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Text File | 1996-08-13 | 55.7 KB | 1,530 lines |
- @5 F1 Licenceware catalogue F1-147 TO F1-101
- @4 =======================================
- @3
- Please make cheques /P.Os payable to F1 Licenceware
- @2 ------------------------------------------
- @6
- @4
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- @1 F 1 L I C E N C E W A R E S O F T W A R E L I S T I N G P A R T 2
- @4 --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- @3
- Each title is assigned to a page or more. Click on the 'Next' button below
- to turn the next page. Click on 'Prev' for previous page. Click on 'Index'
- when you are finished.
- @4
- If you want to move quickly through the pages click on the 'GOTO' button,
- type in a page number and then press return.
- @6
- @6Distant Drums
- Malcolm Bamber
- F1-149
- £3.99 (1 disk)
- ---------------@1 REQUIRES:Any 1meg+ Amiga.@4
- Distant drums is a small war game.
- You have four worlds to conquer and each world has 21 towns.
- Each game will not take long to finish, it was designed for short games
- just to pass a few hours away, rather long labourious conquests.
- To win a game in Distant Drums you must capture all 21 towns on each
- world.You have at your disposle, soliders, horsemen, weapons and a set
- amount of cash to carry out your campaign.
- #7Demo version available.
- Paul Nordovics
- F1-148
- £3.99 (1 disk)
- ---------------@1 REQUIRES Workbench 2 or higher.@4
- Above Top Secret was produced using Q:Whiz!, a simple quiz
- creating utility available from F1,(see F1-140) and shows what kind
- of results can be achieved.This disk is a stand-alone product and does not
- require Q:Whiz! to work.
- Above Top Secret is a quiz disk completely devoted to Sci-Fi.
- 500 questions are available, consisting of the following subjects:
- * Alien: 50 questions on the first (and best?) of the Alien films.
- * Blade Runner (BRDC-92): 100 questions on the cult movie
- * Doctor Who :100 questions covering the classic Doctor Who films & TV
- * Red Dwarf :100 questions on the popular Red Dwarf television series
- * Star Wars :50 questions covering the Star Wars trilogy of films
- * The X-Files (Season Two):100 questions on the cult TV programme
- Andy Gibson
- F1-147
- £3.99 (1 disk1)
- ---------------@1 REQUIRES F1-065, THE ULTIMATE QUIZ II.@4
- This disk contains 500 new questions and 1500 answers for the popular
- Ultimate Quiz II. As the title suggests the questions are of a random
- subject matter. As a bonus also on this disk you will find a updater
- program to fix a bug or two in Ult Quiz and allow you 9 playing credits
- instead of three.
- @4Classic Pucman
- Augenblick
- F1-146
- £3.99 (1 disks)
- ---------------@1 Any Amiga.@3
- This is a really great game. The greatest and most simple arcade game
- ever written is faithfully reproduced here which even includes the
- exact same sound effects as in the original arcade game. Every detail
- has been reconstructed from the colours and graphics to the level design.
- But there are added features too such as options to play in different
- modes 'Super Pacman' 'Arcade' etc. 1 or 2 players can play and this
- game is suitable for almost any age, my 3 year old son loves it and so does
- my Mum! That's two F1 titles mymumlikes, can you spot the other?
- Send the answer to Steve at F1 and win a booby prize.
- #7Demo version available.
- @2Keith's Quest
- Jasper Byrne
- F1-145
- £6.99 (4 disks)
- ---------------@1Reqs:WB2 or 3 and at least 1.5 meg of free memory.@4
- Another great Point & Click Graphic Adventure game. Thos one was inspired by
- Relics Of Deldroneye, Jasper liked Relics so much he decided to make his
- own adventure in a similar vein. As you must of guessed it is very good,
- otherwise it wouldn't be in theF1 scheme of course!
- The game was originally on 6 disks but using a good compressor the the lot
- now fits on 4 disks. You have plenty to do with nearly 6 megabytes of
- adventuring, there are 53 locations,many of then huge scrolling ones,
- 16 pieces of original music, a mapscreen, bonus in-games including
- beat-em-up, shoot-em-up and explorarion games. Keith was 2 years in the
- making and it shows. A very good game indeed.
- #7Demo version available.
- @2Edword Pro V4.1
- Martin Reddy
- F1-144
- £3.99 (1 disk)
- ---------------@1 Works on ANY Amiga.@3
- This older, bargain priced, but FULL version of Edword Pro is for people
- that do not have Workbench 2 or are on a budget. Please see F1 Shareware
- section for what Edword is all about.
- @5Demo version available soon, we are trying to track a version down.
- @2Boris Ball Extra Levels
- P.Whitfield
- F1-143
- £3.99 (1 disk)
- ---------------@1 REQUIRES BORIS BALL, F1-133.@3
- This disk contains 600 new levels for perhaps the greatest bat 'n'
- ball game ever. If you have Boris Ball you will know just how
- exciting, addictive and fun filled it really is, and why its nearest
- rivals don't even come close in terms of sheer playability.
- This disk in effect gives you six new complete versions of Boris.
- These funtastic boards are about as WILD, WEIRD and WACKY as you are
- going to get, and will engage you in many happy hours of absolutely
- superb game play. Each set of boards has taken P. Whitfield hours
- on end to produce (considerably longer than most people would
- probably be willing to spend designing their own boards) in order
- to get them absolutely perfect - and the results speak for
- themselves! Presented on this essential data disk for any Boris
- fanatic are 600 of the very best boards; all highly imaginative,
- original and exciting.
- To install the boards all you need do is double click on the install icon
- and insert your Boris disk, it couldn't be easier.
- #7Demo version available
- @5The Experiment
- John Clay
- F1-142
- £5.99 (3 disks)
- ---------------@1 Will work on any 1meg+ Amiga.
- @4
- At last GRAC created adventure games are starting to appear, expect more
- soon. The Experiment is three disks of excellent adventuring, not too
- difficult but challenging enough to make it enjoyable to solve.
- In the game, you play the part of Bud Lightning - clean cut, shade wearing,
- all round nice-guy as he tries to save a Primitive Tribe from extinction
- after his base is attacked by the nasty Stingons. Good graphics/music and
- competently designed, this will keeo adventurers quite for a while.
- One for the collection. The big bonus with the Experiment is even A500
- owners can play.
- Demo version available, see 'Freebies' file.
