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- @"COLD BLOOD" By Andrew Campbell 1993
- It was after nine and the windscreen of Vincent's truck was a blurry
- mess of red, white and amber lights. Above the noise of the engine,
- rain beat up against the glass and crashed down on the roof.
- Nine-year-old Cindy was sat in the front passenger seat next to
- Vincent, wearing a big seat belt that pressed up uncomfortably against
- her left cheek.
- Dark shadows of the raindrops on the windows networked across her
- pallid face, down-grading her girlish prettiness. She was staring at
- her Daddy with big, round eyes that sparkled tearfully.
- "S'up with you, girl?" Vincent snapped at her without averting his
- attention from the road. "Mary's a real nice lady. She'll look after
- yer. We'll come n' visit every coupla weeks."
- Vincent was a good liar.
- Hell, he was a professional. He'd lied more times than he'd screwed
- the girl next door, which was a darn good total. This particular lie
- didn't have to last out much longer anyway, because all he had to do
- was reach the canal. And the canal was less than four miles away.
- Traveling at nearly fifty, he figured he'd be there before ten past,
- which not only meant the imminent termination of the lie, but also of
- Cindy too.
- And good riddence.
- 'I just want another daughter,' Dianne had cried, hugging the tiny,
- naked Cindy to her chest. 'Please, Vince. Let's make her our daughter.
- Just look at her. Isn't she the cutest thing you ever saw?'
- He'd looked and he'd said yes. Hell, anything to shut that fat old
- haggis up. One daughter, two daughters, what difference did it make?
- His wide-arse wife was the one who was going to be doing all the child-
- rearing. He didn't want anything to do with it.
- Vincent had decided that kids were just the side-effects of sex - the
- punishment you had to pay for getting it up without protection.
- Well if adoption made her happy (and kept him out of suspicion of
- adultery) he was willing to go along with it. Hell, he was willing to
- adopt the local school if it meant he could get away with bonking the
- girl next door during his lunch hour.
- Sitting there in the front seat of the truck, eyes wide, face all cute
- and soft, Cindy could have been mistaken for a good little girl.
- But oh no, not Cindy Gregory.
- When she felt like it, she could be the most destructive little bitch
- ever to be let loose on the face of the earth. And she was clever too,
- oh yes she was so frighteningly clever for her age.
- She'd just turned five when she'd started getting cocky.
- Vincent had come home late from the building site and had missed her
- sweet n' charming birthday supper. His wife had hailed him with nasty
- comments about how they'd all been looking forward to having a family
- get-together, complete with cissy candles and icing sugar.
- 'Well, I'm bloody sorry Dianne,' he'd snapped, in front of the kids
- too. 'but some bugger's gotta keep the money rollin' in. Now I'm off to
- bed, so happy birthday the lotta ya.'
- He'd thundered off upstairs, dropped his working clothes and slumped
- into bed without even bothering to shower.
- Less than half an hour later, he'd been screaming his bloody guts out
- because some soon-to-be-buried bastard had poured scalding hot water
- over his head. Still screaming, he'd looked up and seen Cindy laughing
- at him, an upturned tea-cup in her right hand, still dripping tea
- leaves.
- 'You stupid WHORE!' he'd shrieked and booted her in the stomach. She'd
- flown across the room and crashed into the door, coughing and
- spluttering, but somehow... still laughing.
- His wife had shot into the room pretty much in hysterics and Cindy had
- instantly transformed from laughter to tears upon her foster mother's
- arrival.
- 'I spilt tea by accident on Daddy!' she'd wailed, holding her stomach
- tightly. 'He kicked me in the tummieeee!'
- 'How could you DO such a thing!' Dianne had shrieked, holding Cindy in
- her arms. 'Don'tchoo ever come near her again! D'you understand? EVER!'
- Vincent had been holding his blistered head in both hands, breathing
- harshly through his teeth whilst his wife had lectured him. When at
- last he'd found the pain had subsided enough for him to answer back,
- he'd shouted, 'That fuckin' bitch did it on PURPOSE!'
- A month later, she'd done something even worse.
- Vincent had been been trying to watch the evening football match on
- the TV when Cindy had called for help from the kitchen. Dianne had been
- in the bath with young Claire at the time and Vincent had been stupid
- enough to go to Cindy's attention.
