ocr: : BE - EUIEHE #. E Author:P. zimerman Dated:10-12-43 TIETE:PE hitatement tn Hongress Erer - Jestimony n! Philip Zimmermann ta ubEDmmIELEE Par Economis Palicy . rade, and the Enviromment US House DE Hiepresenlitives 12 Ict L993 Ir. Hhairman and emers n! the EUMILLEE m mali is Fhilip Zimmermann, and L am a suHtuare engineer uhn SPEEIALIZES in cryptography and data SEcurity. L'm here t talk tn you taday anut the need to thange US Ehpart cuntral palicy Pur cryptn- graphic snHtuare. L Lant t thank you Hur the mppartumity t be here and comend you Pur your attention to this impartant issue. am the au ...