- --------------------------------------------
- David Papworth
- F1-141
- £3.99 (1 disk)
- ---------------@4 Will work on any Amiga.
- This is a brilliant arcade game, it is a clone of a MegaDrive cartridge game
- that I have never seen,but it supposed to be a close rendition.
- Outfall is one of those very simple games that are so very addictive and
- great fun. Based on the Tetris theme, 'beans' fall down the screen in pairs,
- you manipulate and position the beans into groups the best you can, 4 beans
- of the same colour together will elimanate that group. The idea is to keep
- your 'board' as clear as possible of beans. Just to add a bit of spice the
- computer randomly throws in some grey beans to messs you up.
- Meanwhile your opponent (or the computer) is busy doing the same on its own
- board, the one who lasts longest is the winner. There is quite a bit more to
- it than that, but I will let you discover that for yourselves.
- This games is very slick, written in super-fast Machine Code and is very
- configurable. For example it supports 1-8 players, tournament mode,
- demonstration mode,pratice mode, 3 difficulty levels, Pal/NTSC systems,
- acceleration, speed, height adjusters etc. etc.
- A possible F1 classic! Highly recommended.
- @6Demo version available, see 'Freebies' file.
- --------------------------------------------
- @4Q:Whiz
- Paul Nordovics
- F1-140
- £4.99 (2 disks)
- ---------------@5
- Q:Whiz! - Creator@3
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Here we have a very simple, no frills quiz creating utility.
- Unlike other creator utilities which incorporate features
- for designing quiz systems, Q:Whiz! - Creator is written
- purely for the creation of quiz games. Everything regarding
- the quiz interface is already set up so there's no messing
- about creating text boxes, buttons, scripts etc. All you
- have to do is come up with the questions and choices which
- are then simply entered into the Creator and saved to the
- Player disk provided. And that's it!
- The Player disk is a stand-alone disk used to distribute
- your quizzes. The Player disk containing your quiz files
- can be released as PD / Shareware or you could even sell the
- disk yourself and make some money in the process! Fame and
- fortune are just around the corner*.
- No programming knowledge is required to use the creator,
- though to get the maximum benefit from it, you will need a
- basic understanding of your Amiga - not essential though.
- Facilities have been made to enable you to customize the
- quiz game to give it a unique look. You can insert your own
- company logo screen and include details of your game on the
- "ABOUT" screen included. Screens have been stored in IFF
- format enabling you to load them into a suitable paint
- program for editing. Change the game screen, game name
- logo, timers, buttons etc. You can even have the quiz game
- laid out over the top of an IFF screen if you want.
- 3 different game screens have been included which can be
- used as they are or form the basis of your own design.
- There's also a screen of "game bits" - timers, buttons etc
- to help you out.
- Game music and sound fx can also be changed.
- Full instructions have been provided on how to use the
- creator and how to get a disk ready for distribution -
- there's even a section giving information about Public
- Domain/Shareware etc.
- @5Q:Whiz! - Player@3
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Used to distribute your quizzes. This is an improved
- version of Q:Whiz! previously sold for 6.99 and reviewed in
- CU Amiga. Incorporates ideas given from player feedback,
- faster routines and bug fixes. This version has NOT been
- previously released. Includes the following quiz files:
- FormulaOne
- Red Dwarf (Easy)
- Star Wars (Easy)
- The X-Files (Season One)
- Also contains a basic text file giving instructions on how
- to play the game which can be distributed with your quiz
- files without needing any modifications.
- Demo version available, see 'Freebies' file.
- --------------------------------------------
- @5Arcade Darts
- B.Massey
- F1-139
- £3.99 (1 disk)
- ---------------@4
- Arcade Darts is for anyone who occasionally fancies a game of darts but
- can't find either a dartboard or someone to play with ! With a selection
- of different games to play, a range of computer opponents and sampled
- speech too, it could turn you into a darts master without the need to
- develop a beer belly !
- See screenshot on screenshot page.
- Demo version available, see 'Freebies' file.
- --------------------------------------------
- John Housley
- F1-138
- £4.99 (2 disks)
- Workbench 2 or higher, Amos Pro and Compiler required.
- ------------------------------------------------------@5
- J-Windows is a huge, previously unreleasd Amos extension designed to
- let you easily get at many of the interesting and useful parts of the
- operating system. The speed of the executables is the fastest seen yet
- from an Intuition extension and J-Windows supports just about every
- part of intuition, including ListView, which is pretty impressive.@4
- In English, this means WINDOWS, AGA graphics(WB3),proper WORKBENCH support.
- @1J-Windows contains about two hundred new commands and is a 'PROPER'
- extension, not a set of procedures, though this is arguable since it can
- use procedures that you can create through GadstoolBox, not supplied.
- Full control of Workbench Windows. We're not talking Workbench look-
- a-like windows on AMOS screens, we're talking full, proper, multi-tasking,
- good-looking Intuition Windows and running as FAST as a normal Wb prog.@3
- Full control of Workbench screens, including AGA, HAM-8 all the other
- interesting varieties of screens you can't use on AMOS.
- This includes support for text (better than AMOS), drawing and changing
- palettes. Proper gadgets to put in your windows. These are drawn and handled
- by Intuition and the extension - you just say where and when. By the way,
- these are MUCH easier to use than Interface gadgets.@6
- Full support for menus. This includes checkable items, mutual exclude and
- hotkeys. Supports the GadToolsBox program, which makes the design of
- complex user interfaces quick and easy. Using this, you can create a fully
- working set of screens and windows with nice gadgets, all working, without
- typing a line of code! Because coding in AMOS is so fast anyway, you will
- be able to write your program quicker than in almost any other language.
- How quick? The entire examples set for this extension was written in 3
- afternoons. Beat that! @1You can use the proper system file, font and screen
- requesters. In about 3 lines of code.
- @5Replacement of the AMOS file handling system with a totally new one.
- This is faster (3-20 times faster...), and vastly more logical and efficient.
- A new font handling system, to replace AMOS's bloody awful one.
- Various assorted bug fixes for AMOS, including the equates system
- (which now works), and the Merge Ascii menu item which exhibited possibly
- the strangest bug I've EVER seen...@4Commands allowing you to use exec lists.
- Useful little utilities, such as one that generates code letting you easily
- use procs from the system libraries (sort of an extension creator).
- @3HUGE manual in AmigaGuide form, including 13 tutorials covering almost
- every aspect of the extension. Examples of programs, most of which actually
- LOOK GOOD and DO USEFUL things....Obviously lots more...
