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- @2VIScorp Proceeds with Amiga Acquisition
- ---------------------------------------
- @6Bensheim 22/07/96
- @4 On Thursday, the 18th of July, 1996 the final
- contract of purchase was signed between the bankruptcy trustee solicitor
- Bernhard Hembach and the president and CEO of VISCorp, William Buck, with
- approval of the 'pool of banks' for the entire remaining inventory and
- intellectual property.
- Until 18th of August 1996 VISCorp has time now to establish the necessary
- companies to carry on with its current business. In the meantime, the
- business will be run with the approval of the bankruptcy trustee Hembach
- under the name AMIGA Technologies GmbH i.K.
- From the 19th of August, 1996 the business will finally be run under the
- name, control and ownership of VISCorp.
- @2 Pure Amiga - News from the pure Amiga Internet site
- ---------------------------------------------------
- @4 Next Generation Amiga.....See ya!
- The next gen Amiga, codenamed Walker, has been resigned to the scrap heap.
- The exact details are a bit scarce, but it seems AT want to concentrate on
- getting a new processor up and running before releasing a new machine.
- However, several other companies have shown interest in the machine , and
- indeed AT haven't ruled the machine out totally. Indeed, at the Tolouse
- conference Bill Buck stated it was a good idea, but seemed to indicate they
- didn't want to churn out another 680x0 based machine.
- @2 VisCorp Conference.
- -------------------- @4
- A lot of new ideas were
- being thrown around at the Tolouse conference. For obvious reasons we
- weren't there, but we managed to piece together what we could from others.
- They confirmed what was already rumoured - the Walker was going to be
- scrapped. However, they also said that the OS was in for a revamp for this
- winter. Undoubtedly the best news was the direction the search for a new
- chip was taking - having ruled out the EC030@40 for the Walker, they are
- now in conversation with DEC regarding their 300mhz Alpha chip. This goes
- directly against the current trend towards PowerPC, leaving developers
- wondering what to do. The best news has got to be that there is now more
- support for the Amiga then at any time during the various buyouts - and the
- most shocking revalation was that of Amiga clones. See elsewhere on this
- page for more information. Cloning the Miggy Without a doubt the most
- interesting thing that has happened in AmigaLand this month was the
- announcement by Blizzard manufacturers Phase 5 that they intend to
- manufacture Amiga clones. This wouln't be the first, the Draco is quite
- Amga-compatible, but the Phase 5 machine would be more of a general
- consumer item. As opposed to AT's DEC Alpha thinking, P5 are looking at the
- PowerPC chip. In jsut the same was developers converged on @4IBM's PC all
- those years ago, eventually turning it (annoyingly) into the best selling
- computer, it seems this is the break we could be waiting for. Clones means
- competition, and competition intensifies the urge to go faster for less
- cash. first indications are of a high quality system, with the basic system
- possibly offering a 120mhz 603e chip, 16mb memory, quad speed CD, 1gb HD,
- ISDN and networking interfaces, and video capabilities better than the most
- expensive of PC cards - MPEG support, 1600x1200 res and 24 bit colour as
- standard. But the best news is the price - at around 1500, it will be over
- 600 cheaper than the now outdated A4000/040 and even better value when
- compared to the 060, which crawls by comparison. You can also expect OS3
- compatibility, although it will have a native PPC operating system. @4 More
- news from Phase 5 - the PowerUP project, bringing PPC chips to current
- Amiga models continues. Developers will recieve their versions this summer,
- so the sale of them can't be far off. @4 You've just read about Phase 5's
- wonderful exploits into the world of Amiga clones - now gasp in shock as
- another company sets out to do the same. PIOS Computer AG aims to create a
- new Amiga, a sucessor to the current, and now outdated and flakey range.
