ocr: Darkhage Magazine #7 ZZT -Darkhage Staff E-President -Darkhage -contentsss =-Vice President Pausing... Nivek News -Progranners 1 Health:188 -Darkhage a Anno:a Revieus Nivek Torches :0 -Skul ICrunch Gens :0 Advertisements = -Filipe Score:e -Booth Keys: leet The Tean =-Gane rester Captain ZZT T Torch Prez Letter -hagazine B Be quiet -Darkhage H Help Exit -NukeBoy -Nicksoft 1++ Hove Shift ti+t Shoot To subscribe, e-nail us at: Darkhageyotaol.com. You'1l yet the S Save yane nag belore it is uploaded to the P Pause AOL file library. And it's freel Q - Quit