- @4
- @6Absolute beginners guide to Workbench 3, Volume 5
- Steve Bye
- F1-137
- £3.99 (1 disk)
- A1200/A4000
- -------------@5
- Vol 5 is the last disk in this series and its main topic is hints and tips.
- Some of the subjects covered are:
- * All the tricks on installing awkward programs onto your hard drive
- * What to do when you get a 'Not validated' error on your HD,30 second cure!
- * Everything you need to know about crunching files
- * Ditto file formats
- * What do those mysterious screen colours mean on boot up?
- * How to format a disk for use on a PC
- * How to change the Ram disk icon permanently
- * The history of the Amiga
- * How to cut down your Workbench and save tons of space
- And theres more.
- As I keep saying you will need all the previous volumes of this guide to
- get the best out of this disk.
- * Look out for a new version containing all five disks updated and cross
- referenced into one huge guide for hard drive users. This will be FREE
- of charge to anyone who has bought all five volumes of this guide.
- Release date...sometime in 1996, maybe. Watch this space.
- @4The Guide To Blitz
- Neil Wright
- F1-136
- £4.99 (2 disks)
- ---------------@3
- Any Amiga. (You will need the Blitz Basic programming language to make any
- sense of this guide of course, Covers commands, including PD extensions, up
- to V2.0)
- The guide to Blitz is a truley MASSIVE tome spanning over 400 A4 pages of
- text and covers virtually every subject you are ever likely to need to
- know about. This superb reference is an invaluable aid to beginners and
- will serve as a great reference work for experts. Guide To Blitz comes on
- two disks, disk two is choc full of remmed example programs that are
- covered in the main guide to save you any typing.
- If you are tired of the miniscule manual supplied with Blitz and need to
- know what the commands REALLY do then now's your chance.
- For a full contents listing of the guide see the file 'Guide_2_Blitz'
- on this disk.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- @2Pitch 'N' Putt
- Paul Phelps
- F1-135
- £7.99 (5 disks)
- Any 1meg+ Amiga.
- -----------------@4
- F1's first golf game, PnP was chosen because of its sheer playabilty.
- It is very easy to get in to, you don't even need to read the instructions,
- though an in depth on-disk manual is run if you boot up disk 2.
- Pnp's graphics are not top quality but they are good enough, you hardly
- notice anyway as you get sucked right into this game from the start.
- Disks 3,4 and 5 contain extra courses which will guaruntee longevity.
- There is not more much to say about a golf game really, err, get the ball
- in the hole in as least shots as possible to beat your opponents.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- @5AmosZine 11
- Andy Gibson
- F1-134
- £4.99 (2 disks)
- Any 1meg+ Amiga.
- -----------------@6
- The Amos coders dream is still going strong.
- Wether you are beginner or expert you will learn from and enjoy
- participating in this mag. Join the friendly clan of the select Amos
- coders of the world and even get future issues of AmosZine free if you
- contribute.
- Demo version available, see 'Freebies' file.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- @2Boris Ball
- Ben Wyatt
- F1-133
- £3.99 (1 disk)
- Any 1meg+ Amiga.
- ---------------@6
- This isn't just another 'Bat 'n Ball' game, it has been written in
- direct competetion to the Shareware hit MegaBall. The author was tired
- of Megaball's bad points (he lists them in the doc file of the game)
- and decided to correct themand Boris is the result. I found it to be an
- exceptional game in all areas, and I don't mind telling you that each time I
- loaded it to have a 'quick' test I ended up playing it for hours.
- Boris beats Megaball and slaughters the commercial (and old) Arkanoid game.
- If you enjoy this type of game you won't find much better anywhere.
- *Load Workbench first to run this game. HD installable.
- Demo version available, see 'Freebies' file.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- @5Guitar Fret Master Pro
- Bob Stanley
- F1-132
- £3.99 (1 disk)
- Any 1meg+ Amiga.
- ----------------------------------@4
- (Written by the author)
- GFMaster is a Guitar Scales Tutor, which displays the scale
- shape along the neck and Tablature below. It contains 141
- scales/runs and is aimed at anyone with a guitar, and if used
- along with GCDirPro (F1-069) makes an ideal package if you
- are just starting to play.
- Andre Digard who used to review Pd and L/ware programs for CU
- Amiga first suggested that I write a program of this type,
- but with Fast Fret by Keith Clatworthy already available I
- saw no point. So when I brought Mike, my 6yr old son his
- first guitar I also purchased Fast Fret to help him. While I
- found it an interesting program my son soon began to get
- irritated with it. At first I put it down to his age and
- inexperience until Kev saw the program and found he had some
- of the same problems as Mike, so with the help of my son and
- Kev GFMaster was born.
- Also on the disk you will find: The Guitar, which is a brief
- history on the guitar, different string types, tuning etc.
- At the present it's not quite as complete as I would like,
- but I will complete it on day.
- Plus also, a colection of 120 arpeggio's in both text and M2T
- format. I've included my original M2T files for those of you
- who have a copy of M2T (F1 disk: F1-071) so you can alter the
- fret positions, i.e. re-tab from the 4th gives a collection
- of stretch arpeggio's.
- Demo version available see 'Freebies' file.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- @4Teeny Weenys
- Malcolm Lavery
- F1-131
- £3.99 (1 disk)
- Requires: A1200/A4000
- ----------------------@1
- This game is outstanding, from the author of the top selling Magic Paint
- Box. The graphics, as you would expect are superb, well they would be since
- Mal is a commercial artist. The game itself is great too, it is a sort of
- Lemmings/Troddlers/Vikings clone. This arcade/platform/puzzler has great
- sound effects and music and tests the old grey matter somewhat.
- TW was originally sold by the author for £6 but you can get it now at a
- bargain £3.99. What are you waiting for? Highly recommended.
- Hard drive installable.
- Demo version available, see 'Freebies' file.
- Reviewed in Amiga Format May 96
- 'This game is testament to the design skills and ingenuity of the
- programmer. Well done Malcolm, we all love playing it.'
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- @6Ballunacy
- Mark Seymour
- F1-130
- £3.99 (1 disk)
- Requires: 1meg+ WB2+.
