<B>Requires<TR>: </B>Various; most run on standard A1200.
These are a set of demos that were all written to run in just 40k of code. Although this means that they aren't going to be as long as full disk demos, the advantage is that you can fit loads onto one disk (there are 20, in fact).
Watching these Demos, it is quite amazing what can be done in just 40k of code. Many run on a standard A1200, but many are limited in their frame rate; give them extra Ram, and a faster CPU, and they become much better.
My favourite is probably Creep, which features texture mapped 3D objects, picture distortions, and a very impressive scene where light is shone through a wavy smoky image of some kind.
Don't let the name Nothing Special deceive you, as this Demo is also very good. It starts off with a 'vibrating' fractal image, and then displayed various texture mapped cubes and toruses (tori?) over some sort-of-rotating cylinders.
Also very excellent is Comadose. This starts off with rotating pulsating colours, and also includes reflective 3D images, tunnel sequences and rotating landscape bearing fractal images. Free Your Mind features some clever 3D effects, including a morphing head shape.
I should mention that none of the above four, along with a couple of others work on a standard 1200 (not enough RAM), and even those that do often run at a slowish frame rate, so these Demos should be an incentive to upgrade!
Of those that do work, Abyss/Indifference features various 2D effects, where a pattern is rotated and morphed, and also one where there's a massive 3D grid forming a cube which moves side to side. I think that it also features the best music out of all the demos.
Of course, there are many that I haven't mentioned, but these are also very good; you'll just have to see for yourself! Highly recommended, especially as you get so many for the price of one disk.