- 'What is it for God's sake?' he'd growled and poked his head around
- the kitchen door.
- Cindy had been dressed in all kinds of make-up; lipstick, mascara,
- face powder, even a necklace of shiny beads. She'd looked like a proper
- little tart if ever there was one.
- 'I dropped my earring Daddy!' she'd squealed, peering into the silver
- toaster with a butter knife in one of her hands. 'It's gone in and I
- can't reach it. Help me, Daddy.'
- 'You bloody clumsy sod.' he'd muttered and tipped the toaster up-side-
- down. He'd rattled it, thumped it, put his eye to the grill but he'd
- not been able to see a thing.
- 'There, Daddy! It's there! At the bottom! Reach in and gettit for me
- Daddy, pleeeeeaaase.'
- Cursing that he was missing the football match and that Cindy was the
- stupidest, most clumsy piece of shit in the entire world, Vincent had
- forced his hand into the toaster... and got it stuck.
- 'Oh Goddamnit!' he'd roared and swiped for Cindy with his free hand.
- She'd squirmed out of the way and ran for the socket where the toaster
- was plugged in. Vincent hadn't seen her straight away. He'd been stood
- there tugging and tugging and shouting and cursing. 'Now look
- whatcha've gone and done to me!' he'd bellowed.
- Then he'd looked up and his breath had caught in his throat.
- Cindy had been stood there with her index finger pressed against the
- ON button.
- She'd giggled. 'Make me some bread-soldiers Daddy!"
- And then she'd snapped the switch to ON.
- Vincent had stared at her for a few seconds, hardly even aware of the
- smoke rising from his right hand.
- He'd actually smelt his own flesh cooking before he'd screamed. Cindy
- had laughed and jumped up and down on the spot, pointing at him whilst
- he'd crashed the toaster onto the kitchen counter. Even when the plug
- had yanked out of it's socket, he'd shrieked like a guinea pig caught
- in a snare.
- The red-hot toaster had clanged to the floor and then Cindy's laughter
- had cleverly mutated into high-pitched sobs. Dianne had come running
- down from upstairs dressed in a loosely fastened robe.
- 'What in the Lord's name,' she'd shouted. 'You've hit her, haven't
- you! You heartless brute, you've HIT her!'
- Vincent had been unable to reply. He'd bitten his tongue and blood had
- been pouring out of his mouth and his hand had been bright red and
- steaming, like something out of a Tom and Jerry cartoon.
- The years went by and Cindy had started to become more and more clever
- with her cruel tricks. She'd played them on her sister, and even on her
- mother. Before long, everyone had become tired of her and she'd
- received a lot of strict warnings about punishments for bad behaviour.
- Cindy hadn't done anything bad since those warnings, at least, not
- until she'd turned nine. Then she'd started up again.
- She'd put bleach in Dianne's coffee, dug up woodlice from the garden
- and found them a nest in Claire's knickers, released the air from all
- four of Vincent's tires when he'd been late for work, and commited many
- more cunning offences.
- 'I can't handle her anymore.' Dianne had told Vincent one evening
- after Cindy and Claire had gone to bed. 'I think we should find her a
- new home. She's not frightened of us gettin' cross anymore. She doesn't
- even cry when I hit her. She knows she's not our daughter, she just
- knows it, and she's takin' advantage of it.'
- 'D'you want me to take her to Mary Walker's?' he'd suggested. 'I could
- go over n' ask if she'd be willin' to adopt Cindy off us. She's a real
- nice lady.'
- 'I haven't ever heard of her.' Dianne had said. 'Where's she live?'
- 'Oh... Stone Bridge.' he'd lied. He knew there was a children's home
- in Stone Bridge but he hadn't ever been to it. 'I'll go visit Mary with
- Cindy tomorrow shall I?'
- 'Well, okay.' Dianne had said. 'But you don't go handin' the poor girl
- over t'some old witch, d'you hear me?'
- 'Course not,' he'd smiled. 'I can just see if Mary still owns the
- place, and if she'd be willin' to give Cindy a good home. I wouldn't
- dream of handin' her over.'
- And so after pursuading his wife to stay at home and look after Claire
- whilst he took Cindy to visit I-Don't-Exist-Mary, Vincent had set off
- in his truck. He had loaded it up prior to the trip with bags of sand
- stolen from the site and several metres of rope.