- --------------------@5
- This is a really good and original arcade puzzler & just my luck quite
- awkward to describe, but here goes anyway. Each level starts with a free
- rolling ball that you need to guide around a maze type screen by
- manipulating gates and running the ball into power-ups, fairly standard
- stuff so far, but you can also add your own 'gates' with a click of the
- mouse in any position and then swith the gates to manipulate the path of the
- ball in various directions. It all sounds really complicated but it isn't,
- it is a really simple game to get into and really enjoyable and addictive.
- The graphics are very nice and to top it all you even get the level designer
- chucked in so you can contine where the programmer left off and create as
- many new levels as you want, the game comes with 20 levels. The designer
- is a doddle to use by the way and no programming is involved, just mouse
- clicks. Highly recommended.
- Demo version available, see 'Freebies' file.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- @2Total Domination II
- Paul Huckstepp
- F1-129
- £4.99 (2 disks)
- Requires: 1meg+ WB2+.
- --------------------@3
- This is a war strategy game where you must build up your land/army/supplies
- etc. and create a stable environment whilst destroying your enemy.
- There are loads of icons to click on that select things like tax level/
- workers/ build castle etc. Initally it seems quite complicated but the
- on-disk AmigaGuide instructions help you along nicely.
- Demo version available, see 'Freebies' file.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- @4LottoBase
- David Wheeler
- F1-128
- £3.99 (1 disk)
- Requires: Any Amiga.
- --------------------@2
- A very nice and easy to use UK Lottery number database. Already contained
- in the database are all the number up to week 66 (Feb 17th 96) It is
- very easy to input new numbers as the weeks progress and the program can
- tell you about the current hottest & coldest numbers and a unique 'Mix'
- option of a prediction based on both. A very simple program that anyone can
- maintain as a record of the lottery.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Mike Austin
- F1-127
- £3.99 (1 disk)
- Educational (5-9 years approx) Requires: Any 1 meg+ Amiga.
- ------------------------------@3
- TELL THE TIME is based purely on helping Children to learn to tell the time
- and consists of five levels.
- Rather than follow the normal trend where certain levels have to be completed
- before moving on, this program allows the `User' to decide which level
- he/she wants to do and for how long. By pressing the ESC(ape) key at certain
- times during a level, you will be returned to the Level Screen.
- The five levels contain sub-games of a platform game, shoot-em-up, breakout
- and a great 'watch the train' animation. All these treats need to be earned
- though, by correctly telling the time.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Mike Austin
- F1-126
- 5.99 (3 disks)
- Educational (8 years+ approx) Requires: any 1 meg+ Amiga
- -------------------------------------------@4
- The purpose of this program is to give a brief coherent account of
- history from the moment of the creation of the Universe to the present
- day. The whole program is represented graphically by an imaginary
- "road" that is exactly one mile long. This mile represents the 15
- billion years of evolution since the creation of the Universe.
- The road itself is used as the MAIN MENU and is divided into three
- separate sections. Each of the three main sections are further divided
- into 5 sub-sections. Thus the whole program is contained in 15
- sub-sections with each sub-section following logically onwards from
- the previous one. There are on average three to four pages of text
- in each of the fifteen sub-sections and the total number of graphics is
- over 100. The graphics themselves contain textual information which
- serves to expand on the main text or a chosen subject.
- The text itself is kept as non-technical as possible although
- sufficiently detailed to explain some difficult concepts. The most up
- to date and generally accepted information has been utilized. Many
- areas are still controversial, for example lunar and planetary
- formation and Man's evolution. Where more than one theory exists we
- have tried to include it. The program is designed to give the user an
- overall account of the world and universe of which we are all a part.
- Anybody that reads the information contained within the program will
- come away with a fair grasp of the formation of the Earth and the
- evolution of life and mankind. We feel that this program is unique both
- in it's scope and content.@4
- The topics covered in the first section particularly are frequently
- neglected, i.e.- The formation of galaxies, stars and planets. This is
- partly due to the difficult concepts involved and partly due to the
- fact that much of the relevant information has only recently been
- acquired by satellites and giant telescopes. We felt it was essential
- to devote adequate space to these fascinating topics.
- Rated 80% Amiga Shopper April 96
- 'This is a quality educational product'
- 'The disks are easy to use, so are ideal for children'
- Demo version available, see 'Freebies' file.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- @3Strategy Games Pack
- Gordon Miller
- £5.99 (3 disks)
- Disk No. F1-125
- Games Requires: Any 1 meg+ Amiga.
- ------------------------------@4
- Three good strategy games here offering great value at only £2 each.
- Disk 1: It's Only Rock 'N Roll
- One of the winners of the recent Amiga Format Amos Pro competition.
- You have just formed your own rock band. Your ambition is to be the most
- succesful rock star ever.
- To achieve your ambition you must be a millionare, have at least one No. 1
- single and have three status symbols.
- Disk 2: British Football
- British Football is all about scoring goals. no tactics, no management,
- no finances, just goals.@4
- The idea is simple, score as many goals as you can.
- You may get one chance at goal, you may EVEN get five, but when your chance
- comes you must take it. after all, if you don`t SCORE, you don`t win.
- Arcade strategy.
- Disk 3: Space Warriors
- This is a kind of Mini 'elite' space trading game.
- The year is 2180 AD. The human race has conquered space and spread through
- the galaxy. Through-out history man has always fought, and this era is no
- different. Battles constantly rage on in the skies.
- There are hundreds of men desperate to prove they are the best
- fighters and traders in the galaxy, and earn the ultimate title
- of space WARRIOR. only the best can survive the never-ending
- battles of crazed killers.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Chris & Lee Bamber
- £7.99 (5 Disks)
- Disk No. F1-124
- Game Requires: 2 meg chip ram, i.e. A1200/A4000)
- ------------------------@6
- Regular F1 customers will know by now that my favourite F1 game of all time
- (so far anyway) is RELICS 1. After a long wait the authors of Relics released
- Return To Zantis (F1-111) this was a 'link sequel' to keep Relics fans happy
- while they waited over 18 months for Relics II.
- Well, wait no longer it is here, it is BIG, and it is BETTER than Relics 1.
- A brief outline of the story so far:
- After rescuing the king from the kidnappers and slaughtering them (Relics1)
- You (Falcon) was appointed the task of clearing the town Zantis of a bunch of
- psycho crims. On return to Deldroneye you find you have once again been
- betrayed and have been left cruising in space alone on your ship, that is
- until you discover two Alien craft in the normally deserted quadrant.
- You decide to investigate.......