- PIOS want to go down the PowerPC road like Phase 5, and expressed their
- interest in making the machine successful in the UK. They also reckoned
- that their new "pre-emptive multitasking OS with quasi- real-time behaviour
- will be the biggest advantage for PIOS". All this cloning, I need a lie
- down! Siamese system Goes on Sale! The celebrated Siamese system from HiQ
- has been released. The device, which combines Amiga, PC and Macintosh in
- one box has been in development for quite some time, but was demonstrated
- at the World of Amiga show recently. For more information see the HiQ Press
- Release. Escom go into Liquidation Escom AG, who up until recently owned
- the Amiga, has gone into voluntary liquidation. The German parent company
- suffered huge losses during the 1995-96 financial year, having to abandon
- large amounts of stock. Most Escom shops are closed, or will close soon,
- which means the end of their trade-in deal for A1200's. However, good news
- in that the sale of Amiga Technologies to VisCorp was completed before
- trading stopped, so the Amiga is safe. For now. The phrase "Here we go
- again..." seems appropriate. Amiga Convention '96 A Amiga Convention has
- been planned in Montreal for August 1996. All the details are in the press
- release for your viewing pleasure. Photogenics 2 Photogenics 2 is all ready
- for release, and indeed should be out in the shops by the time you read
- this. The package, which costs around 100, is being released only on CD-
- Rom, after disapointing sales of version 1 on floppy, and includes ARexx
- ports, more effects and loaders/savers. For more information contact
- Almathera at almathera@cix.compulink.co.uk IBrowse goes Commercial IBrowse,
- the popular World Wide Web browser has gone on commercial sale. Written by
- Omnipresence, it's being sold by HiSoft for the meagre sum of 29.95UKP. You
- can find out more in the HiSoft press release
- @2 Oberursel,
- @6 This text from the Phase 5 Internet site:
- -----------------------------------------
- @4 According to the plans of phase 5 digital
- products, Oberursel near Frankfurt, Germany, the coming year, 1997, will be
- a year of joy for all Amiga enthusiasts. As an expansion of the PowerUp
- project, which involves developing PowerPC processor cards for existing
- Amiga models, the company has announced that an independent Amiga OS-
- compatible computer system will be available in the first six months of
- 1997, representing a revolution on the computer market.
- "We will continue to give our full support to the Amiga idea because as we
- were among the first Amiga users we continue to believe in the advantages
- and superior concepts of the Amiga", says Wolf Dietrich, Managing Director
- of phase 5 digital products. "However, it is high time for a radical leap
- forwards in technology that needs to be borne by a vision of a computer for
- the next millennium. We have seen too many half-hearted efforts in the last
- few years."
- In the view of Gerald Carda, Technical Director at phase 5, it is necessary
- to take a step towards complete innovation in order to realise such a
- vision. "Concepts that build up on the standard components of the PC world
- never offer the scope that give a computer system the lead that the Amiga
- 1000 had over other systems 12 years ago."
- In line with this philosophy, the new computer will be based on a highly
- integrated Custom Chip design which, as a central functional unit, will
- enable the system to achieve a hitherto unknown performance. "We will
- demonstrate the possibilities that are inherent in the resolute and single-
- minded pursuit of a new development that does not become submerged in the
- mainstream of adaptation to the Wintel world and the general tendency
- towards economy in the PC mass market which more or less throttles
- innovation for the sake of saving one single dollar", continues Gerald
- Carda. Despite this, the system now being announced is not intended to
- become a dream machine in the high price category. In the words of Wolf
- Dietrich: "On the basis of our current price calculation we will be able to
- offer unusually good value for money for which our products for the Amiga
- market are already renowned. @4 "It is actually true that the extremely
- high degree of integration and the realisation of novel concepts will make
- it possible to achieve a performance that explodes existing bounds. Based
- on the PowerPC as the main processor, the new computer, in addition to the
- high performance of the processor, offers hardware support for multimedia
- (MPEG) and 3D functions, while even the basic system offers a resolution of
- 1600x1200 pixels at 24- bit color depth and a refresh rate of 72 Hz. At the
- same time special functions for image and video effects have been