- Sat there in her little red tee-shirt and jeans, hands tucked down
- between her legs, Cindy was oblivious to the fate Vincent had in store
- for her. She was worried about going to see Mary. She wasn't at all
- worried about being murdered, because her Daddy was with her, and her
- Daddy wouldn't dream of killing ANYONE.
- Vincent drove down the narrow road to the canal, whistling to himself.
- He was going to enjoy this.
- "Where are we Daddy?" Cindy asked, peering out of the windows at the
- dark bushes that lined the edge of the canal. Rain was still coming
- down fast and furious, but the wind had calmed. The girl's reflection
- was pale and dreary and still scarred with black shadows.
- Vincent stopped the truck and switched off the egnition.
- He looked at Cindy and said, "Wait here."
- Then he went out into the rain, walked briskly around to the rear
- doors, opened them up, dragged out two enormous bags of cement sand,
- and coiled a length of rope around his shoulders.
- Cindy jumped when he opened the door at her side.
- "Get out." Vincent demanded, his face glistening.
- Cindy unclipped her seat belt and peered out into the night. She
- shivered and shook her head. "It's too cold, Daddy." she saw the rope
- and hugged herself. "What's that for?"
- "Nothin'. It isn't cold, now get out, Cindy before I get cross."
- "But Daddy..." she wailed as she stepped down from the truck. She
- scuttled into Vincent's arms and hugged him. "Please can we go home? I
- promise I'll be good from now on. I promise."
- Vincent took no notice. He grabbed her by the arm and started for the
- canal. Cindy didn't see the water straight away. She was busy searching
- the dancing bushes and watching the weird, distorted shadows waving at
- her from below the trees. There was no one around.
- No one at all.
- "Urgh, what's that?" she pointed to the canal at last.
- "It's water, you dumb shit." Vincent said. "Lots of it."
- She pulled a face. "What are we here for, Daddy?"
- "We're here to see Mary, of course. She lives down here."
- "In the water?" Cindy asked. "She lives in the water?" her arm tried
- to come free from Vincent's grasp, but he held her secure.
- They stopped at the edge of the canal and peered into the dark, murky
- water. It was like a gigantic mirror; the deep bluish sky reflecting
- in it's glazy surface. Vincent and Cindy saw their reflections stood
- together; father and daughter... murderer and victim.
- "Stay here." Vincent said.
- Cindy grabbed him. "No! Not on my own!"
- "I'm going to get something from the truck."
- "But Daddy! I'm scared!"
- "Get off me." he snapped and pushed her away. She held her arms out,
- then pulled them in again.
- "Daddy..." she whispered, tears in her eyes. "What're we doing...?"
- Vincent came back with a big bag of sand above his head. He thumped it
- down onto the grass just below Cindy's feet and she jolted. She had no
- idea what was in the bag. No idea at all.
- Her Daddy brought another bag too, and then he started to finger some
- holes through the corners of the strong, plastic packaging. Cindy
- dropped down on her knees and said, "I'll help you Daddy."
- Vincent looked at her for a long time, feeling something burning his
- heart. She wanted to help him prepare the device which would kill her.
- She quite literally had no idea what was he was going to do.
- "I can do it myself." he said pushing her fingers away. "You just make
- sure nobody is around, okay? Keep checkin' for people."
- She did as she had been told whilst Vincent fed the rope through the
- holes he had created in the bags of sand. He tied them securely
- together then dragged them to the very edge of the canal.
- Holding a loose end of rope in his hand, he sat up and looked at
- Cindy. She was shivering and sobbing, but she was searching for people
- just like her Daddy had told her to. She looked so fragile and innocent
- that Vincent - even though he had waited for this moment for almost six
- years - began to have second thoughts.
- He looked at his right hand. It was shaking. The skin was hard and
- blotchy and he had to scratch it furiously every night, even after all
- these years. He ran his fingers through his hair and felt at the top of
- his scalp. The bald patch seemed bigger than ever.
- Cindy was pretending to be frightened. She was just pretending. If he
- backed out now, she'd carry on with her tricks. And the lie about Mary
- Walker might even explode in his face.
- "Take your clothes off." he said dryly. "Take em all off."
- Cindy looked at him, stunned.
- "Hurry up!" he shouted and reached for her. She stumbled back.
- "Daddy...?" she whimpered. "What... what... what for?"