- If you want to know more about this graphic adventure take a look at F1-018
- and F1-111. Highly recommended for any adventurer with 2 meg of chip ram+.
- *The solution to Relics 1/Zantis and Relics II can be found in the
- 'solutions' drawer on this disk.
- RATED 89% By C.U Amiga March 96
- 'Highly recommended'
- ****Please note: Relics I or Relics II is *NOT* written with Grac****
- Demo version available, see 'Freebies' file.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Ray Smith
- £4.99 (2 Disks)
- Disk No. F1-123
- Utility Requires: Any 1meg+ Amiga
- ---------------@6
- WPP allows users to create professional crosswords and wordsearch puzzles
- from scratch. The program can Print the screen, save the screen in 'IFF',
- or save the word and clue lists in ASCII form or WPP special format file for
- reloading back into WPP at a later date for editing.
- You can manipulate the files using Art programs or DTP's.
- The program is most useful to Charities and clubs who can send
- out the puzzles to raise funds, etc.
- The program also has solve/search features which are useful to
- anyone with an interest in Word puzzles.
- *Full and comprehensive ONLINE MANUAL.
- *Hard disk installable
- *Puzzle grid size can be from 8x8 to 30x30.
- *Move all graphic elements (grid/texts/word columns) to anywhere on screen
- *Choose any font for the grid, texts and wordcolumns.
- *Choose from up to 36 border styles for the grid.
- *All letter spacing in the grid is user definable.
- *Full text style features to the text blocks.
- *Word/clue columns can be split up into different sizes and each column
- moved at will. Word spacing is user definable.
- *Full save and load options. Save whole puzzle, save clues and answers in
- ASCII format for loading into other software. ie Desk top publishers.
- *Print screen or save as IFF. And new to V2.00, save and print in colour
- *Full checking procedures built in. You can be sure that the puzzle won't
- have duplicates etc.@6
- *New to V2.00. Save your preferences to disk.
- *New to V2.00. Dictionary editing and saving.
- *Highlight 'placed' word in grid. 4 style options. For showing solutions.
- *Manual insertion of letters.
- *Search for a word. Can be used with a combination of the above feature
- *Up to 400 words can be put in the list.
- *Loading of ASCII word lists. You can have a list of 'THEMED' words on disk
- and then load them. Put the ones you want into puzzle grid and discard rest.
- *Full Puzzle editing facilities.
- *SUGGEST mode & PLACE ALL. (very powerful features)
- *Design your pattern (black squares) and save for later use.
- Mirror feature (you only have to design half the pattern)
- *Automatic numbering and marking of the DOWNS and ACROSSES from the pattern.
- *Full dictionary features to aid you.
- @5PUNTER V3.2R
- Steve Bye
- £3.99 (1 disk)
- Disk No. F1-122
- Game Requires: Workbench 2 or better & 1.5 meg free or more mem.
- -----------------@3
- See F1-090 for full description.
- This is quite a big update. The whole cosmetic look of the game has been
- improved and a few bugs fixed and these new features added:
- * Press D to read the main doc file with Punter running in the background.
- * Help screens where needed.
- * Pressing any key from 1 to 9 will load in different music modules.
- * choice of 0-999 Pre-run races ,to auto build up form.
- * Three difficulty levels.
- * punter rating.
- * Player stats screen, bets record, horses trading record, profit etc.
- * Full race details screen during race, inc tipsters selections.
- Totally revamped tipsters section, the following info is given on each
- tipster:
- * SELECTIONS * How many tips given in the game so far.
- * WINNERS * How many of the tips actually won.
- * STRIKE RATE * % of winners to selections.
- * LEVEL STAKE * Would you make a profit or loss following this tipster?
- *This list does not include improvments made in V3.1 which was given away
- free on this disk for a few months, it allowed Punter V3.0 owners to upgrade
- for free to V3.1. that offer is now closed, but you may find the free
- upgrade disk in some PD libraries like Seasoft Computing.
- There are lots and lots more other little things as well.
- Hard disk installable, easy to use, and MUCHO FUN.
- Weather you want a serious horse racing form sim or just a fun betting game
- for 1-4 players, Punter will do the job for you.
- Rated 5 stars out of 5 in Amiga Power April 96
- That's a 100% score innit!
- Demo version available, see 'Freebies' file.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- @5AmosZine 10
- Andy Gibson
- £5.99 (3 disks)
- Disk No. F1-121
- Magazine Requires:Any 1meg Amiga
- --------------------------------@2
- Disk 1:articles/tutorials/help/advice etc.
- Disk 2:Archived (lha) source code
- Disk 3:Archived (lha) source code/prgs
- A stonkingly good issue as usual. More new talent has been drawn to AZ
- in recent months due to the exposure in the Amiga mags (See Amiga Shopper
- cover disk Xmas issue) So expect lots of cool coding ideas/advice and source
- code. The Amos Coders Bible. For beginners to Elite, all are welcome.
- If you contribute articles to AZ you get the next issue sent to you FREE.
- See AZ for more details.
- Rated 85% Amiga Shopper, April 96
- Demo version available, see 'Freebies' file.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- @6The Intuition Extension V1.3a
- Andy Church
- £3.99 (1 disk)
- Disk No. F1-120
- Development Requires: Any 1meg Amiga + Amos/Amos Pro
- --------------------------@4
- Straight from the USA, this wicked Intuition extension for Amos has been
- a well kept secret from the Amos world for quite a while now.
- Unless you are a regular to the Aminet (Dev/Amos) or on the Internet Amos
- Mailing list, I doubt very much if you have even heard of this great
- extension. In some ways it is similar to Intos, that is in its ease of use,
- on the other hand Intos is very slow compared to this and the IE is a REAL
- extension and NOT just a set of procedures. So, if you want professional
- loooking Workbench style programs in Amos this is the one to get.
- This program would cost you $15 to register for the full version and the
- hassle and long wait of sending off to Andy in America.
- Rated 90% Amiga Shopper March 96
- 'an essential buy for Amos'
- Reviewed in Amiga Computing April 96
- 'Another essential purchase for keen Amos programmers'
- 'Adds a whole new lease of life to the language'
- Demo version available, see 'Freebies' file.
- @3Parasite
- Shaun Waters
- £3.99 (1 disk)
- Disk No. F1-119
- Game Requires: A1200/A4000@2
- Black Dawn is back again! This improved vrsion is now 1 or two players and
- has "layered" levels. If you don't know what a Black Dawn game is then
- take a peek at F1-115 and F1-085/86, needless to say it is as good as the
- rest of the BD's, if not BETTER!