- implemented in the hardware. In addition there are audio inputs and outputs
- in stereo CD quality, a video-compatible and Genlock-capable 24-bit video
- output and an FBAS/S-VHS video input. Along with the usual interfaces, the
- system is rounded off by a Fast SCSI-II controller, a network interface and
- an ISDN interface. With these features a complete system with a 120 MHz 603e
- PowerPC, 16 MByte memory, a SCSI hard disk of 1 GB and a quad-speed CD ROM
- will be available for a purchase price of around 3,000 DM (1,400 £ or
- 2,000 US$, respectively) on the basis of the present market prices for the
- components. "We hope that in just about one year from now we will even be
- able to offer a 150 to 166 MHz 603e-processor at this price", anticipates
- Wolf Dietrich. "In terms of performance the processor has no problems in
- keeping up with a Pentium processor with an equally fast clock. However,
- there is no sign of any comparable graphic performance anywhere the PC
- field and the features of our systems will be difficult to match." There
- will be a similar system available with a PowerPC 604-e processor and 150
- MHz for about 4,000 DM (1,800 £ or 2,700 US$, respectively). Although
- @4phase 5 digital products state that the total concept for the system has
- already been under development for quite some time and has practically been
- concluded, it is not possible to publish a more exact description of the
- system features at the present point in time. "At the moment we are
- intensively concerned with looking into whether it would be worth applying
- for a patent for any of the concepts we have developed and, if so, for
- which. So unfortunately we are not able to publish more precise details of
- the concept until after this process has been concluded and we have
- possibly applied for protection by patent", says Gerald Carda. For this
- reason we cannot reckon with any publication of the full system
- specifications until the end of June. Not only the hardware concept of
- phase 5, but also the software approach comes as a surprise. The new
- computer system will be supplied with a completely new operating system
- written in Native PowerPC code, but with binary compatibility with Amiga-OS
- 3.x. Here Gerald Carda has the following comments: "As we are already
- developing an Amiga-compatible PowerPC-Exec with an expansion library and a
- PowerPC CyberGraphX version in the context of the PowerUp developments, it
- is the logical consequence that the next step will be the innovative
- development of the other components. An operating system that is compatible
- with Amiga-OS 3.x makes it possible for the user to continue to use the
- existing software that can run under CyberGraphX, while developers who
- already give massive support to CyberGraphX will be able to continue to
- maintain and develop their products at the present level. In this way we
- will be enabling Amiga users to switch to the new system without any
- problems." "In addition", continues Gerald Carda, "we will be opening up
- ways of making considerable improvements in the internal structure and
- extensive additions to the scope of functions". Besides the 24-bit support
- @4which has already become a standard due to CyberGraphX, Gerald Carda names
- the coming CyberGraphX 3D and multimedia interface as an example. There
- will also be an optimisation of the system's performance and a revision and
- adaptation of the user interface in line with the functional and optical
- state of the art. "For years Amiga-OS has represented the conceptual
- realisation of ideas that today are propagated by many to be special
- innovations. This means that reprogramming will make it possible to achieve
- a really highly powered and modern OS. Of course our system will also be
- open for other operating systems or emulations, such as MacOS or an X-
- Windows link-up. The discussion concerning so-called new operating systems,
- however, was intended more as marketing hype than as a realistic
- alternative." The commitment with which phase 5 digital products will force
- forward this project is reflected not least in the considerable volume of
- investment that has been made in the development. "By the middle of 1997 we
- will have invested seven-digit figures in this project", says Wolf
- Dietrich. "We have the know-how, the development team, the technical
- equipment, the support from third parties (especially Motorola) and the
- financial basis for this project. The only thing that we still need is
- massive and positive support from the Amiga user basis. With this early
- disclosure of our objectives we expect to receive the anticipated response
- from the users, for, after all, such a project only makes sense if there is