- "Just do it. Or I'll undress you myself. Quickly, girl."
- "But it's cold..." she cried. "It's so cold! I'll get all wet..."
- "I'm going to count to three."
- "Daddy please!" she burst into tears and hugged herself. Her knees
- buckled and she began to sink like a tornadoed cruiser.
- "One!" Vincent shouted. "Take em off!"
- "Daddy noooo!" Cindy screamed. She pounded her hands on the ground and
- waved her head from side to side. "No! Noooo! Noooo! Noooooooo!"
- "TWO!" he shouted. "I mean it, Cindy! Take off your clothes NOW!"
- "Mummieee!" she wailed. "Mummieee! Mummmmmieeeee!"
- "THREE!" Vincent hissed, then noticed the that girl's hands were
- working away at the belt of her jeans. He grinned. "Good girl."
- She went on crying as he helped her undress. But it had to be done, it
- just had to. She had to be naked in order for the icey water to kill
- her quickly. If she had nothing on, there was no possibility of any
- garments floating to the surface either... no small items that had been
- tucked away in her pockets could creep back up and give him away. He
- could also burn her clothes too, wiping out the evidence completely.
- He had to be SURE.
- Crying for her mum, Cindy stood up and tottered around. She was naked
- except for a pair of pale blue panties. Vincent whipped those off too,
- and tossed them onto the grass beside the other garments.
- "Now stay still." he told her and began to tie the rope around her
- left ankle. Cindy was wheezing now. Her body was white and covered in
- goose-flesh and her knees were knocking. She had never been so
- terrified in all her life.
- "Ouuuuch!" she protested when Vincent secured the double knot around
- her foot. "Ouuu-uch, Duh-Daddy, that huh-huh-hurts!"
- "You're a bad girl, Cindy." he told her and stood up. "You played
- tricks on people too many times. Now you've got to be punished. Even
- your mum said you had to be punished."
- "Daddy!" she cried; a helpless little girl stood at the edge of a
- deep, black canal. "Please Daddy! I love you!"
- Vincent swallowed something.
- Whatever it was, it would have made him untie Cindy and take her home
- and forget all about this situation. But he had swallowed it, and now
- all he could see was a purified world. He'd killed people before. He'd
- killed kids before too.
- Ben Chalmers had gotten too cheeky. He'd disposed of that little
- bugger quite nicely. No one had found THAT body.
- Cindy was going to be just another victim in his ever-increasing list.
- Her death was going to be like all the others; punishment.
- Punishment for crossing his path.
- Vincent strode over to the two bags of sand and stared down at the
- shivering girl one last time.
- "You aren't my daughter anyway." he said finally and booted the sand
- bags over the edge. They splashed into the canal and Cindy looked up,
- eyes sore and bloodshot.
- As she spoke, the length of rope speedily uncoiled below Vincent's
- shoes.
- "I love you even though you did this." were her last, mortal words.
- The rope tightened and Cindy's leg stretched fully outward.
- She screamed and screamed and screamed, all the way down into the
- canal, until just her neck was poking out. Her little fingers held onto
- the embankment and crumbles of stone and moss plopped into the water
- beside her face.
- "Dah..." she hissed, her mouth and eyes wide open. "Dahdeee...."
- Unable to take any more of her pleading, Vincent gritted his teeth
- and brought his shoe down on Cindy's fingers. She screamed one last
- time and released a small, choked cry before submerging into the water
- completely.
- Vincent watched, breathing heavily as Cindy's body drifted deeper and
- deeper, down into the eternal void. She looked up at him, waving her
- hands as though in slow motion, until the blackness swallowed her
- completely, and there was nothing left of her to be seen.
- For almost a whole minute, bubbles came speeding upto the surface of
- the canal from the same focus point. They started out big, then began
- to get smaller and smaller... until they were no bigger than ball
- bearings.
- After that there was only the wind and the rain.
- Vincent scooped up Cindy's clothes, threw them in the back of the
- truck and closed the doors. He climbed into the driver's seat, switched
- on the egnition and sat in silence for a while.
- The windscreen was coated with raindrops, greatly distorting his view
- of the canal. He thought he saw something down there; a bright,
- contrasting colour against the darkness of the night.
- He switched on the windscreen wipers and the moisture splashed away,
- revealing a heart-stopping view of a dead body floating on the surface
- of the canal.