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- @5Absolute Beginners Guide To Workbench 3, Vol 4
- Steve Bye
- £3.99 (1 disk)
- Disk No. F1-118
- Tutorial requires: Workbench 2.0 minimum, WB3.0/3.1 recommended
- ---------------------------@4
- This volume covers the use of AmigaDos, how to handle archivers and cover
- disk archives easily, how to create AmigaGuide documents, discussion on
- programming languages, script writing and how to create your own compilation
- disks & more inter-related subjects. Comes with a free full *exclusive* to F1
- program called Extractor which allows total beginners to handle archives
- easily.
- Please note: If you are a beginner you MUST read vols 1,2+3 before this one
- as it is an on-going tutor. Vol 1 is PD, please send 2X25p stamps for
- your copy, no need for extra stamps if you are ordering anything else.
- *Extractor also appears on the F1 CD Vol 1.
- See also Vol 2 F1-077, Vol 3 F1-109, Vol 1 see 'freebies' file
- Rated 85% Amiga Shopper
- 'This disk is very good value'
- RATED 80% By CU.Amiga
- The review stated the program costs £6.99. this was a mis-print.
- @6Epsilon 9
- Edmund Clay
- £4.99 (2 disks)
- Disk No. F1-117
- ---------------@2
- required setup: An Amiga with at least 1Mb. Users with only 1Mb may miss
- out on some of the animation and music.
- recommended Second drive or (preferably) hard drive, 2Mb ram, 020
- but not essential: processor or better.
- Epsilon 9 is the sequal to the PD hit Starbase 13. Don't worry though
- the graphics are excellent this time and the game is even more challenging.
- Epsilon 9 is a Monkey Island style adventure game (my favourite type!)
- and is absolutley superb, it could even given Relics Of Deldroneye a run for
- its money! Eps' was created with GR.A.C V2 by GR.A.C's author, Edmund Clay.
- I can't give you the story line as finding out is a part of the game.
- All I can say is that you are called to Starbase 13 after completing your
- previous mission sucessfully and are given instructions for a new,
- more deadly task.
- The solution to Epsilon 9 can be found in the 'soultions' drawer on this
- disk.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- @5Willys Weirdy Nightmare
- Richard Williams
- £3.99 (1 disk)
- Disk No. F1-116
- ---------------Amiga A1200/A4000 only@3
- Willys Weirdy Nightmare is based on the classic Spectrum platform game
- 'Jet Set Willy'. This version, however, is greatly enhanced.
- Some of the features you can expect are :-
- * Approximately 500k worth of 64 colour graphics
- * Loads of puzzles, hidden rooms etc.
- * Save and load feature
- * Good, solid gameplay (unlike some games nowadays !)
- * Well over 150 levels !
- * Loads in one go - no loading levels from disk
- * A lot faster than the original
- If you enjoyed the old style platformers you will defiently love this
- one, the music is exceptional by the way and greatly adds to the
- early 1980's atmosphere, excellent.
- Demo version available, see 'Freebies' file.
- S.Watters
- £4.99 (2 disks)
- Disk No. F1-115
- ---------------A1200/A4000 only@1
- Opps! Remember me going on about an "inferior BlackDawn game"?
- Well that was BD 5 by Shaun Watters, but he has knocked me for six with err,
- BD 6 would you believe! Seriously, I owe Shaun an apology for the bad
- treatment I gave him over BD5. Sorry mate!
- So now is YOUR chance to play what has been described as the best BD game
- ever. It certainly looks good and plays great. If you don't know what a Black
- Dawn game is like yet (where have you been living, in a cave?) it's a kinda
- Dungeon Master clone, you rove around a 3D tunnel type maze thingy, kicking
- butt and running away a lot.
- HELLBOUND contains much more than any other of BlackDawn games before it.
- HELLBOUND is the first Black Dawn game to contain multilayered
- levels so keep an eye out for lifts and holes to other levels.
- HELLBOUND is the first Black Dawn game to be able to load and
- save games at any time when playing. So if you think there is trouble
- ahead SAVE IT FIRST!!!!!
- So, if you enjoyed our Legions Of Dawn extravaganza (and who didn't?) you
- will love this one.
- Reviewd in CU.Amiga, Jan 96
- RATED 73%
- @4Dialog Procedures V4.0
- John Kinsella
- £3.99 (1 disk)
- Disk No. F1-114
- Another treat for Amos users. These procedures were designed and written to
- allow the user to incorporate a fully working button interface in their
- AMOS programs. The main advantage about using these procedures is that you
- do not need to install a separate extension, and also you do not need to
- address the Workbench Intuition System, so that makes it a lot easier to
- create fully working screens with simple command procedures. As an added
- bonus the system works a LOT faster than operating intuition from Amos
- using an extension. All the bits that you would expect are included like
- windows, 3D boxes. file requester etc.
- *Amoszine issue 8 (F1-106) carried an earlier version of Dialog Procs V3,
- that was Shareware (£5) This is a bug fixed version with a lot more features
- and no Shareware fee is required.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- @2Amos AGA Extension (Build V.312)
- Michael Prince
- £3.99 (1 disk)
- Disk No. F1-113
- ---------------@5
- AGA AMIGA REQUIRED (A1200,A4000) + Amos Classic or Amos Professional.
- YES, this IS the same extension that saw a massive advertising campaign
- by Amiganuts PD. Amiganuts are now no-longer and F1 are proud to have been
- asked to distribute the first ever AGA extension for Amos/Pro.
- As you can see, we have dropped the price from Amiganuts' £10 to just £3.99,
- now everyone REALLY CAN afford this latest breakthrough in the development
- of the amazing Amos programming language.
- NOTE: F1 its distributers or M.Prince do not wish to mislead anyone, this
- program is far from completion, there is as yet no support for bobs
- and sprites, however there are 22 commands (listed below) and more in
- development. New commands for this extension will depend on how it is
- supported.
- The commands currently supported by the AGA extension:
- AGA Screen Open
- AGA Screen Close
- AGA Screen
- AGA Front Screen
- AGA Load Bitplanes
- AGA Screen Copy
- AGA Draw Mode
- AGA Cls
- AGA Ink
- AGA Colour
- @5 AGA Box
- AGA Bar
- AGA Text
- AGA Use Font
- AGA Get Block
- AGA Put Block
- AGA Clip
- AGA Del Block
- AGA Get Palette Bank
- AGA Sprite Mode
- AGA Spack
- AGA Unpack
- The extension comes complete with full documentation on what each command
- does, some example Amos programs and an installer.
