conversions
- without the CGUpdate program, since PPage users would have been more
- than a little annoyed at being left out, although we do realise that
- PagesetterII and Workbench 2.04 users wouldn't have minded!
- The significance of this agreement didn't even dawn on E.M.C. until
- after the agreement was signed. The Safari CG Conversions were put
- onto master floppy disks within 2 hours of EMC receiving the
- distribution go ahead from GoldDisk. Then the penny dropped...
- (Not even Computer Safari themselves have them yet)
- Press releases were immediately sent out to the Amiga magazines,
- coverage of the event should, with any luck, be appearing during the
- forthcoming issues of all the major magazines.
- Please bear in mind that although our prices may initially seem high,
- you are paying for the quality of our products, and the countless
- man hours devoted to compiling and testing each disk. EMC are
- striving, and indeed offering Amiga desktop publishers with a unique
- and unrivalled service. We are not "box shifters" and we are
- definitely not doing this for the money! Every penny we
- (theoretically) make gets invested straight back into the the
- business for the acquisition of new material and to cover our
- overheads.
- Amiga Computing in issue 52 reported that...
- I guess that about sums it up! The guys at Amiga Computing quite
- obviously appreciate the work and expense that goes into the E.M.C.
- disks. We realise that our so called competition charge cheaper
- prices, and that you may well be tempted by the cheaper (?) price!
- All we can point out is that the only reason they charge cheaper (?)
- prices is that most of them simply buy the disks from us and copy
- them!. When you take this fact into consideration you will realise
- that they are actually abusing the whole concept of PD and Shareware
- and are charging you astronomical prices just for copying the disks.
- We wonder where their profit goes! You must also take some other
- matters into consideration...
- 1. Are these companies really interested in DTP?
- 2. Are these companies dedicated to promoting on DTP on the Amiga?
- 3. Are these companies capable and experienced enough to offer you
- full technical support?
- 4. If they do offer (limited) backup... do they do so by phone, fax,
- letter and modem?
- 5. Do they have the backing of the largest UK Amiga BBS?
- 6. Why don't these companies get any editorial coverage?
- 7. Do their disks, inspite of the "cheaper" price... make No. 1 in
- the software and hardware charts?
- If you are unsure of the answers to ANY of these questions, you will
- come to the same conclusion as us....
- As you will have noticed E.M.Computergraphic has received a
- substantial amount of Amiga press coverage throughout 1992. We have
- only used a small amount of the total editorial we have received for
- use within this text file. Our hard work has not gone unnoticed in
- the Amiga press, quite to the contrary in fact. In the Jan 1993 issue
- of Amiga Shopper, both Computer Safarifonts and E.M.Computergraphic
- were given the...
- I would like to thank you for taking the time to read this text file!
- If you have read it all, and I really hope you did, I'm sure you will
- agree that in only a few short months E.M.C. has probably done more
- for DTP on the Amiga than any other company. If nothing else I think
- that I have proved, without a doubt that...
- E.M.Computergraphic
- 8 Edith Road,
- Clacton on Sea,
- Essex. CO15 1JU
- England
- Tel : 0255 431389
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------
- For details of all Infinite Frontiers productions, and other titles
- available including AM/FM and the FULL AGAtron range, see the
- separate INFINITE FRONTIERS MAIL ORDER section elsewhere in this
- menu.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- Advertising Rates
- -------------------
- Okay, following the improvement in INFINITE FRONTIERS' financial
- situation, we can now announce that our advertising rates have been
- dramatically revised! First, text only adverts are now FREE for
- private individuals or clubs/zines/conventions etc!! To place your
- own ad in THE FINAL FRONTIER, simply send the advert in on paper
- (text only) or on disk (as ASCII files).
- Also IFF art adverts are free, but space for these is limited, so
- these will be included on a first come, first served basis. Adverts
- that we can't use will be held over for the next issue (unless you
- say otherwise). In the case of GFX adverts, please do NOT use HAM
- and please try to make sure that they don't make use of overscan
- either - you'd be surprised at the amount of disk space that saves!
- For commercial advertisers, produce the advert in one of the formats
- mentioned above and then send it to us, but DON'T send any money with
- your advert. When we receive the ad, we will crunch it using
- PowerPacker Professional to make the advert as small as possible. You
- will then be notified of the cost. Then send the appropriate amount
- and we'll publish your ad.
- The reason we don't want any money first is because of our
- advertising rates. You will be charged for however much disk space
- your advert takes up. Simply, you will be charged a set amount
- depending on how many "units" of 100 bytes, or part thereof, that
- your ad uses. The cost per unit is just 10p.
- If your advert is not Trek based, e.g. for a Star Wars fan club or
- for a person selling his collection of Blake's Seven merchandise, the
- adverts are still FREE, but we can't guarantee to include your advert
- (due to space restrictions - this issue has over 80K of text adverts
- alone!) UNLESS you decide that you want to pay. However, for private
- individuals/clubs/zines, the rates are only 5p per unit and 15p a
- unit for commerical advertisers.
- Please note, because of smaller adverts being more expensive to
- administer than the actual income we'd receive, there is a minimum
- advertising cost of £1.
- However, so we don't end up having to pay for the adverts ourselves,
- please enclose a SAE so we can contact you to tell you how much money
- to send. Otherwise it would mean that we would have to charge more.
- For overseas advertisers, please send a tested blank disk to cover
- our postage costs and make all payments in U.K currency (cheques etc.
- payable to "Infinite Frontiers").
- For example, an advert takes up 15K. We crunch this down to 7032
- bytes (Note - this isn't an exact figure, but text files are on
- average reduced by around 50%). You will then be charged for 71 units
- which is:
- TREK - £ FREE - Individuals/clubs/conventions etc.
- £ 7.10 - Businesses
- NON-TREK - £ FREE - Individuals/clubs etc.
- £ 3.55 - Individuals/clubs etc. (GURANTEED INCLUSION!)
- £10.65 - Businesses
- Simple, eh? (Don't forget that 15K is about 13 screens full!!)
- Free adverts will appear in one issue ONLY unless an updated advert
- is sent in. Commercial advertisers or individuals who are paying for
- their adverts, these will appear once for each payment made.
- In the case of free adverts, those that require extensive layout work
- or have been submitted on disk (but with a layout that has to be
- completely re-formatted) may take some time to appear as these will
- NOT be given priority for advertising space - we only have a finite
- amount of time to work on each issue, you know!
- Please note that all money received will go straight back into the
- mag and will be used to cover postage and disk costs for free issues
- to contributors, adverts for writers etc. and for competition prizes.
- Send your adverts to:-
- P.O. Box 8966
- Great Barr
- Birmingham
- B43 5ST