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- Amiga Beginners help line
- -------------------------
- Since I wrote my A1200 beginners guides I have often been asked for help
- from new Amiga owners who are frustrated with the bad Amiga manuals and lack
- of free technical support from elsewhere. I have always helped these people
- when I could and I enjoy the buzz I get in return from helping people.
- The problem is I am trying to run a business here and I have limited time to
- deal with non-paying customers requests. I want to continue helping
- beginners but it must have some return for me and the business, time is
- money and all that.
- I do not want to start a club or scheme where you pay membership.
- I do not want to charge a fixed rate.
- I do not want to price people out of getting help.
- But I need to charge something.
- This is what I have come up with. I hope this is a fair scheme that anyone
- can use without the worry of money.
- * Send in your questions, preferabbly typed/printed or on disk in ASCII
- format or, if you must, in clear hand writing. See later for explanation
- of ASCII.
- * Include at least one floppy disk, because I will prob send you a utility
- or two that will help you with your problem or just some general tools
- that everyone should have.
- * Include a 1st class postage stamp and a sticky label with your name &
- address on it.
- * Please send in a jiffy bag, NOT an envelope.
- * Give as much relevant info to your prob as possible.
- * Tell me your exact setup i.e. A1200, 2meg, 120meg hard drive, monitor
- DF1: Workench version and anything else you can think of.
- I will do my best to answer your questions. I wil return your disk, with
- programs on it probably and a printed letter.
- Usually this will take 1-3 days. But be prepared for a max of 1 week.
- Now this is where the money comes in:
- If you are happy with the answers I would like you to make a Shareware type
- donation. Just send me something, it needn't be cash. No cheques please.
- You can send money or a postal order (made out to S.Bye, NOT F1 LICENCEWARE)
- If you send cash then make sure it is secreted well in the envelope/jiffy.
- Here are a few suggestions, in my order of prefernce:
- Cash, ahem!
- UK Postal Order made out to S.Bye and NOT crossed.
- Hand Rolling Tobacco, Sampson prefferably, but NOT Golden Virginina (yuk)
- All this stress makes me smoke more you see.
- Post Office telephone stamps, bloody Internet is killing me!
- Any commercial Amiga/PC/Internet/programming book.
- Any original piece of Amiga or PC commercial software on floppy or CD.
- P.C CD-Rom cover disks off of PC magazines, I love em.
- Buy 1 or more of my A1200 guides.
- Chocolate, no nuts in it and no plain choc, just good old fashioned dairy
- milk will do.
- Just send something from the above that you feel you can afford and what you
- feel my service to you is worth. Most people will have one of the above
- lying around the house unwanted and unloved :-)
- If you are skint just do what you can, I understand. Any liberty takers will
- only be able to use this service once.
- I don't see how I can be fairer than that. Just make a donation.
- A1000, A2000. A3000 and A500 users I have forgotten what it is like to use
- thse machines so my help my be a bit limited. A600/A1200 is my preffered
- choice now days. I have never owned an A4000 (sob) but it uses the same
- Workbench as an A1200. I have also never used Workbench 3.1, can't see the
- point in upgrading for the price asked when it has little new to offer.
- But I will still try to help anyone on any Amiga.
- Quick explanation of ASCII and how to send me a letter on disk,
- which I prefer.
- ASCII, is a text standard that will work with most software on any computer.
- It stands for American Standard Code for Information Interchange.
- Most Wordprocessors, Desktop Publishers, Text Editers support ASCII.
- If in doubt use 'ED' to type your letter.
- This is how to use ED and save to disk to a floppy send to me:
- * Load Workbench
- * Insert a disk into your internal drive either formatted or with some
- space on it. See last page of this cat disk on how to format a disk.
- * Double click on the Shell icon (found inside the 'System' drawer on your
- Workbench disk)
- * Type in the following:
- Ed F1letter
- And press return.
- * Ed will now load. Just start typing your letter.
- * When you have finished typing select 'SAVE AS' from the pull down menu
- * Use the file requester to save the file to DF0: and send the disk to me.
- Steve Bye
- 31, Wellington Rd
- Exeter, Devon.
- EX2-9DU.
- You can ask any questions on any Amiga related subject you want and I will
- try to answer them. I give no guaruntee that I will be able to help you
- and take no responsibilty to any damage or mishaps that may result in using
- my advice. I am undr NO OBLIGATION except to return your your disk.
- If you do not like these terms then do not use this service. Using this
- service is an aggreement to these terms.
- Steve Bye.