- various
- £5.99
- Disk No.F1-112
- --------------@2Any 1meg+ Amiga
- The classic Amos coders bible continues going from strength to strength with
- another packed issue of Amos programmers hints/tips/tutorials/opinions/
- articles/problems solved/free professional graphics and of course the
- obligatory bucket load of cool source code. A must for any Amos coder,
- beginner or professional. Buy one issue, contribute some articles and you
- can get your next copy free.
- Demo version available, see 'Freebies' file.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Lee Bamber
- £3.99
- Disk No. F1-111
- ---------------@4Amiga A1200/A4000 only
- This is NOT Relics Of Deldroneye 2, it is what the author calls a
- "Link-Sequel". In his words, it is to keep quite all the people screaming at
- him and us to get Relics 2 done. As R2 is taking a lot longer than
- anticipated Lee has decided to release this new Relics mini adventure to
- keep all you hungry fans busy until R2 is ready. Players of the original
- Relics will feel right at home with Return To Zantis, Zantis is the main
- town in Relics remember. I won't go into the plot and spoil it for you but
- it is all excellent stuff and Relics fans will NOT feel cheated, Zantis has
- lots of brand new locations and takes many hours to complete.
- Zantis is a superb addition to the Relics range and is in my book the 2nd
- best adventure game I have ever played after the original Relics.
- A must have. Completely recommended. (See Relics F1-018 for more info)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Paul Huckstepp
- £3.99
- Disk No. F1-110
- ---------------@1Any 1meg+ Amiga
- Falling Down is one of the thirteen "winners" of the recent Amiga Format Amos
- competion. FD is a very laid back puzzle game and quite original.
- The idea is a very simple one, let the blue fluffy creatures fall down
- but save the red one's, this is done by manipulation of floors. Not much
- more to say about it really. Not for speed freaks, but for the slippers
- and pipe brigade with a liberal sprinkling of Einstein.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Malcolm Lavery
- £3.99
- Disk No.F1-041A
- ---------------@2
- Let me explain the strange Disk no. The F1 CD has two titles missing, 25 and
- 41, the authors refusesd permission. Codename Nano is a replacement for
- Disk 41 on the CD, but F1-041 is still occupied by the original disk on this
- list , so I have named this 41A.
- Nano is a thrust style game with georgous graphics and a perfect difficulty
- level. This is the full version that was, until recently being sold for £5
- a copy. Mal is the author of F1 Gold title "Magic Paint Box", if you have
- seen the graphics in that you will know the very high quality to expect in
- this game and you won't be disappointed. Fly your "Thruster" around rescuing
- the hostages (who wave their arms at you frantically, al'a Desert Strike)
- and get them to home base to complete the level. Brilliant!
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- @3Absolute Beginners Guide To WorkBench 3, Vol 3 (Tools)
- Steve Bye
- £3.99
- Disk No.F1-109
- --------------@5Workbench 2+ (Wbench 3.0 recommended)
- This is the third part of the on-going series of Workbench 3 tutorials.
- This volume concentrates on the contents of the Tools drawer of your
- Workbench disk. It discusses what each program is for and how to use them.
- There are plenty of diagrams and easy to understand explanations.
- Lots of other general information is also covered.
- This volume also looks at the contents of the Commodities drawer and the
- last part of the Extras3.0 disk is covered.
- It is recommended that you read Vol 1 and 2 first.
- Vol 1 is availble free from F1 if you order volume 2 (see F1-077)
- If you would just like to try vol 1 then send a disk and a stamp
- or 2X1st class stamps to cover costs.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Amonn Phillip
- £3.99
- Disk No.F1-108
- --------------@2A1200/A4000 ONLY
- This is a really nice looking 1 or 2 player arcade puzzler. The main
- objective of the game is to simply clear each level of nasties by "pushing"
- blocks onto them, no quite as easy as it sounds as they appear to be fairly
- intelligent nasties! . You start the game with limited "pushing power" and
- have to build this up by collecting "pills" that are hidden in blocks that
- you crush on your crusade. Other items you may find in crushed blocks are
- Extra lives/speed up/immune and a mystery power up. Quite hard, addictive
- and fun with very nice graphics.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- J.Habgood
- £3.99
- Disk No.F1-107
- --------------@4Any 1meg+ Amiga
- Written by the author:
- GREENIES is a first person perspective 3D maze-romp type-of-affair for up
- to three players. You can either play a knight in a series of quests against
- the GREENIES, or have a multi-player fight to the death as the green guys
- themselves. The action takes place in a bizarre arcane maze arena filled
- with modern-day weapons of destruction and the odd magic potion.
- You simply wander around the maze trying to ensure your opponents have a
- very bad day. This game is a humourous versionof Dungeon Master and has the
- added bonus of being able to play aginst one two human players
- simultaneously or any combination of computer or human players.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- various
- £5.99
- Disk No.F1-106
- --------------@3Any 1meg+ Amiga
- The Amos legend continues. The longest surviving (and growing) Amos dedicated
- disk mag. This is one of the best issues ever, catering for beginners
- to "Ace coder" there's plenty here for everyone. Some of the highlights of
- this issue are:
- *The complete source code to Fortress II the previously unreleased sequel to
- Lee Bamber's mega F1 hit Fortress.
- *Tutorials for complete beginners, how to use Amigados libraries, creating
- your own extensions and making music for your programs.
- *EXCLUSIVE demos of the new POWERBOBS extension And DMC Gold.
- *Megabyte+ of cool source code, mostly new stuff written by the AZ team.
- *Stacks of articles and a variety of Amos programming subjects and problems
- solved.
- *Lots of freely usable graphics drawn by professional commercial artist,
- Malcolm Lavery.
- *Optional extra "Supplement" disk available full of more source.
- *All files are archived for maximum value. Comes with easy to use de-archiver.
- There is lots more but you get the general idea.
- If you are into Amos in any way AZ is where you can get help and make
- new contacts. Demo version available, see 'Freebies' file.
- Bjorn Kalzen/Jonas Noberg
- £3.99
- Disk No. F1-105
- ---------------@5 Any 1 meg+ Amiga
- This is the second game from Sweden, a 99 level arcade puzzle game.
