(If the above picture looks awful, then you haven't enough colours! Click <A PIC="ErebusIMG.IFF">here</A> to see it proper!)
<B>Erebus </B>is a soon to be released roleplaying game. But this differs from others in that it features an Adventure Creator, so rather than just playing a single adventure, there are a virtually unlimited number to take your characters through, just like 'proper' roleplays.
Part of the fun in roleplays like Warhammer and the 'real' Dungeons & Dragons was that you could play quest after quest, with a different theme each time, and watch your characters grow and become more powerful over the years...
You're not limited to 'dungeon' adventures, as Erebus will generate random cities, as well as linking them to an overall adventure structure. All aspects of the adventure, such as objective(s), monsters, NPCs met, locations, dungeon layouts, scenarios, objectives, etc, are either randomly generated, or selected from a large 'pool' of data (or a bit of both in many cases), so there is plenty of variation.
Erebus is written in AMOSPro, and will probably require 2MB RAM, but will not require AGA. A hard drive would be recommended. Look out for a shareware demo soon, maybe?