- still a large number of convinced Amiga fans. We therefore appeal to all
- Amiga fans to write to us, to send us faxes or to contact us via E-mail
- (under the address specially set up for this purpose: Every positive
- reaction will strengthen this forward-looking project."<BR> @2 PowerUP
- project continues to make progress @4The PowerUp project also continues to
- make progress. "The delivery of the developer PowerPC boards will now start
- in summer", says Gerald Carda. "Unfortunately, we are a few months behind
- in our schedule due to extensive discussions between Motorola, Amiga
- Technologies and phase 5. These companies were to agree on a close
- cooperation and clarify a number of matters, especially with regard to new
- standards specific to the new PowerPC. After the discussion concerning a
- takeover by VIScorp started and the wave or redundancies that directly
- followed at Amiga Technologies, which led to most of the contact persons
- who had been involved in the projects leaving the company, AT abandoned the
- present cooperation. For this reason we will waste no further time and will
- continue with our project on our own, which was the way in which we started
- it. Nor can we wait any longer to see what VIScorp might possibly intend or
- not intend." The support for external developers in the PowerUp program is
- now complete. More than 250 developers - including practically all noted
- commercial software suppliers in the Amiga field - are registered and their
- numbers are growing every day. This alone is evidence of the strong support
- for the future Amiga-compatible PowerPC platform. As from the second half
- of May, the registered users will now be able to order the PowerPC Beta
- developer boards from phase 5 which mean the green light for the hot phase
- of the world-wide software development. Motorola appreciates the concept of
- phase 5 In the realisation of their new, innovative computer system phase 5
- will @4be fully supported by Motorola. "We appreciate the powerful and
- innovative concept that phase 5 represents and we fully support the efforts
- of this company as a partner in our global PowerPC strategy." says John
- Letham, European Technical Marketing Manager, Motorola RISC
- Microprocessors. "We have had a number of joint meetings now and we are
- impressed by the know- how and vision that is the basis of phase 5's
- driving force. "Technology demonstrations In close cooperation with
- Motorola phase 5 is preparing technology demonstrations, to be shown in due
- course, which will demonstrate the impressive capabilities of the next
- generation of PowerPC 603e CPUs at significantly increased clock rates.
- This programme is already underway and Summer of 1996 will see phase 5
- present prototypes of PowerPC boards for Amiga 3000/4000 as well as for the
- Apple Macintosh 7500/8500/9500 series. "With the presentation of these new
- processors, Motorola as a leading semiconductor manufacturer clearly
- illustrates their capabilities demonstrating exactly why the next
- generation of PowerPC CPUs will hold the pole position in the
- microprocessor performance race". says Wolf Dietrich of phase 5. "Our
- computer system, when shipping next year, will also offer these extremely
- fast processors, delivering true high-end workstation performance. The
- higher speed of the CPUs will also deliver a performance increase to the
- upgrade boards for existing Amiga systems." With the presentation of this
- PowerPC technology demo on Apple MacIntosh system phase 5 digital products
- announces their entry into the MacIntosh @4accelerator market. This new
- branch of their operation will make additional use of the PowerPC know-how
- that is been build up in the Amiga development, while for both the Amiga
- and the MacIntosh PowerPC products an even more attractive pricing can be
- realized due to the higher quantity demands of PowerPC processors. @4 In
- addition to this project announcement, phase 5 also made some side remarks
- on the current state of affairs with regard to Amiga Technologies. "To our
- regret we found that Amiga Technologies offers us no sort of outlook or
- basis for developing into the future", says Wolf Dietrich. "The first year
- of Amiga Technologies was marked by a continued chain of wrong decisions
- which have been responsible for the bad situation in which the company now
- finds itself. The results must be adequate to the objectives set in the
- spring of 1995 and in this respect they are more than disappointing. There
- is no getting away from this. In fact the same mistakes were made that were
- previously made at Commodore and partly by the same people. For example,
- attempts continue to keep technically outdated products on the market at
- unrealistic prices, which is particularly true in the case of the A4000T.