- When you start the game a black "cursor" and a couple of pieces will
- appear. Some of the pieces are movable and some are not.
- To move a piece, place the cursor over the piece, press the fire button
- and keep it pressed then pull the joystick in the direction you want the
- piece to go.
- The game is divided in many different puzzles. To complete a puzzle you
- must explode all bombs by sending the right pieces on each other.
- There are many different types of blocks that react in different ways.
- Dynamate is similar to a game called Paradox by Andrew Campbell, if you have
- played that then you will know how addictive this type of game is.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Lee Bamber
- £3.99
- Disk No. F1-104
- ---------------@3Amiga A1200/A4000 ONLY
- Here is one for Beat-Em-Up fans. Martial Morphers is a bit different
- compared to your usual Beat-Em-Up type game, here you control TWO fighters at
- the same time, which requires a fair amount of strategic violence in the
- right place at the right time. The sprites are IK+ style but again with a
- difference, as you kick or punch you get some morphing thrown in for fun.
- I must confess I am not a Beat-Em-Up addict but I enjoyed a few rounds of
- this game. The presentation is nothing short of superb by the way.
- From the author of Relics Of Deldroneye/Fortress/Obliteratives and Aquakon.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- John White
- £3.99
- Disk No. F1-103
- ---------------@4 Any 1 meg+ Amiga
- Tele SubTitle (TS) is a Video SubTitler meant for people, who just
- have a basic video set up - I.e. A Camcorder, A GenLock, An Amiga of course
- and that's about it - and just want to SubTitle friends video films, etc
- with as much ease as possible.
- TS is very easy to use. You simply pick your subtitles from a main menu until
- you have built up a Sequence and then you press the Test/Play icon, which
- will send you to the `Total Control' part of the program. From there you
- simply use a set of sequence keys to display your subtitles, etc. It's as
- easy as that! Here are its main features....
- * TS uses Bobs (Graphic Images) instead of Fonts, thus, allowing you to use
- Cut `N' Paste type Fonts/Graphics, with upto 64 Colours, in your sequence.
- * TS can have upto 240 SubTitles (or 480 Lines) in a sequence.
- * TS can display upto 8 BackGround Bobs, upto 13 Numbers/Bobs, a small AMOS
- Animation and a SubTitle on the screen at the same time.
- 8 BackGround Bobs - Good for Logos, BackGround Graphics, etc. They can be
- turned Off/On.
- 13 Numbers/Bobs - Good for FootBall/Snooker Scores, Phone Numbers for
- Quizes, Video Diaries to be shown abroad, etc. They
- can be Increased/Decreased (for scores/results, etc),
- @4 Switched Off/On, etc.
- Animation - Good for Small Logos, etc. It can be Switched Off/On,
- Paused/UnPaused, etc.
- * TS can display a Timer with all the above on the screen, except for the
- subtitle. A subtitle can be displayed, but you have to wait for the timer
- to finish!
- There are 3 Timers, which can be Paused, UnPaused, Reset, Cleared from
- the screen and Reversed from counting up-to-down or down-to-up. The 3
- timers are (with ranges) - 00:00 to 99:99 0:00 to 9:99 00 to 99.
- * TS can display the above (including the Timer condition) over a Picture.
- * TS has Bob Image Assignment, which allows you to assign any one of the
- 125 Bobs, stored in the bob bank, to your Number bob, Animation Bob, etc.
- So many advantages to using this. The best of them being that you could
- set up more than one production's bob (graphic) images and just toggle
- (assign) between the images.
- * Resolutions supported:@4 Low - 320 x 256
- High - 640 x 256
- Low Interlaced - 320 x 512
- High Interlaced - 640 x 512
- Low Overscan - 368 x 290
- High Overscan - 736 x 290
- Low Overscan Interlaced - 368 x 580
- High Overscan Interlaced - 736 x 580
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- M&M Galfalk
- £4.99
- Disk No. F1-102
- ---------------@2 Any 1 meg+ Amiga
- This is the first of an up and coming batch of top quality titles we have
- been asked to distribute from Sweden. Don't worry, all the text is in
- English. Auriga (Pronounced "oregar" I think) reminds me of the game
- Strider. You control a guy with a zapper and battle your way across five
- worlds of three levels each, picking up extra weapons and equipment and
- generally having a blasting good time zapping aliens of all shapes and
- forms. This is a right to left scroller with excellent graphics and
- presentation, Password option so you only have to complete a level once and
- lots of power ups like ,arrow shot, wave shot, bomb, tripple shot, shields,
- Jet sled, Anti gravity, extra lives etc. The gameplay is a bit tough in
- places and should be a fair challange to you hardened shoot-em-up fans.
- Comes with printed instruction sheet.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- @5Introducing Workbench V2.0
- K.Winspear
- £6.99
- Disk No. F1-101
- ---------------@3 ***REQUIRES A WORKBENCH 2 OR 3 AMIGA, i.e. NOT A500***
- The long awaited sequel to F1's most succesful title title ever is here at
- last, again exclusively to the F1 Licenceware scheme.
- This new version comes on four disks packed to the brim with info that
- covers virtually every aspect of Workbench 2 and 3. There are now many more
- diagrams (taking up a whole disk in fact) A complete Amigados guide and
- reams and reams of text, featuring hints and tips and in depth information on
- general usage of the Workbench. What made the original Int Wb so popular with
- the press and public was it's unique way of loading a simulation of
- Workbench and when you attempt to run a Workbench program it displays all
- the information relevent to that program, rather than running the program
- itself. This makes it a lot easier to remember what does what.
- C.U.Amiga said "This should be bundled with all new Amiga's"
- Int Wb V1 was also rated the THIRD BEST Educational title of 94/95 by AS.
- It was also rated 90% by Amiga User International, and 90% C.U.Amiga
- Star Performer (Best of the month) by Amiga Pro.
- * * * * V2 RATED AN AMAZING 95% BY C.U AMIGA SEPT 1995 * * * *
- Tony Horgan said in the review:
- "I am very impressed in the sheer quality of this title"
- "This tutorial is essential for beginners and intermediate users."
- "Fantastic on-line-help" "Easy to find your way around"
- "I was Thoroughly chuffed"
- "The original was an excellent product, V2 has improved on it."
- * * * * V2 ALSO RATED 90% BY AMIGA SHOPPER NOV 95 * * * *