ocr: 000 Page: 01/01 Article: Menu 2/5 Time : 00:00:08 CHO Cowputers Continued. 020 Amigalos Errorcodes Explained 033 Music Tutorial (REVERB) 021 Friendship 034 My System is better than yours! 022 Guru Meditations Explained 035 Pennine Amiga Computer Club Update 023 Dimension-X "Horizons" Party 036 No computer is better. than any 1I 024 Al letter to Anarchy, 037 The Police, Pornography.. 025 Lamers' VS Elites' Letters 038 The A600 - The Saga confinues... 026 Lame is no fame 039 The Data Protection Act 027 Lamer letter 040 How to start up a BBS 028 Lamer of. the Issue 041 BBS Numbers A-E 029 The Com ...