- Another point is that the marketing concepts are completely outdated, there
- is an absence of any kind of futuristic vision and a lack of any
- independent development, which is so pronounced that today AT neither has
- any 68060 technology to show for itself nor even a sign of any PowerPC
- technology. The brief spark of any independent development was extinguished
- again by the latest wave of redundancies. In this respect the only thing
- that we can just about expect from AT is that they sell off their large
- quantities of existing stock. These do give us some cause to hope that the
- existing products will be on the market for a while and that, in due
- course, they will be offered at more realistic prices. Finally, the only
- thing that can be said about the activities of AT is: They should have
- asked someone who knows his stuff." In the opinion of phase 5 a takeover of
- Amiga Technologies by VIScorp does not awaken hope of any major innovations
- or any strengthening of the Amiga system. "So far we @4have heard nothing
- from VIScorp that would cause us to assume that anything different is being
- planned than the exploitation of the Amiga technology in a settop box. Nor
- do we see why this company, which must certainly concentrate all its
- efforts on realising its settop projects, should be interested in further
- pursuing the primary aim of continuing with the Amiga system. If this had
- been the case, it would already have been quite feasible for VIScorp to
- initiate such a project as a licensee of the Amiga technology." phase 5
- sees this critical opinion confirmed by current events. "The actions of
- VIScorp do not convince us that they are serious in continuing with the
- Amiga. So far, for example, VIScorp has not directly spoken to the
- developers who were the last to support the Amiga. Nor was there any
- reaction when we tried to make contact. The VIScorp meeting in Toulouse
- that has now been announced lacks any kind of organisation and was called
- without there being any recognisable concept behind it. For this reason it
- is more than doubtful whether even a sign of any constructive result can be
- expected to come out of it, so that in our view it would be a pure waste of
- time to attend, as we have repeatedly found in the recent year at ESCOM
- meetings. We don't need a repeat of that." Let it be mentioned in passing
- that the hope often expressed in the general discussion, i.e. that in
- VIScorp Amiga will find itself taken over by a company that will finance
- the development of a new generation of Amiga @4products more or less from
- the petty cash, is something that Wolf Dietrich considers to be very
- optimistic. "For a start we had exactly the same expectations a year ago
- when everyone thought that the giant ESCOM would get things moving at Amiga
- from a standing position and quickly produce a new generation of Amiga
- computers for a more competitive price. Secondly we should first wait and
- see whether the figures that have been bandied about in the discussion
- concerning VIScorp's takeover of AT have any sort of real fundament."About
- phase 5 digital products phase 5 digital products, based in Oberursel near
- Frankfurt, are internationally operating manufacturers of hardware and
- software products.
- The company is entirely owned by its founders, Gerald Carda and Wolf
- Dietrich. Since the market launch of its first product line in 1992 this
- company, which consists of an experienced team of the first Amiga users and
- developers, quickly established itself as one of the leading manufacturers
- in the Amiga market. Since 1992 its products have been distinguished many
- times, including 20 awards for Product of the Year in Amiga journals. In
- 1995 phase 5 supplied accessories to the value of some DM 12 million (5.5
- million £ or 8 million US$) in the Amiga market alone. Since the
- Christmas season of 1995 almost 30,000 hardware products have been
- delivered. The product portfolio for Amiga includes accelerator cards, SCSI
- controllers and graphics cards. In these fields phase 5 digital products
- has repeatedly proved itself to be manufacturer that is a forerunner and an
- innovative leader, for instance in bringing out the first Zorro III-DMA-
- SCSI controller world-wide, the Fastlane Z3, in producing the first 68030
- @4card world-wide with a DMA-SCSI controller for the Amiga 1200, in offering
- the first 68060 card world-wide for Amiga systems (the Cyberstorm 060/50
- for A4000), in manufacturing the first 64-bit graphics card world-wide with
- full system-integrated 24-bit support (the CyberVision64 for A3000/A4000)
- or in bringing out the first 68060 card for the A1200 world-wide, the
- Blizzard 1260. Along with intensive development activities as a Beta
- developer for Motorola in the 68060 and PowerPC field, hardware
- developments at phase 5 include pure research work in the field of
- multimedia high-performance DSPs and in the latest development department
- ASE (advanced silicon engineering) VLSI chip design. An expanding team of
- some 20 staff is currently working on these projects at the company's
- headquarters in Oberursel on premises covering an area of 960 square
- metres. In the adjoining service area, which covers an area of almost 600
- square metres, the company, as from August 96, will be producing hardware
- products - including the new PowerPC products - in its own, highly modern
- manufacturing plant using the most recent manufacturing techniques.