- Vincent sat up so quickly, he cracked his head on the roof.
- "What the fuck?" he said, his voice feeble and whispery. "Oh Jesus
- fucking Christ..."
- He flung the door of the truck open and ran down to the canal,
- panting, whispering, splashing through muddy puddles. He came to a
- slippery halt on the embankment and sank to his knees.
- "Oh shhhhit..." he hissed, lips trembling. "Oh God no!"
- Cindy's naked corpse was floating ontop of the canal, head down, arms
- submerged, back exposed to the rain. She was only a few metres from the
- edge.
- Panicking, Vincent raced back to his truck, clambered inside and
- remained there for several minutes, biting his fist.
- What in the Lord's name was he going to do now?
- With the girl's body visible, she was obviously going to be found
- within the next twelve hours. The police would send divers into the
- canal and they would find the sand-bags and the rope.
- He'd be caught for sure.
- But not if he got rid of her body first.
- Maybe he could drag it out of the canal and burn it someplace? He had
- to do something, that was for sure, and right now, he was wasting
- precious time.
- He got out again, ran around to the back doors, opened them, dragged
- out another long coil of rope, then started for the canal.
- Ten muddy footprints later, he came to shocking halt.
- The corpse had gone.
- Just as he decided that the best thing to do was leave the place, the
- headlights of his truck came on, cutting through the rainy night like
- two gigantic blades.
- "Hey!" Vincent yelled, running towards his vehicle. He dropped the
- rope he was holding through sheer panic and ran into the white beams.
- The engine started and the truck began to roll.
- Vincent held his hands up against his eyes.
- "Hey you!" he screamed as his own vehicle came thundering towards him,
- wheels spraying mud and exploding through puddles. "Get out of
- theeeere!"
- The lights blinded him, the front bumper crashed into his knees, he
- fell forwards and thumped his head on the bonet, then toppled back and
- vanished underneath the chasis.
- A few seconds later, he was lying crippled on the ground, staring
- up at the unsettled clouds, his face coated in a thick mixture blood
- and soil. One of his fingers was missing, both his knees were the wrong
- way around, and his left ear was nothing but a bleeding entanglement of
- thick fat and gristle.
- The truck skidded to a halt at the edge of the canal and the driver's
- door opened.
- Through one barely working eyeball, Vincent watched as Cindy - still
- white and naked - stepped down from the vehicle and began to approach
- him. She was carrying something in her right hand.
- Something dark, wet and dripping.
- "Siiindeeee..." Vincent wailed. "Heeeelp youuur dadieee..."
- She didn't react. She just continued on her way, bringing closer that
- horrible, puzzling object.
- "Ssssiiindeeee...." Vincent hissed, trying desperately to move
- himself. He felt like a slug about to be sprinkled with salt. He knew
- Cindy was here to get him back; she was after revenge.
- She was a demon, not a child, and she was going to play one last,
- deadly trick on him.
- When she arrived, for just a moment, she stood dominantly over him,
- dripping with rain. She was neither smiling or frowing; her lips were
- simply horizontal and expressionless.
- "I didn't like what you did to me today." she announced, and as she
- spoke, canal water spilled from her mouth. "I don't think I deserved
- it, Daddy. I don't think I deserved it at all."
- "Noooo...." Vincent tried to shake his head. "I'm sooorry..."
- "I know you are sorry." Cindy said and a horrible, black-eyed little
- newt slithered out from between her lips. "But I'm afraid I don't
- accept your apology, Daddy. I don't think sorry is enough."
- "Siiindeeee!" Vincent cried as she came down with the hand that
- carried the dripping, soggy object.
- It wasn't until she actually forced it into his mouth that he realised
- what it was.
- He recognised the taste and texture immediately: cement sand.
- Whilst he choked and frantically waved his arms around, Cindy stepped
- over him and took hold of his legs.
- She began to drag him towards the canal, water spraying from her mouth
- with every breath she exhailed. Small flies, clusters of yellowish
- larvae, weeds and even small fish emerged from her every oriface as
- she staggered backwards, further and further towards the water's edge.
- "You never did take me swimming, Daddy." she commented as her feet
- splashed into the canal.
- The truck's headlights spotlighted the two struggling figures as they
- sank beneath the gentle waves.