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- by Simon Plumbe and Colin Gunn
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- Back for another outing! We've actually had a few questions to answer and
- there's some more mindless, irrelevant trivia thrown in as well!
- Don't forget to keep on sending in all your questions on TREK which we'll put
- to our team of "resident Trekkers" - Simon Plumbe, Colin Gunn and Tobias
- Richter.
- ---------------------
- First from Barry Beale in Birmingham, England. Barry wanted to know how many
- times Data has been seen eating or drinking in an episode.
- Well, so far (up to the end of Season 5) we have found five occasions where
- Data has been seen eating/drinking:
- DATALORE - In Data's quarters where Lore drugs Data's drink.
- THE OFFSPRING - In Ten Forward where he teaches Lal the nuances of
- Human behaviour, he takes a small drink.
- IN THEORY - Tries Guinan's new drink in Ten Forward. Also has a
- Calamin sherry with Jenna in her quarters.
- UNIFICATION Pt.1 - Eats soup with Picard at a Romulan cafe.
- HERO WORSHIP - Drinks through a straw while in Ten Forward with
- Timothy.
- Next is from Phil Woodin in Dudley, England who wanted to know what "NCC"
- stands for. Well, as far as we can tell, it stands for "Naval Construction
- Class".
- Finally, we've had a few (!) from Jason Brown, again from Birmingham. All of
- them are concerning events in the Next Generation era:
- 1. Is the Klingon D-7 Battlecruiser still in service with the Klingon Navy?
- Well, I would say probably not. The D-7 was around at the time of the
- original series, some 80 years before. As with the Federation, I would
- presume that the Klingons constantly update and redesign their ships. If
- you look in TNG, you won't see any Constitution Class vessels in service
- anymore - the class is too old. Admittedly, there is still an Excelsior
- Class in operation, but again, this is a redesigned Excelsior-type vessel,
- being much larger than the original.
- 2. Does Starfleet still have a marine force?
- Actually, Starfleet has never had a marine service. This was made up by
- FASA for their role playing game.
- 3. Is body armour still worn by security personnel as seen in Star Trek III?
- Good question! So far, the only security personnel that we have seen in
- TNG have all been wearing the normal gold coloured uniform. With saying
- that, security officers seem to live longer in TNG than in the original
- series, so the lack of armour could actually be a bonus!
- 4. What is the range of the transporters on Starfleet shuttles?
- This has never actually been mentioned on screen, but as the shuttle-based
- transporters are only emergeny escape transporters, I would assume that
- their range is no more than 3 or 4 kilometres.
- --------------
- * Who's noticed that as early as the 5th season episode, THE GAME, that the
- Enterprise models on the wall opposite the windows have been missing in the
- Conference Room. No doubt when the set was re-dressed to form the officer's
- mess in Star Trek VI, after they had finished filming, they forgot to put
- all of the set back!
- * Did you know that Saavik was supposed to have appeared in STAR TREK VI! In
- the original script, Saavik was the traitor and NOT Valeris. However, Gene
- objected to the fact that Saavik would turn traitor, so the script was
- changed!
- * In the fifth season TNG episode "The First Duty", if you look carefully,
- you can see one of the pewter Enterprise replicas by Franklin Mint on a
- table in Wesley's quarters! At least someone else has bought the damn thing
- apart from me!
- * In "The Enemy", in the scene where Wesley leaves the bridge. We see him
- enter the Turbolift, then in the very next scene when we look at the
- viewscreen from the Captain's chair point of view, there is the back of
- Wesley's head in plain view at his normal Bridge position.
- * Another TNG mistake! This one is from the season 5 story, "The Next Phase".
- If you haven't seen it yet, don't read this! Okay, Geordi and Ro beam up
- from the Romulan vessel with the Romulan's warp core. However, after the
- transporter incident, we see that Geordi and Ro have been split up on the
- Enterprise, but what happened to the warp core?
- Anyone else got any questions? Send them to the usual address!
- Additional information for this article provided by Richard Arnold.